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Natangopal Charitram :


Saurashtradesho jeevanthi vadang nirmaya vai dvikjaha : |

Salihothranvothubhutha vichitrapatakaarinaha : ||


Translation :


According to this stanza, the Brahmins having the occupation of weavers were staying in Saurashtra and these Brahmins who are adept in multiple textile designs belonged to Shalihotra Gotra.


There is another sentence quoted from the Smriti :


Tadbhu tadhu desheshu vipranang vruthyaha : vividha : |


Translation :


In different countries, the Brahmins pursue different professions.


/images/graemlins/smile.gif Jai Shri Krishna

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Shri Dhupa Theerthaya Namaha

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Shri Guru Raghavendraya Namaha

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namo Venkatesaya Namaha

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I am slowly showing want to show relationship between sourashtras and Lord Rama, Lord krishna, Lord Suryadeva, Great Rishis, Lord Parasurama, Goddess Mahalakshmi , Madhva Sampradaya.


please wait & see.


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You dont have to prove your love for god by anything.Not to hurt you, there are lot of mutts based on the madhva sampradya. My parents belong to pejavar mutt, but i didnt find any related to sourashtara madhva mutt or something like that.

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"Ramchandra theertha" of Palimar Mutt (udipi) established Gokarn-Pratagali Mutt in Goa. this mutt is connected with saraswats (sourashtrians).


The Gokarn-Pratagali Mutt for Vaishnava saraswats (saurashtrians) has Vira Vittala as the worshipped deity. After Swamy Jeevottam Tirtha the Mutt is also called Jeevotham Mutt. Present pontiff Vidhyadhiraj Teertha succeeded to the Peetha in 1973. The Mutt has its headquarters at Partagali, Poinginim, Canacona, Goa.


if u still have any doubt regarding this take a visit to the mutt & see for yourself.

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I am not telling Konkani & Saraswaths are same. Just like Saraswaths, konkani also consider the mutt.


fo a google search on "gOkarNa maTha", there you will get different websites. on some of em you will see info of saraswaths connected to the mutts.


anyway saketramji wats ur idea here ? dont u like sourashtras sharing the mutts with others ? is madhva mutts private property for people like you ? (sorry, my intention is not to hurt you. but you force me to put this questions)

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You hurt somebody and then say ur intention was not to hurt. What i dont understand is y shld you talk about ur caste here. If everybody start talking about their caste there wont be any good threads to share the idea about philosophy and scriptures. Looks like you are trying to promote your caste for your own good. Hope you get my point.

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here you hurted me by telling that sourashtras have no madhva mutts. but you tell that you have no intention of hurting me. i think you too are proud of being a madhva brahmin, thats why u often say u belong to pejawar mutt.


i just reflected your behaviour. i think you get my point.


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I said my parents belong to pejavar mutt not me. What else can i understand when you say all the charitrams of ur community . Instead we can talk about dwaita or advaita will make more sense to all of us.



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many people think that sourashtras have no ancient culture & colossal divine status that some languages like sanskrit & tamil enjoys.


in order to prove that sourashtras also equally have colossal divine status & ancient culture as much as sanskrit & tamil enjoys.


i am a member in many dwaita forums. i discuss dwaita in those forums, since i find no one here to clarify my doubts in dwaitam [except raghuramanji].


ok i am always here to discuss dwaitham with people like you. you should remember that i respect you much ( as i always respect madhva brahmins ).

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Thanks for your explanations. But a small advise, you dont have to even prove that ur community has ancient culture. Hari dasa's dont have any community on their own. Sant Tukaram was a poor person , he was not even a brahmin by birth that didnt stop him from his numerous abhangs on vittal.


Satsangatve Nissangatvam





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Tamil is the only alive language of the Classical languages.

The five classical languages are:

Hebrew, Greek,Latin,Sanskrit and Tamil. Of which only tamil is alive today.


Tamil Grammar book Tolkappiyam is the oldest written book.


This post is not to hurt anybody, but just as an information.

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Yenpa guest


Nee enpa gokuloda vendha punle velai paichare. I also concur with your point that saurashtra language is not ancient.I dont think its not even recognised as one of the national languages by the constituition.

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nice to see lot of tamil posts here.

Let me recall an article from Tamil Magazines.


Tamils in germany wanted to Have a temple in germany in the style of Pragadeeswarar temple. So they brought the german architects to study the temple. The germans were amazed looking at the temple, and studied the complexities and the magnitude of the task and they said they cannot build such a magnificient temple at all.


And there was a seperate program on the discovery channel on the Pragadeeswarar temple. That alone is enough for Tamil people.


Another Incident: I am shopping at Kroger Cincinnati USA, a lady approaches me gently, says" Exceuse me may I talk to you for a minute" . I was immediately thinking about AMWAY or " Are you happy... you want to know what happiness is" gumbal. So I was mentally prepared to listen one of these two.

Then she asked " are you from Bengal or Assam?"

I said " No Maam, I am from the deep south of India, probably you may not be aware of the place at all"


Then she asked straight" are you from Madras then?"


I said Yes, then she went on detail how her sister studied in Madras Christian college, she stillhas communication with her profs, her visit to Kanchi, the hospitality of the tamil villagers, her visit to chidambaram, mahabalipuram etc. She was living each and every incident.

Finally She concluded how much she likes masala dosa and Sambar Vada. Then I came to know that we are not isolated from the rest of the world.


And my Client in the US, Collects Ganesha statues, Saraswati statues, Natraja Statues, and he gets the statues from Kumbakonam and Mahabalipuram.


So I would say Tamil Culture has some impact atleast in all parts of the world.



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I have already posted many threads proving "sourashtra" is much as ancient (even more) than your tamil is.


due to your influence of your so called "politicians" you people have made tamil a ancient language.


wait man my threads regarding sourashtra is not over.


i will show reference of sourashtra & its culture, in "authorised" puranas, smritis etc..


i have already shown reference of sourashtra in smritis.

thats already made enough to prove that sourashtra is a ancient language like sanskrit.


but i will still carry on my post refering "authentic" puranas, smritis & scriptures proving that "sourashtra" is a ancient language.


i have solid proof with me. if you people cant accept it, then you are just "close-minded".


till now i havent degraded your tamil culture, but you people refuse to accept sourashtra as ancient language. so it proves that you people are close-minded & have no heart to accept sourashtra as ancient-language.


Hail sourashtra - lanuguage as ancient as sanskrit (more than tamil).


/images/graemlins/smile.gif Jai Shri Krishna

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Shri Dhuupa Theerthaya Namaha

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Shri Guru Raghavendraya Namaha

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namo Venkatesaya Namaha

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You people have big vote banks.


These so called squealing will do anything to appeal to you people. so they made languages as national (as they have vote banks).


since sourashtra dont have big vote banks, theres no necessary for any bloddy idiot politician to stress himself to claim sourashtra as a national language.


so u stop squealing & humble yourself. dont boast too much of your language. my language is much ancient than yours.

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Since you are a saurashtrian iam asking you this question.


Sanskrit grammar book was written by panini

Tamil grammar book is called tholkappiyam and written by tholkappiyar


What is the grammar book of saurashtra language ?



There are lot of epics written in sanskrit and tamil which are ancient. What are the great literary works in saurashtra language which are ancient in nature.


Iam not going into your comments on tamil and tamilians , i leave it to the other folks to comment on that.

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Saourashtra grammar work is "soupadamala". since sourashtras are scatterd throughout world, it became difficult to sing glories of this work.


sanaksrit is language of gods. so sourashtras are so pious that they wrote many works in sanskrit rather than sourashtra. its the unique behaviour of sourashtras. (i am sure u will not believe this).


anyway, still sourashtras too have written many ancient literatures as equal to ur tamil. i will collect the names & post it (as i am not fantic like tamilians always to do research in language. i do research in madhva sampradhaya more )


Any way heres a personal question to you ?


Sakteram are u my friend or enemy ? y always come to my peaceful threads and convert into a debate thread [u came to my satsang thread & by your presence it got converted into debate thread, now u come to this thread & looo it became converted into debate thread . you are worst than barney].. so it is ur intention to follow wherever i go & disturb my peace ? [since you are a madhva brahmin, i am tolerating you, otherwise i would have picked up a fight as i did with barney]


Tamilians :

Anyway Tamilians here i am not intrested to discuss with you tamilians. you may leave this thread & leave me in peace.


If you people want to sing glory of tamil then start a new thread rather than bugging me here.


/images/graemlins/smile.gif Jai Shri Krishna

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Shri Dhuupa Theerthaya Namaha

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Shri Guru Raghavendraya Namaha

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namo Venkatesaya Namaha

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Y take my questions in wrong sense. For ur kind information my mother tongue is not tamil.


Its very unfortunate for you abuse tamils as most of the saurashtra community no where but tamilnadu.


My advise to you would be to research more on ur language and start threads after you know thoroughly about ur language rather than saying "still sourashtras too have written many ancient literatures as equal to ur tamil. i will collect the names & post it ".


Iam referring to your posting in the glory of Narayana thread commenting that one shld not comment without knowing vedas etc. Same applies for you aint it. Do you home work well and dont get angry when some questioned. You can never prove your points by getting angry.

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i have my right to sing glory of my culture , sampradaya, god & language.


i know how vedas clearly specify supremacy of lord narayana. i think its enough for me. as god will see my devotion rather than knowledge of my vedas. in my narayana thread i have quoted that those who cant demonstrate that their views from vedas should not blindly comment on vaishnvas. if you cant understand the truth behind my comment, sorry i cant help it.


where did i abuse tamils ? only tamilians are coming here & degrading my language. they have no right to tell that saurashtra is "not" ancient. Note : i have told that all the three "sanskrit, tamil & sourashtra" are ancient.

But tamilians dont have heart to accept sourashtra as ancient. so i pointed out the defect. its not abusing in any term.


<--- My advise to you would be to research more on ur language and start threads after you know thoroughly about ur language rather than saying "still sourashtras too have written many ancient literatures as equal to ur tamil. i will collect the names & post it ". -->


Sorry, i have enough proof to show sourashtra is ancient. i think theres no need for me to post the names, as you people will try to hurt me rather than respecting me.









saketramji first understand madhva sampradaya first as many of our queries prove that u dont have basic knowledge about dwaitham. so do your home work first rather than advising me as madhvam is important than any language.

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i have already demonstrated umteen times by quoting vedas, that Narayana is supreme.


if any one wants to oppose my view, he should also quote from vedas to prove my view is false.


thats what i had mentioned in my narayana thread.


anyway what kinda madhva brahmin you are ? you are always against me knowing that i too am a madhva.

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