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Judaism and Islam - are they different

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It is well known among jews that Torah(5 books) were written by Moshe as supposedly dictated by some god. Just read the verses below and tell me how different it is from Islamic hadiths like muslim and bukhari particularly on the issue of having non-jewish slaves(women, children). This nice god of jews asks his nice jews to kill all non-jews lest these jews be taught the non-jewish religions. Where is Dharma in judaism and compare this to Vedic religion where Bhagavan(GOD of Vedas) say that all religions are to be protected by a King following Vedas even if they are against Vedas. This is found in Narada Smriti. Moshe is the most important prophet in judaism and look what is written in Deutoronomy supposedly written by Moshe as this jewish god dictated. This guy moshe is no different than mohammad.


Devarim - Chapter 20(Deutoronomy)


10. When you approach a city to wage war against it, you shall propose peace to it. 11. And it will be, if it responds to you with peace, and it opens up to you, then it will be, [that] all the people found therein shall become tributary to you, and they shall serve you. 12. But if it does not make peace with you, and it wages war against you, you shall besiege it, 13. and the Lord, your God, will deliver it into your hands, and you shall strike all its males with the edge of the sword. 14. However, the women, the children, and the livestock, and all that is in the city, all its spoils you shall take for yourself, and you shall eat the spoils of your enemies, which the Lord, your God, has given you. 15. Thus you shall do to all the cities that are very far from you, which are not of the cities of these nations. 16. However, of these peoples' cities, which the Lord, your God, gives you as an inheritance, you shall not allow any soul to live. 17. Rather, you shall utterly destroy them: The Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivvites, and the Jebusites, as the Lord, your God, has commanded you. 18. So that they should not teach you to act according to all their abominations that they have done for their gods, whereby you would sin against the Lord, your God. 19. When you besiege a city for many days to wage war against it to capture it, you shall not destroy its trees by wielding an ax against them, for you may eat from them, but you shall not cut them down. Is the tree of the field a man, to go into the siege before you? 20. However, a tree you know is not a food tree, you may destroy and cut down, and you shall build bulwarks against the city that makes war with you, until its submission.

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No there is no difference because Mohammed assimilated the torah into the Koran. You will find most verses in the Koran similar to torah but with slight changes here and there. That is why most muslims follow the hadis which they believe is the saying of the prophet. They only read the Koran like a parrot but when come to actions they follow the hadis. Hadis is more important to the Muslims than the Koran itself. The syariah law is interpretated according to the hadis and not the koran. That is why some Islamic scholars want the hadis to be reviewed because of the contradictions.

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