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acharya, swami, etc.

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May I have the definition of acharya (I think it means the one who show the right behavior to other, is that correct ?), and swami (it seems all gurus in India have this name) ? Thank you !

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the word aacharya means one who teaches by example (his/her own behaviour). a greatest authority of the time in a perticular branch of hinduims is an aacharya. e.g. ramanuj, madhva, nimbarka, chaitanya, and vallabha were aacharyas.

sri shankara was also an aacharya of advaita. a colege principla in india is also called an aacharya ( just to give respect).


the word swami means a controller.

one hwo has all his senses in full controll

is called a swami or goswami.


hindu women also call their husband as swami.


generally, a swami for hindus is one who has renounced the world and preaches dharma. a swami lives for god, dharma, and dhama propagation. a swami is fear less, free from anxiety or worry. he/she is a spiritual guide of the society. same for aacharya.



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How are such titles bestowed on someone ? Who becomes an acharya, why, what did he do to receive the title and who gives this title ? Same for Swami.


Are these titles bestowed on holy women also or only to men ?


Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.

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How are such titles bestowed on someone ?

--sannyasa is a spiritual initiation given by another sannyasa who see that the candidate has the features and skills of a real sannyasa. Acharya is mainly a title given to a master by other masters when this qualities are manifested in his conduct, behaviour and preaching.... when one shows a real authentic "achara(=spiritual behaviour)" he's recognized as acharya


Are these titles bestowed on holy women also or only to men ?

--swami, as a monastic title, is given mostly to men... in india there's a very little tradition of monastic life or hermitage order for women... but indeed there's many saints and teachers of main importance in every vedic school with female body, so the title acharya and swami(ni) (as the one who control his senses) is given also to women who deserve it

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<< How are such titles bestowed on someone ? >>


hinduism is not an organized religion.

(however organizing is required now to respond to islam and xianity in india.)

however, there are religious institutions carrying on parampara. an aacharya comes from there. a guru there tells who under him/her is an aacharya. sometimes people just tell someone is an aacharya and follow him/her. politicians (bad ones) sometime raise an aaacharya who is not qualified.

gandhi was made a 'mahatma' thus.



<< Who becomes an acharya, why, what did he do to receive the title and who gives this title ? Same for Swami. >>


his/her guru and his followers know him/her for a long time (10-20 years). an accharya or a swami's life is an open bbook to all. he/she does not seek privacy rights. finally, hhis/her guru blesses him/her telling that from that point on he/she is an aacharya. first one becomes a swami, then an acharya. all swamis however do not become an aacharya.


<< Are these titles bestowed on holy women also or only to men ? >> to any one qualifeid. however, vedic scriputers do not encourage women to become aacharya or swami. brahmaji's work must continue, and therefore women can play a best role as a loving daughter, loving sister, loving wife, and loving mother. she has tremendeous capacity to love. therefore she is always protected in vedic culture.

if a young woman renounced she world, then some strong brute could rape her or make her pragnent. this forces her to come back in the world. for this reason, the vedas do not encourge women to become swaminis. but the freedom is there. india has produced many great women saints.



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