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Unification theory.

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Actually Einstein tried to create a unification theory, that answers everything.

But it was too complicated.

A simple explanation would be, what is matter made of? At the gross level, Atoms.

Atoms, made of electrons protons, neutrons with lot of empty space.

The atomic particles are made of sub atomic particles, which can manifest as one another because of various interactions. So Science has gone upto that level.

Then comes the concept of quanta. The energy packets.

Previosly it was thought that matter and energy are seperate, but now it has been proved that they are not.


They are just manifestations of the same something.


So when science reaches that level of maturity, it may call that something that one thing as brahman or whatever. But the fact is that one thing is the reality.


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"Previosly it was thought that matter and energy are seperate, but now it has been proved that they are not.


They are just manifestations of the same something"



and keval advaita says matter and energy are separate from 'that something' and part of it only in appearance. No points for 'advaita' here.



"So when science reaches that level of maturity, it may call that something that one thing as brahman or whatever. But the fact is that one thing is the reality"


Don't they call it something in the Unified Field Theory? I don't know i just saw something about it on the discovery channel.

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But it is not mature enough to answer everything.


I think they are still evolving it.


I dont know if it deals with particles with negative mass (some say its hypothetical, others stay its unstable..God only knows haha).

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Impersonal kabbalahists pose 10 dimensions like String Theory. Like 'M' theory, in some places in Bhagavatam 11 dimensions are posed. Bhagavatam also poses more and less.



SB 5.11.9: There are five working senses and five knowledge-acquiring senses. There is also the false ego. In this way, there are eleven items for the mind's functions. O hero, the objects of the senses [such as sound and touch], the organic activities [such as evacuation] and the different types of bodies, society, friendship and personality are considered by learned scholars the fields of activity for the functions of the mind


SB 5.11.10: Sound, touch, form, taste and smell are the objects of the five knowledge-acquiring senses. Speech, touch, movement, evacuation and sexual intercourse are the objects of the working senses. Besides this, there is another conception by which one thinks, "This is my body, this is my society, this is my family, this is my nation," and so forth. This eleventh function, that of the mind, is called the false ego. According to some philosophers, this is the twelfth function, and its field of activity is the body


SB 5.11.11: The physical elements, nature, the original cause, culture, destiny and the time element are all material causes. Agitated by these material causes, the eleven functions transform into hundreds of functions and then into thousands and then into millions. But all these transformations do not take place automatically by mutual combination. Rather, they are under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead


SB 10.14.33: Yet even though the extent of the good fortune of these residents of Vrndavana is inconceivable, we eleven presiding deities of the various senses, headed by Lord Siva, are also most fortunate, because the senses of these devotees of Vrndavana are the cups through which we repeatedly drink the nectarean, intoxicating beverage of the honey of Your lotus feet


SB 11.12.19: The functions of the working senses — the organ of speech, the hands, the legs, the genital and the anus — and the functions of the knowledge-acquiring senses — the nose, tongue, eyes, skin and ears — along with the functions of the subtle senses of mind, intelligence, consciousness and false ego, as well as the function of the subtle pradhana and the interaction of the three modes of material nature — all these should be understood as My materially manifest form



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  • 3 months later...

The five great elements, false ego, intelligence, the unmanifested, the ten senses, the mind, the five sense objects, desire, hatred, happiness, distress, the aggregate, the life symptoms, and convictions--all these are considered, in summary, to be the field of activities and its interactions

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"and keval advaita says matter and energy are separate from 'that something' and part of it only in appearance. No points for 'advaita' here."


Actually it doesn't. It says everything is a manifestation of Brahman (that something) including matter and energy. Nothing is outside of it. It includes all that exists.

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