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Hindusim Must Have Missionaries on their own

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Like How the Christians are doing their tricks by spreading its faith. Hinduism Must spread its faith. More Bhagavat Gita should be distributed. I belief the Gita is More Supreme than the Bible. But the problem is Hindus Don't read it. There should be Schools to teach the reading of the gita. Your opinions.


To the Supreme Lord Shri Krishna and his other names Christ,Rama,Govinda,Vishnu,Narayana,Balaji,Venkatheswara,Allah,Perumal. Hare Ram Hare Krishna

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<< There should be Schools to teach the reading of the gita. Your opinions. >>



every village should have at leat 1-2 preachers who do religious programs every day at the local temple.

they shoudl keep teh hindus united against the missionaries who come to convert.


same for the neighborhoods in cities.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I don't know about having Christian-type missionaries. I think it might be a bad idea.


Get some preachers to educate people who are already Hindus. When people know how great their faith is, they will not want to change.


Hindus do not generally convert unless under duress or bribed. Is this not true?

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if you consider that the biggest part of the so called hindus are vaishnavas.. vaishnavism is missionary and now it is spreading all over the world


so hinduism can be considered as missionary

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yes, HK's are missionaries,

but ignore the dharma and rashtra interests of

the cradle of the vaishnavism - bharat.

other than this, the hindus have no complaint about the HK's even when HK's have complaints against hindus.


the hindus in bharat have to organise/unite against the internal invaded ideologies that are anti-hindu.



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yes, HK's are missionaries,

but ignore the dharma and rashtra interests of

the cradle of the vaishnavism - bharat.

...you have no possibility to give any rational explanation of what you are saying.. you simply identificate the interests of india with some nationalism and fanaticism who risk to make india an integralist and closed country like afghanistan. Not exactly the purpose of a missionary or a religious person


other than this, the hindus have no complaint about the HK's even when HK's have complaints against hindus.

...no complaint.. only that hare krsna is not hinduism and it is not to be grouped with advaitism and mayavadism. I do not hate chinese people, but if you want to say that i am chinese i do not agree.. that's all


so nothing against hinduism, hare krsna are not hindu.... and you also are not hindu, you are a spiritual soul eternal krsna's servant, and if you believe it you cannot bear to be grouped and identified with people who say that krsna is a simple human or that he's subjected to maya and so on.. if you love krsna you cannot be grouped with people who blaspheme him


the world starts to know and understand what's vaishnavism... but, unfortunately, hinduism, to all, seems to be a not so serious mix of many tribal beliefs.. and it is not all fault of non hindus


the hindus in bharat have to organise/unite against the internal invaded ideologies that are anti-hindu.


simply police and government has to organize to fight terrorists and criminals... it is not a religious matter

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I have studied the Gita and affiliated texts and I have come to one conclusion. This is perfection of religion and should be used to guide humanity. Currently there is a movement to spread the message of the Gita but there is no such movement to bring about political change based ON religion! This seems backward to me and I strongly believe that the only legitimate government is one based and guided by the Purest Form of Religon. I propose a theocracy using the vedic model of government and established on the Bhagavad Gita! Why should politicians, those who have such great responsibilities, be exempt from the very principles and knowledge that we claim to be the supreme purpose of life!? Why should materially motivated people be elevated to such posts with nothing but ignorance and greed to guide them (i.e. INDIA)!? INDIA should be the first such nation, where the poor are getting poorer and the rich richer. Where criminality, poverty, ignorance, corruption, strife, and irreligion all prosper. Imagine the day that the nation currently known as India could be governed in the way that the great Scriptures have taught! Imagine the day when decisions are made based on what is RIGHT and what is recommended by Sastra, when those who are the wisest and most religious can govern! When religion can enter the heart of every city and village, then poverty, hate and ignorance will disappear. Politically inspried strife with neighboring countries will evaporate.


Make note that I am not talking about the "hindutva" movement or any such concept of "nationalism" or "hinduism" or any ism. I am talking about a genuine civilization with its very foundations based on the word of Lord Krishna.




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<< I have studied the Gita and affiliated texts and I have come to one conclusion. This is perfection of religion and should be used to guide humanity.


Currently there is a movement to spread the message of the Gita but there is no such movement to bring about political change based ON religion! This seems backward to me and I strongly believe that the only legitimate government is one based and guided by the Purest Form of Religon.


I propose a theocracy using the vedic model of government and established on the Bhagavad Gita!


Why should politicians, those who have such great responsibilities, be exempt from the very principles and knowledge that we claim to be the supreme purpose of life!?


Why should materially motivated people be elevated to such posts with nothing but ignorance and greed to guide them (i.e. INDIA)!?


INDIA should be the first such nation.


(However, currently, it seems that in india) the poor are getting poorer and the rich richer. Where criminality, poverty, ignorance, corruption, strife, and irreligion all prosper.


Imagine the day that the nation currently known as India could be governed in the way that the great Scriptures have taught!


Imagine the day when decisions are made based on what is RIGHT and what is recommended by Sastra, when those who are the wisest and most religious can govern!


When religion can enter the heart of every city and village, then poverty, hate and ignorance will disappear. Politically inspried strife with neighboring countries will evaporate.


Make note that I am not talking about the "hindutva" movement or any such concept of "nationalism" or "hinduism" or any ism. I am talking about a genuine civilization with its very foundations based on the word of Lord Krishna.


-Amit >>


this is exactly my view /effort /vision /desire.

thanks Amit.



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  • 1 year later...


Like How the Christians are doing their tricks by spreading its faith. Hinduism Must spread its faith. More Bhagavat Gita should be distributed. I belief the Gita is More Supreme than the Bible. But the problem is Hindus Don't read it. There should be Schools to teach the reading of the gita. Your opinions.

To the Supreme Lord Shri Krishna and his other names Christ,Rama,Govinda,Vishnu,Narayana,Balaji,Venkatheswara,Allah,Perumal. Hare Ram Hare Krishna


Missionaries is made by Christians and it is a bad model for any Spiritualism. For one thing, there is NO unity among Missionaries in Christianity.

if Hindus start to form one missionary, sooner or later, there will be quarrel within that group (which is usual in any group) and the members will break. New members will form a separate group, preach the same thing and process of breaking continues. In the end, it will be as useless as Christian missionaries.

What Hindus should do is go to each village, gather the people together and establish lessons on Gita, Hindusm etc. Allow the Village to continue to grow on its own. Establish intercommunity discussion and dialogues and also other gathering (not related to religion) to get the people together.

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Like How the Christians are doing their tricks by spreading its faith. Hinduism Must spread its faith. More Bhagavat Gita should be distributed. I belief the Gita is More Supreme than the Bible. But the problem is Hindus Don't read it. There should be Schools to teach the reading of the gita. Your opinions.

To the Supreme Lord Shri Krishna and his other names Christ,Rama,Govinda,Vishnu,Narayana,Balaji,Venkatheswara,Allah,Perumal. Hare Ram Hare Krishna

Jai Ganesh

If it means one sect at the expanse of other then NO.

In this age how many are really serious about spirituality? Almost whole world is chasing after bright light, whole geo political and economical system is based on cheating mentality. It is a dog it dog situation

So what is the purpose of a missionary? It would not be so bad if it was about spreading the word of God. It even might start on those line but if all the purpose of missionary work was to swell numbers then soon the original purpose will become secondary and before one realize the whole function of the institute would be geared on making money.

If the Dharma is to spread it can never be successful without Satya, Tapa, Pavitrata and Daiya. These are the qualities that one must pursue or else the foundation would be shaky to say the least.

Dharma is an individual choice unlike a missionary dogma that might tell you follow or else.

Karma which is well understood within the Hindu community but unfortunately overcome by desires an individual ignores it like an ostrich such is the sorry state of today’s reality, spiritual life is like walking on a double edge sword you would not find many takers but those who do, it is bliss and it is that bliss which will in turn make a miserable person to inquire how can I get that bliss?

What I am trying to say is let us be the change we so desire in others.

Jai Shree Krishna

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Hi friends,

If we want to propagate Hinduism/ sanatan dharma, I think we should start head on by preventing the mass conversion of our "own people" to other religions. Hindus converting to other religions, first and foremost is because they do not know the beauty of their own religion.


The tactics that one Christian missionary used on me in trying to convert me was that in Hinduism we have many GODS, and we pray to stones and idols and as a consequence makes no sense at all. Well, believe it or not many Hindus get brainwashed with these sort of tactics.


The solution is simple, start to explain the LOGIC/MEANING behind some of our traditions, starting with our kids. we can no longer tell our kids to follow traditions unless we can show them the logical meaning behind these traditions. Example:

1/ why do we bow before elders? (Christians and muslims can argue that we should only bow before almighty and not before elders)

2/ why we pray to stones, idols? (we should be able to explain to our kids that the so called "stones" and "idols" are infact deities and we should be able to explain to them the differences)

3/ why so many GODS in hinduism whereas in other religions there is only one GOD?

4/ why apparently only cows are given much importance and why we worship an animal i.e cow? (This one is one of their favorite brainwashed tactics)


The list goes on.... To give you an idea how these tactics are used in trying to shake our faith, see the link below. These tactics are being used here itself on audarya forums!


These are the few questions that all hindus should be able to answer. In this way our kids will be able to have a strong foundation and our faith will withstand outside influences because it wont be a blind faith but a faith with "meaning".


So by teaching our kids the meaning behind our traditions, they will get to see the beauty of sanatan dharma and develop a strong foundation. Strong foundation gives rise to unshakable faith.


The more we know of our religion, the less likely are we liable to convert to other religions. so why not make the preaching of Gita for example compulsory in all primary and secondary schools?


First start with a little bit of logical approach (by explaining the why's and how's) then bhakthi will follow.


Jai Radhe

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Like How the Christians are doing their tricks by spreading its faith. Hinduism Must spread its faith. More Bhagavat Gita should be distributed. I belief the Gita is More Supreme than the Bible. But the problem is Hindus Don't read it. There should be Schools to teach the reading of the gita. Your opinions.

To the Supreme Lord Shri Krishna and his other names Christ,Rama,Govinda,Vishnu,Narayana,Balaji,Venkatheswara,Allah,Perumal. Hare Ram Hare Krishna

The Gita is only a comentary on Vedanta and secondary to the principal Vedantic texts, the Upanishads. These are what you should read.And having missionaries is a bad ideal. Sanatana Dharma is the only religion that has come to us from the times of what is concidered to be the roots of civilization. What happened to the Ancient Egyption and Summerian religions? Gone! But the Bharat religion lives on, and if it hasn't been whiped out my Muslim invaision and Christian missionaries yet, I don't think it ever will.Aum! Shanti!
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Most Hindus don't know the beauty and absolute truth about Hinduism, the only religion where God is actually known. In the other religions it's all specualtion.

www.Gitamrta.org is a site which is preaching the message of the Bhagavad-gita. The only site where you can listen to the 700 verses of the Bhagavad-gita in 6 languages with one click, free.

The only site where you can quickley learn about the differences between Hinduism and the non-sense religions.

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Most Hindus don't know the beauty and absolute truth about Hinduism, the only religion where God is actually known. In the other religions it's all specualtion.

Gitamrta.org is a site which is preaching the message of the Bhagavad-gita. The only site where you can listen to the 700 verses of the Bhagavad-gita in 6 languages with one click, free.

The only site where you can quickley learn about the differences between Hinduism and the non-sense religions.

"All religions are true. God can be reached by different religions. Many rivers

flow by many ways but they fall into the sea. There all are one."


"Living faith in his God means acceptance of the brotherhood of mankind. It

also means equal respect for all religions. It would be height of

intolerance...to believe that your religion is superior to other religions and

that you would be justified in wanting others to change over to your faith."

-M.K. Ghandi

"I accept all the religions that were in the past and worship with them all; I

worship God with every one of them, in whatever form they worship Him, and

I shall keep my heart open for all the religions that may come in the future."

-Swami Vivekananda

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that is nonsense! It's things like that, that is causing Hinduism's extinction in Bharat. It's time to be less pluralistic. Pluralism has made Hindus second class citizens in their own country, due to Islamic/Christian rule, fundemtalism, and terrorism. What is the point in bowing to your enemy? It's dumb. They don't accept our beliefs, why should we accept theirs? Pluralism is killing off Hinduism and that's a fact. We needto be proud of our religion and stop bowing to non-Hindus. I do not accept the Abrahamic religions, they are asuric. I do accept the Dharmic religions(Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism) and even Taoism, Shintoism, Confusionism! Those relilgions can live in harmony with Hindusim and have no problem! Abrahamic religions cannot. Read the Quran and Bible to see what they think of kafirs and heathens!

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that is nonsense! It's things like that, that is causing Hinduism's extinction in Bharat. It's time to be less pluralistic. Pluralism has made Hindus second class citizens in their own country, due to Islamic/Christian rule, fundemtalism, and terrorism. What is the point in bowing to your enemy? It's dumb. They don't accept our beliefs, why should we accept theirs? Pluralism is killing off Hinduism and that's a fact. We needto be proud of our religion and stop bowing to non-Hindus. I do not accept the Abrahamic religions, they are asuric. I do accept the Dharmic religions(Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism) and even Taoism, Shintoism, Confusionism! Those relilgions can live in harmony with Hindusim and have no problem! Abrahamic religions cannot. Read the Quran and Bible to see what they think of kafirs and heathens!

So three of the greatest Hindu's in recent history belive in nonsense then?

Who said anything about bowing down to your enemy? How do you know that Christians and Muslims don't except your religion? I mean obviously most don't, but many do. Just because some of them are ignorant and dualistic doesn't mean you have to be. It's not Pluralism it's Universalism. God is universal, he is not lmmited to any certain nation or religion. ANYTHING THAT BRINGS YOU CLOSER TO GOD IS TRUE RELIGION!

I'd say that an even bigger threat to Sanatana Dharma is coruption within itself. Brahmin's distorting the caste system and abusing power are causing low caste people to listen to the missionaries reasoning "How can such abuses be a part of true religion?" And religious charlatans passing them self off as swamis and even as God, but are just power hungry child molesters, are giving us a bad name.


The fact is that there are many synergistic religions (that have arisin out of all religions) that do find harmony between Dharmic and Abrahamic religious veiws. You have to dig deeper, even Abrahmic religion has it's root's in India!

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My point is if christians and muslims follow their scripture they can not consider us anything more than kafirs and heathens. In their scripture andyone who doesn't believe what they believe are satanic. Look at all the atrocoties they've commited around the world. Abrahamic religions are demonic, period. All they do is brainwash their followers into submission, is that the way to GOD? Is waging a global jihad and killing kafirs the way to got? What constitutes making a religion legit, having the most followers?



Answer this, if Islam was a new religion w/ no more than 10 million followers and their were engaging in the same activites they are engaged in now,terrorism, forced conversion, murder etc... Would you be saying they're a legit religion or a dangerous cult? Having alot of follower doesn't not make it a peaceful religion, that's a logical fallacy! The Abrahamic religions in general are all about submission, control, war terror! They do not lead to GOD! I definately agree that any religion that brings you close to God is true religion, but that doesn't include Christianity and Islam!

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My point is if christians and muslims follow their scripture they can not consider us anything more than kafirs and heathens. In their scripture andyone who doesn't believe what they believe are satanic. Look at all the atrocoties they've commited around the world. Abrahamic religions are demonic, period. All they do is brainwash their followers into submission, is that the way to GOD? Is waging a global jihad and killing kafirs the way to got? What constitutes making a religion legit, having the most followers?

Answer this, if Islam was a new religion w/ no more than 10 million followers and their were engaging in the same activites they are engaged in now,terrorism, forced conversion, murder etc... Would you be saying they're a legit religion or a dangerous cult? Having alot of follower doesn't not make it a peaceful religion, that's a logical fallacy! The Abrahamic religions in general are all about submission, control, war terror! They do not lead to GOD! I definately agree that any religion that brings you close to God is true religion, but that doesn't include Christianity and Islam!

What scriptures? I realy don't think you understand. Not all Christians are like the missionaries that go to India, and not all Muslims are Jihadists. You have a very narrow veiw. Not all Christians are fundie biblical literalists. Some don't even accept most of the Roman church-state's cannonical scriptures called the Bible (and most who say they do haven't even read it). A Christian is anyone who professes to follow Christ. There are many differnt sects, traditions and scriptures.


You can't judge a religion based on the actions of only some of it's followers. Originaly they were started by good godly people. It's only later that they are distorted. This happens in all religions. Hinduism is corrupt too. I admit that it's more obvious in Christianity and Islam and the transgressions perhaps worse in some cases, but this isn't the religion that's doing these things. It's corrupt church-states that twist ideals and subjagate people. These aren't religious people, these are wolves in sheeps clothing that use the pretense of religion for brainwashing.

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to be a christian you have to believe in the bible. to be a muslims you must believe in the quran. In those books non-believers are addressed as heathens and kafirs. and both books advise forced conversion and murder of heathen and kafirs! How is that GODLY! It's not, it's Asuric, period! I'm done posting we're not in agreement, and it's pointless to continue!

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The basic difference, to my mind, between Hidhu dharma & other religions are :

(a) Dharma & religion are not same thing. Believing in some set of scriptures etc. decides ones religion/panth. Whereas ones' actions and decisions (karma in a loose sense) defines oneself & his dharma.

(b) Hindu dharma considers people following other religions are as equal, not as inferior/superior. This is because every religion, if professed properly, should lead to Almighty.

© The above idea negates the need for any conversion.

(d) The only problem is - whether other players in the ring (other religions) do agree to similar concepts ? I mean, will other religious group will allow my own free thinking about my religion when I am a minority ?

(e) My understanding is that Hindu scriptures says "vasudaiva kutumbakam" (all world is our relatives), asks for just treatments even for enemy. The Hindu will be judged as per their 'Karma' - not by their faith alone. The semitic religion (jew / Christian / Islam) etc. speaks for "chosen people" & different treatment for hapless "not chosen people". The faithfull will go to paradise even if they commit genocide.


So, what do I do ? I should strengthen myself so that I can follow my own religion without any hinderance. Strength comes from past & present. Generally the semitic religion tries to eradicate the past records of history. Our past should be preserved & told to youngsters.




' A slightly confused man'

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to be a christian you have to believe in the bible. to be a muslims you must believe in the quran. In those books non-believers are addressed as heathens and kafirs. and both books advise forced conversion and murder of heathen and kafirs! How is that GODLY! It's not, it's Asuric, period! I'm done posting we're not in agreement, and it's pointless to continue!



And yes it is pointless to argue, because you apearently don't know what you are talking about. Have you ever hared of Gnostic Christians or Sufi Muslims? I personaly know Christians who don't belive in the bible, they only belive in Christ through their own understanding, or accept Gnostic text as Authentic and belive the cannonical bible to be corrupt.


I am also a Universalist minister and know differnt Mystic Christians, Pagan-Catholics, and Christians who accept Buddhism and Hinduism teachings. You appearnetly have only met or heard of the other kind. Like I said before, you have a very narrow veiw. You can't fight ignorance with ignorance. Just because the ones you know ignore the Universal message of love that their founder preached doesn't mean you should neglect it also.

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