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Gayatri mantra

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The best times are sunrise noon and sunset , yes close eyes then chant , but chanting Vishnu Mantras as much as you can is very good Chant Chant Chant !!!!!

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There is no fix time for chanting mantras. Chant in your heart at all times. That will keep your mind fresh and lead you to victory. Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Ganesh and Murugan. All mantras are good. These mantras can protect you from evil and keep your mind clear and will also give success in in your life.

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Gayatri is a solar mantra ,tri means 3 times: before sunrise, noon and after sunset.

you have to receive them from a bonafide Guru in within the process of Diksa initiation (Brahmanical initiation); other Gayatris i think you can chant them more.

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The Gayatri is the life and support of every true Hindu. It is the impregnable spiritual armour, the veritable fortress, that guards and protects its votary. In fact, that is the very meaning of the word Gayatri—”that which protects one who sings it”.


The Gayatri is the divine power that transforms the human into the Divine and blesses man with the brilliant light of the highest spiritual illumination. Whoever may be one’s favourite Deity, the regular repetition of a few malas (rosary of a hundred and eight beads) of Gayatri Japa every day will shower upon one incalculable benefits and blessings. It is universally applicable, being purely an earnest prayer for light addressed to the Almighty Supreme Spirit. The Para Brahma Gayatri Mantra is the most important of all Mantras. For every hindu of any creed or order of life, this has been prescribed as being the sole transcendental guiding light. The Brahmachari or celibate, the Grihastha or householder, and the Vanaprastha or one who is retired, must repeat this Mantra every day; the Sannyasin or renunciate is asked to repeat Om instead of this Mantra.



The nature of the Gayatri Mantra is such that you can repeat it while meditating on any form you like. It is generally conceived of as a female Deity by the majority of devotees. One who worships God as Mother adheres to this belief. But, in its true light, the Gayatri never speaks of a female at all. You cannot find a single word in the entire Gayatri Mantra, which speaks of a female. The feminine form of the word “Gayatri” cannot make its Deity a female. It is only the name of its metre and not the Deity.


Some people think that the Gayatri Mantra is presided over by the sun. In fact, even this idea is to be modified a little. The sun that it speaks of is not that which shines over this earth before our physical eyes, but tat savituh or “that Sun”, the great Sun which this sun or moon does not illumine, and which is the impersonal, absolute Brahman.


Therefore, this is the greatest of all Mantras as its presiding Deity is none other than Para Brahman Himself. Hence, why hanker after other Mantras? The Gayatri itself is the crest-jewel or the king of all Mantras. It is the most powerful of all Mantras. Na gayatryah paro mantrah—”There is no Mantra greater than the Gayatri”.


Each word, each letter of the Gayatri bears on its head the highest Vedantic concept of the absolute, supreme Truth. Do Japa of the Gayatri—it will give you the most excellent fruit, the fruit of immortality! The Mantra is as follows:


Om bhur bhuvah svah

Tat savitur varenyam

Bhargo devasya dheemahi

Dhiyo yo nah prachodayaat.


Om: symbol of Para Brahman.

Bhuh: Bhu Loka or the physical plane.

Bhuvah: the astral plane.

Svah: the celestial plane.

Tat: That; the transcendental Paramatma; God.

Savituh: the Creator.

Varenyam: fit to be worshipped.

Bhargah: remover of sins and ignorance; glory, effulgence.

Devasya: resplendent, shining.

Dheemahi: we meditate.

Dhiyah: the intellect, understanding.

Yo: who.

Nah: our.

Prachodayaat: enlighten, guide, impel.


MEANING: “We meditate on the glory of the Creator who has created the universe, who is fit to be worshipped, who is the embodiment of knowledge and light, who is the remover of all sins and ignorance. May He enlighten our intellect!”



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Gayatri is the very basis of Vedas. It is also called Veda Mata (Mother of the Vedas)


· Gayatri is the mantra, which preserves, protects and rescues the chanter from mortality.


· The Gayatri mantra is a Universal prayer, which asks for a clear Intellect so that the Truth may be reflected therein without distortion.


· Men, Women of all climes and creed, can chant Gayatri Mantra.


· The heart needs to be cleansed atleast three times a day with Gayatri.


· The Gayatri Mantra is synonymous to the Divinity and therefore must be approached with humility, reverence, faith and love towards the Mantra.


· Chanting with humility, reverence, faith and love is more important than mechanical repetition while the mind wanders.


· Full faith in the power and potency of the Gayatri Mantra will be generated only when the seeker has developed requisite degree of enthusiasm, reverence and love towards the Mantra.


· The more one chants the Mantra, the greater benefit the chanter gets.


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mastering vedas is to follow their instructions...


do it yourself and improvvisation are not vedic principles.. in this way you are making a cheap thing of your tradition..


but everyone knows your incompetence, i imagine that you write in this forum to collect insults.. you like it

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When krsna began to play on his flute, that sweet sound vibration entered into the ear of Brahma as the Vedic mantra OM. Composed of three leters A-U- and M, Om describes our relationship whit the supremeLord (sambandha),the activietes by which we can achieve the highest perfection of love (abhidheya) , and the actual position of love on the spiritual platform (prayojana) When the sound vibration of Krsnas flute was express through the mouth of Brahma it became Gayatri , Thus being influenced by the sound vibration of Krsnas Flute Brahma the first living entity of this material world, was initiated as brahmana.

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The period has expired and new revolutions are born. Self study and research helps to understand better and internet is one of the sources. I'm sure if dicovered a few thousand years ago students than would not have left their homes to seek a Guru in the jungle. Be realistic and coup with time. Dreaming of Dwapra yuga is oly a dream. We are in the age of Kali and you cannot reverse time. And so, today there are those who are self thought. Even distance learning is self thought without aided by any lectures. As most of the vedic scriptures are Romanised with tranlastion therer is no difficulty in understanding them. A guru may be required if one is interested in becoming a novice or a preacher of the sastras. But for a house holder it is not necessary and there is adequate materials found in the internet. So, your argument does not carry water.

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So, your argument does not carry water.

•the fact that now you can obtain water from the internet, does not means that you are able to produce water. So, by internet, books, television, cds, direct dialogue with a master or whatever.. follow and promote traditions or show the hinduism as a stupid joke


it is your choice


(house holders have ever followed spiritual paths even when there was no internet)

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Please do not stay in the dark[past]yuga. When I say dark [misguided fellows like you would take it to mean age of darkness]it means the time when there was no electricty, telephone, motor vehicles, air planes and so on. People of that period were able to cope with that enviroment and to take back people of this period to that era would be stupid. When we can get the service of an ambulance to send a patient to the Hospital in twenty minutes why would you want to use bullock cart that would take two hours? By than the patient would die. Use comon sense and not behave like a mental patient. Anyway, the tradition you talk about does not exist where I live and I am pleased to know you are following such tradition and keep it up. Do not forget your bow and arrow in case any asuras attack while you are there. Are you wearing your wooden slippers and traditional kavi dothi? Is your Guru living in a hut made of palm leaves and sleeping on floor mat? As you are strict on tradition I suppose you are following all these. Take care.

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"you are simply a non hindu.. the more you write, the more you show to believe in nothing"


He is a Hindu. He respects Hinduism, it is clear he loves it, and understands it in a way that you don't. There are plenty of self-realized people who would agree with him on his principles. Of course, there are plenty of self-realized people that would also disagree with him. However, unless YOU are self-realized, what authority do you have?


Cheap insults should be beneath a Hindu.


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"When krsna began to play on his flute, that sweet sound vibration entered into the ear of Brahma as the Vedic mantra OM"


Do you mean that the syllable OM was not present before Krishna took avatara in this world ?

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vishnu is eternal so krsna is eternal..


even if you take him as avatara, every manifestation of god is god.. so eternal


avataras are not humans that have a birth and a death

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A day of Brahma consist of of a 1000 cycles of the 4 yugas ,same for his nite so his 24 hours =4,752,000,000 years our time, and KRSNA comes 1 time every 24 hours of Brahmaji ,Brehma is around 50 years old at the present time.

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