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why did Drupadi have 5 husbands.

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Jai Ganesh


Your question in not genuine, you sight an example of very special personalities this is an exception not a rule,

You make it sound as if this is Hindu culture where women have more husbands.


I do not know what your agenda is, but it is sure not to know why Drupadi had 5 husband, or else why would you allege that in Hindu culture women have more husbands.


Do you know why Muslims are allowed more wives?


Jai Shree Krishna


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In the muslim and christian world they have always exploited women. Now not so much on a gross level in the christian world, because it's not PROFITABLE. But STILL definitely on a subtle level.


I remember I had a female teacher in high school who had a phd. She said even with her phd she still makes less than a male teacher with only a bachelors degree.


The west likes to fool women into thinking they can be equal to men.

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Is because Srimati Draupadiji asked boon that she may have a husband with 5 qualities, but what she said could not be possible for one single person to have. I.e a person does not noramlly possess the Truthfulness of Yudhistara and the Valour of Arjuna in one person. So hence 5 husbands, I think the other qualities were strenght/calmness/beauty.



Govindaram not logged in.

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But when you look at Truthfulness of Maharaja Yudhistara you can't compare him to anybody even his own brother Karna.


Karna is from Sun-God so of-cource he possess amazing strenght and valour in battlefield. But because of association with King Durodhana he was instigated in many crimes. Maybe its a lesson for us to not get bad association. Lord Balarama is Impartial:)

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Yudhistara was untruthful at the end war, so his chariot fell from grace. When did Karna ever lie? (he did not lie to Lord Parasurama.) Karna exceeds pandavas in all war aspects and beauty, and honor. karna committed no crimes, he kept his honor and word to duryodhana. sri krsna said:


You are like Yudhisthira in righteousness, You are compassionate like Bhima, You are equal to Arjuna in archery and warfare, you are handsome like Nakula and you are wise and learned like Sahdeva.




karna is the greatest of all the pandavas in my opinion.



The lie for his education, the falsehood that he uttered to his master is the first of all the errors - intended and unintended, innocent and not so innocent - that he committed. It so happened that during the last phase of his training, his guru Parasurama slept on his lap. A bee bore through his thigh and Karna bled. But he bore the pain and did not stir. The guru was woken up by the warmth of the liquid flowing from the wound.


‘You told me that you are a Brahmin,’ he looked at Karna with askance. ‘No. Only a Kshatriya can accept and bear pain of this kind. You cannot be a Brahmin,’ he accused, his anger against the race of Kshatriyas flared up from its embers in his heart. Parasurama seems to be right, if one takes into consideration that Rama was sleeping on the lap of Sita when Kakasura pecked at her breasts and she was bleeding, but did not stir, in order not to wake up her Lord.


‘I beg your pardon Sir,’ Karna pleaded and fell at the feet of his master. He explained his position. He was not a Brahmin of course, but he did not have any information about his birth that pointed to the fact that he was a Kshatriya.




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yes, but how how karna died?


Why knowing it was a trick, did Karna give gift of Kavacha and Kundala to Indra? why yudhisthira told draupadi and pandavas not to divulge their identity or real names to King Virat. why he give a false name, false caste and false profession to the king and repeated it again and again while training the king in the art of gambling.


karna did not lie to parasurama.



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Jai Ganesh



(You do not have proper explanation (What about Krishna ?)


Have you read the question Mr. abc?


Perhaps we can discuss proper explanation after you have read it. That is if you are genuine in your inquiry, just like the guest who asked the question who I doubt very much if he realy wanted to know why sati Droupadi married five husband.

All you want to do is try and malign Hindus.


Jai Shree Krishna


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Yudishtra told a lie and the chariot came down.But karna's chariot never went up.That means he must have lied.Had he never lied his chariot too would have been a feet high.


Karna might have all qualities desired by draupathi.But how will she marry somebody other than her husband?If your neighbour is more intelligent than your husband,will you love him?

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With due respect,


If you want to discuss, you will not try to divert the matter by arguing something.


Here we are discussing what is wrong and what is correct for humans, regardless of whether they are 'Avatars' or not. If you have correct explaination, let others know it.




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