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An open letter to all Dharmacaharyas

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To All The Respected Dharmacharyas


Just as a stagnant pool of water, after a period of time, becomes fetid and putrid a

religious philosophy that is insulated from fresh air and oxygen becomes a breeding ground

for evil thoughts and actions. Hinduism, which is thousands of years old, has never had

a signicant reformist movement. I believe the new millenium now oers Hinduism an

opportunity to change its ancient and orthodox ways to bring unity and harmony among its


An ideal religion is one that fosters love, respect, understanding, acceptance and appreciation

among all its believers without distinction. Any form of prejudice or discrimination

against anyone for whatever reason is uncivilized behavior. We don't accept such behavior

politically or socially so there is no reason why we should accept it in religion.

It is my prayer to the power that informs and inspires all of us that you, the Wise

protectors of our Faith, will use your power and your wisdom to bring about the reforms

that are long overdue.

With respectful pranams,

Arun Gandhi

Founder and President

M.K.Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence

650 East Parkway South

Memphis TN 38104

Tel:(901) 452-2824; FAX: (901) 452-2775

Email: gandhi@cbu.edu

Web: www.gandhiinstitute.org

To the Dharmacharyas

Namaskaaram and Pranaam:

I believe that the world situation is at a critical juncture in which Sanatana Dharma will

be central in showing the way ahead for all mankind.

Hindu jatis drew inwards and isolated themselves during periods of travail. I believe

the time has come to declare unequivocally that all jatis are equal in all ways in receiving

initiation into Vedic wisdom and in this there is no disability based on community of birth

and gender.

Subhash Kak

Delaune Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and

Professor in the Asian Studies Program

Lousiana State University, USA

Author of In Seach of the Cradle of Civilization, The Astronomical Code of the Rgveda, The

Gods Within, The Wishing Tree and other books.



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your letter is as modern as the world now is. it is good in a way you wanted to establish sanatana dharma. as per that there is no jatis. it is oly classes of people who will do what job. in that there is an allocation for reciting the vedas for the betterment of all. but if we look at the scientific/political/modernmind then we may think why it cant be done by all. or wht is wrong in it. but if we look at an office or a factory, we see the work is divided to all and as long as each one does his job then the actual product will come. if a puen or a worker thinks and says why cant i do the design job then things will result in chayos. this is what that has happened to our society. this has been done by the brtish who ruled us for their own benifits.

vedas are the breath of this world and to learn and recite you have to be groomed in a life. this cant be done overnight. even done the actual result will not be there.

our thinking has to be to abolish the present political system and revert back to the old system then things will become better.

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my prayer is this:


dear gurus,


please help understand the hindus and the world what hindu dharma is, what krishna really says in gita, and how to live by gita correclty.


hinduism is under attack by the invaded organized religions in bharat. there is a need to counter this. so, I request all the gurus to unite and say to the world, "hinduism is our dharma and it is as given in gita."


please unite the hindus to solve the current problems related to dharma and rashtra.


please never say all religions are same because they are not. the intent of each may be same, but the paths are different and some totally contradict others.


acknowledge that there are anti-hindu ideologies, and so, there is no need to praise them.


please keep armed guards around you.

that will help you tell the truth fearlessly.


remove the invaded ideologies and corruption and hinduism malpractice from bharat.




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