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Are you tryig to get supporters and folowers? Whatever is posted here is being viewed and taken to broaden one's knowledge in the Veda sastras. If weather one is following it strictly is not for you to worry but the person himslef. Your duty is to impart whatever knowledge you wish to but don't compel or expect others to have the same idea you have. Others may have different ideolgy or concept from different masters but all the same it reflects the presence of God in all and so, please do not ask what is the point.

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But do you? My father's death was foretold and he died at the right time and age as foretold and I believe that I too would as foretold. But do you know of your last hour Govinda? Once you know of it all fears disappear and you would only wish to do good to others otherwise man would think he could live forever and commit all kinds of atrocious crimes like Osama Bin Laden and Sadam Hussein. Don't worry if others follow what you preach coz following the righhteous path is one's own karma as destined. But as a human being with knowledge to right path it is your duty to impart such knowledge to others. That is called manu dharma too.

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