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Sriman Mahaprabhur Sata-Nama

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<h2>Sriman Mahaprabhur Sata-Nama</h2>


One Hundred Names of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu


-4 songs-




<h3>Song 1</h3>




(refrain) nadiya-nagare nitai nece' nece' gay re


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(Refrain:) Oh! In the towns and villages of Nadiya, Lord Nityananda ecstatically

dances and sings these names of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu:






<h4>Part 1</h4>




jagannatha-suta mahaprabhu visvambhara


mayapur-sasi navadvipa-sudhakara


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1) Lord Caitanya is the beloved son of Jagannatha Misra. He is Mahaprabhu, the great

master, and maintainer of the whole world. He is the shining moon of Mayapur, and the

source of all nectar for the land of Navadvipa.






saci-suta gaurahari nimai-sundara


radha-bhava-kanti-acchadita natabara


<font face="Times" size="1"><sup> HareKrishnaHareKrishnaKrishnaKrishnaHareHare




2) He is the beloved son of Saci Mata, and is Lord Hari with a fair golden complexion.

As He was born under a nim tree He was called Nimai-sundara (beautiful Nimai). He is

covered by the sentiment and luster of Srimati Radharani, and He is the best of all dancers.






namananda capala balaka matr-bhakta


brahmanda-vadana tarki kautukanurakta


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3) He becomes restless upon hearing the holy names of Lord Hari. In His boyhood

pastimes He is swift and agile, and is devoted to His mother. He displays the entire universe

within His mouth, is a great logician, and is fond of joking and playing pranks.






<h4>Part 2</h4>




vidyarthi-udupa caura-dvayera mohana


tairthika-sarvasva gramya-balika-kridana


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4) He is the moon among scholarly students, and He bewildered two thieves who tried

to steal His jewels when He was a small child. He is the cynosure of all philosophers, and

He teased and joked with the village girls of Nadiya.






laksmi-prati bora-data uddhata balaka


sri-sacira pati-putra-soka-nibaraka


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5) He is the giver of blessings to Laksmi-priya (His first wife). He is very mischievous

as a child, and is the dispeller of the grief Saci-mata felt after losing her husband Jagannatha

and first son Visvarupa.






laksmi-pati purva-desa-sarva-klesa-hara


digvijayi-darpa-hari visnu-priyeswara


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6) He is the Lord and husband of Laksmi-priya. By His sankirtan movement He

removed all the distress of East Bengal. He eradicated the pride of the conquering pandita

named Kesava Kasmiri, and is the beloved Lord of Visnu-priya (His second wife).






<h4>Part 3</h4>




arya-dharma-pala pitr-gaya pinda-data


puri-sisya madhvacarya-sampradaya-pata


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7) He is the preserver of sanatana-dharma, and the giver of the pinda oblation at the

holy town of Gaya after the disappearance of His father Jagannath Misra. He became the

disciple of isvara Puri, and is the protector of the Madhvacarya Sampradaya.






krsna-namonmatta krsna-tattva-adhyapaka




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8) He becomes madly intoxicated by tasting the holy name of Krsna, and is the

professor of the science of Krsna consciousness. Thus He inaugurated the religion of the

age, nama-sankirtan.







adwaita-bandhava srinivasa-grha-dhana


nityananda-prana gadadharera jivana


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9) He is the friend of Advaita Acarya, the treasure of Srivasa Thakura's home, the life

and soul of Nityananda Prabhu, and the very source of life for Gadadhara Pandita.






<h4>Part 4</h4>




antardwipa-sasadhara simanta-vijaya


godruma-bihari madhyadwipa-lilasraya


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10) He is the moon of Antardvipa, and the triumph of Simantadvipa. He enjoys

wandering and frolicking on the island of Godruma, and is the shelter of pastimes in







koladwipa-pati rtudwipa-maheswara


jahnu-modadruma-rudradwipera iswara


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11) He is the Lord of Koladvipa, the great controller of Ritudvipa, and the creator of

Jahnudvipa, Modadrumadvipa, and Rudradvipa.






nava-khanda-ranganatha jahnavi-jivana


jagai-madhai-adi durvrtta-tarana


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12) He is thus the Supreme Lord of the nine islands of Navadvipa, which serves as the

stage for His wonderful pastimes. He is the life of the River Ganga, and the deliverer of all

sorts of rogues and rascals beginning with Jagai and Madhai.






<h4>Part 5</h4>




nagara-kirtana-simha kaji-uddharana


suddha-nama-pracaraka bhaktarti-harana


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13) He is the lion of the village kirtanas, and the deliverer of Chand Kazi. He is the

preacher of the pure holy name, and the remover of the distresses of His devotees.






narayani-krpa-sindhu jivera niyanta


adhama-paduya-dandi bhakta-dosa-hanta


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14) He is the ocean of mercy for Narayani (the mother of Srila Vrndavana dasa

Thakura), and is the regulator of all souls. He is the chastiser of the fallen students who

criticized His chanting of "gopi! gopi!", and is the destroyer of the sins of His devotees.






sri-krsna-caitanya-candra bharati-tarana


parivraja-siromani utkala-pavana


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15) He was initiated into sannyasa with the name of Sri Krsna Caitanya, and He is

beautiful like the moon. He delivered His sannyasa-guru Kesava Bharati, is Himself the

crest-jewel of all wandering renunciates, and is the savior of the region of Orissa.






<h4>Part 6</h4>






khir-cora-gopala-darsana-sukhi yati


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16) He is the master of Lord Siva, who is known in three different Saiva tirthas as

Ambu-linga, Bhuvanesvara, and Kapotesvara (visited by Lord Caitanya on His way to

Jagannatha Puri). As a sannyasi He rejoiced at the sight of the Orissan deities Ksira-cora

Gopinatha and Saksi Gopala.






nirdandi-sannyasi sarvabhauma-krpamoya


swananda-aswadanandi sarva-sukhasroya


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17) He became a sannyasi without a danda (due to Lord Nityananda's breaking it in

three parts and throwing it in the Bhargi River), and is full of mercy for Sarvabhauma

Bhattacarya. He is ecstatic by tasting the bliss of Himself in the form of Krsna, and He is the

resting place of all universal happiness.






purata-sundara vasudeva-trana-karta


ramananda-sakha bhatta-kula-klesa-harta


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18) He is beautiful like molten gold, and He delivered the leper Vasudeva. He is the

intimate friend of Ramananda Ray, and the remover of all miseries from the family of

Vyenkata Bhatta.






<h4>Part 7</h4>






daksina-pavana bhakti-grantha-uddharana


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19) He is the refuter of the atheistic arguments of the Buddhists, Jains, and Mayavadis.

He is the savior of South India, and He has brought to light the two devotional literatures,

Krsna-karnamrta and Brahma-samhita.






alala-darsananandi rathagra-nartaka


gajapati-trana devananda-uddharaka


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20) He became ecstatic at the sight of the deity Alalanatha, and He danced in front of

the Jagannatha cart during the Ratha-yatra festival. He delivered Gajapati Pratapa-Rudra,

and was the savior of Devananda Pandita.






kuliya-prakase dusta paduyara trana


rupa-sanantana-bandhu sarva-jiva-prana


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21) By His appearance at Kuliya He delivered the ill-behaved student community

there. He is the friend of Rupa and Sanatana Goswami, and the life of all souls.






<h4>Part 8</h4>




brndabanananda-murti balabhadra-sangi


yavana-uddhari bhatta-ballabhera rangi


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22) He is the personification of bliss in the transcendental realm of Vrndavana, and He

is the companion and friend of Balabhadra Bhattacarya. On His return from Vrndavana He

delivered many Mohammedans, and He is very fond of intimate exchanges with Vallabha







kasibasi-sannyasi-uddhari prema-data


markata-vairagi-dandi a-candala-trata


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23) He delivered the Mayavadi sannyasis of Kasi, and He is the bestower of love of

God. He is the chastiser of the false renunciates (called markata-vairagis for being like

monkeys), and He is the savior of everyone down to the lowest class of men.






bhaktera gaurava-kari bhakta-prana-dhana




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24) He is the glorifier of His devotees, and is the treasured wealth of their lives. He is

the very life of such devotees as Haridasa Thakura, Raghunatha Dasa Goswami, and

Svarupa Damodara.






nadiya-nagare nitai nece' nece' gay re


bhakativinoda ta'r pode ranga-pay re


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25) Oh! In the towns and villages of Nadiya, Lord Nityananda dances and dances

ecstatically while singing these divine names, and Bhaktivinoda falls down at His reddish

lotus feet. Oh!








<h3>Song 2</h3>




jaya godruma-pati gora


nitai-jivana, advaitera dhana,




gadadhara-prana, srivasa-sarana,




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1) All glories to Lord Gaura, the master of Godruma! He is the very life of Lord

Nityananda, the treasure of Sri Advaita, and He is always overwhelmed with the ecstatic

moods of Vrndavana. He is the life-breath of Gadadhara Pandita, the shelter of Srivasa

Pandita, and the thief of the hearts of all the devotees of Lord Krsna.






<h3>Song 3</h3>




kali-yuga-pavana visvambhara




kirtana-vidhata, para-prema-data,


saci-suta purata-sundara


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1) Lord Visvambhara is the savior of the age of Kali, the full moon in the sky of the

hearts of Bengal, the inaugurator of congregational chanting, the bestower of transcendental

ecstatic love, the beloved son of Mother Saci, and He has a pure golden complexion.






<h3>Song 4</h3>




krsna-caitanya advaita prabhu nityananda


gadadhara srinivasa murari mukunda




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1) (Please chant these holy names of the Lord and His personal associates): Krsna-

Caitanya, Advaita, Prabhu Nityananda, Gadadhara, Srinivasa, Murari, Mukunda, Svarupa,

Rupa, Sanatana, Puri, and Ramananda.

















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