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after reading all this i am confused what is advaita and what is dwaitha. Please explain me in short the definitions, founders and their differances.


I personally feel all are same though their path and voice is different

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Advaita philosophy (Monism):

“ The difference between God and man is one of degree. Ultimately they are one and the same. That which is within the man is called ‘Atman’ and that which embraces the universe is known as ‘Brahman’. ‘ The Brahman alone exists; all the rest is Maya (illusion). The individual soul (Jeevatma) is Brahman alone and nothing else.”


Dwaitha philosophy (Dualism):


Dwaitha philosophy, unlike Shankara’s Advaita, makes a distinction between, ‘Atman’ and ‘Brahman’ (Dualism) and rejects all notions to reduce the world of souls and nature to illusion (Maya). The individual soul is dependent on God, since it is unable to exist without the energizing support of the universal spirit.


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Somehow advaitha is not true i feel, bcoz what it means is your soul oneday will become god if you follow and practice dharma.


But i feel we are all servents of god and when we practice and follow dharma, at the most our soul will join the god or reach the god.


I feel god is different and humans are different.

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But that is how people who do not have the real knowledge of God would feel whereas I do not feel the same. I feel we are all Gods in our own way. Noe of us has seen God in person but speak of HIM as though he is your next door neighbour. In reality if you believe God is TRUTH and TRUTH is God than you must believe that all those who do service to mankind are Gods otheriwse they are asuras. Can you understand what I'm saying? You need to go deep rather than pray to God all the time forgetting the real purpose of you being here. Only than you will realize who you are.



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You need to go deep rather than pray to God all the time

••the system to go deeper is to pray god to help us to do it. If you give up praying you are going back to the surface, to matter


Only than you will realize who you are.

••it is not possible to be god and not knowing it. God has nothing to realize, he's reality himself


Noe of us has seen God in person

••so we have never seen us as god.. it is nonsense

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If praying to god is going solve the problems, y so many punyatmas have suffered with worst diseases to imagine and those who have refused god have lived long with good life. I really didnt understand that fact .

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I think GOD is real and he is existant. Its stupid on our part to say we are god. Just understand one fact that puranas like RAmayana and Mahabharatha are real and i think no one can really imagine such a great happenings and write stories.


From where you people read all this onon-sense that we are god and everyone is god.



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"I feel we are all Gods in our own way. "


This is the stupidest of the lot. So one OSAMA BIN LADEN is a GOD in his own way. So one DAWOODH IMBRAHIM is a god in his own way.



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"material life is not so important "


then why the hell are you wearing cloths. Strip it out you. .... and roam around evrywhere without anything /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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""material life is not so important "

then why the hell are you wearing cloths. Strip it out you. .... and roam around evrywhere without anything "


do not be stupid... material life is nothing in comparison with spiritual life.. so the fact that some materialist has apparently a healthy life means nothing



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"do not be stupid... material life is nothing in comparison with spiritual life.. so the fact that some materialist has apparently a healthy life means nothing"


My point is simple. God is different and humans are different. God has wrapped my soul with this physical existance so that i can perform the designated duty & practice dharma . When i complete it successfully then my soul reaches god. On the otherside Adwaitha says that you yourself become god once your ego line is cleared with knowledge. "Thats something i dont agree with". Though i have immense respect for "Jagadhguru AdhiSankaracharya".




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God has wrapped my soul with this physical existance so that i can perform the designated duty & practice dharma .


the real dharma is to think to god and to surrender to god(man mana mad bhava bhakto... sarva dharman...). In this way the duties of phisical existence turns in bhagavata dharma bringing yourself to god. Simply living our material life make us remain in the material world


On the otherside Adwaitha says that you yourself become god once your ego line is cleared with knowledge


and it is mad because god has no false ego to be cleared with knowledge and he's the very source of knowledge

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When one does not realize his purpose of being here than he has to take many more births before he realizes the TRUTH. Take for instance the life of Swami Ramalingam or Vallalar as he was known. Read about his life story and you will know the real meaning of life. Life is not confined to just praying to God 24 hours a day. Doing service to manking is service to God and that is what even Jesus said to his deciples. Most do not know the actual theme of life but can talk for hours about god this and god that but in real sense they lack the knowledge of life here and life hereafter. This space would not sufice for explaining the subject of life and how one can find happines in life.


I know there are well informed members in this forum but the information or books they have read is nothing compared to real life experience and knowledge you will receive by absorbing yourself with social work and seva. There you will feel the presence of God not here or with chanting what your Guruji had thought you. Believe me if liberation and happiness is what you want in life than stop listening to those who say surrender to this and that. If need help read the books on Ramakrishna Paramamsa or Swami Ramalingam or better still Swami Vivekananda.



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*****************On the otherside Adwaitha says that you yourself become god once your ego line is cleared with knowledge. "Thats something i dont agree with". Though i have immense respect for "Jagadhguru AdhiSankaracharya".************************



No. God is endowed with power of Creation, Maintenance, and Destruction. Advaita (or Brahma Sutras) do not say that one who realizes the Self can bestow on himself those powers.



On the other hand, one who realizes the Self, becomes desireless seer and but not an actor. Everything happens in his presence but He does nothing. And this is Sat-Chit-Ananda who never returns.



If such a person acquires a desire to Create, Maintain, or Destroy (or in short wants to become God), He loses contact with Brahman and comes back.




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