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stem cell research

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are there any opinions, probably indirect, written about stem cell research in the writings? I hear all teh scientific news and opinions but i'm looking for spiritual insight

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maadav, your ignorance know no bounds! you are a fool just like those chrisitian fundamentalists that seek to comment on science without having no knowledge of it. embryonic stem cell research will save lives. the embryos are from fertility clinics and they will be thrown away after some years in storage anyways so why not use them for some good.

hindus like you will destroy bharat with your ignorance. science will save bharat.

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<< maadav, your ignorance know no bounds! you are a fool just like those chrisitian fundamentalists that seek to comment on science without having no knowledge of it. >>


thank you for your generous compliment.

life science is not my expertise.


<< embryonic stem cell research will save lives. the embryos are from fertility clinics and they will be thrown away after some years in storage anyways >>


i do not know why the clinics save them for some time.

could you please give some basics of this science please?


<< so why not use them for some good. >>


sounds good idea. but need to know more about the saved embriyo. is it fertilized with a sperm?


<< hindus like you will destroy bharat with your ignorance. >>


thanks. time will tell.


<< science will save bharat. >>


sciecne may or may not.

it depends upon if dharma is put in practice correctly or not. sciecne is like a gun, and dharma is like the user of the gun. get it?


ravana was a great scientist, but had no dharma pratice.


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"i do not know why the clinics save them for some time.

could you please give some basics of this science please?"


they are saved (frozen) in case couple wants to have another child. if not, they are discarded because space is limited and there is a surcharge of course... in either case, these fertilized eggs (yes they are fertilized with sperm, how else do they become embryos) are thrown away. your leader that you bow down to, bush, does not want to the government to fund this, so now korea and china and other countries will surpass US.


"sciecne is like a gun, and dharma is like the user of the gun. get it?"


yes, to not shoot, or to not use these discarded embryos, is adharma. but go side with your chrisitin fundmentalist friends...go on. to you, bush represents dharma and gandhiji represents adharma! if you need a job why don't you sign up for military and go kill the muslims so bin laden's family can get rich off that to fund more terrorist training camps for you to fight against. what a waste of a life man!



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"sciecne is like a gun, and dharma is like the user of the gun. get it?"


<< yes, >>


good, we agree on something.


<< or to not use these discarded embryos, is adharma. >>


frankly, the issue is not pure black or white.


first, to fertilize an egg out of the womb or keep fertilized egg out of womb is un-natural.

a jiva is trapped in it.


now if the embrayo is throwm away,

then to use it seems a wise choice.

howevver, i do not know what is the activity of stem cell research. my guess is that the jiva would not be happy in there undergoing various processes on it. could you give more insight about it please?


now let us look the issue with a different angle.


no matter what i or you think of the issue -whether it is sinful or immoral or not - the stem cell research would go on some where in the world. you or i or any one one cannot stop it. what we can do is behave according to our choice when the issue comes to us personally. the law of karma will reward or punish the stem cell users appropriately.


so, like abortion, it is a personal matter. to those who oppose abortion, i tell them to adopt the unborn children.

they have no right to cause violence to any one who is involved in abortion. similarly, if some one opposes stem cell research, he/she should adopt all stem surplus embrayos and grow children and adopt them. just voting in favor or against or cause violent noises does not help at all.


<< but go side with your chrisitin fundmentalist friends...go on. >>


i am a vedic person.

i know who are anti-vedics.

please take time to understand who is who here thru their posts.


<< to you, bush represents dharma >>


no. i try to see what is vedic view.


<< and gandhiji represents adharma! >>


i have expressed my views about gandhi

how he screwed up the hindus and the fate of hindustan.


<< if you need a job why don't you sign up for military and go kill the muslims >>


thanks for the suggestion. not bad.

i however have other ways how to keep bharat free from anti-vedic ideologies.


<< so bin laden's family can get rich off that to fund more terrorist training camps for you to fight against. >>


suras do what suras think is right,

and asuras do what they think is right.


<< what a waste of a life man! >>


agree, life should not be wasted.

we have to use it as we think is best use.


so, we have krishna's words in gita for guidance.


when embrayos become a commercial commodity,

conceptions would be done for money, and not for brining god conscious childen in this world. father and mother of such embrayos would not love their embrayo, but sell it, sell their children. that is adharma for them, not for you or me if we are not involved in it.


if a doctor says me, "with an embrayo i could cure your desease," then I would say, " thanks, i do not need the cure." that way i would remain free from bad karma. i would have no interest to impose my policy like this on others. each perons is responsible for his/her karma.

it is desirable if a gov.'s laws are in consonence with god's laws, but sometimes it does not happen.

but mostly there si freedom of choice what one wants to do.


are you or your loved one suffering from some desease that needs embrayo usage for cure?

or, are you a researcher by yourself?


you seem to be strongly in favor of stem cell research.

and you have right to be so. i am not challanging it.

i can only express my view and how i would behave in the matter. god does proper justice to all.


does this help you?


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  • 7 months later...

While Maadhav may not be good in Science, his reaction is a proper one. Like him, I too do not like this technology much because in order to harvest stem cells, you need to kill life.


Here's a website about Stem Cells :





Embryonic stem cells, as their name suggests, are derived from embryos. Specifically, embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro—in an in vitro fertilization clinic—and then donated for research purposes with informed consent of the donors. They are not derived from eggs fertilized in a woman's body.



Basically, Stem Cells can ONLY harvested from eggs that is fertilized (which means have essence of Life in it) and not from unfertilized eggs.


Questions now which you should :-


1. Do you believe whether fertilized Eggs have Souls in them or not?


2. Is this practise morale according to Hindusm?


3. Is killing a fertilized egg equals to kill a new born baby?



I also like to bring your attentions to what happened Dorna's Son - Ashawathan when he attempt to kill an unborn child to satisfy his anger and hatred. God (through Sri Krishna) already shown His stance in this matter.

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