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Would U.S. choose peace?

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USA Today

December 3, 2004

Pg. 5


Musharaff Coming To U.S. To Visit Bush



Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, who has supported President Bush in the war on terrorism and against al-Qaeda, will meet with Bush on Saturday. Musharraf, the first Asian leader invited to Washington after Bush's re-election Nov. 2, is expected to use the occasion to push Bush to allow U.S. companies to sell F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan. Michael Krepon, a South Asia specialist at the non-partisan think-tank Stimson Center, said, “This meeting is about F-16s. F-16s prove that we love you.” Pakistan has sought the sale for nearly 15 years. The sale of F-16s to Pakistan could worsen relations between India and Pakistan, said Wade Boese, an analyst at the Arms Control Association, a think tank in Washington. The neighbors have nuclear capabilities. — Bill Nichols



What would US choose?

Pak (a dictator) is a "friend" of US to fight terrorism.


F-16 sale would mean US desires nuclear arms race.

US wants to make iraq a democracy.

Would US care to befriend the largest existing democracy - India?


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  • 7 months later...

What would US choose?

Pak (a dictator) is a "friend" of US to fight terrorism.


F-16 sale would mean US desires nuclear arms race.

US wants to make iraq a democracy.

Would US care to befriend the largest existing democracy - India?


My answer ... No, US will not become friends with India. As long as India supplies mental power to power up Americans' industry and also provide market opportunities, America is India's friend.


When India wants to become independant and self-sufficient, America will not support.

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