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Who Is Not A Hindu

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This list is small.

let me know if I missed somethig important.


a non hindu is:


- one who eats cow

- one who does not belive in re-incarnation.

- one who does not consider ginga, yamuna, kailask etc. holy.


- one who hates vedic gods.

- one who has no reverance for gita and the vedas.

- one who thinks animals have no soul.

- one who thinks there is eternal hell for some one.

- one who forcibly converts others.

- one who has no interest in austerity, charity, and yajna.

- one who thinks there is devil.



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- one who hates vedic gods.

- one who has no reverance for gita and the vedas.


that's controversial, for example i do not think that advaita vedantists or neovedantists love vedic gods because they say that they are not eternal persons but illusory images from nirguna brahman


and also who can be said to be reverent to gita if he pervert the meaning "sarva dharma... leave all duties and simply surrender to me.." saying that there's no real surrendering, that krsna is nothing that us, that we have simpy to discover that we are god?


how can they be put under the same denomination (hindu, dharmi, sanatana dharmi... no matter) with theists? (vaishnavas.. but also shaivites..)

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maadhav, sounds like you single handedly came up with the ten commandements of hinduism! thou shall not eat cow..etc.

By the way are these rules enforced within the scriptures? does it for example say.. thou shall not eat cow?

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<<This list is small.

let me know if I missed somethig important.>>

How many vedas have you read ? seriously.. and to tell you the truth.. vedas have no god! its believes in cosmic spirituality!!


a non hindu is:


- one who eats cow

Hindu is called by a Mughal to one who is non - muslim in their reign over india...

- one who does not belive in re-incarnation.

>>chritians believe in reincarnation but in a different way..!


- one who does not consider ginga, yamuna, kailask etc holy.

>>Only uneducated blind folded idiots would do that.. they are rivers and mountains..!! don't live in pre historic era.. GET IT !


- one who hates vedic gods.

>>Again there are no Vedic gods .. aryans belived in wind fire water and earth..


- one who has no reverance for gita and the vedas.'

>>Gita is a mythological Book and vedas is Science of life.. and which you have no idea.. about!

- one who thinks animals have no soul.

>>Who says that !

- one who thinks there is eternal hell for some one.

>> and did God tell you about that.. hahahah


- one who forcibly converts others.

>>what do brahmins do


- one who has no interest in austerity, charity, and yajna.

>>don't hindu priests force and demand money(in name of charity or prayesrs).. so what are you talking about..!


- one who thinks there is devil.

>> the whole present day lost so called hinduism has devils.. who is ravana.. haha


Get it my friend.. you people are lost..! you have to seach and start prayin for real..!! to God!! stop doing this Gita and Ramayan ... these are MYTHOLOGICAL STORIES..

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According to Madhaav's list, I definately qualify as being a Hindu. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


For me, I'll say I am Hindu when asked the question "What's your religion?" when it is asked by someone who doesn't really want too much detail, or who doesn't really care... instead of going into "I'm Vaishnava, or a Hare Krishna". Like when the question is on a form or is asked for statistical reasons. It is easier than going into I am a Vaishnava, which most uneducated westerners will have no clue what you mean, or that I am a Hare Krishna. Alot of times I will be asked about the Krishna pendant around my neck ..."oh, that is Krishna, a Hindu God...Yes, I am Hindu..."etc...if someone is truly interested, I will go into more detail.


Do I try to define what really is Hinduism? no, not really...I don't find it necessary for now. Maybe if I took up preaching, I would want to better understand. I have alot on my plate as it is now just trying to be consistant in my sadhana.


I do understand somewhat the origins of the word, being used to describe those around the river sindh. those who are ignorant of vedic culture will be content with "Hinduism" and those who are familiar know Hinduism is pretty complex to try and define.


so I ask those here to please beg my pardon if I am wrong. and please beg my pardon if I am right. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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Jai Ganesh


(Do I try to define what really is Hinduism? no, not really...I don't find it necessary for now. Maybe if I took up preaching, I would want to better understand. I have alot on my plate as it is now just trying to be consistant in my sadhana.)


Nice answer.


we all percive the lord in different ways, but the tenants of dharma in most cases do not change, No Hindu can argue with satya, tapa, ahimsa and pavitrata.I guess this is why we call hinduism is a way of life.


Jai Shree Krishna

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what i said is supported directly orindirectly by the vedas and gita.


many times people here have discussed who is a hindu or what is hinduism. that could be a long description, but this is shorter than that.


e.g. one who does not follow jesus or bible exclusively is not an xian.



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eating meat is still sinful and it makes hard to advance spiritually. but eating cow is the greatest sin, very very serious sin.


besides, kshatriyas are allowed to eat meat if the hunted for practice of vionence as a traiing, nad when there is ot better choice under a situation.


eating fish is less sinful than eating birds,

which less sinful than eating wild animals,


which is less sinful than eating domestic animals,

which is less sinful than eating cow.


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yes you do.


if some one is not following any religion, but is attracted to hinduism and has plan in mind to live by it more and more in future, eventhen he can say he is a hindu, meaning he has chosen hindusm as his dharma and has desie to get more and serious about practicing it.


such a person person first seriously should consider my first post in this thread. else he would be seen as a hypocrite.



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"e.g. one who does not follow jesus or bible exclusively is not an xian."


wrong... you do not know christian word (please do not be offensive and write christ..not x)


and if a sanatana dharmi despises other scriptures he has not understood at all gita..


"yada.. yada...hi dharmasya..."


i come when an where the irreligion arises..


(every-where irreligion arises... not only in the land beyond sindhu river)

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"e.g. one who does not follow jesus or bible exclusively is not an xian."


<< wrong... you do not know christian word (please do not be offensive and write christ..not x) >>


a church authority has indicated me that i cannot be a xian if i do not believe in jesus and jesus only. no church will accept any HK as a xian. if you do not believe it, go try it.


word dharma mentioned in the yadaa yaa verse is varnasrama dharma, not xianity, islam, etc.


in my mind xian is just a short form of 'christian' word.

i have no intention of insulting any one. if that word bothers you, then think of so many names of the vedic places

whose names have been changed by the xians who ruled bharat for 200 or so years. why bharat should be called india?

why prayaag should be called allahabad? xians call hanuman 'monkey god'. does that not bother you?


i suggest you worry more here who offends hinduism and hindus. besised, i hardly offend any one.


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that is what i believe.

the logic behind it is how more developed the life form is.

i have not seen anything contrary to it in scriptures.


if there were no heirarchy, then cow killing would not be the greatest sin. even a scorpion killing would then incur same sin as cow killing.


so, there ought to be a heirarchy.

if you find a better one, please share.


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a church authority has indicated me that i cannot be a xian if i do not believe in jesus and jesus only

--many hindus say nonsenses, and many christian also...


word dharma mentioned in the yadaa yaa verse is varnasrama dharma, not xianity, islam, etc.

--the verse says that god comes everywhere in the world, not ony in india...do you think to believe in an indian god or in the lord of the universe?Of course when dharma in general declines also varnashrama dharma declines.. so what's the purpose of that objection?


i have no intention of insulting any one. if that word bothers you, then think of so many names of the vedic places

whose names have been changed by the xians who ruled bharat for 200 or so years.

--i am not responsable for the offenses made to india, and lord jesus is not responsable too. If you blaspheme holy persons sri dharmaraja will not accept the justification:"but christians have changed names in india..."


why bharat should be called india?

--you are constantly speaking of hinduism! you are the first propagandizer of that name.. and again i am not responsable and saints and god too


i suggest you worry more here who offends hinduism and hindus.

--bhagavad gita has taught to me to not be sectarian, and that krsna is manifested everywhere



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Hare Krishna,


<- one who thinks there is devil.>


Well I think there are devils around. but one follows a devil culture as said in the gita (when some one is in the mode of ignorance would tend to follow devils and ghaslty forms) then one is not following Dharma.


So this creiterion should not be a base to evaluate. And then the Word Hindu itself looks too foreign and mundane (as we re named with that word basically by muslims). Unfortunately it is too late now to change that. well thats the entirely different topic to discuss on.


The rest ones seem to be perfect evaluators.


hari bol


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"in my mind xian is just a short form of 'christian' word.

i have no intention of insulting any one. if that word bothers you, then think of so many names of the vedic places

whose names have been changed by the xians who ruled bharat for 200 or so years. why bharat should be called india?

why prayaag should be called allahabad? xians call hanuman 'monkey god'. does that not bother you?"


maadhav, two wrongs do not make a right. If christians have insulted vedic names, that does not justify your insulting their faith. Maybe they didnt know better, but as a hindu, i sure hoped you would have shown them how respect is done.

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your hierarchy by your own confession is your own making...so here's mine...my "heirarchy" is simple too...all life forms are at the same level..all are equal...the cow, the scorpion and plants would in my "hierarchy" be all at the same level...and i dont see anything contradictory to this in the scriptures either.


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