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Kanchi acharya

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Hello all,


Its almost a month and we have could not do anything regarding kanchi acharya. This is so rediculous that we people who does not know what to do just take out frustration by scolding in these forums and keep quite. I just dont understand why all of us are not able to stand againest this. Even political parties also ( including BJP ) not doing anything except waiting to cash on the situation.


I just dont believe that acharya would have done something of this sort. Its purely a fixure and planned conspiracy aginest acharya. Lets say for the arguement sake even if acharya has directed this murder, i just wonder how different this from god killing an asura. Shankar raman is no less than a rakshas who has continuously doing something or other againest the mutt. So its the duty of the godly people like acharya to punish. This is just for the sake of arguement i am saying. This is our vedic people land and i just dont understand how one jayalalitha or karunanidhi can decide the fate of our culture and religious people. These people have created these rules and laws and trying fix us in that. My blood and sole is purely for acharya in this case. Remember i am kannada madhwa brahmin and a strong follower of dwaitha vedanta and a baktha of raghavendra swami. But first its hindus and then only anything else.


!!! Mantralaya nivasaya guru rajaya mangalam !!!

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<< Remember i am kannada madhwa brahmin and a strong follower of dwaitha vedanta and a baktha of raghavendra swami. But first its hindus and then only anything else. >>


so am I (a vaishnav), and say the same.

no hindu should stay silent.


first we need to get the facts out to the hindus

in a way that makes them belive it.


then we need to help them unite for action

against the wrong doers.


at this time the power is in the court system.

if however that system is asuric/ adharic, and not functioning as it really should,

then it is a reason to totally take the power from it

and give it to those who can give justice.


OM, kranti, kranti, kranthi!


this kanchi incident is shame for all hindus no matter whoi is guilty. if seer is guilty, that is one persons fall, but it tarnishes hindus'image. if the politicians are guilty, then it is becaue teh hindus did not practice their power of voting to get right people in power.


why not set up a "Krishna Court",

a court of the dharma gurus and their powerful followers, and conduct independent investigation and fact finding?


again, each guru needs armed guards.

unless the seer (or any guru) knows he is protected by armed guards whom he can trust for security, he would say, "i want all hindus to practice non violence."

that is a deplomatic message. if there is a strong militant hindu group, then it should know what the message really means, and act accordingly.


life is dear to all.

but it is not worth living beyond a certain point

without sending some to yamaloka first.


any varna can help, even in small ways, if not big.


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I assume u must have been out of india for a long time. Most of your posts are suggestion that will not be possible even to think. Since u are out of india i think you have lost the reality abt india.


"why not set up a "Krishna Court",

a court of the dharma gurus and their powerful followers, and conduct independent investigation and fact finding?"


only you can make such suggestions ?

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on this little and insignificant planet, mother earth.


<< only you can make such suggestions >>


saketram ji,


what i suggested is possible when the people/hindus want to make it happen. when people agree to listen to a body of gurus (leaders), then no one an stop them. even a gov. (if evil) can be brought down to kneees by unity and determination, and even by non violent means. democray's success and strength is in number, unity and determination to take right action.


so, either the hindus make democracy work,

or go back to the vedic king system.

to live with the invaded problems (some self created foolishly) is worse then death, that is, if we hindus care for dharma and rashtra.


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priya Maadhav


Hindus are cursed becos of no unity in them. Either they are divided caste wise or by the gods they pray. A brahmin is the most hated person in india today and kanchi acharya is one of such person. Non brahmins see the kanchi mutt as the property of only brahmins and hence they dont care much about it or its acharya.


The mutt become more commercialized after the demise of kanchi maha periyavar. Tamilnadu has became haven for all atheist activities. I didnt mean to hurt you or offend i have done son in my posting , forgive me .

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