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shed the feeling:my god is not the greatest

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"My god is the greatest"-it is a belief set.

"all gods are great"- another belief set.

"There is no god" -another belief set.

"There is only one god" -another belief set.


None of these beliefs are inferior or superior to each other.And whoever ridicules one of these beliefs is just being funny.we can live with different belief sets.All take us to the same goal.What we all have to oppose is people forcing one belief set on others.

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<< "My god is the greatest" >>


that is xianity and islam.


<< "all gods are great" >>


if that means all devas/devis are same god, then that is wrong interpretation of the vedas.


if it means there are many gods, then it it is not logical.

god is supreme, and supreme is only one.


<< "There is no god" >>


that is jainism and buddhism and athesits in general, including humanists.


<< "There is only one god" >>


that is hinduism with the understanding that there are many devas/devis.


<< None of these beliefs are inferior or superior to each other. >>


krishna does not say it in gita.

this is like saying: "this milk is liquid, and this is poison and liquid. and no liquid is superior or inferior. therfore one can drink poison as well."


<< And whoever ridicules one of these beliefs is just being funny. >>


hindus do not, but muslims kill to those who ridicule allah or koran even a bit. they are not funny, they will take all the fun out of you. what advice you have for them?

what would you do to educate them?


<< we can live with different belief sets. >>


no, we hindus cannot live with islam if we want peace.

jinnah also said so, and the pakis now have no problem/fear from us living in pak where they plan all kinds of anti bharat and anti vedic activities safely. we gave them safe heaven. we cannot go in there to know what they are cooking against us.


<< All take us to the same goal. >>


"drink poison. it also is a liquid like milk."


<< What we all have to oppose is people forcing one belief set on others. >>


yes, islam has forced hindus to become muslims, and xians have gigantic plans and efforts to convert the whole india.

we hindus need to stop it, and get islam out of bharat. bible and koran tell them to do so.


so, you see, problem is the ideology(ies), and these anti-hindus are followers of their book. now, if we do not follow gita correctly, we are doomed.

so i tell hindus to unite and wake up.


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<< "My god is the greatest" >>


that is xianity and islam.


---Not only them but also vaishnavism and shaivism and whole lot of other sects. The difference between these sets is that vaishnavites dont kill or murder or wage religious wars to prove their belief.They leave it to krishna to prove his superiority to others and even while they preach their religion, they dont use violence or money power.


<< "all gods are great" >>


if that means all devas/devis are same god, then that is wrong interpretation of the vedas.if it means there are many gods, then it it is not logical.god is supreme, and supreme is only one.


I am not only talking about vedas.I am talking about various belief sets.Even in hindus there are many polytheists who believe shiva and vishnu are different.


<< "There is no god" >>


that is jainism and buddhism and athesits in general, including humanists.


Even these are beliefs.


<< None of these beliefs are inferior or superior to each other. >>


krishna does not say it in gita.

this is like saying: "this milk is liquid, and this is poison and liquid. and no liquid is superior or inferior. therfore one can drink poison as well."


our books said "sarvadharma sambhavana" and "vasudeva kudumpakam".Poison is useful in some times.For example in many cases doctors give poison to patients to cure diseases.So posion has its purpose and milk has its purpose.


"""hindus do not, but muslims kill to those who ridicule allah or koran even a bit. they are not funny, they will take all the fun out of you. what advice you have for them?

what would you do to educate them?""""


Apart from mobilizing votes for BJP and posting in such forums I dont see that I can do anything. My family has done its bit to further our cause by building a small vishnu temple in my native place in India.Except efforts like this I am unable to do much.











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  • 7 months later...

Apart from mobilizing votes for BJP and posting in such forums I dont see that I can do anything. My family has done its bit to further our cause by building a small vishnu temple in my native place in India.Except efforts like this I am unable to do much.


Are all Hindus like you also? Easy to give up saying they cannot overcome adharma? No wonder India in the dumpsters. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


What can you do? You can pray to the Divine for His help, can't you? That is one way.


Every try fasting and doing penance for merits which then give it to the Lord to be used for the benefits of the nation? Buddhist calls it "Merit Donations" and they take the concept from ... believe it or not, Hindusm.


You may not know this, but some Buddhist monks in Tibet, Nepals and probably Thailand as well, actually pray, fast and do penance for the world's benefits.


And don't say it is not according to Hindusm either. Many times when adharma rear its ugly head, Sages and many times, Gods and Goddesses perform penance and prayers for the Divine to assist and save them.


So, those who wish the condition could improve, instead of wishing for it, put a day aside for fasting and doing good deeds, give the merits to the Lord and pray for the beneficts of the World.

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