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is marriage between hindu and catholic is possible?

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My boyfriend is hindu, I'm from Europe. We are together almost all year. Everything is going very serious. But I know that his family are very sceptic about our relations. My family are ok, they accept him. Very interesting how hindu treat marriage with other religion person. Can I have small hope to have nice family?

Thank you in advance

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be clear that you are not in hindu (average) tradition and you never be submissed or be considered at his service..


sanatana dharma..or the original spirituality who generates hinduism is clear that in this age all we are perfectly equal... but many hindus live an oppressive behaviour with women that they wrongly feel to be ortodox with their religion


so be clear.... chaitanya mahaprabhu says that in this age there's no possibility of supremacy based on sex,social class,race, erudition and so on because we are practically all materialists and subhumans.. so ,if there's the need, teach some hinduism to your hindu husband!


(if he's a good boy and a religious man you will learn many nice things about the supreme lord that is definitely one... there's not a christian god and an hindu god...)



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yes if:


both do not care about any religon or tradition,

or both become catholic,

or both become hindus.


a computer is just as good as the software in it.

similarly, a person is just as good as the religion and tradition he lives by.


another fact is that catholism and hinduism are not same.


so, best way is not to marry, or you be a hindu or at least never drag him to catholism. i also wish he never malpractices hinduism. hindus take good care of women.


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It is possible only if both the boy and the girl are very sincere and make an earnest attempt to make the marriage a successful one. Otherwise it will end in unnecessary quarrels and seperation only. We belong to a very conservative upper middle class brahmin family with a long tradition of Sri Vidya Upasakas. In such a situation a nephew of mine and a catholic girl loved each other and got married with my blessings.I must say that their marriage is very successful and going strong. The mainreason is that they both are Post Graduate medical personnel and are working abroad. Besides the girl has completele changed herself and is living like a true brahmin girl.She is a total vegetarian today and is worshipping Sri Krishna, Sri Rama and Ganapati, now.She is a very affectionate and lovable girl.In such cases, i must confess the marriage is on sound track.If such steadfast approach and willingness to change is not there on the part the girl there is no point in persuing any further in such matrimony.



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Thank you so much to everybody, now I feel a little bit better. All the time I'm saying to him that I respect his religion very much, but there are a lot of things I can't understand. I can't say that I'm strong attached to my religion. So maybe thats why I'm very open to all people with different religious. And I'm not going to pull him to catholism, cause I love him for who he is, and not for whom he can become. I like him that he has his own things. And I think time will show how strong our relations are.

So as I understand that mostly everything depends on him and his family, if they are ready to accept me, a little bit different then they are. But there is no in hindu strong NO to marriage with people from different relinion.

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it all depends on how orthodox or conservative the family is...i'm a hindu girl about to marry a christian boy...my family wasnt too sure about him at first since he's not hindu...but they absolutely love him now...what ultimately matters is to marry someone respectful of your own religious beliefs...and for you to be tolerant, open minded and respectful of his beliefs..and hope that eventually his family will see you for who you are..marry someone with good character and good morals...who will respect you for who you are and will treat your family with respect. To me (and not everyone in this forum may agree with me) what matters more than to believe in Krsna or Jesus is to have belief in God. That obviously is my personal opinion and his family may not see it the same way. Just be patient and dont lose hope.



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The ways are varied but the destination is One.


We should respect the persons humanity, peacefulness, love

and sanity. Mostly, we can find out, the sources of misery,

sadness and pain is EGOISM. I and MINE. Give up the

vanity. Love is life. No-love is annihilation.

Maadhav jee, Jaya and Guest have written nice about your



Thanks You all.


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