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broken bones of jesus

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One of the claims of Bible is that the bones of jesus werent broken.But nails were passed through his feet and wrists(or palm).


Scientifically it is impossible to drive a nail in somebodys feet and make it to come to the other side without the nail passing through the bone.When it is done so, it is impossible not to have atleast a hairline fracture.In fact a nail piercing one side of the feet bone and coming on the otherside itself is fracture.


when nail passes through bone, the bone cracks.It doesnt make an exact hole and passes through the other side.And the nail used on jesus must have been a big one, so the bigger the nail the higher the probablity of fracture.


so how was this prophecy fulfilled?

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One of the main prohecies in old testemnt was that the bones of the messiah will not be broken.Jesus was claimed to be the messiah.But for that to happen he has to fulfill 81 prophecies.If he did not satisfy even one prophecy then it was impossible that he was recognized as a prophet.

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******One of the main prohecies in old testemnt was that the bones of the messiah will not be broken************


Are prophets bones and flesh or are they the spirit? Do you know your self as spirit?

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just as hindu Gods do not follow scientific rules...and Shiva can have river Ganges flowing from his head even though this is not scientifically possible...in the same way jesus can have no bones broken after crucifixion

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That again defies logic.

How can the son of the god be god himself?

If it is god himself, why son?

When you say trinity, you identify three different things right?


Then if he is god, why did he die like a man?


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My father in heaven and I are one.


Like Gita, Bible is repository of knowledge of many layers for different levels of aspirants. There are apparently exoteric messages but esoteric messages are the final ones.


One who obeys/submits to God's will at all times -- be he a son or daughter, becomes I am that I am.


That is how Vishnu proclaims I am Cipivishta and Rig Veda upholds that claim.


There is no contradiction. Contradictions are in us who cling to individual will.


At the time of persecution, Jesus could have escaped but He prayed to Lord and said: Let your will be done.


I do not see any difference betwween Siva drinking Halahal and Jesus accepting crucifixion. It would be heaven on this earth, if boundaries among nations, cultures and men are seen as creations of men and not of God -- who is boundless.



Om Namah Sivayya

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That is how Vishnu proclaims I am Cipivishta and Rig Veda upholds that claim



Vishnu is GOD, where as jesus denies being any god in bible. The verse quoted simply states unity of will between jesus and GOD and nothing more.


In rigveda, as Vishnu is GOD, HE claims so.


Thed point to note is also that jesus had a material body and he had to suffer out of pain and die. This is not my concept but a christian one.


There are hell lot of old testament prophecies that jesus did not fulfill. One of them(according to jews) is that there will be eternal peace and no wars after messiah comes. This condition is clearly not satisfied and jesus is clearly no messiah period as per old testament.

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*****Thed point to note is also that jesus had a material body and he had to suffer out of pain and die********



Lord Ram cried after Sita's abduction.


I can cite numerous other human behaviour of Rama and Krishna. But I will not.



The point is, God appears in human form

and the human form may suffer. But the true prophet knows "I am Cipivista", "I am Mahesvara" and "My father in heaven and I are same". And He remains good throughout the bodily or material sufferings and pain.


And prophesies are not easy to understand and I do not have any knowledge.


So, I withdraw.



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"Vishnu proclaims I am Cipivishta "


God has no need to claim anything. It is the call of identity of Atma and God.



On the contrary only GOD can claim this. In upanishads the words ATMA and Brahma refer only to GOD.


One who has pervaded every being like the rays of sun, is called Sipivishta. In Visnusahasranama, only Vishnu is called Sipivista, which is confirmed by the above sruti. Therefore the sruti implies that no other devata(including Siva) can claim such.

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Lord Ram cried after Sita's abduction.


I can cite numerous other human behaviour of Rama and Krishna. But I will not.



Ofcourse you can. That is why Lord Krishna clearly says in Gita that foolish people deride me when I descend in human form. They do not know that I am the Supreme Lord of the universe(9:11).


Note the verse above, HE, the Lord, cleary mentions that HE is the LORD of universe and not that as you claim.


No wonder Lord Ram, Krishna appeared to have human behavior, only to teach others how to behave.


Again Krishna clearly explains as follows.


SlOKam 3.23


yadhi hyAham na varthEyam jAthu karmaNatandhritha: I

mama varthmAnuvartanthE manushyA : Paartha sarvasa : II


In the sloka (3 . 22) , GeethAchAryan states :

O ArjunA ! for Me , there is nothing in all the three worlds

that ought to be accomplished , nor is there anything

unacquired that ought to be acquired . YET I GO ON WORKING

( i.e., I keep on working for the protection of the world

although there is nothing whatever for Me to achieve .

Even though there is nothing yet to be acquired by

Me through work , I go on working ) .


Read the above verse, where it clearly says that Krishna has nothing to achieve in all of the three worlds. There is an implicit difference that Krishna wants to reveal. This is the difference between Jivas and HIMSELF ie Krishna.


Even if Krishna acts, it is only because he wants to mislead some. This is not my opinion, but that of many Vaishnava AchAryAs.


The same argument cannot be used for jesus, as jesus denied being GOD in several places.

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********One who has pervaded every being like the rays of sun, is called Sipivishta. In Visnusahasranama, only Vishnu is called Sipivista, which is confirmed by the above sruti. Therefore the sruti implies that no other devata(including Siva) can claim such. ****************



You people, like many Christians, have only one agenda -- to do propanda of your belief and throw shruti to the winds. Have you read the Shruti yourself?



This reply is not for you. I know what reply you will give, since you have willed yourself to be blind forever.



But lest other readers may not be fooled.



Rudra is Cipivista as below in Homage to Rudra in Yajur Veda, Part 4, Chapter IV



IV. iv. 5. 5.

a Homage to Bhava and to Rudra.

b -----

e Homage to him of a thousand eyes, and to him of a hundred bows.

f Homage to him who haunteth the mountains, and to Çipivista.



Also read that He is portion of Agni (Lord of Consecration), He is portion of Indra (Lord of Visnu).



III. iv. 3. 9.

a Thou art the portion of Agni, the overlordship of consecration, the holy power saved, the threefold Stoma.

b Thou art the portion of Indra, the overlordship of Visnu, the lordly power saved, the fifteenfold Stoma.



Also read, He is Cipivista when put in place and He is Visnu when being taken down (when manifest).



IV. iv. 4. 9.

(Thou art) Prajapati in mind, when come to the Soma; --------; Çipivista when put in place; --------; Visnu when being taken down; ------------



How long will your lies hold? The truth will prevail. Lord Visnu will be annoyed at you and no one else.




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