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I was just curious to know how many of us support( I mean they shd be following also) vegetarianism? Pls say Yes if u r following,

No if u r not,



I feel its nice if everyone of us becomes vegetarians or vegans, atleast one of the two, which will help us to progress spiritually.


Even the science and also GITA both say that only vegetarian food is good for humans.


My requst to u all pls become vegetarians, if u r not a one already.




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i am vegetarian, no meat, no fish, no eggs


(let us not forget that vegetarian food has to be offered to god before eating or it is karma (even if relatively little) even vegetarianism or veganism)

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I and many hindus believe that everything is prasadam, we are vegetarians ofcourse.

My granny n mom have taught me that when we pluck a fruit or a leaf or a flower, the first thing to do is offer it to God n then only take them otherwise it will be a sin.

after the food is cooked first it is kept as prasadam, then only we shd take it.

I feel its a nice way to live, to know that nothing is ours, everything belongs to GOD.





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my vote for vegetarianism /images/graemlins/smile.gif


I´ve a big problem about eggs. I don´t eat omelette or egg itself but everything(or the most things) here in switzerland contain eggs. Now, my friend said that from these eggs no chicken will "take birth?". Are these eggs manipulated ? I don´t think that it´s natural.


hare krishna



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As I was taught we shd not have anything other than satwik food so

No eggs- whether it is fertilised or not

No intoxicants like - coffee, tea, alcohol( I don't know abt cough syrrup- but i use it as a medicine)

No cakes, but eggless cakes can be used as prasadam.


and cooking veg food is not all that difficult.


I hope this helps u.




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"Even the science and also GITA both say that only vegetarian food is good for humans."


please do not make unconclusive remarks...science has several hypotheses both for and against vegetarianism...there is no reason to believe that science supports a totally vegetarian or vegan lifestyle...

Regarding the GITA, i really would be interested in the verses from the GITA that support a purely vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.

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I am a veggie.. and I am very careful of what I eat.

In Tamilnadu its not a problem because, even restraunts ( most of them) are pure vegetarian..no eggs also..... Once there were lot of Udipi restraunts.. and the food was also very good.


But when I travel to the west, I cook by myself, and I examine the contents of any food I buy from grocery shops.


Basically, its hard for me to imagine how someone can kill a living thing for food. What right have we got to take a life?

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our body anatomy is such that it can digest veg food well, n nonveg food, if taken will cause more harm than help.

for ex; Veg food - protects from cancer of colon... etc

- has lot of fibre which is good for health,

- has antioxidants needed for us.......


nonveg food- releases carcinogens n harms the gut,

- has very less fibre

- releases oxidants which have to be neutralised by the body antioxidants- more harm than help.


veg food if taken properly provides all the nutrients needed for the body, even proteins.


It is myth: patients come n tell that they consume nonveg food just to increase their protein content or if they r diabetics just to control their bld sugar,they take that food. Its like drinking 4-5 lts of alcohol just to kill the worms in their stomach.


they do that b'coz they listen to their tongue not to the 'conscious mind'


If I tell I was very hungry n i found a baby who couldnot protect itself, n as i was very hungry i go n eat that baby( pls i would never do that, its an ex. that's it ), i sound very cruel no?( kill it, cut it, roast it with masala n then eat--- oh sounds even more bad, pathetic, no?)


the same way to kill an animal to make our tongue satisfy is also cruelty, yes according to me eating nonveg shows that u r being cruel, inspite of knowing that that's not what u shd be eating.


In reality those who eat nonveg food are eating 'dead bodies'..... eshieee..... sounds bad no?


n God says lower n higher animals all created by Him, n he has given instructions so as to which animal shd eat what.



It says what are the 3 gunas- satwik, rajasik n tamasik.

n abt the food also.


vy do u prefer eating dirty, rotten, chicken n pigs n so on.... when good food is easily available for us???

May be u go on by doing things the way u want to do or like without thinking,

now pls think before eating,... or doing anything bad...


I know they'll not change their habits so easily, as there are many people around me who still eat non veg inspite of knowing that they shd not...


n other things i'll tell u after my exams, may be in april or may.


it has become too lengthy, sorry if i've hurt anyone, these r my feelings, i don't compel anyone to see the same way.





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No one wants to be ill, that's what i see daily.


when i said i use it as a cough syrrup, codeine, caffeine, BZD's, n other drugs, i mean v have to give them for the patients, n for those who r ill, who need it.


It is not a sin, i feel so, when they are used as medicine.





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Namasthe guestji,

Yes even i prefer cooking for myself if i'm alone, instead of eating outside food.


n i feel its always best to be vegetarins,


even if someone asks me to choose b/w death n nonveg food, i would prefer death rather than eating a fellow lower animal which is not meant for me to eat.

too much of exaggeration??, but its needed to follow what i belive.



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"There are only animal, but no vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12, which is why herbivores (i.e. rabbits)

meet their Vitamin B12 requirements by eating plants that are infested with insects, or by eating their

own feces, while in ruminants (sheep, cows), the microbes fermenting and digesting plant material in the

rumen (the first stomach) incorporate cobalt into Vit B12, which is subsequently absorbed and utilized.

(see also Acu-Cell Nutrition "Nickel & Cobalt").


Vitamin B12 liver stores in adults may last for several years before becoming depleted as a result of

switching to a strict vegan or vegetarian diet, however Vitamin B12 deficiency in vegetarian children is

much more serious since symptoms do not always become obvious or acute until some damage has

resulted. So while it is recommended to supplement extra amounts of Vitamin B12 with vegetarian

adults, it is mandatory with vegetarian children!

Because of improved sanitation, this is much more important in Western societies, since in lesser

developed parts of the world, insect or feces-contaminated fruits or vegetables have generally been

sources of Vitamin B12 for those growing up in a predominantly vegetarian environment or culture.


It may also be advisable to supplement a very small amount (DRI/RDA) of the active form of Vitamin B6

(pyridoxal-5-phosphate), since vegetarian sources of Vit B6 only supply the inactive form (pyridoxine),

which will have to be converted to the active form by the liver, however the efficiency of the liver to do so

may be compromised with certain types of liver diseases. Ideally, when supplementing Vitamin B6 as

pyridoxine, a brand should be purchased that automatically supplies a small percentage of Vitamin B6

as pyridoxal-5-phosphate, or P5P. Both, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6 (along with folic acid and others)

are also able to lower homocysteine levels which tend to be on the high side with many vegetarians, so

these vitamins will have a favorably affect on a vegetarian's cardiovascular system also. (see also Acu-

Cell Nutrition "B-Complex Vitamins").


The decision to supplement additional iron (particularly with vegetarian women), or protein may have

to be made based on actual lab tests, whereby low protein and/or iron frequently - but not always - may

also suggest low sodium levels. Using normal amounts of table salt generally resolves that situation in

the average individual, however in low aldosterone types, where using salt alone won't bring up sodium

levels, supplementing choline or even licorice may have to be considered.

When iron levels test below normal, then manganese supplementation is frequently indicated as well,

being the associated mineral of iron, which may help with low blood sugar / hypoglycemic symptoms,

or low estrogenic-types of PMS. This tends to develop when high potassium intake - being more

prevalent with vegetarianism - gradually depletes manganese levels in the body.


Why do vegetarian diets worsen cholesterol or triglyceride profiles in some people?


A high potassium / manganese ratio is generally also responsible for total cholesterol levels to rise

following the switch to a vegetarian lifestyle, while lower sodium can be the cause for the LDL fraction

to go up. Likewise, a rise in zinc is common when switching to vegetarianism, being partly supported

by a decrease in iron (high zinc / iron ratio), which may result in raised total triglyceride levels.

At the same time, lower protein and/or phosphates would be the cause for VLDL triglyceride fractions

to go up - which of course can also happen following an increase in the intake of calcium and simple

carbohydrates (sugar, honey, sweet fruits).


One of the misconceptions perpetuated by some sources is that eating meat promotes cardiovascular

disease, while vegetarian diets prevent it. We all know that the body cannot exist without cholesterol,

and that dietary cholesterol has little or no effect on serum cholesterol, so that leaves oxidation of fat and

simple sugars (once converted in the liver) as contributing factors with atherosclerosis. However, this

effect is not meat, nor vegan / vegetarian-specific, and neither are antioxidants, which can be animal

and/or vegetarian-based."


Ref: http://www.acu-cell.com/veg.html


My point is simply this, just as vegetarians can quote numerous examples of a vegetarian diet being superior to a non veg diet, so can non vegetarians cite numerous examples that prove the contrary. The fact remains that the issue as to whether a veg lifestyle is superior to a non veg lifestyle or vice versa is still inconclusive and so please do not make false remarks establishing the superiority of one over the other.

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"when i said i use it as a cough syrrup, codeine, caffeine, BZD's, n other drugs, i mean v have to give them for the patients, n for those who r ill, who need it"


so here's an ethical question - is it okay to sin in order to prolong someone's life?


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******"There are only animal, but no vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12******


wrong. milk has B12.Multi vitamin tablets have B12,B6 everything.These vitamins used in tablets are not extracted from animals but prepared in labs.


zinc and iron can be got by eating nuts.or a multivitamin mineral supplement.



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this milk argument gets you nowhere.The videos you show are taken in usa where they kill and eat cows.In India we keep cows in our houses and pray them and dont beat them.we treat them humanely.


dont teach non-violence to hindus.we taught it to the world

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if we eat soybeans 100gms it has 40 gms of quality proteins.If we eat it along with wheat the quality of that protein is higher than that of any non vegetarian source.


I get my vitamins from multivitamin tablet and proteins from grains,dhal and beans.Indian food of dosai and idly chapathi and dhal as combination give quality protein than meat.


One serving of beans and 3 chapathis and 1 cup of milk will give you all the protein you need in a day.


or you can substitute it with dhal and rice and milk.



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I cannot even enter a room with meat in it, or I feel compelled to vomit.


Some of my friends eat meat, but I leave them alone while they eat meat. I respect their right to eat it, no matter how much I might not like it though.

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yes...i am sure all of you have tabelas outside your house where you obtain fresh milk daily...and ofcourse, when you extract milk from your pet cow she feels no pain...to imply that there is no violence toward dairy cows in india where they are supposedly treated "humanely" is false propaganda...i have lived both in india and in the usa, have visited farms in both india and usa...and my perception is if anything that cows are probably treated worse in the dairy farms in india because of few enforced regulations...yes, it is true that traditionally cows are treated as part of the family and that this may still hold true in some parts of india..but lets face it, the milk that you get from your doodhwala is not from the cow that is part of his family..it is from a cow that earns him money...it is just purely hypocritical to imply that eating the flesh of the cow is wrong but to drink her milk is okay.

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"I cannot even enter a room with meat in it, or I feel compelled to vomit."


I cannot even enter a room with hypocrites in it, or I feel compelled to vomit...aint nothin personal /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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