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scientific proof for God and soul

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Got this from a website.


"My name is Marco Biagini and I am a Ph. D. in Solid State Physics


Materialism and atheism are incompatible with the scientific view of the universe.Science has in fact proved that all chemical, biological and cerebral processes consist only in some successions of elementary physical processes, determined in their turn only by the laws of quantum mechanics. Such a view of biological processes does not allow to account for the existence of consciousness, which existence implies then the presence in man of an unphysical element.Such element, being unphysical, can be identified as the soul.


I would like to invite you in the site:




where I analyse in detail the incongruencies of the materialistic conception of the mind, on the basis of our present scientific knowledges about brain and matter.

In the first article entitled “Mind and brain” you can find a general discussion of the mind and brain problem from a scientific point of view.In the second article entitled “Scientific contraddictions in materialism”

you can find an explanation of the fundamental inconsistencies of the typical arguments used by materialists, such as the concept of emergent, macroscopic or holist property, complexity, information, etc.

Basically, science has proved that the so-called emergent properties are nothing but arbitrary classifications of some successions of elementary physical processes; in other words, they are only abstract concepts used to describe in an approximated way the real processes.

Since consciousness is a preliminary necessary condition for the existence of any concepts or classifications, the materialist attempts to explain consciousness as an emergent property

are absolutely inconsistent from a logical point of view.

No entities which existence presupposes the existence of consciousness can be considered as the cause of the existence of consciousness.


The problem of the existence of the soul is strictly connected to the one of God's existence, as I explain in the section called “FAQ: answers to visitors' questions”, where you can find the answer to many other typical questions, such as "Are there any scientifically proved miracles?", "Does the existence of the universe imply the existence of God?", "Can science explain God?", "Can science establish which is the true religion?", "Can science explain consciousness in the future?", and many others.


An independent argument to prove directly the existence of God is the following.

Science has proved that the state of the universe is determined by some specific mathematical principles and equations, the laws of physics. However we know that mathematics cannot exist by itself, but it exists only as a thought in a conscious and intelligent mind. In fact, a mathematical equation is only an abstract concept, which existence presupposes the existence of a person who conceives such a concept. Therefore, the existence of this mathematically structured universe does imply the existence of a personal God; this universe can exist only if there exists a conscious and intelligent God conceiving it . Some people object that the mathematical equations are not the principles ruling the universe, but they are only a representation imagined by man. This argument however does not stand, as we can easily understand with the following consideration: if the universe did not have an intrinsic mathematical structure, one couldn't explain how it is possible to described so precisely all mechanical, electrical, magnetic, chemical and biological phenomena only by the same system of mathematical equations. Since one century, we observe a systematic confirmations of the laws of physics, in our numberless studies on newer and newer systems and materials. Consider that it is possible to invent infinite different mathematical equations, which wouldn't be able to describe the processes we observe in nature. It is not possible to account for the extraordinary agreement between the experimental data and the laws of physics without admitting that the state of the universe (what the phylosopher Kant called "noumenal" or "thing-in-themselves" reality) must necessarily be determined by some specific mathematical laws. The existence of these mathematical laws implies the existence of a personal, conscious and intelligent Creator. Atheism is incompatible with the view of the universe, presented by modern science.



Marco Biagini


Ph.D in Solid State Physics

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*********** Some people object that the mathematical equations are not the principles ruling the universe, but they are only a representation imagined by man. This argument however does not stand, as we can easily understand with the following consideration: if the universe did not have an intrinsic mathematical structure, one couldn't explain how it is possible to described so precisely all mechanical, electrical, magnetic, chemical and biological phenomena only by the same system of mathematical equations. ***********



This premise of Dr. Biagini is faulty. All mathematical equations are accurate in a specific framework and not absolutely. But the One Truth is beyond limits.



Senses and mind cannot reach Him.

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Dr. Marco Biagini,


i suggest you read a small book - vedic literature- called

drug dhrishya viveka.


materialist atheists have excluded the study of themselves

from their subjet of study of the universe.


another way to prove that there is god or souls, is this way:


we all agree that what ever we see that is man-made (e.g. a ar, or a home or a shoe) is first created in a mind of a man. then it takes effort to make it using materials.

we also know that nothign happens by itself. someone has to make it.


now, look at this solar system, e.g.


a number of plantes revolbing around the sun, and orbiting in almost eh same plane. this order could not be accidental.


why the bodies of all men have same design - ten fingers, two eys, etc? why the nose is between the eyes nd not near the rear hole? why thumb is so different than the rest of the fingers? such things as these maek us believe that there is some intelligent being who has designed this. if no one designs it, it does not happen. hence there is a crater of this universe, becaue we know univere does exist; therefore its creator does exist.



regarding math formulas:

math is nothing but rational logic.

all it is is: "if this is so, then this should be so."


so the scientific knowledge we have is just a representation of how nature works as descibed by math/physics formulas.

these formulas are just tools for us to figure what will happen if some conditions are met. if our logic/math is correct representation of the nature, then we get correct answer. this is like prediction. so it helps solve problems.


now, suppose, all the people vanish from the face of this earth, then will the laws of nature vanish? No.

they will be there as they are now. even if allthe science books vanish, the laws of nature will not vanish.


it needs a conscious being to observe the nature and figure how nature works, and put that laws in math formulas.


now we knaot that we exist, and we are not god, but thenit means also that there could be some sould that knwos everything. only when one knows everything can he crate the universe. so that is god.


the book i mentioned above discusses somethinglike this:


you see a mounain (e.g.).

to see it, you need lignt (sun),

and you need teh electromagnetic meduim thru which the rays of the sun pass. without the medium - ether- light cnanto pass/propagate.

then you need the eye to see.

now who is teh seer?

you, the jiva behind the eye.


so, god created sun, mediau, and eye

so that you can see.

if therewere no seer, there was no need fo light, or the eye. if there was nothing to see, even then there was no need fo eye or the sun.


same kind of argument goes for each sense like the eye.

it needs three things to help sense.


making things in mind is easy for us,

making them materially is hard work.

for god however, it is different.

as soon as he wishes, it happens instantly.


is it not no nice that god did not give us all that power?


i digressed a bit.


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest


Dr. Marco Biagini,


i suggest you read a small book - vedic literature- called

drug dhrishya viveka.


materialist atheists have excluded the study of themselves

from their subjet of study of the universe.


another way to prove that there is god or souls, is this way:


we all agree that what ever we see that is man-made (e.g. a ar, or a home or a shoe) is first created in a mind of a man. then it takes effort to make it using materials.

we also know that nothign happens by itself. someone has to make it.


now, look at this solar system, e.g.


a number of plantes revolbing around the sun, and orbiting in almost eh same plane. this order could not be accidental.


why the bodies of all men have same design - ten fingers, two eys, etc? why the nose is between the eyes nd not near the rear hole? why thumb is so different than the rest of the fingers? such things as these maek us believe that there is some intelligent being who has designed this. if no one designs it, it does not happen. hence there is a crater of this universe, becaue we know univere does exist; therefore its creator does exist.



regarding math formulas:

math is nothing but rational logic.

all it is is: "if this is so, then this should be so."


so the scientific knowledge we have is just a representation of how nature works as descibed by math/physics formulas.

these formulas are just tools for us to figure what will happen if some conditions are met. if our logic/math is correct representation of the nature, then we get correct answer. this is like prediction. so it helps solve problems.


now, suppose, all the people vanish from the face of this earth, then will the laws of nature vanish? No.

they will be there as they are now. even if allthe science books vanish, the laws of nature will not vanish.


it needs a conscious being to observe the nature and figure how nature works, and put that laws in math formulas.


now we knaot that we exist, and we are not god, but thenit means also that there could be some sould that knwos everything. only when one knows everything can he crate the universe. so that is god.


the book i mentioned above discusses somethinglike this:


you see a mounain (e.g.).

to see it, you need lignt (sun),

and you need teh electromagnetic meduim thru which the rays of the sun pass. without the medium - ether- light cnanto pass/propagate.

then you need the eye to see.

now who is teh seer?

you, the jiva behind the eye.


so, god created sun, mediau, and eye

so that you can see.

if therewere no seer, there was no need fo light, or the eye. if there was nothing to see, even then there was no need fo eye or the sun.


same kind of argument goes for each sense like the eye.

it needs three things to help sense.


making things in mind is easy for us,

making them materially is hard work.

for god however, it is different.

as soon as he wishes, it happens instantly.


is it not no nice that god did not give us all that power?


i digressed a bit.


There are many things that science have no explanation, suppose if I transfer your disease to somebody else using my powers then what will be the explanation, also whatever God wills do no happen instantly rather it takes some time to take place, but it is inevitable, once started.

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Dr. Marco Biagini,


i suggest you read a small book - vedic literature- called

drug dhrishya viveka.


materialist atheists have excluded the study of themselves

from their subjet of study of the universe.


another way to prove that there is god or souls, is this way:


we all agree that what ever we see that is man-made (e.g. a ar, or a home or a shoe) is first created in a mind of a man. then it takes effort to make it using materials.

we also know that nothign happens by itself. someone has to make it.


now, look at this solar system, e.g.


a number of plantes revolbing around the sun, and orbiting in almost eh same plane. this order could not be accidental.


why the bodies of all men have same design - ten fingers, two eys, etc? why the nose is between the eyes nd not near the rear hole? why thumb is so different than the rest of the fingers? such things as these maek us believe that there is some intelligent being who has designed this. if no one designs it, it does not happen. hence there is a crater of this universe, becaue we know univere does exist; therefore its creator does exist.



regarding math formulas:

math is nothing but rational logic.

all it is is: "if this is so, then this should be so."


so the scientific knowledge we have is just a representation of how nature works as descibed by math/physics formulas.

these formulas are just tools for us to figure what will happen if some conditions are met. if our logic/math is correct representation of the nature, then we get correct answer. this is like prediction. so it helps solve problems.


now, suppose, all the people vanish from the face of this earth, then will the laws of nature vanish? No.

they will be there as they are now. even if allthe science books vanish, the laws of nature will not vanish.


it needs a conscious being to observe the nature and figure how nature works, and put that laws in math formulas.


now we knaot that we exist, and we are not god, but thenit means also that there could be some sould that knwos everything. only when one knows everything can he crate the universe. so that is god.


the book i mentioned above discusses somethinglike this:


you see a mounain (e.g.).

to see it, you need lignt (sun),

and you need teh electromagnetic meduim thru which the rays of the sun pass. without the medium - ether- light cnanto pass/propagate.

then you need the eye to see.

now who is teh seer?

you, the jiva behind the eye.


so, god created sun, mediau, and eye

so that you can see.

if therewere no seer, there was no need fo light, or the eye. if there was nothing to see, even then there was no need fo eye or the sun.


same kind of argument goes for each sense like the eye.

it needs three things to help sense.


making things in mind is easy for us,

making them materially is hard work.

for god however, it is different.

as soon as he wishes, it happens instantly.


is it not no nice that god did not give us all that power?


i digressed a bit.

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you do not need a medium for the electromagnetic waves to pass, also science cannot describe what God is capable of, suppose I transferrers your disease to some body else or your health, how can define that?

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you do not need a medium for the electromagnetic waves to pass, also science cannot describe what God is capable of, suppose I transferrers your disease to some body else or your health, how can define that?


The medium for electrogmagnetic waves is the electromagnetic field. Light, microwaves, X-Rays etc. are all just the waving of the electromagnetic field. If there are waves, then there has to actually be someTHING that waves. However, this quites slightly interesting if you apply to probability waves in quantum mechanics.


Then again you could just adopt the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics which doesnt use the probability wave, i think.

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I just read the post slightly above. The ETHER!? Your knowledge of physics is a bit more than 100 years outdated. The need for an ether for light to travel through went out the window when Einstein introduced the Special Theory of Relativity.

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