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How am i meant to meditate?

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this question is for anyone who does meditation on a regular basis. ive been reading the gita only for a month and im trying to develop spiritually. a higher state of mind is something i want to achieve.


just a few questions: do you think meditation is helpful? what am i meant to concentrate on and what should my goal be? do you find meditation beneficial? somewhere i read you should concentrate with your focus laying between your eyebrows, and think of krishna. how does doing something like this elevate you to higher spiritual planes?

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maadhav is right, to meditate means " to think about.."


so think about something that is useful to stop suffering and bring yourself to bliss


read vedic scriptures, read the bhagavad gita, and you'll find that the most beautiful and attractive object of meditation is god..


everything else is useless, world is only pain and death, of you meditate on something who belongs to this world you will find only pain and death

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"this question is for anyone who does meditation on a regular basis. ive been reading the gita only for a month and im trying to develop spiritually. a higher state of mind is something i want to achieve.


just a few questions: do you think meditation is helpful? what am i meant to concentrate on and what should my goal be? do you find meditation beneficial? somewhere i read you should concentrate with your focus laying between your eyebrows, and think of krishna. how does doing something like this elevate you to higher spiritual planes? "



Meditation is very helpful. There was an article on CNN.com which said that there was scientific proof those who meditate learn faster than those who don't. Those who meditate diminish the use of the section of the brain responsible for space-time cognition. There are definite neurological effects when meditating. Diminishing the cognition of space-time is one way to break free of all creative constraints and to realize your potential in solving a problem. Space-time is what limits you in resolving problems. This is why meditation is so useful to resolve crises.


You can meditate on a number of things. There's nothing that you actually need to meditate on, however, an object that you personally identify with, a guru, or God, would definitely be a powerful object for meditation. The objects you picture are there for your concentration, for your ability to transcend any limitations you might have if you meditated without any object in mind.


There are many goals to meditation: for resolving worldly crises you might face, for dealing with personal grief, depression or whatever. However the highest goal is to realize Brahman, to realize God, to see God and understand your place in life.



The reason people focus their attention on the ajnea chakra (between the eyebrows) is because that's where the spiritual energy (Shakti) must rise to. Focusing your attention on the ajnea chakra for a long period of time might activate kundalini, the shakti at the base of your spine (the muladhara chakra). It will rise up the spine and merge into the ajnea chakra, and you realize God, and can possibly develop siddhis or supernatural powers (often takes a LONG time to manifest, possibly over several lives because the chakras need to be cleaned out of all the karma you've accumulated over all your lives).


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meditating too seriously without the aid of a guru.


You should read Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man by Gopi Krishna to get a better understanding of the benefits and harms done if you accidentally awake the kundalini.

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there's a meditation that does not harm in any circumstance and surely brings the meditator back to godhead solving all problems and gaining all goals


is is the meditation on god's names, especially recommended in kali yuga


hare krishna, hare krishna

krishna krishna, hare hare

hare rama, hare rama

rama rama , hare hare


this mantra addresses directly "hara" the god's loving energy: "please mother hara.. give me the love for the all attractive supreme personality of godhead who is also "rama" the source of all bliss, joy, happiness"


so i humbly request to everyone, without identifying necessarily with a group, a religion a denomination, and without necessarily abandoning other paths.. to chant regularly this mahamantra


it will make you develope love for god and for our brothers the other living being in all the universe.. it will give you more love and depth in practising your choosen path or religion

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I need to add more to what I said in my above post.


meditation is dhyana yoga (gita ch. 6)

yoga means to link with god.

so, if one meditates on his wife, son, or any anything else than god, then it is not yoga.


meditation is an exercise to stop the mind from wandering, and focusing it on just one thing. even if one does not want to focus the mind on god, one still can become an expert in focusing the mind on any subject of his choice.

all the scientific, social, political, and other achievements are results to focussed minds. prabhupada focussed his mind on sperading krishna bhakti, and he achieved his goal. even mafias and asuras focus their mind and do adharma. osama has focussed mind, and therefore he succeeded in destroying twin towers. bush focussed his mind for making iraq democratic, and he achieved it.


a good posture for exercising mind focusing is padmasana, but one can focus mind in any body position. many big and successful businessmen do not sit in padmaana, but still their minds are well focussed in their business.


so, when asuras achieve well focussed minds, it is trouble for the suras. we suras then need to know well what the asura are up to, and defeat their purpose by our focussed minds, and united efforts.


never close your eyes when asuras are around.


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"meditating on something about which you do not know and love is useless. so, please know about krishna first thru gita, bhagavatam, and devotees and saints first."


maadhav, who said i dont know or love it? i may not know god, but at least i am searching, and perhaps god knows me? should i find him by sitting down and reading a book? perhaps meditative insight is more effective i would think, armed with some knowledge. reading the gita is the beginning, but my question was how to meditate, as in, what should my thoughts be of? for me, i think of only the Aum symbol, and so far this has worked for me in terms of concentration, and in my mind i recite the Aum chant, but i was curious as to what others do...thanks to those who replied.

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When we meditate we should be aware of what we are trying to get out of it. You have said you would like to reach the highest spiritual plane. In this regard, in Bhagavad Gita it is stated by Krishna 'One who thinks of me at the time of death achieves my SUPREME abode.'


So now we know what is the highest spiritual plane, next comes the process. First one must become free of the material energy through - practice and detachment. Practice includes devotional activities:


1) association with devotees (i went to my local ISKCON temple and saw if there were any programs/classes/activities interesting me) especially those who are like minded as you i.e. searching for God.


2) meditate on a mantra. You are intelligent since you have found in the Gita that meditation on Aum is the highest spiritual sound. In this age, we are subject to many distractions and thus we should chant the mantra that gives the most powerful effect. In this respect, Lord Brahma tells Narada Muni in the Upanishads that the Hare Krishna mantra (which contains the aum syllable) is the best way of counteracting the symptoms of this age of quarrel and hypocrisy.


3) we have hectic lives nowadays, so your only rule is there are no rules! get your hands on some meditation beads and whenever u have free time just chant the Hare Krishna mantra (Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/ Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare). It is important to know the meaning 'O All-Attractive Lord, O Energy of the Lord, please engage me in your devotional service'. Of course it's best to meditate in the morning and in a quiet place.


4) There are of course other things that need to be done, but they will all naturally come together as you associate with devotees and chant the mantra. I know it sounds too good to be true - but it really is that easy thanks to God's mercy on us!


I hope that helps. Let me know if u have any questions.


If you are sincere, your success is assured. As Krishna says 'Out of many million people, only one will sincerely search a spiritual path.' You are truly one in a million! God will help you on your way.


Hare Krishna,

Your Servant.

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that helps alot.


question, you mentioned the krishna chant contains the Aum in it? But I cant see it in there anywhere? does it have to do with resonance?


i meditate late at night, is it not good to do this? is there a reason to meditate in the morning?

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