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Who is Greater? Shiva or Vishnu?

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as with my description of the varaha incarnation in my post above [...] it could be representative of a godly act or cosomological wonder at work. that there is transcendental background to it, i have no arguemnt against that.

--again.. religion is something to expand pur consciousness and perception. To decide without doubt that the varaha story is representative of something else is too easy and it is trying to capture the spiritual reality with human senses.

Possibility are 3... 1)that it is all a lie, 2) that it is all allegoric, 3) that it is all true. In my state of consciousness i cannot exclude the number 3 by default.

God is omnipotent, he can appear as a giant boar and lift the earth without problems.. no one can exclude this possibility


this is why i said its not to be taken literally, the reading of the text requires intelligence and comprehension.

--my point is that it is not intelligent to decide that our present consciousness cannot have any possibility of further expansion and that only what we understand now is truth. That's obvious in any art or science... if you are a tabla student at the beginning you maybe see the skill of an experienced player as magic.


i would suggest you read the text before you judge

--i have read vivekananda.. and it is not important now to tell my opinion about him. You simply have to read better and to see that i have said "if vivekananda says that vedic stories are allegoric he's a big rascal cheater using vedas to backup his image of hindu guru, but simultaneously rejecting them".

Thats a "if" in the beginning.. the "rascal" is a result of the fact that you are using vivekananda to support your claim.. If he says that vedic stories are allegoric this is my judgement.. if he do not says like that.. no problem


i could equally say you are being overly righteous, full of pride, egotistical, contentious and arrogant, not to mention judgemental.

--i am not advertising myself as a guru, i only give my opinions. You have simply to think about the fact that it is impossible to judge a system to expand the consciousness whitout having first followed it. If we are sick and we are not doctors, we have a little possibility to recognize if the medicine is good, is bad or a placebo (=allegoric).. we have to take it



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Jai Ganesh



(According to Tulasidas one who doesn't have love for Shiva cannot please Vishnu even in one's dreams.


Shiva is always engaged in devotion as a servant of Sri Rama, thus making him superior to Vishnu. The bhakta is held higher than the Lord. )




Goswami Tulsidas a great devotee of Sri Ram had tremendous respect for Lord Shiva and maa Bhavani infect he addressed them as embodiment of faith and confidence, what ever the relation the gods have there is no need to pronounce them as servant unless of cource we are at there level.

This is what Lord Ram had to say in



336 Chaupaayi: Linga thaapi bidhi-vata kari poojaa: Siva-samaana priya mohi na doojaa::

Siva-drohee mama bhagata kahaavaa: so nara sapanayhu mohi na paavaa::

Sankara-bimukha bhagati chaha moree: so naarakee moorhha mati thoree:: L/2


336. After installing Shivalinga, a symbol of Shiva, and worshipping it, Shree Raama said, "There is none as dear to me as Shiva. One who wants to be called my devotee but is opposed to Shiva, cannot reach me even in one’s dream. One averse to Shiva, but who wishes devotion to me is stupid and goes to hell."


Shree Raama demonstrates the importance of symbolism in Sanaatana Dharma. He followed the traditional sequence for the installation of Shiva’s symbol. He first made the symbol of sand on the seashore, worshipped Shiva in it and then offered prayer to him. Shree Raama’s prayer shows that Shiva and he are one. The devotion to either is devotion to both. Tulaseedaasa is pointing out that the reality of God, gods and deities is one in all and all are one in reality, regardless of differences in perspectives even among some followers of sampradaayas are Shaivites, who treat Shiva, and Vaishnavites, who claim Vishnu as the Supreme. Not the name or form in which we worship God Almighty, but our yearning for Him matters to him.


337 Dohaa: Sankara priya mama-drohee, Siva-drohee mama daasa:

Tay nara karahin kalapa bhari, ghora naraka main baasa:: L/2


337. Shree Raama continued, "Those who love Shiva and are opposed to me or are against Shiva and devoted to me, will live in hell for a full kalpa." The Shree Raamacharita Maanasa repeats the oneness of Shiva, a god of the Indian trinity, and Shree Raama, an Incarnation of Vishnu. (See 241[35]) By treating Shiva as a guru and as the personification of enlightened faith, Tulaseedaasa made him the foundation of devotion to Shree Raama.

Shiva is Shree Raama’s bhata, master and friend. It is a peculiar relationship of oneness between an Incarnation of God and gods.

Shree Raama installed and worshipped Shiva’s symbol. Shiva always repeats Shree Raama’s name.

This verse is from an excerpt on 'Bhakti' written in 'Uttara Khanda'

spoken by Lord Ramacandra Himself.


Lord Ramacandra said:



" aurau eka guputa mata sabahi kahaum kara jori,

shankara bhajana binaa nara bhagati na paavai mori "


With folded hands I now lay before you one MORE SECRET doctrine:



Shree Raama treats the aversion or opposition to devotion to Shiva in his devotees as the same as to himself. (See 184) If one does not revere Shiva who is Shree Raama’s devotee, one cannot reach Shree Raama. Yaajnavalkya said that devotion to Shiva is the sign of devotion to Shree Raama. (See 58) The precept is that ‘Vishnu is Shiva and Shiva is Vishnu and whoever thinks they are different goes to hell.’


Krishna is Gopinath Shiva is GopIshvra.


Why do we have double standard when we mention Naradmuni or Gopis we say great devotees, but when it comes to Lord Shiva (the highest Vaishnava according to Vaishnav sidhant) he is a servent. On Maha Shivratri day I have privilege to witness his glorification in the form of his Lila of fleeing a raksasa, come on please is this a proper honor to the Lord?


Differentiation among gods is ignorance of the oneness of all as forms of supreme Lord. This ignorance becomes bigotry of the only or the superior way, which divides men and so becomes a heinous sin.


Why doubt what Krishna says off Rudra I am Shankra, especially when there is so much other evidence of their oneness in our shastra.

Jai Shree Krishna


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Dear prabhus,


Lord Mahadeva Shiva is the greatest of demigods and is charge of the mode of Ignorance ( tama). He resides within the material world in Shivaloka, along with his wife Parvati. Worshippers of Lord Shiva seek shakti or siddhi. Out of compassion, he awards his followers material benefits and powers ( shakti), but he can not award mukti or liberation because he himself is in touch with the material energy.


Lord Vishnu resides within the planet known as Svetaloka. This is the only planet within the material world that is Vaikuntha. Although Lord Vishnu is in charge of the mode of goodness, he never touches the material energy. It is from Lord Vishnu that Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva derive their powers. Worshippers of Lord Vishnu approach the Lord for bhukti, mukti, siddhi and kami ( sense gratification, liberation, powers and shakti), but Lord Vishnu, out of compassion for his devotees, takes away all material desires and material possessions and leaves the bhakta with only pure devotional service, which is transcendental to the three modes of material nature. Thus, Lord Vishnu alone can award true liberation. When the bhakta has finished with his present material body, he returns Back Home, Back to Godhead.


Hare Krsna !

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I know all the vashnavas think that vishnu is greater. And they say there is enough evidence for that in scriptures.

I also know that a true vaishnava cannot disrespect shiva, for he is the greatest vaishnava and disrespecting another vaishnava is the biggest sin for a vaishnava.

So I know there is no element of disrespect/disregard for shivs in the vaishnava beleif ( atleast not that I know of)


But I am curious to know the shaivite view. Do shaivites accept that shiva is a devotee of vishnu/rama? Or do they interpret the scriptures in a way different from vaishnavas to suggest thier beleifs.


Any knowledgable shaivites who can clear this up?


I completely agree that one cannot attain either vishnu/ shiva while thinking ill of the other. Even if shiva is a devotee ( i dont like to use the word servant, we have a different picture of "servant" in our heads) of vishnu, it should not be a matter of concern to anyone who beleives in shiva.

As an example.....You have faith in your guru,but the guru is a devotee of some god. Does that mean we can forget about the guru and just try to get to god ourselves? thats foolishness. Similar logic should apply to shiva as well, he is more potent than any guru there can be.



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Jai Ganesh




(Out of compassion, he awards his followers material benefits and powers ( shakti), but he can not award mukti or liberation because he himself is in touch with the material energy. )



Here don’t take my word for it


This is what Bhagvat puran says


SB 8.7.20: The Devas observed Lord Śiva sitting on the summit of Kailāsa Hill with his wife, Bhavānī, for the auspicious development of the three worlds. He was being worshiped by great saintly persons desiring liberation. The Devas offered him their obeisances and prayers with great respect.



SB 4.6.42: Lord Brahma said: My dear Lord Shiva, I know that you are the controller of the entire material manifestation, the combination father and mother of the cosmic manifestation, and the Supreme Brahman beyond the cosmic manifestation as well. I know you in that way.


SB 4.6/45 O most auspicious lord, you have ordained the heavenly planets, the spiritual Vaikuṇṭha planets and the impersonal Brahman sphere as the respective destinations of the performers of auspicious activities. Similarly, for others, who are miscreants, you have destined different kinds of hells which are horrible and ghastly. Yet sometimes it is found that their destinations are just the opposite. It is very difficult to ascertain the cause of this.


Jai Shree Krishna


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You are being served as well. But you do not seem to know it. He keeps on drinking poison for everyones SAKE.


Yes Lord Siva is my servant as well. He runs my life, my mind, my senses. He provides me with air, water, fire, earth and food and enjoyment.


But He is the greatest servant of Visnu because Vishnu has given his desire and his power of cognition to Lord Shiva for total control. And Shiva supports Visnu through Maruts.


BR. Samhita Book 1 TEXT 8


niyatih sa rama devi

tat-priya tad-vasam tada

tal-lingam bhagavan sambhur

jyoti-rupah sanatanah

ya yonih sapara saktih

kamo bijam mahad hareh




So, Sakti -- the Goddess, the controller is the desire, the seed, and the faculty of cognition of Hareh. And Sakti is under the control of sanatanah eternal Bhagwan Shambhu. She is the potency of Mahat Hare.



And then al gods --- Nrasmsa, Yama, Aditi, Tvastar, the Rbhuksanas, Rodasi, Maruts, Visnu ---- claim and merit praise on account of Rudra alone. That sages have determined and proclaimed emphatically.



RV Book 10 HYMN XCII. Visvedevas.


9 With humble adoration show this day your song of praise to mighty Rudra, Ruler of the brave: With whom, the Eager Ones, going their ordered course, he comes from heaven Self-bright, auspicious, strong to guard.



11 For these songs, the Earth and Heaven with their abundant seed, four-bodied Narasmsa, Yama, Aditi, God Tvastar Wealth-bestower, the Rbhuksanas, Rodasi, Maruts, Visnu, claim and merit praise.



And Finally:



RV II, hymn 33


4 Let us not anger thee with worship, Rudra, ill praise, Strong God! or mingled invocation. Do thou with strengthening balms incite our heroes: I hear thee famed as best of all physicians.



Om Namah Sivayya





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Dear Jimbo,


It is hallmark of this person to call others cheats and at the same time claim that 'all are part and parcel of Lord'.


All parts of Lord, except this person and a few others are cheats.

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See that Visnu's overlord is Indra, the divine mind.


Yajur Veda iv. 3. 9.


a Thou art the portion of Agni, the overlordship of consecration, the holy power saved, the threefold Stoma.

b Thou art the portion of Indra, the overlordship of Visnu, the lordly power saved, the fifteen fold Stoma.






Whether it is yagna or not. Someone else is Visnu's overlord.


********* In reply to:



YV v. 5. 7. The fire is Rudra, his are three missiles, one that comes straight on, one that strikes transversely, and one that follows up.


YV i. 8. 15. a Thou art the bolt of Indra, slaying foes; with thee may he slay his foe.


c Thou art the stepping of Visnu, thou art the step of Visnu, thou art the stride of Visnu.






How are YV 5.5 and YV i.8 related. This must be shivite logical analysis, which amounts to nothing but irrationality. **************



YV 5.5 and YV i.8 are related. The whole of Vedas are related. It is song of ONE Lord. YV 5.5 and many other verses succintly say that Rudra has become fire. And YV i.8 is praise of Fire.




In reply to:



RV Book 10 HYMN XCII. Visvedevas.


11 For these songs, the Earth and Heaven with their abundant seed, four-bodied Narasmsa, Yama, Aditi, God Tvastar Wealth-bestower, the Rbhuksanas, Rodasi, Maruts, Visnu, claim and merit praise.






The coorect translation is given below. Note the eleventh verse.


10.092.09 Address praise today with reverence to Rudra the powerful destroyer of the heroes, (who is accompanied) by the mounted (Maruts), the granters of wishes, together with whom he, propitious, possessing kinsmen, besprinkles (the worshippers) from heaven.


10.092.11 They the heaven and earth, abounding with waters, the Nara_s'am.sa rite with its four fires, Yama, Aditi, the divine Tvas.t.a_, (Agni) the giver of wealth, the R.bhus, Rodasi_, the Maruts, and Vis.n.u are worshipped (by us).





Can you post the sanskrit verse? Where is 'us' in the original?


Claiming and meriting praise, whether from us or as such --on account of these songs.



Your "The coorect translation ", is really a "coorect translation but not correct.



Is the following translation coorect or correct?




23. O lord, you are self-effulgent and supreme. You create this material world by your personal energy, and you assume the names Brahma, Visnu and Mahesvara when you act in creation, maintenance and annihilation.


24. You are the cause of all causes, the self-effulgent, inconceivable, Supreme Brahman. You manifest various potencies in this cosmic manifestation.


31. O Lord Girisa, since the impersonal Brahman effulgence is transcendental to the material modes of goodness, passion and ignorance, the various directors of this material world certainly cannot appreciate it or even know where it is. It is not understandable even to Lord Brahma, Lord Visnu or the King of heaven, Mahendra.




What of you, but even Devas forget:


YV ii. 6. 8.


The gods excluded Rudra from the sacrifice; he pierced the sacrifice, the gods gathered round it (saying), 'May it be right for us.' They said, 'Well offered will this be for us, if we propitiate him.'




31. O Lord Girisa, ------ the various directors of this material world certainly cannot appreciate it or even know where it is. It is not understandable even to Lord Brahma, Lord Visnu or the King of heaven, Mahendra.



He is your Self. He is in you. When he will go out you will become a corpse. You keep abusing your Self. It is a pity.



Om Namah Sivayya

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**** Lord Mahadeva Shiva ------ but he can not award mukti or liberation because he himself is in touch with the material energy.



Do you know what you are saying? Lord Vishnu himself will give you knowledge soon.



Rig Veda 7.59.12


Maha Mrituyonjaya Mantra


We Worship Tryambaka, Who spreads Fragrance and Increases nourishment, May He release me, like the cucumber from its stem, from Mortal life, But not From Immorality.




The above verse is not a story or imagination of some one which you people quote. This is Rig Veda.



Go ahead and translate it 'coorectly (your language in another post).



Yajur Veda v. 5. 9.


a O Agni, the ocean, thy arrow called the young, with it be gentle

to us; homage to this of thine; may we prosper, living on this of thine.


i The Rudra in the fire, in the waters, in the plants, the Rudra that hath entered all beings, to that Rudra be homage



See in Yajurveda, who has entered everything and is the all pervader Vishnu.



Lord is ONE. The ONE appears as Viswa and Viswa folds into ONE.



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****** But I am curious to know the shaivite view. Do shaivites accept that shiva is a devotee of vishnu/rama? Or do they interpret the scriptures in a way different from vaishnavas to suggest thier beleifs. **********



Rudra is sparkling soul of all Gods (Yajur Veda). He unfortunately has no hands and legs that he can use to worship. But all hands, legs, eyes, years are his alone. So, whomsoever worships Vishnu -- it is Shiva alone who is worshipping.


Shiva is the pragnya in us, He is the life. He is the doer. Lord Vishnu is also him.


“BG 13.17 Avibhaktam cha bhooteshu vibhaktamiva cha sthitam; Bhootabhartru cha tajjneyam grasishnu prabhavishnu cha.


13.17 And undivided, yet He exists as if divided in beings; He is to be known as the supporter of beings; He devours and He generates also”.



When the light has risen, there is no day, no night, neither existence nor nonexistence; Shiva (the blessed One) alone is there.' (Svet. Up. IV. 18.)





23. O lord, you are self-effulgent and supreme. You create this material world by your personal energy, and you assume the names Brahma, Visnu and Mahesvara when you act in creation, maintenance and annihilation.


Om Om Om




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Om Namah Sivayya


This mysterious mind of Lord.


Yes, It was atanu only. I do not know Sanskrit. But you are not wise.



To my citation:


RV Book 10 HYMN XCII. Visvedevas.


9 With humble adoration show this day your song of praise to mighty Rudra, Ruler of the brave: With whom, the Eager Ones, going their ordered course, he comes from heaven Self-bright, auspicious, strong to guard.


11 For these songs, the Earth and Heaven with their abundant seed, four-bodied Narasmsa, Yama, Aditi, God Tvastar Wealth-bestower, the Rbhuksanas, Rodasi, Maruts, Visnu, claim and merit praise.


You have answered as below:


"The coorect translation is given below. Note the eleventh verse.


10.092.09 Address praise today with reverence to Rudra the powerful destroyer of the heroes, (who is accompanied) by the mounted (Maruts), the granters of wishes, together with whom he, propitious, possessing kinsmen, besprinkles (the worshippers) from heaven.


10.092.11 They the heaven and earth, abounding with waters, the Nara_s'am.sa rite with its four fires, Yama, Aditi, the divine Tvas.t.a_, (Agni) the giver of wealth, the R.bhus, Rodasi_, the Maruts, and Vis.n.u are worshipped (by us)."




Your translation will always remain coorect and will never become correct.



God is mysterious.



Hail Lord.



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****** But I am curious to know the shaivite view. Do shaivites accept that shiva is a devotee of vishnu/rama? Or do they interpret the scriptures in a way different from vaishnavas to suggest thier beleifs. **********



"Rudra is sparkling soul of all Gods (Yajur Veda). He unfortunately has no hands and legs that he can use to worship. But all hands, legs, eyes, years are his alone. So, whomsoever worships Vishnu -- it is Shiva alone who is worshipping."


Apparently, you are not a Shaivite. The question was addressed to Shaivites. But then, don't worry, wisdom has already dawned on you. It is true that whatever Shaivites say, Shiva is a devotee of Vishnu, not vice versa. Tulsi Ramayan says it, some Puranas say it. Of course, other Puranas say Vishnu is a devotee of Shiva, but obviously, they are wrong. Let's pick what suits us as the gospel. Since you and I are worshippers of Vishnu, let's state with no qualms about it, that only those Puranas that talk about Hari's Supremacy are True and all others wrong.


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******* But then, don't worry, wisdom has already dawned on you. It is true that whatever Shaivites say, Shiva is a devotee of Vishnu, not vice versa. Tulsi Ramayan says it, some Puranas say it. Of course, other Puranas say Vishnu is a devotee of Shiva, but obviously, they are wrong. Let's pick what suits us as the gospel. Since you and I are worshippers of Vishnu, let's state with no qualms about it, that only those Puranas that talk about Hari's Supremacy are True and all others wrong. ***********



You got it wrong. Shiva and Vishnu are not different. Shiva's one name is Hari and additionally Hara also.


Vedas say that Vishnu propitiates and lauds Indra since He forms quarters with Indra's energy.



Whatever way your beliefs are: if you lower the one whom you personally do not love, you automatically lower the one you love.


This is Hinduism. This test is inbuilt and no other religion tests devotees this way.


Otherwise Gita would not say the samadhristi is the foremost requirement for a tranquil mind that again is a requirement to attain HIM.



****** other Puranas say Vishnu is a devotee of Shiva, but obviously, they are wrong. **********


Do not form mental opinion. That is all I can suggest to you.


Sankara taught: where Vishnu and Shiva meet there is Brahman.


I believe this and I am fortunate. Because it will be much easier for me to attain samadristi.



And as Ganesh Ji says I am Shiva lover because of some particular imagery transends the fixed perception of this world and the great sacrifice and ascetissm and wisdom associated with those images. But, I believe the same God manifests other images also so that people like you can also be bhaktas.


Not many people will like to love a stark, homeless, penniless, desireless, jewel less God. Mostly people love glamour and bejewelled personalities.


But as RV says:



RV Book 1 HYMN CLXIV. Visvedevas.



4 Who hath beheld him as he sprang to being, seen how the boneless One supports the bony? Where is the blood of earth, the life, the spirit? Who may approach the man who knows, to ask it?




30 That which hath breath and speed and life and motion lies firmly stablished in the midst of houses.Living, by offerings to the Dead he moveth Immortal One, the brother of the mortal.


32 He who hath made him cloth not comprehend him: from him who saw him surely is he hidden. He, yet enveloped in his Mother's bosom, source of much life, hath sunk into destruction.


52 The Bird Celestial, vast with noble pinion, the lovely germ of plants, the germ of waters,Him who delighteth us with rain in season, Sarasvan I invoke that he may help us.



Note: 32 He who hath made him cloth not comprehend him: from him who saw him surely is he hidden.



God is not bony and is not one clothed as you wish. He is what He is.


Best wishes



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******** Since you and I are worshippers of Vishnu, let's state with no qualms about it, that only those Puranas that talk about Hari's Supremacy are True and all others wrong. ************


Yes. And let us also unabashedly proclaim the below as blasphemy:


SU III, 3-4


i) 3. On all sides eye, on all sides face,

on all sides arms, on all sides feet,

he, God, the One, creates heaven and earth,

forging them together with arms and wings.


4. He who is source and origin of the Gods,

the Lord of all, Rudra, the mighty sage,

who produced in ancient days the Golden Germ--

may he endow us with purity of mind!



Vasudevayya Namah

Jai Bhole

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  • 2 weeks later...
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when at office ur an employee, to ur parents ur a son/daughter, to ur wife/husband ur a spouse....does that ur 3 different entity.....men with little understanding fight for the supremasy of what they have learnt...those who have real knowledge will only smile and answer not this question....for how can a dumb say the taste of sugar..kabir das-"guunga jo gud kaekai...."


through understanding comes clarity...through clarity come knowledge...and who was the great person who called vivekananda a rascal...its shows what little mind u have...ur not worthy for discussions....i learnt person will never make the mistake of abusing another learnt man...


i dont claim that i know every thing and that iam perfer....but my dear friends religions are to guide men to rightious path....not to make them fight amoung theirself......


God manifests himself in the form u worship him....try not to take things litteraly but to get the essence of what is told....dont u still understant that great works of the past are not to be read line by line but to be read inbetween lines.....


hinduism is not in fighting for who is suprem.....it is not to conquer others...its to conquire onself....the enlighted wont get into such petty issues....if there r gurus who differentiate between hari and shiv then i boldly state that he is not fit to be a guru no matter how high a knowledge he may posses...Adishankara (founder od Advaita-follower of shivaism) accepted the oneness of shiva and vishnu.....guru ragavendra (a great visnavite) also accepted it....who are we to accept it or not....


let our minds think of that One in whatever form...but that thought of His is only pure when one learns to respect the thoughts of others.......for He is every where...accepting His one creation and abusing the other is and abuse to Him.....


hara hara Mahadev (Om nama Shivaya)

Sri Rama jayam (Om Narayanaya namaha)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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"..Although the Upanishads say that there is no difference between Shiva and Vishnu, I want to know what you think. Is Shiva greater than Vishnu or vice versa?.."




SIVA is the greatest.Siva is ParaBrahma.

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Shiva or Vishnu?


No doubt, Vishnu is the one. Shiva is a great devotee of vishnu, he is paramavaishnava, he has served vishnu in all avataras like Hanuman, Vishnu is a creator of creator ie Brahma, Shiva still serving Vishnu as Gangadhara that means origin of Ganga is from the Lotus feet of Mahavishnu, he has placed tripadagamini on his head (from Vishnu's feet to Shiva's head)

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Only difference is that all those who claim that S ran to V or veceversa is written and faithfully followed by people who follow S or V or viceversa respectively. Congrats.


Hinduism do not need enemies from outside. We are all there. Congrts...kill it.

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  • 5 months later...

im not sure what u get by saying Shiva is lower than Vishnu...anywayz...for me Shiva is the ULTIMATE,this doesnt mean i ignore other Gods....or pull thier image down like what ur doing...ur gonna enjoy ur stay in hell for 1 whole kalpa...i advise u to seek appology from Shiva & Vishnu now...thank god i didint get this sin by saying all this stuffs...anywayz,just check this out!! which shows both Shiva & Vishnu r equal...both get praised in thier own purana & beeing said " to run to the other " in That God's purana/script ....


According to the Shiva Purana, there are 108 names for Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu is supposed to have called these names when he need the help of Lord Shiva to fight the asuras on behalf of the devas!


108 Names of Lord Shiva

Aashutosh One Who Fulfils Wishes Instantly

Aja Unborn

Akshayaguna God With Limitless Attributes

Anagha Without Any Fault

Anantadrishti Of Infinite Vision

Augadh One Who Revels All The Time

Avyayaprabhu Imperishable Lord

Bhairav Lord Of Terror

Bhalanetra One Who Has An Eye In The Forehead

Bholenath Kind Hearted Lord

Bhooteshwara Lord Of Ghosts And Evil Beings

Bhudeva Lord Of The Earth

Bhutapala Protector Of The Ghosts

Chandrapal Master Of The Moon

Chandraprakash One Who Has Moon As A Crest

Dayalu Compassionate

Devadeva Lord Of The Lords

Dhanadeepa Lord Of Wealth

Dhyanadeep Icon Of Meditation And Concentration

Dhyutidhara Lord Of Brilliance

Digambara Ascetic Without Any Clothes

Durjaneeya Difficult To Be Known

Durjaya Unvanquished

Gangadhara Lord Of River Ganga

Girijapati Consort Of Girija

Gunagrahin Acceptor Of Gunas

Gurudeva Master Of All

Hara Remover Of Sins

Jagadisha Master Of The Universe

Jaradhishamana Redeemer From Afflictions

Jatin One Who Has Matted Hair

Kailas One Who Bestows Peace

Kailashadhipati Lord Of Mount Kailash

Kailashnath Master Of Mount Kailash

Kamalakshana Lotus-Eyed Lord

Kantha Ever-Radiant

Kapalin One Wears A Necklace Of Skulls

Khatvangin One Who Has The Missile Khatvangin In His Hand

Kundalin One Who Wears Earrings

Lalataksha One Who Has An Eye In The Forehead

Lingadhyaksha Lord Of The Lingas

Lingaraja Lord Of The Lingas

Lokankara Creator Of The Three Worlds

Lokapal One Who Takes Care of The World

Mahabuddhi Extremely Intelligent

Mahadeva Greatest God

Mahakala Lord Of All Times

Mahamaya Lord Of Great Illusions

Mahamrityunjaya Great Victor Of Death

Mahanidhi Great Storehouse

Mahashaktimaya One Who Has Boundless Energies

Mahayogi Greatest of all Yogis

Mahesha Supreme Lord

Maheshwara Lord Of Gods

Nagabhushana One Who Has Serpents As Ornaments

Nataraja King Of The Art Of Dancing

Nilakantha Blue Necked Lord

Nityasundara Ever Beautiful

Nrityapriya Lover Of Dance

Omkara Creator Of OM

Palanhaar One Who Protects Everyone

Parameshwara First Among All Gods

Paramjyoti Greatest Splendour

Pashupati Lord Of All Living Beings

Pinakin One Who Has A Bow In His Hand (sometimes used to denote on who caries Pinaka, the name of Lord Shiva’s axe)

Pranava Originator Of The Syllable Of OM

Priyabhakta Favourite Of The Devotees

Priyadarshana Of Loving Vision

Pushkara One Who Gives Nourishment

Pushpalochana One Who Has Eyes Like Flowers

Ravilochana Having Sun As The Eye

Rudra The Terrible

Rudraksha One Who Has Eyes Like Rudra

Sadashiva Eternal God

Sanatana Eternal Lord

Sarvacharya Preceptor Of All

Sarvashiva Always Pure

Sarvatapana Scorcher Of All

Sarvayoni Source Of Everything

Sarveshwara Lord Of All Gods

Shambhu One Who Bestows Prosperity

Shankara One Who Gives Happiness

Shiva Always Pure

Shoolin One Who Has A Trident

Shrikantha Of Glorious Neck

Shrutiprakasha Illuminator Of The Vedas

Shuddhavigraha One Who Has A Pure Body

Skandaguru Preceptor Of Skanda

Someshwara Lord Of All Gods

Sukhada Bestower Of Happiness

Suprita Well Pleased

Suragana Having Gods As Attendants

Sureshwara Lord Of All Gods

Swayambhu Self-Manifested

Tejaswani One Who Spreads Illumination

Trilochana Three-Eyed Lord

Trilokpati Master Of All The Three Worlds

Tripurari Enemy Of Tripura

Trishoolin One Who Has A Trident In His Hands

Umapati Consort Of Uma

Vachaspati Lord Of Speech

Vajrahasta One Who Has A Thunderbolt In His Hands

Varada Granter Of Boons

Vedakarta Originator Of The Vedas

Veerabhadra Supreme Lord Of The Nether World

Vishalaksha Wide-Eyed Lord

Vishveshwara Lord Of The Universe

Vrishavahana One Who Has Bull As His Vehicle


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Although the Upanishads say that there is no difference between Shiva and Vishnu, I want to know what you think. Is Shiva greater than Vishnu or vice versa?



Want to know what I think? I think it's a trick question because the Upanishads already give the truth. But the question is designed to trick you into giving your opinon!
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