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brahma satyam jagan mithya

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8.3 Aksharam brahma paramam swabhaavo’dhyaatmamuchyate;

Bhootabhaavodbhavakaro visargah karmasamjnitah.

The Blessed Lord said:

8.3 . Brahman is the Imperishable, the Supreme; His essential nature is called Self-knowledge; the offering (to the gods) which causes existence and manifestation of beings and which also sustains them is called action.




13.15 Sarvendriyagunaabhaasam sarvendriyavivarjitam; Asaktam sarvabhricchaiva nirgunam gunabhoktru cha.


13.15. Shining by the functions of all the senses, yet without the senses; unattached, yet supporting all; devoid of qualities, yet their experiencer,






13.32 Anaaditwaan nirgunatwaat paramaatmaayam avyayah; Shareerastho’pi kaunteya na karoti na lipyate.


13.32. Being without beginning and devoid of gunas, the Supreme Self, imperishable, though dwelling in the body, O Arjuna, neither acts nor is tainted!





13.17 Avibhaktam cha bhooteshu vibhaktamiva cha sthitam; Bhootabhartru cha tajjneyam grasishnu prabhavishnu cha.


13. 17. And undivided, yet He exists as if divided in beings; He is to be known as the supporter of beings; He devours and He generates also.




SB 3.32.28

jnanam ekam paracinair

indriyair brahma nirgunam

avabhaty artha-rupena

bhrantya sabdadi-dharmina





Do not neglect Gita. Do not neglect "ANAADITWAAN NIRGUNATWAAT PARAMAATMAAYAM". Do not try to lower the Lord. Magicians and Rasputin also have fabulous past times but they are nothing. You do not understand anything.


And analyse your anger.




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Krishna says-

The soul can never be cut into pieces by any weapon, nor can he be burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.





Lecture-Day After Sri Gaura-Purnima

Hawaii, March 5, 1969

So that means he is feeling distress. So according to Lord Buddha's philosophy, these feelings of happiness, distress, is due to this combination of matter. So you dismantle this matter, material, there will be no more distress, and nirvana-finish. Nirvana means finish.


But, I mean to say, further development, Sankara, he says, "No, matter is not all. This is false. Matter has grown on the platform of spirit." Brahma satyam jagan mithya. And the Vaisnava acarya said, "Yes, spirit is the basic principle. Matter is false. That's all right. But that spirit is not void. There is spiritual construction. As in the material world there is material construction, in the spiritual world there is spiritual construction." So that spiritual construction is not known to other philosophers than the Vaisnava philosophers. So Lord Caitanya's philosophy, that is the greatest contribution to the world, that these living entities who are hankering after happiness by different process...


Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada

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******* "Yes, spirit is the basic principle. Matter is false. That's all right. But that spirit is not void. There is spiritual construction. As in the material world there is material construction, ***********




Who says that the spirit is void? Sankara said it?


Can you show the quote from Sankara? Please demostrate.

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Namaskar Ganesh Prasad Ji



****** Are you there ********


Why this doubt?


One who identifies with achedeo atma, lives through all. That's how unwittingly Govind ram ji brings in verses that show the truth.


SB 3.32.28

jnanam ekam paracinair

indriyair brahma nirgunam

avabhaty artha-rupena

bhrantya sabdadi-dharmina



I must sign off now, else Govind Ram ji will be very angry.



Ma Durge sharanam namah

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Jai Ganesh


Namaskar Atanu Ji



(****** Are you there ********


Why this doubt?)


My apology, it must have sounded awful,i have no doubt about your spritual quest and understanding.


What i ment was was very simple, so i thougt,as in are you there on line same time as i.

Once again please accept my apology.


One who identifies with achedeo atma, lives through all. That's how unwittingly Govind ram ji brings in verses that show the truth.


SB 3.32.28

jnanam ekam paracinair

indriyair brahma nirgunam

avabhaty artha-rupena

bhrantya sabdadi-dharmina



Ma Durge sharanam namah


Jai Shree Krishna


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Not at all Ganesh Prasad Ji.


I understood the context fully and just took the opportunuty to become friendly with Govindrama ji.


But he has a red face.


Namaskar Ganeshprasad ji

Namaskar Govindram ji



See how I have done my morning prarthana.

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****** You take only one-side. Wheres you intelligence?


Oh yeah, its stolen by Maya. **********



Govindramji, good light freshness.



Maya is no being, as you said earlier. Ma Durga is no maya. She is all.


Maya is a concept of a false vision that God is not the sutradhar -- the common fabric beneath our discrete beings.



Failure to see this common fabric is result of maya.





Om Namah Sivayyaa


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I asked show where Sankara has said that spirit is void.


And you say:


***** What do you think merging is? ************



Well, if that is void, then you are saying that God is void. Isn't it? Please contemplate.

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******* "Yes, spirit is the basic principle. Matter is false. That's all right. But that spirit is not void. There is spiritual construction. As in the material world there is material construction, ***********




Who says that the spirit is void? Sankara said it?


Can you show the quote from Sankara? Please demostrate.


If you cannot, accept gracefully.

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Jai Ganesh



(Merging means void)


whose defination is this? what dictionary are you reading?such wild statements serves no purpose except giving a bad name to bhakti.



This is what Lord Krishna is describing in attaining brahman realisation, is he talking about VOID?


I shall briefly explain to you (the process to attain) that goal which the knowers of the Vedas call the imperishable; into which the ascetics, freed from attachment, enter; and desiring which people lead a life of celibacy. (8.11)



Controlling all the (nine) doors of the body, the abode of consciousness; focusing the mind on the heart and Prana in the cerebrum, and engaged in yogic practice; (8.12)



One who leaves the body while meditating on Brahman and uttering OM, the sacred monosyllable sound of Brahman, attains the Supreme goal. (8.13)


Jai Shree Krishna


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Brahman realization =void merging, no activity.



Krishna devotees=Brahman realization [aham brahmasmi, krsnanera dasya] I am spirit, servant of krishna.


Therefore real Brahman realization entails spiritual service. Not mere merging, one up. Service, but who likes to serve? Well maya is waiting... [always]


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If merging means void then that with which you are merging is already void.



Paramatma is not void.



You require voiding.



What about the reference of Sankara on void?


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The doubts I have is 2 fold-


One- I am addicted to sense Gratification

Two- I am addicted to wanting Impersonal Liberation


The doubts you have fall into the above.


So without giving up all the above nobody can Surrender to anybody, except Maya. Hare Krishna.


Please read- www.asitis.com by Pure devotee.


Thats all.

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One- I am addicted to sense Gratification

Two- I am addicted to wanting Impersonal Liberation



Excellent guesses. You are almost there. What is impersonal liberation by the way?



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What about the reference of Sankara on void?


You are silent, dear.



****** Becoming 'one' with God. Right now we are 'one' with Nature. Material nature. Thats it. Good luck. Thats the start.*********


First submit. See only the Lord, think only the Lord. Feel only the Lord. Then if you are lucky you will recieve grace. Then the followings will happen.



BG 5.19 Ihaiva tairjitah sargo yeshaam saamye sthitam manah; Nirdosham hi samam brahma tasmaad brahmani te sthitaah.


5.17 Tadbuddhayas tadaatmaanas tannishthaas tatparaayanaah; Gacchantyapunaraavrittim jnaana nirdhoota kalmashaah.



6.29 Sarvabhootasthamaatmaanam sarvabhootaani chaatmani;

Eekshate yogayuktaatmaa sarvatra samadarshanah.



7.18 Udaaraah sarva evaite jnaanee twaatmaiva me matam;

Aasthitah sa hi yuktaatmaa maamevaanuttamaam gatim.



Let us discuss this after you attain 'yogayuktaatmaa sarvatra samadarshanah' and 'yuktaatmaa' state.




Till then I pray you show me the reference of Sankara on void?



I will check up after 24th.


Bye Best of Luck.



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