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Divine Mother

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You said:

:"........Mother can be selfish ... Yes... when it come to her child she can be selfish.....she can ignore others and be focussed only on her child... for God (doesn't matter who He/She is...) every one is equal.. a sachcha darbar..... even if you are a poor, sick, rich, powerful, meek, strong, ....everyone is equal... a mother "may" (now don't ask me a proof) desert a delinquent child but even sinners have found solace in praying to God...."


Can you say an instance when DivineMother didnt help the sinners who prayed to Her?

You mean to say that everyone is equal before God!

God always gives preference to His devotees.

I have proof from the Bible.Read the Genesis and you can see the partiality of God.

In the Kurukshetra also God was partial.


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The following words clearly shows what you said about Gita was just your opinion.

You said:

"Why are you playing with the words? It is a saying that respect is not demanded bur commanded by deeds. "


So you have no support from the scriptures to back your point.

Before saying great things, please understand whether it is true either logically or from Scriptures.


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Your words:

"..But in Lalitha Sahasranama,if you keenly note all namas,one nama says 'Mahamaaya',other nama is

'Samharini rudrarupa','bali priya','maha kali' etc.


If she is Maha Maaya then it means she is material energy of Vishnu and thats why we call her 'Sister' of Vishnu.And Maha Kali is ferocious,destructive and accepts animal sacrifices & blood.Please dont say 'ignorant people offer her but she does not like this'.Those ignorant people dont offer blood to Hari or any of his Avataras.And it was the main reason I went to Vaishnavism.I cannot accept that, the same Mother, gives one Mukthi and protection & wants the blood of innocent animals at the other end.Take for eg the very powerful Devi Shrine Kaamaagya.It is very powerful yet not protective for animals.


And I did not want such concept of Mother.Even refuting animal sacrifice and accepting Mother as all merciful,I hesitated to go to the very same Kali temple and simply confine to Mukthi,where animals are slaughtered with great agony and tears in their eyes..."



What to say!

Too pity of you.

Let the Divine mother Herself reveal to you when you are eligible.


the following sentence has sense of humour!

"..The Divine Mother is Shirmati Radha Rani who is all merciful..."





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Dear Prabhu Badramurti pleese understand Krishn. He said Gita dont worship demigods worship only me. Only sweet Krishn can give Mukuti. Read Gita.



Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishn Hare Krishn Krishn Krishn Hare Hare


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Dear Prabhu badramurti, Siva lost to Krishn in the battle when Siv protect Banasur then Banasur got Anirud who loved Usha then Krishn came help Anirud. Pleas read Bagavat puran. Thank Prabhu, Krishn bless.




Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishn Hare Krishn Krishn Krishn Hare Hare


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But in the end, Krishna died, and Shiva continues to live immortally. Doesn't that say something about Shiva's status versus Krishna's status?


In the Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna says that he is not actually in his real form here. But then, he says that we should worship him. Is he saying we should worship him as the human Krishna, the deva Vishnu, or the transcendent principle he has just outlined before saying we should worship only him?

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Dear Prabhu,


Krishn died in human form but Krishn live for ever. Siv is Krishn servant. I dont undrstd words like transendent. Worshp only Krishn. You get Mukuti. God bless.

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Jai Ganesh



(Krishn died in human form but Krishn live for ever. Siv is Krishn servant. I dont undrstd words like transendent. Worshp only Krishn. You get Mukuti. God bless.)


If you say Krishna died you have not understood anything, by all means worship Krishna and get your mukti.

If you do not understand the world like transendent, where did you learn about Shiva being a servent, did Krishna tell you this?


Jai Shree Krishna

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Jai Ganesh



(I was just playing when I said Krishna died and therefore Shiva is better,)


Nice of you to put the record straight, thank you.



( I was just poking fun at his logic.)


He has no logic, he is acting like a child, he call him self a Hari Bhakta while calling Lord Shiva a servent.

We have no right to call anyone a servent, unless we are in that position. there is enough evidence in the Vedas For Rudra(Shiva) to be worshiped as supreme Lord but non of them proclaim him to be a servent. Even Lord Krishna declares in the Gita Off Rudras I am Shankar.He does not say Shiva is my servant yet people have audacity to call him that, unbelievable.


Jai Shree Krishna

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Dear Bhadramoorthi Sir,


Why a sense of humour? Srimati Radha Rani is the greatest devotee of Krishna.She is His eternal consort.


And please provide answer to 'why people offer goats to Kali?".Please dont say 'mother does not want it'.Then she should prevent such happenings by her power na?.


A sin can take place but not in the name of God.


And for information I think you are a smartha brahmin from Tamilnadu and mine also same.(this is nothing to do with our debate but your name and way of writing suggested it and tell me if I am right).


Sir -- I will go to Thiruvanai Kovil(trichy) where Akilandeshwari is there.Still I go because that much emotional attachment I made previously.Actually debate,belief,practice and all are one side and respect and courtesy are on other side.


But ask good Shaktha devotees and give opt answer to this animal sacrifice.Sir also one misconcept it there(ie left hand tantra,cremation ground pooja and so much).Clarify why these Mantravaadis,Aghoris etc link themselves to Kali and cheat people.(this i am not telling for debate but in villages they cheat and even educated get afraid).



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o krisna, player of the flute , surely u are not greater than radha ,


those who are in distress may pray to you


but when you are distressed it is radha u call upon with your flute.


jai radhe


'millions of krishnas are born and exist in infinitesmal portions of radha.'

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"o krisna, player of the flute , surely u are not greater than radha ,


those who are in distress may pray to you


but when you are distressed it is radha u call upon with your flute."


I really like this. Cool point! And, after all, Rama never would have been able to fulfill his destiny had it not been for Sita... and Sita was certainly the "bigger man" (if you'll excuse the expression) by humbly accepting her death when Rama could not prevent it.


Women may often play a "passive" role in Hinduism, but they are certainly no weaker or less important than men in reality.

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you said:

Dear Prabhu Badramurti pleese understand Krishn. He said Gita dont worship demigods worship only me. Only sweet Krishn can give Mukuti. Read Gita.... "



What is a demigod?

Is my Mother Kaali is also a demigod?

Who told that?


Krishna asked all to worship Him just like the God in the Bible asks everyone to worship him,and like Jesus asked everyone to worship Him and his Father and like Allah asked everyone to worship Him.


So are we sure Whom to worship??

Thats why I dont worship God.

I only worship The Supreme Mother .

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You said:

My dear Bhadramoorthi, there is a flaw in your logic. You say: "She kills only demons.". Why does She kill the demons? If She wants to kill the demons, why did She create the demons in the first place?...."


Firstly, it is not my logic.

I have proof from the scriptures(Puranas).


Secondly, She doesnt want to kill demons.Only when some devotees(example: devas,rishis or Trimurtis) get tired of the demons, they pray to Mother to kill them.And She, due to extreme affection towards the weeping child,takes Her Samharini Form,(whose vision is also deadly) and starts fight with the demons.This is the case with each and every Killing She has done(can refer to any Devi books).

Some other avatars of the Trimurtis may kill for fun.But my mother wont.Clear?

Thirdly, I dont know Whether Mother created demons.


Demons or Asuras(44 crores) are the sons of Lord Kasyapa prajapati.The Devas(33 crores) were too born to Kasyapa.The Universal Mother doesnt directly involve in Srishti(creation).

If one think so deep that Universal Mother delivered the demons and all the creatures, then how can one resist that !

But then also my Mother stands far apart from creation.

I think Lord Brahma is in-charge of creation.

How can you say that my Mother created the demons?Do you have any proof from valid scriptures?


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'why people offer goats to Kali?".


There are much more to offer!

cows, hen, buffalo, ox etc

you need to read THE MAHA BHAGAVATAM to understand this(not the Vishnu Bhagavatam nor the Devi Bhagavatam).

The devi herself says in the MahabhagavataPurana about the animal sacrifices.(which actually refers to the conversation of Narada and MahaDeva) . The narrator of the Mahabhagavata Purana is Lord Shiva.


It is one among the 18 main puranas.

Vishnu Bhagavat and Devi Bhagavat are the sub-Puranas.


In the MahaBhagavatam, we can see the Mother saying in detail about the animal sacrifices.


I have read that in my own language(translation).

If I am to write it here, it will take a lot of time to translate.Please find your copy and read it once.All your doubts will vanish.

The sacrifices are explained in the part where Rama-Ravana fight is described.


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Some guest said:

"...A sin can take place but not in the name of God.."


I want to clarify that I didnt ever mention in any of my posts that my Mother is GOD.


"..I think you are a smartha brahmin from Tamilnadu and mine also same..."


Being a brahmin, you may perform Satwik worships(based on Satwa Guna=the best among three gunam).

But it wont be good for you to chastise the Tamsik as well as Rajasik worships.

I dont perform Tamsik or Rajasik deeds(like animal sacrifice).For Satwiks, the killing animals for material benefit is considered sin.

You named the offering of sacrifice to one's diety as a SIN!

You must have read the RIGVEDA and saw the various rituals explained in it all about animal sacrifices(including horse).

In the PURUSHA SOOKTAM too it is clearly shown that there was sacrificial animal(purusha himself).

Now,purusha was the supreme according to that hymn.So it means that sacrifices were considered inevitable!

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[Firstly, it is not my logic.

I have proof from the scriptures(Puranas). ]


Most scholars, Hindu or Non-Hindu, agree that Puranas are not scriptures. They are only vehicles used to convey the deep philosophical thoughts contained in the Upanishads. This is why there are innumerable contradictions between various Puranas. Only Shrutis (The four Vedas containing Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads) are considered true Scriptures by learned Hindus.


[secondly, She doesnt want to kill demons.Only when some devotees(example: devas,rishis or Trimurtis) get tired of the demons, they pray to Mother to kill them.And She, due to extreme affection towards the weeping child,takes Her Samharini Form,(whose vision is also deadly) and starts fight with the demons.This is the case with each and every Killing She has done(can refer to any Devi books).]


These are, again, nice stories but still, just stories. Yes, yes, yes. In these stories, The Mother kills the demons to protect Her children in the stories. But you did not get the point (see below).



[some other avatars of the Trimurtis may kill for fun.But my mother wont.Clear?]


Your Mother won't? Your Mother, My Mother...what is this? Do you have some kind of private rights over Devi? And which of the Avatar of ANY Trimurtis are supposed to have killed for fun?


[Thirdly, I dont know Whether Mother created demons.....But then also my Mother stands far apart from creation.

I think Lord Brahma is in-charge of creation.]


Here is where you go off the deep end. If Mother did not create demons, who does? You worship Mother as the Embodiment of Supreme Reality, right? In that case, Your Mother needs to take responsibility for everything including creation.


Apparently you have not understood the Hindu principles well. You are talking just like any Vaishnav/Christian/Muslim/Jew by saying that the Supreme Lady stays far apart from creation. Do you understand the problem with this logic? If you don't understand it, ask me.


I personally have no problems with Mother in the form of Lalitha, Durga or Kali. But I think your understanding is a little flawed. If you consider Shiva and Shakti are separate entities and you want to worship Shakti alone, then you are contradicting the scriptures. If you consider God in the form of Shakti, then your logic is bad.




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