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Duryodhana the great

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Duryodhana was


* an able administrator


* the best fighter, next only to Balaram


* loved and respected his parents, took care of them till the end


* recognized Karna despite his low social status, protected him when others mocked him as sudra. That's an admirable quality, isn't it?


* while dying, he regretted Ashwatama's horrific act



The above points make him an extraordinary character. You may not like him, you may want to look at the dark side, but I will always respect him for his courage and conviction. Compared to the present-day folks (bush, bin laden etc.), he was a saint, no doubt. I am sorry people don't want to see this. Semitic conditioning often forces people to look at so-called good and "evil" and create a seemingly unbridgeable gulf. Vedic people don't. Who the hell are we to pass judgment on a great man and that too, living in the miserable kali yuga where thieves pass as holy men?




I am proud to know that he is one of my ancestors.

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i dont think anyone actually dislikes duryodhana! for many of us he is almost a loveable character, a massively strong personality. i guess much of that has to do with the mahabarata serials that used to come on indian TV.

we admire the traits he did possess. and he also conducted his duty as a kshatriya. but he was ignorant and passionate, foolish and often delluded. he did not possess the traits of an enlightened person, and so is deemed as evil. i still think though, that we can respect him as a person. however, it's just that he isnt a role model to be followed.

for me, i never particularly liked bhima, and i found him to be the worse of the two.

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Duryodhana is a respectable character just as greed and joulousy are respectable qualities to a certain extent. In fact, often times these are necessary to stimulate competition and societal growth. But always remember what these character represent. Having Gunas like Duryodhana is not bad as long as he is not the KING of Hastinapoor(our mind and body). As soon as these gunas become the sole reason for our living we are destined to fall.


Do you want you Mind to be so clouded by theses Gunas that when Krisna comes to visit, you will try to capture him instead of serving him?


Get the Message. Duryodhana is not evil, but duryodhana as a king is to be despised.


Jai Shree Radhe-Govind.

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Actually duriyodana and pandavas all are same.They both had all bad characteristics.But the only dfference was that pandavas surrendered to lord krishna and krishna lifted and guided them from their bad habits.Duriyodana did not do that.


without devotion all humans will be duriyodana's.Duriyodana is actually better off than many of today's politicians.

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<< Would you be proud of a woman who abandoned her baby? >>


that was the greatest pain for kunti for her life.

a mistake done when she was a alonst child.


krishna did not complaint or talk much about it.

he even has praised radyeya.


do you think krishna was mean to kunti and radheya?


what would the history be if kunti had not abandoned radheya?


what would the history be if duryodhan loevd pandavas?


i still hold respect for radheya.

he had some great qualities.


the lesson krishna wants us to learn from the example of radheya is that we should never be loyal to one who is on the side of adharma, even if the adharmi is nice to us.

it is dg=harka, and krishna we always need to side with.


radyeya, hope you will cool down.

his life was a trajegy.


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  • 5 years later...


<< I am proud to know that he is one of my ancestors. >>


<<Would you undress your elder cousin's wife in a public place?


if yes, then only you are a true lover of him.



what would have u done when draupdi would hav called u as "aandhe ka putra aandha", draupdi first insulted him n his blind father.

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  • 1 month later...

Duryodhana was actaually a face of evil.


1.Jealous of brothers

2.Wnated to enjoy the all properties and riches which do not belong to him at all.He is not at all a legitimate heir to the throne.It is something like I want to enjoy your property..but hom am I to enjoy your property

3.He patronaged Karna only because he can help him winning over Pandavas but not out of Compassion.

4.Even though he is not even a crowned Prince (Yudhister was the only legitimate Heir to the Throne) ,even though he has no power , he gave some provinces to Karn.It is like me distributing your properties among your enemies inorder to make them my friends to fight against you and ultimately to rule everyone.Rediculous.

4.He attempted to make a queen nude and rape who was actually considered a pride of their own race -"Bharata Kula"-and Wife of his brother- a King who was regarded a Lady even by the VedaVyasaDeva ,Dritarashtra,Gandhari,Bhisma,Grupa Kripacharya,Drona.That means no security to anyl woman in the kingdom.Any one can kidnap any woman of any age even though she might be already a married to some person irrespective of cast creed relationship etc any time and rape her with full freedom and no punishment, at all.

5.Nothing but absolute slavery

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It was clearly mentioned in the original Mahabharata written by VedaVyasa that she did not insulted any one.It just a false propaganda against the Droupadi-the Agni Putrika.Even Shakuni who was actually accompanied along with the Duryodhana aclearly states that he didnt not listen or hear any insulting statements or words from Drowpadi.It itself clearly states that Duryodhana was actually was trying to propagate a false propaganda against the Mighhty Pandavas who performed RajasSuya Yagnya and was trying to gain some sympathy for himself against the Pandavas to fuel the quarrel.

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what would have u done when draupdi would hav called u as "aandhe ka putra aandha", draupdi first insulted him n his blind father.




So you are supporting and suggesting every male to undress ,make nude and rape every girl in this India and world if any one feels that the woman is insulting you or your family members or your friends.....huh???What a Barbarian thinking--infact ugliest thinking ..Yakkkkk!!!!You are suggesting an idea which is actually against the very concept of Hinduism.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...

It is one thing to like, be a fan of, and hero-worship some one - even worst criminals have their fans and there are many who like villain in any play or movies rather than the hero - but it is quite another thing to argue that the one whom one likes is holy or right or just and not evil. There is no doubt in that Duriothan was on the side of wrong, otherwise Krishna who is an avatar with the sole purpose of destroying evil and establishing righteousness would have no reason to eliminate Duriotan- rather he would have protected him if he was good is int it?


However one could interpret the scriptures in the "opposition party way" ...That Krishna was all evil and Duriodana holy,... and Rama was evil and Ravana holy .. and so on. There are people who take this opposition party stance. If one takes up this stance then of course the interpretation would be different.


Ra zious

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Dear Believer in Hinduism,


"What was King Yudhistar thinking when he put his wife on gambling? Where is the dharma behind such an act?" - Your response


You cannot justify Duriodan's bad act by pointing out Rudishtra's bad act. Can you? All that you are establishing is that both are bad and that does not imply duriodan is a great guy. If you want to establish that you should defend Duriodan ,(In law a thief when caught will have to establish his innocence, not prove that there are other thieves. You have not successfully defended Duriodan. Have you?


Ra zious

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  • 10 months later...
Guest Alok kumar

Dear friends,

Barbarik had rightly disclosed about the secrets of Mahabharat.Only lord Krishna was fighting .His Sudarshan chakra had  been pivotal behind killing warriors like Bhishma,Drona,Karna,Duryodhan Duhsashan,Jaidrath, Abhimanyu,Five sons of Draupadi,Dhristadhumna,Sikhandi,virat,Bhagdutt etc.

Krishna had not saved even Abhimanyu,five sons of Draupadi,and others.Even Draupadi was the worst looser in Mahabharat.Thus lord had given a lesson to whole society that when any lady tries to involve whole society for her own gaudge then what shall be her future?

If lord krishna had the powers to alive the dead son of UttaraParikshit) from the attack o.fBhram shir , caused  sunset like glimpses for fulfilling the vows of /Arjuna for killing  Jaidrath then he could have easily saved any of the sons,brothers of Draupadi.Other than this several misdeeds have been done by great personalities which could not be termed good in present day society

1.Was parashar right to make sexual relationship with Satyawati.? Was Satyawati right that after giving birth to illegitimate child ,she had married with Shantanu?.

2.,Was Dronacharya right for asking for the thumb of Eklavya.? Just for creating supremacy of Arjun he had commited the misdeeds.?

3.Duryodhan was right in his approach to give full justice to the talent of Karna.

4.Why persons like Bhishma,Drona,Karna,Kripacharya,vidur,Vyas had not stoped the gambling when Yudhisthir had even gambled Draupadi? why not these persons have stoped Duhshasna or Duryodhan from commiting chir haran.

5.What sort of penal action had been done when Draupadi had called Duryodhana"Andhe ka putra Andha".Whether the system had even pressurised Draupadi for calling such a harsh comment.

6.Even kunti was not a pious lady .Hence she was instrumental in marriage of Draupadi with all of her five sons.She had not even adopted Hidimba and Ghatotkach in her palace and family.The whole Pandavas have just misused the powers of Ghatotkach during the war.

7 .Karna had several reasons for his jealousy with Arjun.Arjun had killed Karna's son during the swayamvar of Draupadi

8.Thus lord krishna had even given lesson to all these persons for their misdeeds.

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