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If we are able to understand the basic crux of evolution... everything would become clear all by itself. The total phase of human life behaves in a cyclic manner... everything works like a clock. If we have day... we also have the night. We have fire... we also have water. We have a positive followed by a negative. The balance in the cosmic system at any given point of time must always remain zero except for the combined power of all the Atmans (souls) in the cosmos that is always to be treated separate.


During the time of Lord Krishna (considered an Avatar... the manifest form of God himself) who came about 3600 years before from now... it was a Kaliyuga (the metal age) as we are facing today. Similar conditions prevailed all over at that time. To uphold Dharma (righteousness... this is the shortest form in which Dharma can be defined)... God himself manifested on Mother Earth in the form of Lord Krishna considered an Avatar.


Things had to be set in order... the human life and the mankind at large was at peril... the basic values in the society had broken down. It was becoming difficult to differentiate between an animal and the man animal. It was disgusting to observe that sometimes animals behaved better than human beings. Saving the life of a master who did not know swimming and in return giving away his own life... what can we call such a dog as? This behavior of an animal would even belittle the trust the present community has placed in some saints of the present era.


In the present times and in the times of Lord Krishna the society had broken down to such lower values that even brothers and sisters turned foe. Such things have to come to a pass... they cannot continue forever. Someone... one with the power of God had to incarnate in order to uplift the society back to its original values and this is possible only when an Avatar descends on Mother Earth and gives a jolting blow to the mankind.


The turn of events during the Kaliyuga is not an easy task... it requires someone like the form of God to take care of the humanity as a whole. It is this time when someone of the likes of Lord Krishna takes care of the humanity. All are awaiting with abated breath the advent of Bhagwan Kalki... one who shall destroy the darkness of Kaliyuga and launch the humanity into the golden era. Bhagwan Kalki... the destroyer of Kaliyuga!


This Bhagwan Kalki whomsoever it shall be would be able to precipitate a war between the two fanatic religions existing today... the Christianity and the Islamic Dharma. Both believe their God... the Jesus Christ and prophet Mohammed are the only gods who are the saviors of mankind. There is no doubt that Jesus Christ and prophet Mohammed practiced and preached pure spirituality but whatever we see today is in total contrast to the teachings of Jesus Christ and prophet Mohammed.


These two communities will fight each other... it shall be a fight to the finish... both the communities would be practically wiped out after the war gets completed. Whatever remains... only that community which believes in one God and who takes care of the total humanity shall survive. Hinduism believes in the existence of one God, the Almighty Creator... aka Karta, Parmatman, Brahman, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh in Hinduism.


Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh are the three manifestations of the same Almighty God, the Creator of the universe. Brahma represents the creative energy of God... it is responsible for every piece of creation in the whole cosmos. Vishnu is considered as the preserver, the maintainer of the total system of the cosmos. Vishnu is the supervisor, the manager of the whole cosmic show. Nothing can move in the total cosmic system without the blessings of Vishnu.


Mahesh on the contrary is representative of the destroying power of the Creator. The life and death of every body is solely dependent upon Mahesh... aka Shiva. The form of Shiva has been considered as full of fire... if we need to purify ourselves internally we definitely need the blessings of Shiva aka Vishnu.


The present time is the period of Shiva... now in the coming times we shall see the dance of Shiva... the flying Agni (fire) all over. Purity has to be gained at all costs... humanity has failed itself in upholding the virtues and the Morales of the society. An external source is necessary and Bhagwan Kalki shall take care of that.


Those who do not believe that the Christianity and the Islamic Dharma shall fight out each other... they are at fault. Both the communities have been practicing a religion of coercion. They have a tendency to dictate... anything in the whole cosmos which is not of a democratic nature cannot survive for long... it has to die out one-day. On the contrary... Hinduism is the only religion in the whole of world since times immemorial that has practiced patience and forgiveness to its limits.


Ever since the time of Bhagwan Mahavira and the period when English ruled India... the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi practiced patience and forgiveness to its extreme... the onslaught of the English could not survive for long... it ultimately gave way and a free democratic India was born.


Lord Krishna was born in India... Bhagwan Mahavira was born in India... Gautama Buddha was born in India... Jesus Christ owed his complete teachings to the Nalanda and Taxila universities of the yester era that existed in the present state of Bihar, India. Prophet Mohammed also belonged to the area which was under the control of India at a moment of time in history namely Persia.


Pure spirituality flows in India like the free flow of bullets from the barrel of a terrorist's gun. There is no comparison in the whole of mankind as to the level of teachings imparted in the Nalanda and the Taxila universities of the yore. This is the prime reason why India (the present Hindustan) would not be much involved directly in the world war three.


If we think that such a happening may or may not occur... it cannot be... the society cannot continue to survive in the present circumstances when it has practically become suitable for a situation where might is right. How can a humble human being survive in the circumstances? In the system of God the rectification measures occur at the right opportune moment. Such events cannot be forced upon the society.


There comes a time of revolution... when the masses cannot any longer survive the onslaught of those in power... they retaliate with fury and in the process is born a Bhagwan Kalki... someone with the power of God himself... he has only one goal of life... uplifting of Dharma (righteousness). Einstein had rightly said that after the third world war, it shall be the Stone Age again... he knew that whatever development in science has occurred in the present would be wiped out in the third world war. He was totally right in that!


It has already been about 3600 years when Lord Krishna came... the cycle is about to come to a full circle. Again the end of the Kaliyuga (the metal age) is a must... a neat and clean society is the call of the day... all throughout the world... the humble and the meek are suffering at the hands of those in power... their patience is about to crumble... the moment that happens... it shall be the beginning of the world war three.


People like Osama bin laden and Saddam Hussein are only a means to an end. The moment I realized God in 1993... I requested of God, the Almighty Creator to take me to the frequency of Nostradamus and lo... everything what had been foreseen by nostradamus was projected in my front. Everything that was shown to me by the Almighty God based on the residual karma of the 6000 million people in 1993 was dictated to me by God in the article "shape of the world to come (1994~2006)".


From that moment of time I knew that Nostradamus and his predictions were not wrong... I had myself seen it all with my inner eyes. God, the Almighty Creator cannot be wrong... the cleansing of the society... the upholding of the moral values is the requisite of the day. How long can the society sustain in the present circumstances. The bombing of WTC using airplanes as lives missiles is something that the citizens of America are never going to forget in the times to come.


What God has in store for the Americans in the next coming years... they cannot even think or imagine... 40% of the Christian and the Islamic community would be completely wiped out from the face of the world. Americans mean USA and its allied countries including Israel. Islamic community means all Muslim dominated countries throughout the world and their friendly neighbors.


In India... there is a population of Muslim inhabitants exceeding 250 million... yet, there is nothing to fear for even these Muslims are not considered part of Islam by the Islamic countries in the Middle East... they consider Indian Muslims to be kafirs (outcasts from the religion). And this differentiates Indian Muslims with their counterparts from the Islamic countries in the Middle East.


The Muslim population in India has learnt a great deal from Hinduism... to a certain extent they also practice patience and forgiveness. Also, countries like Canada would dissociate itself from the perils of world war three and would be indirectly involved. Similar would be the fate of Australia. Yet, Australia would perish after the world war three as the rise in the water level of the seas by 10~12 feet would give rise to tremendous waves which would completely wipe out the peripheral belt surrounding Australia wherein lives the complete population.


Who shall survive and who shall be wiped out is not the question... everything in the cosmos is directly related to the karma of a being. As we sow so shall be reap... nothing more or less! It is only the practice of karma that decides our future ahead. The future of USA lies in the hands of all citizens of USA as the theory of mass karma prevails in this case. USA is not the doing of a single individual... the complete community is to blame. For the episode of Iraq it is not only the president of USA who is to blame but it is the total citizenship that has elected him to the post that is responsible.


When shall the world war three be... it is not yet certain... the moment the tormentors exceed the bearable limits of the meek and the humble... world war three shall start.


Always there to clarify your queries (send your query),



Vijay Kumar ...

(The Man who Realized God in 1993)



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There's nothing funny about that. There are people, I believe, who can do such a thing.


Of course, you may find it funny if you don't believe in God, but that makes you an idiot for thinking it's funny. You don't have to believe in God, but mocking someone for believing in God would make you an idiot.

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Person who will realize will be considered an enlightened soul. A person who goes about bragging that he has realized God certainly is not an enlightened soul.First thing he doesnot have is humility and modesty. A rather self promoting braggard.

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