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What a coincidence!!!

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These days when historians/theologists are finding connection between origins of Christianity to Budhism and Hinduism I have a very eerie feeling about the origins of word Abraham.


Abraham seems to have connection with Chistianity, Judaism and Islam and all of them have origins in Jerusalem.


If you analyze the word "ABRAHAM" and rearrange it by just shifting 'A' from beginning to the end. Even the phonetics or the pronounciation is amazingly close.


"ABRAHAM" ==== "BRAHAMA" or "BRAHMAA" or "BRAHMA" Hindu God of creation..


I don't know if it is just a coincidence or another mystery of plagiarism!



Can anybody please throw some light on this coincidence ...?


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Not only this just see another amazing similarity



Most sacred word of Hindus and Budhists "OM"



"OM" == "SHALOM" == "AMEN" == "AMIN"


Hindus Jews Christians Islam



And we all fight each other!!!

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I belivee Judeo-Christian theology says that all men are the product of Abraham & his wife, Sarah


Hinduism says that all creation is the product of Brahma and his wife is - Saraswathi


Brahma & Saraswathi

Abraham & Sarah



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Therefore the claims that Jesus studied in India during missing period of his life and learnt from Hindusim and Budhsim which he propagated later may not be entirely wrong!


Another possibilty!


"Krishna" === "Christ"


Time will prove that Hinduism has been origin to every positive philisophy in the world.



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I can see the similarity ? But how sure are we that we didnt copy them ? I mean there are the Vedas, But is there solid proof that our scripture and vedas were there before all these.

Just becasue it is wriiten in our scripts and vedas doesnt mean its that old, it could have been created afterwards and the dates fabricated ?


Iam just curious, can someone refer to any proof theory ?



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i am a christian and the bible does NOT say that all of mankind is the creation of abrham and sarha!!! man was created by GOD. the first were adam and eve then they begot kane and able. after the flood when God replenished the earth from hundreds of years in sin the earth again was filled with mankind but form noah his wife three sons and their wives! Abraham and Sarha were hundreds of years after! they in fact were the parents of the 12 tribes of Judah!

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Abraham is NOT the christian god of creation but he was created by god!!!!!

Abraham and Sarah were the parents of the 12 tribes of Judah. thus christianity and judaism! the difference between the two is that jews only believe in the old testement of the holy bible thus not believing in Jesus Christ the son of God.

Islam says that God is not intouch with man and does not like mankind. Ala which in english means God sent a prophet named mohamed to spread his message.

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actually, islam is the oldest religion in the world BUT christianty is the only proven religion in the world!!!!

check it out...anything that historians,scientist have tried to prove wrong in other religions they have been able to find the fault in them but on the other hand christianity has never been proven wrong untill this day!!!

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Jesus' days never had a missed periode the bible has everything about him writen down! the only known person in history to have a time periode that no one knows of is william shakespear(playwrite) and as you know he is no where near being god!!(LOL)

AND before Jesus was born the old testement of the bible was already writen! and that is the reason christianity was never proven wrong!!

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i am a christian im 17 but i was not always one!!!

i have studied many religions and christianity is THE only proven religion in the world! christianity has ONLY been proven real.. this is how...

science: the dead sea scrolls, wailing wall, abram(abraham in english) and sarha, 12 tribes of judah, Moses. they have all been proven factual.

history:Jesus Christ birth,death,

if you need any background info about christianity you can e-mail me at... Godsluvly1@aol.com

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Abraham & Sarah -


I wasnt saying that all mankind was created by them....i meant that in the Judeao-Christian world, the 12 tribes are what mattered most, to the point where at that time, it was considered their world. Abraham & Sarah are considered their progentars, thereby making them progenators of the Judeo-Christian world.


Islam -


Islam is not the oldest religion, it is acutally the youngest. Islam can be traced to Muhammed (6th century AD i believe). Christianity as a religion really stared one or two centuries after christ. Buddhim about 500 years b4 Christ. Judaism about 3000 years (correct me if im wrong) b4 Jesus and Hinduism's earliest protypes can be traced back some 6000-7000 years b4 Jesus.


Christianity has never been proven wrong -


Christianity's beliefs in cosmology and the world and what it is has been proven wrong many times. Starting with their belief that the world was created out of nothing by God 6000 years ago. Anyone who has ever heard of a dinosaur will automatically know this to be false. This is the reason why aetheism is taking hold among many industrialized Christian nations. Their knowledge of emperical science conflicts with their teachings from Christianity and if one had to choose one as the truth, i bet most Christians in the industrialized world would choose science.


Jesus -


Jesus's entire childhood is missing from the Bible. It says he left for Egypt at 2 and came back to the Holy Land close to some 25 to 30 years (i believe) later. What happened during this time is no where in the Bible


As for the earlier comment of Jesus learning in India, it was not In india. He learned Indian ideas in Egypt. If you know your history, Egypt was part of the Roman Empire at the time and Rome's major trading partner at the time was India. They had two routes to get merchandise, thru the middle east (the traditional way) or by sea. Instead of going all the way around Africa, Rome send ships from Egypt to India and India to Egypt, mostly in Alexandria. East Africa is a very heavily Indian influenced area, possibly from centuries of traidng with India. India sent many Buddhist monks to Egypt, considering India at the time was at the glory of the Buddhist period, where almost all Indians were either Buddhist or Jain. This is why there is similarity. If Jesus had even gone to Alexandria, to learn, trade, buy food, buy other things, anything, he would have encountered Indian Buddhists there where he can pick up their influence. He took this belief back to Israel where he preached an unconventional foreign belief. This is what got him persecuted.


Proven -


As for being proven, Christian figures have been proved to be true just as much as Hindu figures, Buddhist figures, Muslim figures, Jewish figures or any other figures. They use historical documents to prove their existance. It is only because the Christian influence extends heavily that tehy are able to "validate" their findings as true and the others as possible. If the same amount of attention was paid to other religiosu figures of other religions, then they too would be proved true. Everyreligion must be true in its history. Its only the regional people's perceptions of what happened. Its not possible that only the Judeo-Christian people knew what was going on and everyone else was stupid. This belief is itself stupid.




I dont mean to undermine ur relgion in any way. I believe in Jesus and i believe in his divinity bu i dont believe in the authority or the Chruch institution. I think they are too rigid and they tell people how to think too much. People should be allowed to think for themselves.

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{India sent many Buddhist monks to Egypt, considering India at the time was at the glory of the Buddhist period, where almost all Indians were either Buddhist or Jain. This is why there is similarity. If Jesus had even gone to Alexandria, to learn, trade, buy food, buy other things, anything, he would have encountered Indian Buddhists there where he can pick up their influence}


This is true. It was Emperor Ashoka's son and daughter who carried on spreading Buddhism in Egypt and across the world. It is also true that the majority of Indians were either Buddhist or Jains in this period (about 90%) the remaining 10% were Brahmins. I wonder how they all managed to become Hindus again, was it due to Shankaracharya?


Alot of Jesus' teaching's are actually from Buddhism and modified slightly.

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from what ive learned, Sankaracharya brought back an interest in hinduism and by setting up the ashrams in the four corners of india, he set about spreading the hindu faith. it also had alot ot do with agreeing with and incorporating buddhism and jainism into hindu belief.

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{it also had alot ot do with agreeing with and incorporating buddhism and jainism into hindu belief.}


I'm not sure about that since the Upanishads date from before and during the Buddhist and Jain period. Shankaracharya came much later and he 're-vived' the school of Vedanta but didn't invent it. Vedanta was around before Buddhism, but I think Shankaracharya had defeated Buddhist scholars all over India and won back peoples respect for Hinduism.

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but hindu philosophy did not deny the Buddhist beliefs. They agreed and incorporated, saying that Buddha was just another of the many avatars of Vishnu and his middle path was just another of the many paths that one can take to God. So there was a bit of incorporating Buddhism into Hinduism that allowed it to change so easily. But i think ur right, Sankaraacharya did defeat alot of other philosophers all over India.


I think the flip back to Hinduism also had alot to do with the environment in India at the time. THe Muslim invasions of India had just started and for the most part, Buddihsts and Jains did not want to fight back. Jains had to intention of fighting anything and Buddhists were also so peaceful that they accepted their karma and did not want to fight back. Hinduism's belief in dharma yuddha and a strong faith in God as a consious being who can help the Indians might have played a role in the re-Hinduization of India

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{They agreed and incorporated, saying that Buddha was just another of the many avatars of Vishnu and his middle path was just another of the many paths that one can take to God.}


Yes, I know about Buddha being another incarnation of Vishnu is a belief some Vaishnava sects have, but I personally don't believe that. Also Buddhism doesn't talk of God and says it's a path to enlightenment, not God. It was Vedanta that had alot of teaching which were very broad they 'overlapped' Buddhism and also had the Idea of God being both impersonal and personal which appealed to the masses.


{THe Muslim invasions of India had just started and for the most part, Buddihsts and Jains did not want to fight back. Jains had to intention of fighting anything and Buddhists were also so peaceful that they accepted their karma and did not want to fight back.}


This is probably the reason that Afghanistan and Pakistan (then India) was majority Buddhist when they fell to the muslims. They were either killed or converted. The further south the muslims went, the more Hindus there were and the more resistence they met. When they attacked the Buddhist north it was probably like a walkover.


The Gita stressed defending yourself from those who attack you so this was more practical and sensible rather than non-violence and accepting it as your bad karma. Again, it was Shankaracharya who had popularised the Gita in this period, which had largely been forgotten due to Buddhist influence. I think many Hindus back then decided they needed religion to back up defending yourself and they found it in the Gita and the Ramayana & Mahabharata.

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i dont know of any scriptures that say that. it was not something that i learned in a book, it is something i learned through society. brahma's consort beign saraswathi was something that was taught to me by my family and i think there are alot of people who believe that, right?


ive never heard that saraswathi was brahma's daughter. forgive my ignorance

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<<, I know about Buddha being another incarnation of Vishnu is a belief some Vaishnava sects have, but I personally don't believe that.>>


one must believe it if one believes in the divinity of buddha. if I am not mistaken, he succeeded in getting the animal sacrifices and over-ritualism out of hinduism by bringing about a new way of thinking. Hinduism was rigidly practicing extremism at the time, and he was letting it be known to the massses that another way can also be taken.


for this reason, he is holier than thou and me. Vishnu is God. All his messengersof divinity are incarnations. the ones indians know and venerate are the ones that are in the south asian region. we do not venerate Incan religious saints because we do not know of any and they are not part of our everyday life. But, it must be accepted that they too are incarnations of God (Vishnu). the ones that challenge evil actions and support good ones are at least.



<<This is probably the reason that Afghanistan and Pakistan (then India) was majority Buddhist when they fell to the muslims. They were either killed or converted. The further south the muslims went, the more Hindus there were and the more resistence they met. When they attacked the Buddhist north it was probably like a walkover.>>


was it so different in the south? I actually thoguht the South might have had more ties to Buddhism, Jainism and all considering South India is where we find most of that in today's India. But i guess, Sankaracharya being from the south, naturally the south probably had more believers in the hindu re-birth


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dear maadhav sir, you first stated this line,

"per bhagavatam, saraswati is brahma's daughter."

Then you asked "when did brahma marry?"


I dont understand how Bhrama can have daughter without marrying ? I have seen in numerous posts that is someone has kids without marrying they go to hell ? So is Bhrama in hell ?


Iam confused ?


Thank you in advance for your explanation,




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from nymirua. in fact vedanitic texts have metaphysics, the science of the soul, there is nothing in hinduism which has been proven wrong scientifically. the bible is neither for or against the concept of reincarnation or karma. there are statements which go against the ideas of reincarnation with the concept of the body being reborn in heaven, however other gnostic statements were made which contradict the same idea. a person cannot be selective about the passages they read when it comes to the bible - much of it is dogmatised belief. the proof is there in the early church forefathers and history of the bible. if christianity cannot be proven wrong perhaps you should research into biblical ammendments and compare it to what you are taught in your churches. gnosticism has been wiped out in order to regulate and concentrate the religion. the early christians believed in reincarnation. the nicene creed incorporated it, and yet for petty reasons dismissed the gnostic parties beliefs. there is no religion on this planet which has been tampered with, more than christianity. pick up a book called 'crucifixtion of truth' by bushby. while this book has some questionable elements, i would say the general idea is correct.


regardless, christianity is not the oldest religion in the world. hinduism is the oldest recognised religion, and before that, there is evidence of the aboriginals form of religion, which, while primitive, was a belief in higher powers of creation.

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Brahma is considered to be the creator of the world. He didn't give birth to everybody rather created them because of divine power given to him by Sri Vishnu.

If you want to know little bit more about the creation of universe by Brahm please follow this link:



Saraswati as I understand was created under similar process.


If you are a genuine hindu, please do not use derogatory word about Hindu Gods..why do you want to accumulate negative karmas in Kaliyuga which is a difficult phase for ervybody.....

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"If you are a genuine hindu, please do not use derogatory word about Hindu Gods..why do you want to accumulate negative karmas in Kaliyuga which is a difficult phase for ervybody....."


Dont try to false accumulate karma on others, you have accumulated some karma there by doing so.

In which way did i use any derogatory word ? I was simply following the logic the previous post had. He should have then said that Saraswati was a creation of bhrama whom Bhrama regards as his daughter. If thats is how it is written then we are all children of Bhrama ? As you should note in this post we are trying to identify the Origin of Bhrama and Saraswati and their relationship. You are just one of those Beuacratic Hindus, you simply cant understand logics. What you have given is whats written in books. But what we are discussing is real live persons who existed in the world that perhaps could have been Bhrama and Saraswati, as you should start reading from the first post.


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hi, on a side note, not relating to hinduism, are u a thambi by caste from kerala....im very interested in upper caste malayalee society...im kartha by caste but dont know much about how that worked in malayalee society..

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Sorry man, Thambi means younger brother in Tamil. I felt that iam younger in knowledge to everyone in this forum, so i go by the name Thambi, The one and only Thambi!

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