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What a coincidence!!!

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You have a point their, but recall that their are different degrees of God. I doubt Yama could create a new Vishnu, for he does not have the neccesary power.


BTW, do you get a lot of fundementalist Christians here, like that loon on page 1? It seems a shame that such intolerance and stupidity can exist in the modern age.


"May all those who slight us be eventually exposed to the loving light of Truth, in the hope that it will shock them to pleasentness"-Me

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One time when I went to my uncle's place (who came here 35 yrs back), he was putting a Lord Krishna's picture on the top of Christmas tree. I curiously asked what is all about. He said that he is doing KRISHNAMAS (Christmas) celebrations.


Not only that many a time I came across usage of word "KARMA" at many places.


Here is one interesting story I was been told in one of the Hindu Temple. It tells that the how top people (ancestors) globally were in consensus in following certain standards universally so far as naming the days.


The weekdays got their names from planets, the sun and the moon. Every day was dominated by its own planet and its divine power: the sun, the moon, Mars, Mercurius, Jupiter, Venus, Saturnus.


In India we were been following the same standards for generations even before we got exposed to each other (West etc).


Hindu Savior

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hinduism/India/Indians have many connections to many things.


>If you noticed the facial structure of Indians you can see it's Caucasian even though it may have darker skin. In this way, Indians are closely related to Europeans.

>Indian languages, such as Hindi and Sanskrit, are closely related to European languages.

>The Vedic sky god is Dyaus Pitar. The Roman sky god is Jupiter, pronouced Dyu-piter.

>Indra and Thor have simialaritys too. Both are thunder gods, drinks a little to much, and their main job is to kill a serpent.

>The old name for God in the Vedas is asura. The old Norse name for God is aesir.

>Indo-European... do I have to explain?

>It is also proven that almost every religion started with Hinduism! (I.E. Hinduism ---> Zoroastrian ---> Judaism ---> Christianity ---> Islam)


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  • 5 months later...

There is also an Historical Aspect for this (which got wiped off by 'Churchianity' folks methodically) ..


Christ was named after Lord Krishna (who appeared on the planet 5500 yrs ago as the 8th Incarnation of Lord Vishnu) by his family. His first name is Jesus which is for Esus ( Lord Eswara/Shiva). His family followed Sanatana Dharma like rest of the world during his time.


Even before Jesus was born 'Krishna-Mas' was celebrated. Margasira Month (comes during December) is the favorite month of Krishna (as said in BhagavadGita and other Puranic/ancient verses). In Sanskrit, Month is called 'Mas/Masa'. Hence during December it is celebrated as Krishna-Mas, which later used as 'Christ-Mas' after Jesus (as he is a self-realized soul and became mirror image of Lord Krishna).


This is also the reason why KrishnaMas/ChristMas used to be celebrated during whole month of December than just One day.



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What scripture did you read this?I have not heard of anything of this sort in any of hindu scriptures that"if you have kids without marrying you go to hell"Please enlighten me and let me know what book or religion says that.

And since brahma who is the creator of the entire world I am sure he could create a daughter right?

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Why don't you preach this nonsense to the Vaticans who is planning to send modern day invaders in form of Christians (mostly gay) priests to come and invade India again?


Christianity is based on lies created by Romans in 2th and 3rd Century. Most of the so-called evidence is made by Romans during that time also, to potray that Jesus existed. It was Romans' plot to weaken Jews and conquer the Mesotamphia region (Jews' Promised Land).


Also, Jewish beliefs of One God is sweeping into Roman society and many Romans had accepted Jewish Traditions and back away from Romans Gods. Many of this "first-born" in Roman society were captured, tortured and thrown into lions inside the Collesium. Later in the Bible (hand-written by Romans also), this "first-born" were considered as Christians and prophets and said to be killed by disbelievers (who Romans nicely turn Jews into) to hide their own dark secrets.


Why don't you read a book called "Ceaser's Messiah" which you can find on the bookstore? It has some good evidence to support Christianity is actually Roman-made idiocy.

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dear maadhav sir, you first stated this line,

"per bhagavatam, saraswati is brahma's daughter."

Then you asked "when did brahma marry?"


I meant: when did brahma marry to saraswati, if the poster says he married to saraswati. The question is not for info, but to challange the opposing argument.


<< I dont understand how Bhrama can have daughter without marrying? >>


Brahma was not born in the womb of a woman.

God taksed him to create when he was alone in the creation.


per bhagavatam, he tried/experimented different ways to create. he created from his mind. his mind-sons refused to create. shiva was born from his nose. saraswati was born from brahma without a wife.


finally brahma found an automation way to create. he created male and female from his body (manu and shatarupa) who created by sex acts.


please read bhagvatam. it describes several ways that were used in anctint time to create life without sex.

e.g. a child was created from the thigh of a freshly dead king.



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  • 3 weeks later...

<< dear maadhav sir, you first stated this line,

"per bhagavatam, saraswati is brahma's daughter."

Then you asked "when did brahma marry?" >>


I gave the clarification, but somehow it did not come on the web. So let me give it again.


I did not ask the question "when did brahma married"

to find out the date/time. I know brahma never married, and so was challenging the other guy to prove he married.

he will not be ab eto prove, so he will know that saraswati is not brahma's wife.


The question was a challange, not a inquirey.



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