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I would like to follow the path of the Hindu, but I do not know how to begin. I dont know what to do! The religion is very complex and I dont know where to turn. I would like to be a follower of LORD KRISHNA but dont know where to turn Please help, any answer or advice will be highly respected and taken seriously



Ps my email is krswiggins@


please contact me with any info about hinduism or krishna

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no matter what religion you join, you are always following 'the path of the hindu'. the hindu by scriptural implication doesnt designate the hindu methods any more correct over others, it is simply one of the many 'paths' to realisation. sanathana dharma is not a religion, it is a philosophy based on divine inspired teachings by the seers, as well as the teachings of Lord krishna.

as ive mentioned on another post, to be a hindu your essential book knowledge should be the bhagavad gita, and perhaps the upanishads. get simple versions that you can absorb quickly, and then move onto more difficult ones. it is essential you understand them, because they are esoteric by nature.

besides that, you must withold precepts of belief. dont lie, cheat, steal. stay true. be righteouss. follow GOD and dont fall into the traps of occultism or misled worship. your goal should be GOD, your goal should be uncovering the material influences of the ego, where your divine soul rests. if you are a pure seeker, there will be a strong differentiation between empty faith, and firm belief. when you find GOD within your soul, you will be transformed. just ensure you are seeking GOD, and not being absorbed by petty desires. just have pure faith, the rest follows.

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<< no matter what religion you join, you are always following 'the path of the hindu'. >>


not true.


we do not do jihad, do not convert by force, do not eat cows, consider the earth as our mother, ganga, yamuna, etc. rivers and kailash etc. mountains are holy for us.

we do not kill other cultures. we do not bury dead bodies but creamte. we do not say there is no soul in animals. we know re-inarnation and the concept of karma, etc.

these all is unique to hinduism.



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