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What is the purpose of the Hanuman Chalisa?

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How does chanting it change anything?


I was told to chant the Hanuman chalisa every Saturday because of some astrological situation.


I would like to know how chanting Hanuman chalisa helps, and also what its effects are.

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It is said that Hanuman ji is still exists in India. After Treta Yuga when SriRam went back to his abode with most of his devotees, he told Hanuman ji to stay back till the end of Kaliyuga when chanting of Gods will emanicipate human beings. People believe where ever there is Ramkatha a special place is kept for Hanumaji as he comes to listen the Ram katha.HAnuman Chalisa basically tells the lifehistory of Hanumaji. Chanting chalisa keeps away bad negative thoughts/forces as He slayed a numver of rakshas.


Balaji as is popularly called in North India and Maruti in South India. He is none other than avatar of Lord Shiva who took this form for his devotion towards Lord Vishnu when He took Ram avatar. That's why killing or hurting of monkeys is prohibited by Hindus.

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exams never go well, I forget things that I need to do which I usually never forget, I got into a car accident, stuff like that.


Negative thoughts like there is no god or that god will never help me, my life is doomed to suffering, I'll never be anything in life, I'm incompetent, I'll never succeed at anything I do, I'll fail this exam, etc. and all this time, I'll chant the Gayatri mantra, and the Hanuman chalisa. And I'll pray to god for relief from all the bad things going on in my life. But no effect.

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everyday, but bad things keep happening to me...



Sometimes children think bitter tasting medicine is bad. They don't understand the ultimate purpose of it.


If your goal is just to pass your exams, then I would suggest you study rather than expect Hanuman to pass the exam for you.


If you are looking for something higher and permanent, than hanuman chalisa will help you.

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First you should consult a doctor and enquire whether your forgetfullness is resultant of recurring migranes, and if so, go in for specialist treatment.


Secondly, you can then opt for counselling relating to your problem in studies. You may later try yoga classess, which could help you have better control of emotions and increase your concentration level.


It is said that God helps only who helps himself. You should do some effort from your own side and you will see the result. Chanting Hanuman Chalisa is good. This combined effort of practice and prayer will slowly but surely have good effects on you.


Even Rama, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, had to walk miles, climb steep hills, cross rivers and seas, and finally fight a long battle to get his wife Devi Sita back from Ravana. He could never have succeeded if he had sat under a tree meditating. He took pains and believed in God, who lead him through the right path.


It is good that you have voiced your problem and hope that all the suggestions by the forum members would help you, but for that to take shape, it is upto you to make effort and don't get upset by little failures, take them in the stride and it will make you much stronger and more focussed.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Yes, people say that chanting hanuman chalisa, gayatri mantra etc is good, keeps away negative thoughts, gives strength etc, but it is not the chanting that is important, but understanding the meaning behind what u are chanting. For example, you are on holiday in Russia, and by some stroke of luck, you win a prize or something important. People can tell u a million times come, take this, it is yours, but if you don't understand russian, then you will never know what they are saying and you will never be able to benefit from that prize. Same way, if you don't understand and deeply appreciate the hanuman chalisa, you cannot benefit from it. Also, you should not chant the attitude with the attitude that I am chanting ONLY to get rid of my problems. You should chant out of deep love and appreciation for Hanuman, and what he stands for. You should chant out of the great reverance for the qualities and virtues he stands for.

Just because it is not working for you, does not mean that it is useless. There is a right and wrong way of doing everything. A computer is a very useful tool. But if you don't know how to use it, it will never do you any good.


Hope that helps.

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Jai Ganesh



(Yes, people say that chanting hanuman chalisa, gayatri mantra etc is good, keeps away negative thoughts, gives strength etc)


Absolutely, I try and explain further on.



(but it is not the chanting that is important, but understanding the meaning behind what u are chanting. )


Yes it would be very nice if one understand it would be more beneficial. Try and understand spiritual sound vibration is very potent, anyone coming in contact will be benefited.

Valmiki chanted with faith mara yet became a great Rishi.

Ajamil called out Narayan after his son and yet was saved from yama duta.



(For example, you are on holiday in Russia, and by some stroke of luck, you win a prize or something important. People can tell u a million times come, take this, it is yours, but if you don't understand russian, then you will never know what they are saying and you will never be able to benefit from that prize.)


Nice example

But if one was ill, and the doctor prescribes some medicine, it does not matter if one does not know the language of medicine the benefit will come by taking it.



(Same way, if you don't understand and deeply appreciate the hanuman chalisa, you cannot benefit from it.)


Same way knowingly or not one will benefit, just as like taking medicine.



(Also, you should not chant the attitude with the attitude that I am chanting ONLY to get rid of my problems. You should chant out of deep love and appreciation for Hanuman, and what he stands for. You should chant out of the great reverance for the qualities and virtues he stands for.)


Wonderful are those virtues you mention but it takes all types who approach spirituality as Krishna confirms


Four types of virtuous ones worship or seek Me, O Arjuna. They are: the distressed, the seeker of Self-knowledge, the seeker of wealth, and the wise one who knows the Supreme. (7.16)

Among them the wise one, who is ever united with Me and whose devotion is single minded, is the best. Because, I am very dear to the wise, and the wise is very dear to Me. (7.17


There are no quick fixes, one has to keep taking the medicine, and it will take effect eventually depending on how deep-rooted the problems are.


Jai Shree Krishna



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{everyday, but bad things keep happening to me, and negative thoughts never leave me. I just don't see any effect when chanting.}


Among all the advice given by various members, I see that only Jayan008 has given the best advice: Go to a Doctor.


To add to his comments, I would recommend that you consult a psychiatrist. Constant negative thoughts may mean a physical condition and can be treated with medication. In the last 25 years, Psychology and Psychiatry have advanced by leaps and bounds. I don't know whether depression is a factor here, but a good psychiatrist should be able to help you. With luck, you may be cured, instead of having to depend upon medication for all your life.


Or, it could be some other simple cause.


There is no shame in going to a psychiatrist. Like chronic migraines, it has been proven these days that depression and other ailments of the brain are physical ailments, nothing to do with any spiritual factor.


Like Jayan says, Purusha Prayatna is VERY important.


Chanting Hanuman Chalisa will definitely help, since some of your burden will be transferred to an Infinite God and you will sense a lessening of the burden. But you have to work to improve your life yourself.


Most importantly, stopping to worry too much would help. You need to develop confidence in your own abilities more than anything else, if you want to get out of the hole.

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I agree with almost everything you said in response to my posting Ganeshprasad-ji.

You are right, vibrations are extremely important, and even those who don't understand the meaning can benefit.

But in the Geeta it is also written that our quest should be to find and understand eternal truth. Our purpose in life is to fully understand and put into practice the teachings of the Vedas and Upanishads. By doing puja and chanting mantras and following the ritualistics traditions of hinduism, and praying, yes, you can build up good vibrations, feel the presence of God etc. All that is Bhakti, not Gyana. Although all is extremely important in building your stirituality, it is Gyaan that will 'expel the darkness.' Ramji himself symbolized Gyaan, while Sita symbolizes Bhakti. Both go hand in hand, and to reach the ultimate truth, one must have both.


You are right, taking a prescribed medicine will cure you. But sometimes (and it happens often enough) the doctor may over-prescribe, or give you drugs with banned/inappropriate components. Having knowledge of medicine and drugs will allow you to make an objective decision about whether to take it or not. Or to reduce the dosage or not. Or maybe to take something more appropriate. (famous example just in case you want to say that that is a hypothecial example is anti-malarial drugs; the older ones are no longer effective, but are still prescribed heavily; or dermatological topical creams that often contain steroids); same way with Gyana. The action has true meaning when it is backed up with Gyana.


Another motivation for my stressing on knowing and understanding the meaning behind the Hanuman Chalisa is that lately hinduism has become superficial. People do things because they believe they have to. Or they do things for selfish motive, to better their lives. There is no real bhavna behind the action. What then is the use of it? The power of the chalisa is such that it may still benefit, but the narrow selfish mind will never recognize that.


Today's youth, and society as a whole, have lost the meaning behind the rituals. Why do we light a deeya? What is the significance of Aum? What is the spritiual vedic meaning behind navratri? All those are deep profound philosophical and spiritual questions, with deep significant and beautiful answers, that reflect our beautiful annd rich culture and religion, but who can answer them correcty? Hindus themselves have lost the meaning of hinduism. Now we only remember God whn we are not doing well in exams, when we are sick, or when we want something materialistic. Now more than any time, it is important to study our books, and appreciate our religion, not by blindly following rituals, but by knowing why we do each action. Knowledge of the action makes the action so much more appreciated, meaningful and beautiful.


"I do not want to convert others to Hinduism. I want to convert Hindus to Hinduism first."

-Swami Chinmayananda-

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Jai Ganesh


Prnam guest ji


Thank you I do agree also in what you are trying to say.

I was only trying to make a point that power reciting hanuman chalisa is not to be underestimated, and I am glad you do agree. Most of us pray to god out of fear. The fear of loosing what we posses or praying for what we lack, it does not matter eventually we will ask the right questions.fortunate are those who seek the lord with love and knowledge.


Jai Shree Krishna


I post here an analysis of Hanuman chalisa given by sant Morari Bapu I hope it helps




> DAY 1 > > Hanuman Chalisa is the most popular part both with devotees and with Bapu himself. This and three more kathas will be devoted to the explanation and analysis of Hanuman Chalisa. But in this analysis and description, I am not follow the establish tradition either of Kashi or of Aayodhyaa. I would prefer to follow the flow of the Shree Ram Charit Manas, the flow of the Hanuman Chalisa rather than any set tradition. > > Shree Ram Charit Maanas is an immensely and intensely human story beginning and ending with human beings. The human personality is a seven fold complex personality. There are seven different types of personality within us. > > 1. Shaareer Jeevi - devoted only to the physical pleasures of body > 2. Mano Jeevi - devoted only to mental processes > 3. Budhi Jeevi - devoted only to intellect > 4. Shrum Jeevi - devoted only to Karma > 5. Hridaya Jeevi - devoted only to Heart - Compession > 6. Dharma Jeevi - devoted only to dictates of Dharma (duty) > 7. Aatma Jeevi - devoted only to dictates of inner self > > To be translated into English these terms are rather difficult but we can say the persons who are devoted only to their physical life, only to the mental processes, only to their physical life, to the life of work & toile to these who live by devotion, to those who live by rules and regulation and the customs and lastly those who live according to the dictates of their own inner selves. > > Shree Ram Charit Manas itself is divided into these seven stages. > 1. Baal Kaand will deal only with birth of human being is a Sharier Jeevi Kand > 2. Ayodhya Kaand describes what happening to the mind of the people and therefore it is manojeev stage. > 3. Aaranya Kaand contains the stories of several intellectual while the > 4. Kishkindha Kaand deals with the activities both of Ram himself and of his followers especially the vanars and the bears. > 5. Sunder Kaand is the Kaand of love, devotion and human emotions. > 6. Lanka Kaand as containing Dharma. Arguing that Ravan even though he opposed Ram had his own particular type of own religion, legal, customary rules but last > 7. Uttar Kaand describes a human being who lives according to the dictates of his inner self. > > if you study Ramayan perfectly and with knowledge and devotion, A human could travel, a human could develop from pure physical self to a person who is helpful one. > > In the beginning Tulsidas Jee has praised the five major Devs, Ganesh, Surya, Bhavani, Vishnu and Shiva. Each of them is worshipped ritually and ceremoniously. But we should not limit ourselves only to the rituals and ceremonies, you are misunderstanding, you are not taking the fullest advantage of the Hindu thought. > > Ganesh is a symbol of Discretion. live a life with discretiion, that is the best way to worship to Ganesh. Surya is symbol of light. Live in light, meaning give up all the darkness (ignorance) is the best worship of Surya. Vishnu is symbol of vastness, so living broadminded is worship of Vishnu, Bhavani is symbol of Shraddha (faith) and Shiva is symbol of auspiciousness, living your life with doing good for others is worship of Shiv. > > Rituals and the ceremonies might have their own points but mere rituals and ceremonies will lock up religious thought into mere books, will make us book worms. Being a Book worms does not make you religious person. > > Religion must come into your own action, into your life, into your own everyday life. Religion which is confined to the text will ruin, it will ruin both the individuals, the society and the nation itself. > > > What> '> s the best worship which one can offer to the divine. > > Make a child smile that is all your yagna, all your pujas, all the devotion that you can offer to God. > > Shree Ram Charit Maanas also contains a long description on the Gurus and the worship of Gurus. Worshipping of Guru is not the worshipping of an individual. It is worshipping of a principle, it is worshipping of Guru as Param Tatva (Supreme Element) as the hindu call it and these Tatvas, This principle is needed in order to utilize what we get, what we expect to get from the worship of the Gods. > > Ganesh or Surya will give you all the siddhis, all the achievements, all the power that you need towards the use of it. The power the achievements will lead to ruin. Do you mean to say Raavan had less power. Do you mean to suggest that Raavan had less achievements to his credits but he had no Guru, no Guru to guide him and therefore he lead to ruination both of his own life and the life of his own society and when we say that > > In the recent past event when lots of people will feeding milk to Ganesh jee, a small child was also standing in a line and asking those who were feeding Ganesh Jee that my name is also Ganesh, I also drink milk. We need to feed milk to these living Ganeshs. I expect those who have been listening to Ram Katha for a long time to feed these living Ganeshs to ensure that Religion does not remain in books instead comes into our lives. > > we must worship at the feet of Guru, at the charan (feet) of the Guru. The operating word is not charan (feet) of the Guru, it is the Acharan (Character or Conduct) to follow so that Guru can purify you, Guru can make you noble, Guru can lead you towards betterment of self. > > One can get Siddhi (endowed with supernatural powers). In order to make sure that we don> '> t misuse the Siddhi, we need a Guru to tell us how to use it for the welfare of man kind. > > When I recently visited Brazil, someone asked me if I could convert him in to a Hindu. I do not convert anybody. One does not need to get converted. Just live your life with Satya (truth), Prem (Love) and Karunaa (Compession). > > DAY 2 > > > > Hanuman Jee to whom this chalisa is devoted has been described by forty different names. If we to collect all the names used for Hanuman Jee both in Vinay Pratika and Shree Ram Charit Maanas, it comes to exactly forty. One more point Hanuman Jeei is considered to be the incarnation of Bhagwaan Shiva and various formulation of Bhagwaan Shiva, his twelve jotrilingas, his eight very famous images, his five faces and his fifteen eyes. The figure comes to forty again but we go still further up there are very profound philosophical reasons why this figure forty might have been selected. > > Hanuman is an embodiment of humanity and each person, every person, every one of us guided and controlled by our own Anthakaran (inner self). Antakarn has been considered to be consisting of four different ingredients. The mind (mun), Chit (Consciouness), Budhi (intellect) and Ahankar (ego) Each aspect of Antakarn is ten different qualities the figure again rounds up exactly at forty. All the qualities and characteristics of each aspect of Antakarn, ten qualities of mind, ten of chitt, ten of budhi and ten of Ahankar, figure again comes to forty. So all theses may be the reasons why figure forty has been selected by Tulsidas in writing this Hanuman chalisa. > > We can get over all difficulties by using a conveyer belt. Conveyer belt of bhakti where the grace of God will take us over all these difficulties but it depends on your own self exertion. Conveyer belt will take you where you want to go but walk a few steps, take few steps on the conveyer belt so that you can arrive at your destination faster and a better person. > > We should also effort, we should also aid our effort to the grace of God but bhakti even though the easiest part is not always very easy. It requires the courage to break away from the traditions to face the society as Tulsidas did and so di> d Rohidas who violated the caste rules and ashamed the Brahmins by his own personality. > > While speaking about Rohidas, Bapu disassociated himself with all miracles and mystics and advice to depend only upon katha and the name of god to fill our mind and our ears so that we can be indifferent to the flattery of this world as well as to the abuses which may be showered upon us by the society at large. In this connection he referred to the famous incident st. francis who had nothing but the bible as his property. And he was bold enough to sell away that bible in order to feed the hungry as bapu puts it he sold the worlds of god in order to keep the word of god. > > The first chopai of hanuman chalisa is the same exactly word to word same as the first chopai of Ayodhya kaand in Shree Ram Charit Maanas. Tulsidas purposely chosen the adjective shree as Guru. Guru can be described by many adjectives, Tulsidas Jee has chosen Shree. Shree is Laxmi but not only wealth, Shree is beauty, Shree is grace, Shree is blessing. Tulidas Jee again has deliberately avoided naming his Guru when you name the Guru, he becomes a person. He is limited to one particular individual if we don> '> t name the Guru, then he becomes as vast as a enveloping as the universe itself. > > Tulisdas Jee has compared the feet of Guru to the lotus. Lotus has several qualities beauty, colour, fragrance but more than that lotus born in mud, living in water, is free from all the qualities. A Guru should be completely, totally free from all attachments of the world and all the worldly desires and only such Gurus can become the end all and be all for his pupils. As Gadhadhar experienced the total devotion to his Guru Chaitanya. > > When Tulsidas Jee speaks about the dust at the feet of Guru, it> '> s not the dust you can pick up and put it on your forehead. The dust means you walk, you follow in the same footsteps as the Guru has walked and get your feet blessed in the same way as the Guru himself has. These spiritual experiences can only be experienced, cannot be described, they cannot be explained > > Tulsidas Jee again points out that in this chalisa while describing the family of Raghu in relation to Hanuman Jee, points out that even though Hanuman Jee is not born in the Raghunath Jee> '> s family, Hanuman jee has made himself into a Raghunath Jee family by his devotion, by his selfless service, by his intense love for Ram. What Hanuman has done we too can do by devotion, by intense love, by following the example of Ram in whatever small way that we can. Tulsidas Jee promises that whoever reads and recites the chalisa will have the four pursuments at his command Dharma (duty), Karma (good deeds), Arth and Moksh (salvation). > > As Jesus pointed out that heaven is kingdom of God and kingdom of God is in the heart of every one of us. While one who wants to follow this type of analysis need not change, need not give up, need not escape from the world. Do your duty, don> '> t give up your responsibility for your family, for your society, for your nation, for whatever your doing, you need not change anything, only change your attitude and don> '> t waste all the time in criticizing and denouncing others. > > We are interested in our own self development and any body can be criticized but remember every sinner has a bright future, therefore, turn the light inwards to focus in ourselves, on our self improvements. > > This katha it is being organized as it is going to be delivered not merely as an entertainment. It is a medium for character building. It is a medium for creating a energetic, devoted, selfless, glorious individual. off course love God and pray every thing but not to beg anything from the God. Hanuman Jee is the embodiment of giving, he belongs to the class of people who are not takers, who are givers, in that is the basis of the message which Hanuman Jee & Hanuman Chalisa is expected to deliver.> > > DAY 3 > > When a person reads forty lines of Hanuman Chalisa, and if they understand it and implement it in his life then he is living otherwise he does not live, he merely exists. The figure forty (Chalisa) is four, zeros. Unless a person is able to reduce to zero, four ingredients of his life cannot be initiated into the proper frame of Bhakti. The four obstacles are > 1. Ataman - insulting behaviour > 2. Asmantaa - treating anybody inferior > 3. Abhimaan - Arrogance > 4. Upvaad - Accusation or Contradiction > > The entire purpose of Hanuman Chalisa is to dissolve your ego. We all are rather proud of ourselves, even arrogant. Now what is so much in us that we can take pride of us in front of God, in front of saints, in front of books like Tulsi> '> s Shree Ram Charit Manas. > > What are we? We are almost nothing, but having reduced to zero all these obstacles does not mean that we stop working. We must work not as individuals but merely as instruments of God. If you start doing this your ego will slowly start getting dissolved. > > Shree Ram Charit Maanas can be analyzed by breaking up the word MAANAS into four components. > 1. Ma represents Maryada (discipline) - A discipline should be self imposed discipline. The discipline imposed by others, imposed by outsiders is a bondage, it is a slavery > 2. A represents Aadarsh (ideals) as seen in the life of Lakshman Jee > 3. Na is Namarta (humility) as we can see in the life of shatrughan Jee > 4. S is Samarpan (total surrender) as exemplified by Bharat Jee. > > While having understood this is our duty to work only for everything that we consider to be our duty. We should not bother where the duty leads us. But this type of religion has to live in the present tense, it cannot live in the past tradition, it cannot in the future hopes or aspiration. As Bapu said live in today the present, the concrete, the actual life. A religion is not a religion unless it renews itself continuously and forever. > > What we need more is not the renovation of the temples but the renovation of the ideas, shading of our opinions and our prejudices. Religious disciplines, religious vows, religious practices should yield to the human value. Our purpose is to hold our human values, human emotions and human needs. > > This Katha is devoted not to the prestige of any body but in my way of expressing my love for you all. the first Doha comprising of Purusharths (efforts), Kaam, Dharm, Arth, Moksh. But even these four will lead ultimately and finally to Bahkti (devotion) which is a fruit of all these efforts.. The second Doha is a request to Hanuman for granting Bal (strength), Budhi (intellect/wisdom) and vidya (knowledge). Now strength depends upon your profession or type of work. For a yogi his strength is Vairaagyaa (renunciation), for a bhakt (devotee), it is his faith, for a warrior it is his compassion and so on & so forth. > > Here Tulsidas Jee is not merely asking, he merely exchanging. He is requesting Hanuman Ji to exchange 17 things with 3. He is asking Hanuman Jee to grant him Bal, Budhi, and Vidya and in return take away from him seventeen different things - 5 of his Kaaleshas (distresses of Life) and 12 of his Vikaars (impurities). > > 5 Kaleeshas as defined in Patanjali yog sutra are : > > 1. Avidya - Ignorance > 2. Asimitaa - Pride > 3. Raag - affection > 4. Dwesh - Resentment, Animosity, Malice > 5. Abhinivesh - Fear (Fear of death) > > 12 Vikaars (impurities) - 6 impurities of Body and 6 impurities of Mind. > > 6 impurities of Mind are : > > 1. Kaam - Desire > 2. Krodh - Anger > 3. Lobh - Greed > 4. Moh - Infetuation > 5. Mada - Arrorance > 6. Matasarta - Jealousy, Envy, Contempt for others > > DAY 4 > > For all those who suffer from the strain and the stress and the tensions of the modern life. Therefore everyone who participates in this Kathas ought to begin practicing love and help in the growth of potentialities of all the persons around us. > > > I am inviting all those talented young people to participate by coming to the stage in rotation and show their talents in whatever field they possess because we are all children of Vyas, spreading out, becoming wider, becomming universal. > > Why should we become narrow minded, selfish or dogmatic because under all the truth and the compassion, We must learn to be truthful on all occasions, to be compassionate under all circumstances and to love one & all. > > The Hanumaan Chaalisa begins then by asking for the bal (Stregth), budhi (wisdom), and Vidya (Academic knowledge). But all these three ingredients bal, budhi and vidya ought to be freed for all Kaaleshs (distresses) as it is described in the ancient scriptures and they should be free from the Vikaars (impurities). > > Bal, Buddhi and Vidya can do wonders if one uses the three ingredients for good cause as it is described by Tulsidaas Jee in the Shree Ram Charit Maaansa. How can stone float even in water? How can monkeys be ever industrious? how can ocean be so stable and tranquil?. But it did happen. It happened because there was a union of bal (Stregth), budhi (wisdom), and Vidya (Academic knowledge) on that occasion. But all these can happen with the basic condition when we are honest, honest in our presentation, honest in our thoughts and honest in our confession. Whatever we learn from others, To take thoughts and ideas from others, there is nothing wrong with it, but not to acknowledge, would be Padma Chori (intellectual theft). > > This type of transformation is not an easy process. Nothing good is ever easy in this world and to change a human being is probably one of the most difficult task that world has seen. Whoever is not devoted to self development will go on confusing himself and others by endlessly arguing, debating, discussing about the qualities of God. Let me raise a pertinent question, Is God a subject of discussion or is he a subject of devotion? Bhakti (Devotion) and Karma (action), which are inspired by the bhakti. Let me emphasize that our reason, even our budhi, must float on the ocean of Bhakti, so that we can experience what Kevat experienced in Shree Ram Chatir Maanas. > > Shree Hanuman Chalisa is an embodiment of such knowledge of such love, of such action. The legend tells us that soon after his (Hanumaan Jee> '> s) birth he jumped up to grasp and swallow the rising sun and he was wounded by Indraa in his chin. Sun is a symbol of knowledge. We can interpret this legend to mean that soon after his birth, Hanumaan Jee strived, and we also should strive, to educate ourselves that why In the beginning of Hanumaan Chaalisa, Hanumaan Jee is praised as Gyan Guna Saagar, the ocean (Saagar) of knowledge (Gyan) and qualities (Goon). Hanumaan Jee is worshipped as a leading scholar, he is respected as a great gyani-naammagar-ganyam a great lover of music and self reliant. He neither imitates nor he tries to imitate anybody. Similarly, we should never try to imitate someone other than ourselves. > > Let me give you my own example that I do not want to become any one. I am Morari Bapu and I want to be accepted as Morari Bapu. Tulsidaas Jee wrote only one Shree Ram Charit Maanas But Shree Ram Charit Maanas has produced hundreds and thousands of Tulsidaas. Hanumaan is always compared with the ocean, he is called saagar, he is always gambhir (sober) and he is beyond all praise and all condemnation. He is only a follower of Raam who changed the stones and animals into human beings. In contrast with Raavan who changed human beings into demons. > > Hanumaan Jee is sober but not somber, he is never sad. He loves singing, dancing and jumping. We all must be happy and joyful when we are to transform ourselves into spiritually to become better persons. Hindus describe even the supreme god as Sachidaa Aanand (Brahmn with supereme joy), then why should we not always welcome the joy and the beauty and the music and dancing of all types. We should never forget that Hindu temples originated and encouraged all types of art like mus> ic, dancing, paintings and pleasures of pure happiness. > > > DAY 5 > > > > If I can do it he would love to paint it, I would love to inscribe the motto > "> Love is God> "> to all the establishments of United Nations and other international agencies because God is always there, Omnipresent, in all his creations. For him every individual is a God. > > Q. If Morari Bapu were to interview anybody, what will be the question he will ask? > > A. I will never ask any question to anybody, he just listens and waits. You must wait, wait for a longer time if necessary. If I were to ask a question, I will ask only one question. Have you ever loved anybody? My advice is love your near ones and your family people first, because that is the seed from where the universal love will spring up. > > The second chopaai describes Hanumaan Jee as the ambassador of Bhagwaan Raam. (Raam Doot). There are three type doots (ambassadors, envoys, representatives) > > 1. Raj doot (Ambassodor of a Country or State) > 2. Ram doot (Ambassodor of Bhagwaan Raam) > 3. Rah doot. (Ambassor who shows us path) > > Hanumaa Jee a messanger of Bhagwan Raam. He is the representative of truth and love. He has to beyond all emotions and attitude and attribute of goo-ns (Qualigies). Hanumaan Jee is a servant. He is a bhakt (Devotee) and reflection of Bhagwan Raam.. Every representative of Bhagwaan Raam is formulated as a Raam and develops very close resemblance to Raam because he represents truth, he represents spiritual values and he represents total honesty and purpose. Hanumaan Jee therefore has incredible, incomparable, unmatched strength (Atu-lit Bal-dha-mum) because he represents the invincible fire of truth and love. Hanuman has been described as a son of wind and his speed is a speed of mind (mano-ja-vamaa) . But all his powers and his intellectual abilities are guided by his superb control over all his senses (Ji-ten-deri-yaa). He does not crush his indriyaas (senses), but he uses them on all occasions and purposes by which he can serve Raam. Crushing or repressing our body may draw public attention, it may give you public acclaim, there may be processions. Hanumaan Jee does not want, does not need, does not believe in public acclaim. He tries to increase his strength and capacities so that he can serve Raam better. > > Tulsijdaas Jee says one need not shun things in life but enjoy them and use them for the good of the spiritual progress. Hanuman has been praised as the foremost among the intellectuals (budhi-mataam vaa-rish-thaam) because Hanuman is never rash, he does not do anything without thinking, weighing the conditions and circumstances under which he has to act. Raam is his final goal - His be all and his end all of his life. For all his actions and for all his approaches for Hanumaan Jee Bhagwaan Raam is the final ended purpose. For Hanumaan Jee nothing count as much as service of Raam, and the service is all that he is interested in. Through Hanumaan, the qualities and mindsets of the ideal servants as described by both Shankaracharya Jee and Kauthliya Jee.



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Guest guest

When you chat Hanuman Chalisa feel that Shri Hanuman ji in front of you and whenever you feel negative then feel Shri Hanuman in front of come to help you and if you on place of Shri Hanuman then what you do. The basic thing that just chant the Hanuman Chalisa is not the solution just understant the meaning of what you are chat.


Shri Hanuman name is for Positive attitude. First see things by positive attitude.


Jai Shree Ram

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  • 7 months later...

Please provide your details to get Baal kand book by Ram Charit Manas. I am residing in South Delhi. If i can come to know your registered Bookshop it will be great.


regards Jitender Sharma

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Shree Guru Charan Saroj Raj, Nij Man Mukar Sudhari,

Barnau Raghuvar Bimal Jasu, Jo dayaku Phal Chari

With the dust of Guru's Lotus feet, I clean the mirror of my mind and then narrate the sacred glory of Sri Ram Chandra, The Supreme among the Raghu dynasty. The giver of the four attainments of life.



Budhi heen Tanu Janike, Sumirow, Pavan Kumar,

Bal Buddhi Vidya Dehu Mohi, Harahu Kalesh Bikaar

Knowing myself to be ignorent, I urge you, O Hanuman, The son of Pavan! O Lord! kindly Bestow on me strength, wisdom and knowledge, removing all my miseries and blemishes.



Jai Hanuman Gyan Guna Sagar

Jai Kipis Tihun Lok Ujgaar

Victory to Thee, O Hanuman, Ocean of wisdom and virtue, victory to the Lord of monkeys who is well known in all the three worlds



Ramdoot Atulit Bal Dhamaa,

Anjani Putra Pavansut naamaa.

You, the Divine messenger of Ram and repository of immeasurable strength, are also known as Anjaniputra and known as the son of the wind - Pavanputra.



Mahebeer Bikram Bajrangi,

Kumati Nivaar Sumati Ke Sangi.

Oh Hanumanji! You are valiant and brave, with a body like lightening. You are the dispeller of darkness of evil thoughts and companion of good sense and wisdom.


Kanchan Baran Biraaj Subesaa,

Kanan kundal kunchit kesa.

Shri Hanumanji's physique is golden colour. His dress is pretty, wearing 'Kundals' ear-rings and his hairs are long and curly.



Hath Bajra Aur Dhvaja Birjai,

Kandhe Moonj Janeu saage.

Shri Hanumanji is holding in one hand a lighting bolt and in the other a banner with sacred thread across his shoulder.



Shankar Suvna Kesari Nandan,

Tej Pratap Maha Jag Vandan.

Oh Hanumanji! You are the emanation of 'SHIVA' and you delight Shri Keshri.

Being ever effulgent, you and hold vast sway over the universe. The entire world propitiates. You are adorable of all.



Vidyavaan Guni Ati Chatur,

Ram Kaj Karibe Ko Atur

Oh! Shri Hanumanji! You are the repository learning, virtuous, very wise and highly keen to do the work of Shri Ram,



Prabhu Charittra Sunibe Ko Rasiya,

Ram Lakhan Sita man basyia.

You are intensely greedy for listening to the narration of Lord Ram's life story and revel on its enjoyment. You ever dwell in the hearts of Shri Ram-Sita and Shri Lakshman.


Sukshma roop Dhari Siyahi Dikhwana,

Bikat roop Dhari Lank Jarawa

You appeared before Sita in a diminutive form and spoke to her, while you assumed an awesome form and struck terror by setting Lanka on fire.



Bhim roop Dhari Asur Sanhare,

Ramchandra Ke kaaj Savare.

He, with his terrible form, killed demons in Lanka and performed all acts of Shri Ram.



Laye Sajivan Lakhan Jiyaye,

Shri Raghubir harashi ur laye.

When Hanumanji made Lakshman alive after bringing 'Sanjivni herb' Shri Ram took him in his deep embrace, his heart full of joy.



Raghupati Kinhi Bahut Badaai,

Tum Mama Priya Bharat Sam Bahi.

Shri Ram lustily extolled Hanumanji's excellence and remarked, "you are as dear to me as my own brother Bharat"



Sahastra Badan Tumharo Jas Gaave,

Asa kahi Shripati Kanth Laagave.

Shri Ram embraced Hanumanji saying:

"Let the thousand - tongued sheshnaag sing your glories"


Sankadik Brahmadi Muneesa,

Narad Sarad Sahit Aheesa

Sanak and the sages, saints. Lord Brahma, the great hermits Narad and Goddess Saraswati along with Sheshnag the cosmic serpent, fail to sing the glories of Hanumanji exactly



Jam Kuber Digpal Jahan Te,

Kabi Kabid Kahin Sake Kahan Te

What to talk of denizens of the earth like poets and scholars ones etc even Gods like Yamraj, Kuber, and Digpal fail to narrate Hanman's greatness in toto.



Tum Upkar Sugrivahi Keenha,

Ram Miali Rajpad Deenha

Hanumanji! You rendered a great service for Sugriva, It were you who united him with SHRI RAM and installed him on the Royal Throne.



Tumharo Mantro Bibhishan Maana,

Lankeshwar Bhaye Sab Jag Jaana.

By heeding your advice. Vibhushan became Lord of Lanka, which is known all over the universe.



Juug Sahastra Jojan Par Bhaanu,

Leelyo Taahi Madhur Phal Jaanu

Hanumanji gulped, the SUN at distance of sixteen thousand miles considering it to be a sweet fruit.


Prabhu Mudrika Meli Mukha Maaheen,

Jaladhi Langhi Gaye Acharaj Naheen.

Carrying the Lord's ring in his mouth, he went across the ocean. There is no wonder in that.



Durgam Kaaj Jagat Ke Jeete,

Sugam Anugrah Tumhre Te Te.

Oh Hanumanji! all the difficult tasks in the world are rendered easiest by your grace.



Ram Duware Tum Rakhavare,

Hot Na Aagya Bin Paisare.

Oh Hanumanji! You are the sentinel at the door of Ram's mercy mansion or His divine abode. No one may enter without your permission.



Sab Sukh Lahen Tumhari Sarna,

Tum Rakshak Kaahu Ko Darnaa.

By your grace one can enjoy all happiness and one need not have any fear under your protection.



Aapan Tej Samharo Aapei,

Tanau Lok Hank Te Kanpei

When you roar all the three worlds tremble and only you can control your might.


Bhoot Pisaach Nikat Nahi Avei,

Mahabir Jab Naam Sunavei.

Great Brave on. Hanumanji's name keeps all the Ghosts, Demons & evils spirits away from his devotees.



Nasei Rog Hare Sab Peera,

Japat Niranter Hanumant Beera

On reciting Hanumanji's holy name regularly all the maladies perish the entire pain disappears.



Sankat Te Hanuman Chhudavei,

Man Kram Bachan Dhyan Jo Lavei.

Those who remember Hanumanji in thought, word and deed are well guarded against their odds in life.



Sub Par Ram Tapasvee Raaja,

Tinke Kaaj Sakal Tum Saaja

Oh Hanumanji! You are the caretaker of even Lord Rama, who has been hailed as the Supreme Lord and the Monarch of all those devoted in penances.



Aur Manorath Jo Koi Lave,

Soi Amit Jivan Phal Pave.

Oh Hanumanji! You fulfill the desires of those who come to you and bestow the eternal nectar the highest fruit of life.


Charo Juung Partap Tumhara,

Hai Parsiddha Jagat Ujiyara.

Oh Hanumanji! You magnificent glory is acclaimed far and wide all through the four ages and your fame is radiantly noted all over the cosmos.



Sadho Sant Ke Tum Rakhvare,

Asur Nikandan Ram Dulare.

Oh Hanumanji! You are the saviour and the guardian angel of saints and sages and destroy all the Demons, you are the seraphic darling of Shri Ram.



Ashta Siddhi Nau Nidhi Ke Data,

Asa Bar Din Janki Mata.

Hanumanji has been blessed with mother Janki to grant to any one any YOGIC power of eight Sidhis and Nava Nidhis as per choice.



Ram Rasayan Tumhare Pasa,

Sadaa Raho Raghupati Ke Dasa.

Oh Hanumanji! You hold the essence of devotion to RAM, always remaining His Servant.



Tumhare Bhajan Ramko Pavei.

Janam Janam Ke Dukh Bisravei.

Oh Hanumanji! through devotion to you, one comes to RAM and becomes free from suffering of several lives.


Anta Kaal Raghubar Pur Jai,

Jahan Janma Hari Bhakta Kahai.

After death he enters the eternal abode of Sri Ram and remains a devotee of him, whenever, taking new birth on earth.



Aur Devata Chitt Na Dharai,

Hanumant Sei Sarva Sukh Karai

You need not hold any other demigod in mind. Hanumanji alone will give all happiness.



Sankat Kate Mitey Sab Peera,

Jo Sumirei Hanumant Balbeera

Oh Powerful Hanumanji! You end the sufferings and remove all the pain from those who remember you.



Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosai

Kripa Karahu Gurudev Ki Naiee

Hail-Hail-Hail-Lord Hanumanji! I beseech your Honour to bless me in the capacity of my supreme 'GURU' (teacher).



Jo Sat Baar Paath Kar Koi,

Chhutahi Bandi Maha Sukh Hoi.

One who recites this Hanuman Chalisa one hundred times daily for one hundred

days becomes free from the bondage of life and death and enjoys the highest bliss at last.


Jo Yah Padhe Hanuman Chalisa,

Hoy Siddhi Sakhi Gaurisa

As Lord Shankar witnesses, all those who recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly are sure to be benedicted



Tulsidas Sada Hari Chera,

Keeje Nath Hriday Mah Dera.

Tulsidas always the servant of Lord prays. "Oh my Lord! You are enshrined within my heart.!



Pavan Tanay Sankat Haran, Mangal Murti Roop.

Ram Lakhan Sita Sahit, Hriday Basahu Sur Bhoop.

O Shri Hanuman, The Son of Pavan, Saviour The Embodiment of

blessings, reside in my heart together with Shri Ram, Laxman and Sita




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  • 5 years later...


Yes, people say that chanting hanuman chalisa, gayatri mantra etc is good, keeps away negative thoughts, gives strength etc, but it is not the chanting that is important, but understanding the meaning behind what u are chanting. For example, you are on holiday in Russia, and by some stroke of luck, you win a prize or something important. People can tell u a million times come, take this, it is yours, but if you don't understand russian, then you will never know what they are saying and you will never be able to benefit from that prize. Same way, if you don't understand and deeply appreciate the hanuman chalisa, you cannot benefit from it. Also, you should not chant the attitude with the attitude that I am chanting ONLY to get rid of my problems. You should chant out of deep love and appreciation for Hanuman, and what he stands for. You should chant out of the great reverance for the qualities and virtues he stands f

Just because it is not working for you, does not mean that it is useless. There is a right and wrong way of doing everything. A computer is a very useful tool. But if you don't know how to use it, it will never do you any good.


Hope that helps.


dear devotee,


Sorry to say but it is just an argument what you have said. As you referred Russian scenario, let me add that, a doctor gives a medicine based on your ailments & if that doesn't work means something is wrong with the doctor or the medicine & NOT the patient as patient wants relief somehow. It shouldn't matter if you chant hanuman chalisa with result in mind. God should react like god only & he should be generous enough to help seeker unconditional. Please don't quote baseless examples rather guide & help seeker to get out of problem first.



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  • 2 years later...
Guest Guest123

I agree , people give lot unsolicited examples when trying to explain what God is . Hey you intelligent guys , you are not that intelligent to understand and interpret God . Dear guest - I am also not getting my answers to prayers so far although am keeping deep faith in God

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