maadhav Posted May 30, 2005 Report Share Posted May 30, 2005 Urdhva mUlam adhah shAkham asvatta prAhura vyama... The material world is a reflection of spiritual world. A man cam be compard with a computer like this: man's body is like computr hardware. man's jiva/soul is like battery or electrical power man's brain is like computer memory man's kenwledge, beliefs, experiences remembered is like computer software. just as software virus can ruin a computer's functions or other systems' functions, a wrong belief in man's head/heart can ruin man's functions or other's functions. just as a doctor can fix the body, a technicial can fix a computer. just as a software analyst can fix computer virus, a good guru can fix man's wrong belifs. i welcome other devotees to post such comparisons for the benefit of others. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 30, 2005 Report Share Posted May 30, 2005 "The material world is a reflection of spiritual world." But you are only showing the comparison of one material to another. Where is the reflection of the spiritual world ? "man's body is like computr hardware." - this is a physical comparison. and so are the rest! Man invented computer, therefore they must be some similarities between them. God created man, so does that gives us any hint there are similarities between God and humans ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maadhav Posted May 30, 2005 Author Report Share Posted May 30, 2005 actually everything is created by god. man can only re-arrange things. so, everything has some, even a bit, similarity with god. but god can create things that are not similar to him. the question open is what you mean by similarity, in what aspect? living beings have a soul in each of them. and soul is eternal just god is eternal. but no soul is as much powerful as god is. that is why god is called supersoul in vedic literature. every material also is eternal in essence. you cannot create or destroy gold, copper, silver, etc. god created them all. you (any living being) can mix them as you please, per your ability. xian usually say that god created man in his image. and you are saying, it seems, man crated computer in his image. so now whatever computer creates, is the image of computer. such argument cannot lead to any useful conclusion. god alwasy is. we (living beings) always are as the souls. materials (fundamental elements) always are. energy can be transformed into material, amd material into energy, but nether material nor energy can be created. only the living beings manipulate material and energy. a material cannot do anything to any one. a stone stays where it is (unless moved by another force). it has no desire. it has no pleasure or pain. action is a sign of a existance of living being. intelligence is a sign of the existance of living being. some things just don't happen by chance. for example, take 3-4 BBs, and throw them on a table. the chance that all of them will fall in straight line is practically zero. you may try several billion times, and it would not happen. but god can make it happen in the first throw. straignt line is an ordered phenomenon. it requires a conscious being to make it happen. that is the way to see the presence of god. i went in tangent, but hope it helps others. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ganeshprasad Posted May 30, 2005 Report Share Posted May 30, 2005 Jai Ganesh Ram, Ram Madhav bhai Re (man's jiva/soul is like battery or electrical power) man is the Soul, unlike battery or electrical power, it thinks and acts on its desires where else battery or elec. can not. Jai Shree Krishna Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 30, 2005 Report Share Posted May 30, 2005 So, are you saying that just as a computer is like materials found in the universe, a man is like a spirit? Is there any sense in what you are saying? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maadhav Posted May 31, 2005 Author Report Share Posted May 31, 2005 e.. ram ram bhai. true. the analogy could not be perfect. just as a coumputer could not have "life" without power (battery), a body could not have life without soul. you know it. we and many do say "battery is dead" when it does not give power. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maadhav Posted May 31, 2005 Author Report Share Posted May 31, 2005 it was a comparison between a man and a computer. 1 to 1 comparison. a computer model can mimic a whole business or manufacturing process of a company. while a company is alive, a computer is just material, but with power it works and does specific things. a company or a person also does some things according to the programming of his brain, and his own desires. a computer cannot have its own desires. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 31, 2005 Report Share Posted May 31, 2005 I see that you have used some of the principle of science which has pratical and theoritical proof. "actually everything is created by god." - This is a religious statement, but is there theoritical or pratical proof ? Dont give me any text or vedic reference since these are not proven. In todays world we all pray to god but we dont function as to think everything is created by god. Is the prostitute on the street created by god ? no she chose to create that profession. Did god make Osama Bin Laden to tear up the Twin Towers ? no Osama did it out of his own relationship with U.S. In terms of Science if you assume the Universe to be God, then your statement is partially true. All elements, compunds, atoms within it are created by it. "energy can be transformed into material, amd material into energy, but nether material nor energy can be created." - There are several theories that say the Universe is Expanding and its not Static. If the universe is Static then what you say there is true, since we have not experience it in the Earth does not mean we can it take for granted that material or energy cannot be created. This has not been proven is it? "only the living beings manipulate material and energy. a material cannot do anything to any one." - Do you think some livingthing has generated a fire in the Sun, and does that mean if you get closer to the sun you wont turn into ashes ? Maybe you should prove that line of yours by standing under the high noon. "xian usually say that god created man in his image. and you are saying, it seems, man crated computer in his image. so now whatever computer creates, is the image of computer. such argument cannot lead to any useful conclusion." - You dont know how to read do you, i said man created computer so there must be some similarities between them. This line i said using your original post as an information. so basically you are eventually stating your argument cannot lead to any useful conclusion ? "for example, take 3-4 BBs, and throw them on a table. the chance that all of them will fall in straight line is practically zero. you may try several billion times, and it would not happen. but god can make it happen in the first throw." - Man can put together a precision robot that can actually allign these ball on straight line when falling. Does that make the robot to be god ? or since man made the robot in the first place does that make man to be god ? But why do state god as somebody who has the power make the balls line up in first try, how do you know God has physical properties ? "action is a sign of a existance of living being. intelligence is a sign of the existance of living being." - If you look through a powerful telescope in the sky, you will see some portions of the milky way galaxy and lots of action happening. does that conclude that there are living beings ? Further more to your post, eventhough i do believe in a higher force existing above us, which could be God. But certain things in this universe cannot be explained yet, What if there are Aliens ? What about the Paleozoic era when no man was living why did it take god to create us for that long. Why was the dinasaurs ruled the earth ? And even when man appeared on earth, we were all hunters and gatherers, its proven. I myself is not trying to conclude this, But how do i believe all our vedic literature. Its doesnt fill all the gap, can god come to the earth to teach man. Why does he choses man, with all the living species here in the world ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maadhav Posted June 1, 2005 Author Report Share Posted June 1, 2005 science will never find all the truths. that is why there is religion. no one can figure god totally. even the scientists are not able to prove everything to all the existing people. There are people who do not believe man went to moon. dharma is a matter of faith. science is a subject of man's limited senses only. man's intelligence is also limited. a man cannot understand beyond his limit. dharma is for practicing than for proving to others. those who have practiced dharma, millons of them, say have benefited from it. that validates its usefulness. still one is free to not live by dharma. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 1, 2005 Report Share Posted June 1, 2005 Maadhav, arnt you an engineer, you are contradicting your beliefs with your ocupation ? Why did you chose the path of science ? "science will never find all the truths. that is why there is religion." - Religion leads us in the right path, thats all. But when you say science will never find all the truth is ture, since there are infinite number of things to discover, therefore there will nerver be and end to discovery. "even the scientists are not able to prove everything to all the existing people. There are people who do not believe man went to moon." - People can choose to believe or not but the proof is always there, and the truth is there aswell. "a man cannot understand beyond his limit." - If you were to take a 1 hour video of todays science and technology back to a man living 2000 years ago. Would he understand whats going onn. So basically man is always becomming smarter and smarter. Do you know that today we have twice as information in our head than our grand parents did at their age ? Why do you think man evolved over the years and the rest of the animals are still pretty much same, they havnt got any smarter. I use the teachings of our religion to follow the right path, But in todays world when you look at the atrocities happening everywhere your beliefs in the existence of God fades away. "dharma is for practicing than for proving to others. those who have practiced dharma, millons of them, say have benefited from it. that validates its usefulness. still one is free to not live by dharma." - Everybody benifits by practicing dharma, But the existense of God is created there for people to follow dharma, otherwise some may choose not to follow. But you dont need to believe in God to practice Dharma. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maadhav Posted June 2, 2005 Author Report Share Posted June 2, 2005 << Maadhav, arnt you an engineer, you are contradicting your beliefs with your ocupation ? >> i am what i am, but with no contradiction. << Why did you chose the path of science? >> how you know it is true? "even the scientists are not able to prove everything to all the existing people. There are people who do not believe man went to moon." << - People can choose to believe or not but the proof is always there, and the truth is there aswell. >> the same can be said about the existance of god. some just dont get it, and the vedic people have no interest to convince it to those who do not want to believe it. "a man cannot understand beyond his limit." << - If you were to take a 1 hour video of todays science and technology back to a man living 2000 years ago. Would he understand whats going onn. So basically man is always becomming smarter and smarter. >> what i see is he is getting adharmi. english language is not better than sanskrit, but still no one shows interest to pick sanskrit and cutdown english. what is smart about it? the rest of the people get stuck with english. << Do you know that today we have twice as information in our head than our grand parents did at their age ? >> even a ass caries a lot load for nothing. << Why do you think man evolved over the years and the rest of the animals are still pretty much same, they havnt got any smarter. >> it it is true, then it is because of god's will. << I use the teachings of our religion to follow the right path, But in todays world when you look at the atrocities happening everywhere your beliefs in the existence of God fades away. >> not mine or many others'. "dharma is for practicing than for proving to others. those who have practiced dharma, millons of them, say have benefited from it. that validates its usefulness. still one is free to not live by dharma." << - Everybody benifits by practicing dharma, But the existense of God is created there for people to follow dharma, otherwise some may choose not to follow. But you dont need to believe in God to practice Dharma. >> dharmas tu sAkshAt bhagavat praNitam. just as some practice hinduism/yoga without giving credit to hindus or hinduism, some can practice dharma (if they know ir right) without giving credit to God. some practice 'religion' which is nothing but adharma. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krishnadasa Posted July 30, 2005 Report Share Posted July 30, 2005 Guess the Electric current which is independent of the computer as a whole can be crudely compared with the soul. Hari Hari bol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maadhav Posted July 31, 2005 Author Report Share Posted July 31, 2005 yes, when you mean the electric power by "electric current". The electrtic current is passive energy that is channeled into the plumbings (electric circuits) of the computer by the design and will of man. So, a computer works for man per his wish (if he knows hot to use it.) The current has no free will, but its nature. While in computer, it has no freedom but to flow where allowed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krishnadasa Posted July 31, 2005 Report Share Posted July 31, 2005 for instance if one forgets all the circuitary in the CPU and just think the Comp as a black box, then we can see the basic I/p is just Electric power and the whole system start working as soon as this is given - according to its nature, meaning depending on the capacity of hard disk, type of the graphic card and many more things , and this can be related to eg: human memory and eye power ans so on. but the current which is responsible which is pervaded all over the body is Soul as the electric current in the comp. I dunno whethet that makes sense Hari hari bol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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