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Do Hindu's believe that the disabled are being punished for sins in previous lives?

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Jai Ganesh


A Hindu should not judge others but himself. He assumes full responsibility for his actions and learns to accept what ever is dished out as part of his karma. Of course it is not always easy to accept our condition.

A true Hindu will accept whatever situation he find himself in, but at the same time he is also very compensate he would not be so flippant at the misfortune of others.


Jai Shree Krishna


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{Hopefully someone will be able to answer this. I am trying to learn about Hindu beliefs. Respectfully yours}


According to Hinduism, yes. We are all born with good and mis-fortunes according to our Sanchita Karma. But just because someone is born with disability does not mean others should treat such people with disrespect. In this universe, everyone deserves love, consideration and help. Especially the disabled persons need to be helped out by normal people in all possible ways. This is the Samanya Dharma of everyone around such a person.

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Thank you for your answers. This help me a lot. Though I don't understand why some people frown on others who are blind, deaf, mentally challenged, etc. I was always taught be help and give to others who are less fortuate, regardless of their race, religion or lack of religion and seek peace with everyone and not discord. Peace to all of you.

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for one do i completely agree with BinduMadhav (i need not call u Bindu baby for u do expose some knowledge on this matter and respect for others) but i fear this will be the only time i agree with u for ur knowledge on the other concepts of hinduism (God concept) is far too low....


my two cents to Mr.Guest


true that we care born handicapt due to our previous sins and all the unexpected misfortunes occur due to previous karma but the thing that has to be remembered is that karma will only for a situation for u depending upon ur previous life...but how u handle that situation is all urs...and the action by which u handle these situations will form ur this life's karma...so accept urself as u r and try to make ur life more meaningful....what u sow, so shall u reap.


Eternal peace


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With great respect, I feel that one should try to avoid personal sleights / snipes and attacks in such forums. One may disagree with another's point of view of course, but it should be done with 'tact and diplomacy'. We are all here to learn after all and such forums give us the opportunity to learn from the wisdom and experience of others.


One definition of criticism: that which you perceive in another, that is but a reflection of yourself. (source unknown).


Kind regards,



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with great respect i accept ur criticism but on the same hand the way i delt with BindhuMadav is due to the level of intolerance this person showed on other threads.....and i would be plesed if u could qoute from my post the places where i have not been civil....u might quote the words Bindhu baby (these words were been quoted about Bindhu by someone else) but it is what he has earned....if one behaves childishly then it is the name he earns....the level of civil behavior dependes on what is being reciprocated....as i already told..what u sow so shall u reap....but do feel free to point my mistakes...it is in criticism that a person grows...

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Ganesh prasad's perspective is a Hindu perspective towards the disabled.


In hinduism, knowledge is considered as one which helps you overlook differences & see the oneness. The I is to be transformed to an I which is all inclusive of all that which is god's. This is supposed to be the state of realization one aspires through knoweledge experience.


It's unfortunate that today the knowledge is all about making discrete positions for even gods, creating differences between everything.


Knowledge today is also about seeing a victim & a culprit in everything. This is so much addictive today, that if we absorb information without figuring out who the victim is & who the culprit is, then we our tendancy is to say 'look I don't understand'. The victim & culprit addiction by jounalists & readers is more perceptive than factual, and therefore will always change with time. "Who knows one day, the world will come to believe that Jews were their own victims and nazi's were not their cultprits". If you find this vierd, then please accept that our own perceptions can operate so vierdly without any exceptions.


So on the topic of seeing the disabled as unfortunate and yourself as fortunate in comparison should all be nullified by the true sense of surrender in you. This surrender being referred here is different from the vaishnavite (or most organized religion) abused usage of surrender which is nothing but inaction and negativity.

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I think the point I am trying to make is: be tolerant of others faults (particularly in these open forum type scenarios), do not feed their (very small and essentially 'false')ego's nor encourage their childishness by giving them more 'ammunition'. One should a) ignore them - or rather ignore their childishness but (at the same time) b) lead by (constructive / instructive and inoffensive and non-inflammatory) example and hope that the misguided / immature one's somehow 'get the message'. If they don't, then they will simply get bored and move on (to another forum where they will doubtless find someone to take their bait).


Kind regards,



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very true...other persons childishness, anger, disrespect and othere uncilvil things are a bait to a person on the path of knowledge....u fall for it and u get off-line


but after all iam an ordinary human being and i do fall a prey for such baits sometimes.....


anyway that was a good post

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