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I used to love a woman very much even more than myself. I was doing reasonably well during those days (few years back). I even ignored God and was totally infatuated by her.


Then I was stuck by a phase of failures but that didn't demoralize me as I thought I still have my love/life with me. Then came the final straw..she showed her true colours and deserted me instead of standing by my side. That was a big blow.My faith in life was shattered.


I realized that this is the price I was paying for ignoring God and turned towards SriKrishna. By His divine grace slowly I started recovering mentally and workwise. I feel more confident now. I realized how futile it is to trust another human being in these materialistic world.


Only one who stand beside you in thick and thin is the God and nobody else...


Somehow woman I use to love now realized that I am again doing well and now she want to be back in my life.


What shall I do??? Nobody can take place of God in this life of mine anymore...


Any suggestion from knowledgeable visitors to this forum?


Jai SriRadhe

Jai Govinda


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omehow woman I use to love now realized that I am again doing well and now she want to be back in my life.


A friend who abandons you when you need him/her the most is the not a friend.


A friend who do not listen to your good advices and continued to follow vice is not a good friend either.


You should decide whether you want to accept her or not, no one else. Just remember ... if she can leave you once (when you needed her the most), there is no proof she will not do so again. Thread carefully.

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Thanks for your suggestions. However, she is too arrogant to surrender herself to God.


Unfortunately she stabbed me in my back in spite of being a religiously wedded wife!


That's Kaliyuga!



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Thanks for your suggestions. However, she is too arrogant to surrender herself to God.


Unfortunately she stabbed me in my back in spite of being a religiously wedded wife!


Man! That's tough. Do you have children? What actions are you going to take?


If no children, you can always divorce her (I don't see why that is against Hindusm) and if you have children, then you can still tolerate her while guiding your children toward Him.

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