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Confusion and doubts

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- if "god" has a form( person) or he´s formless.

- "if I should should pray to god who is formless or to god who is a person" - I know the end effect is the same but what is "better".


another conflict: if I worship sri krishna as supreme , how can I say to my friend, who isn´t a hindu, for example a christ, that "his" god and "my" god are the same if they´ve thought completly different things, different theories.


I never had problem with such questions regarding other ( non indian ) religions, but suddenly I´ve forgotten everything, my view and opinions. I don´t have a problem if somebody says "x" is supreme god, but is my faith correct and universal.


Once my grandfather said that all the gods and stories are just created to control the mind and then realise the ultimate truth. -> should a give up worshipping sri krishna and search for "the ultimate truth", or is he the ultimate truth.



probably I should carry on like before with BG and let these questions beside as the get solved with time.


hare krishna

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<< if "god" has a form( person) or he´s formless. >>


god has no limitations.

krishna says that the sadhan aof the formless, impersonal is difficult, while sadhana of a bhakta is easy.


<< - "if I should should pray to god who is formless or to god who is a person" - I know the end effect is the same but what is "better". >>


per, krishna in gita, sadhana of the form or krishna is better.



<< another conflict: if I worship sri krishna as supreme , how can I say to my friend, who isn´t a hindu, for example a christ, that "his" god and "my" god are the same if they´ve thought completly different things, different theories. >>


you say this: god is ultimately one. for us hindus there is no my god or your god. but the the source of infor about the god for us is the vedic literature, which is for all the people of all teh times and places, and for xians, it is bible. gita and bible have different mmessages. rather than shy away from telling the truth, say it truthfully that you like gita and its mesage than bible. because he is your friend, he should not get upset with you. if he has questions, invite him here, and we can talk, if you find it difficult to talk with him.


<<.. but is my faith correct and universal. >>


you practice it and you will know it.

read gita, and you will now it.


<< Once my grandfather said that all the gods and stories are just created >>


no offense to your father, but he is missing the mark badly.


<< should a give up worshipping sri krishna and search for "the ultimate truth", or is he the ultimate truth. >>


god is sat, chit, ananda

he is the absolute truth also.

or you can say the absolute truth is only his aspect.


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1. god has form? formless? better?


the answer to this is very paradoxical, which may be the reason why many find it hard to visualize and udnerstand. psychology tells us that which is visualized is the easiest to comprehend. god is both, form and formless. the entire universe, all matter, and all space for a limitless amount of distance in every direction is the form of god. that is the physical body of god. beyond this, god can come in any form. to say no is to place limits on his power, which contradict the definition of god. He is also formless in the sense that he is the consiousness of that phyical existance.


the best explanation of god that i find is Satchitananda. Sat is being. He is everything, in every form, beyond limiations, existant everywhere at everytime. He IS the concept of being. To be (anything) is to be god. Chit is consiousness. He knows all, past, present future at all times and nothing escapes him. He is pure consiousness and every being that is born with consiousness is born with a fragment of god's knowledge. if we could hypothetically put all the knowledge of all the people together, we would have a small fraction of all that god knows. God is Ananda, pure bliss. Always in a state of trancendental bliss, never happy, never angry, never upset, never having any emotions that waver from the perfect equilibrium of peace and bliss.


This is the only true form of god. all others are aspects of god. Satchidananda is true god. Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva are aspects of god. Which is better depends on you. Whichever god you follow, as long as you adhere to dharma, will lead you to a good path. Thats why some people have ishta devams, they choose who they want. If you worship Krishna and worship him properly, good things will come. If you dont, Krishna will not be mad at you.



As for your friend, explain what you believe. Do not have fear, do not be ashamed. God is one and is the same god that rules over all people on this planet. Differnet people call him by different names and worship him in different forms. Many dont see this as true, but thats because especially with semitic religions, its almost like a competitioon to spread their beliefs and get more followers. the one with the most wins. thats not what religion should be about. its not about winning a competition, but finding truth and peace.



krishna was the ultimate human, godlike in every way, therefore he is considered by many to be the closest to god that any human can be.


God is the ultimate truth, for truth will lead you to the truth of existance. the truth of sat. The truth of understanding chit. The truth of finding ananda. This will lead you to god.


Therefore, if Krishna is god in man's form, god is the ultimate truth and you search for the ultimate truth. Then you will find god and truth in Krishna, again its up to you if you choose to worship him.


Persoanlly, i do believe in Krishna's divinity, buti dont worship him as my #1 because i choose to wroship parabrahman, satchidananda. This is my personal belief and god willing, He will bless me on my journey for truth. You can choose your path and god willing, He will bless you on yours as well.

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