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God is poccessed of Form and Is Formless

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Reminds me of a debate I had with a Muslim in another forum. This Muslim woman told me that Muslims worshipping the True God (and others, including Hindus weren't) because Muslims didn't make any statues, form etc to symbolise God. I said that is false statement.


When a devotee picture God like this and that, he actually making forms for the God. God is merciful, he says ... WHY? Because he believes God is merciful. God is loving, he says ... WHY? Because he believes God is loving.


When a devotee makes various definations of what God is like, he is making "mental image" of God in his mind and thus, he is an idol worshipper (for worshipping something man-made).


So, by this context, EVERYONE (including Muslims) are idol worshipper.


WHY do you think Muslims fighting against Hindus and claim they are idol worshippers? Not because Hindus are evil, because Hindus do not agree with Muslims' defination of God. They say God is like this and that and if you don't agree to that, you are an infidel who is against God.

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To have little intelligence to understand this subject. But many don't and can only percieve of impersonal aspect as Supreme, they don't have the capacity to understand that God can be Personal poccessed of Form, which is Sac-cid-ananada, Eternal, Blissful and Full of Knowledge. That is why 'Hindus etc, or Vaishnavas are riduclued. But then Impersonalists still have a long way to go, they run after sense gratification more than most people. Many Muslims have desire for heavenly pleasures they have NO idea what Loving God is. I am sorry to say.:(

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{WHY do you think Muslims fighting against Hindus and claim they are idol worshippers? Not because Hindus are evil, because Hindus do not agree with Muslims' defination of God.}


Exactly. They hate us because we don't share their views and we are the opposite of what they are. But it is also true that Muslims do see Hindus as idol worshippers that should be converted or killed. Their prohpet waged war on idol worshippers and destroyed their places of worship. Thats why when the muslim invaders came to India, they were following the koran and the actions of Mohammed.


Just a question. Isn't it the reason Hindus make idols in certain forms is because yogis and sages had divine visions of the forms of God and told their followers what they saw? Or is what I was told by a Hindu swami the truth that God is really formless and all these forms are inventions of sects/cults?

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Thats why when the muslim invaders came to India, they were following the koran and the actions of Mohammed.


Talibans are true Muslims as well, destroying idols in their own land (unfortunately, that includes the Bumiyan statues) as stated in Islam.


You will see Muslims nowadays proclaiming that Muslims are not following Islam properly ... this is a Lie. Muslims who claims such actually too embarrassed to see their religion (which in the past is unchallenged except for Christians) potrayed as barbaric and outdated.


You must remember, there is two type of Muslims - one who convert you openly (by force if necessary) and another who convert you silently (even by using marriages, bribe etc).


Muslims who speak softly, are those who are changing tactics from violent conversion to much softer conversion, including by corrupting Hindusm and equalizing Hindusm to Islam and then stating Hindusm is outdated and Islam is the latest "thing".


Isn't it the reason Hindus make idols in certain forms is because yogis and sages had divine visions of the forms of God and told their followers what they saw? Or is what I was told by a Hindu swami the truth that God is really formless and all these forms are inventions of sects/cults?


I go with the Yogis having divine vision. Many of the forms Hindus have now comes from mental picture of what Gods look like and what are their function are.


I mean ... is it easy to pray to a God who has no form, no name to address to, no "home" to direct to (since he is everywhere and nowhere at same time), no equal and such?


It maybe true with God but unfortunatelly, humans are limited in his boundaries and needs something to focus on. Forms are something which you focus on.

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Indian IncomeTax Act used to give tax benefits for building temples within factory premises as it motivated workers to perform better and encouraged their mental well being. Muslims wanted similar benefits for building mosques within factroy premises, however it was rejected on the ground that after praying for 5 times in mosques when will be time left for work.


LOL /images/graemlins/smile.gif))))))

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