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What if there is NO prophets?

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I was thinking about prophets in Christianity and Islam when a question pops in my mind.


What if the so-called Prophets in Christianity and Islam are not prophets (messangers) send by God but men who proclaim themselves as such?


When Hebrews were in Egypt, they pray to God who ordered Moses to bring them out of Egypt and to the promised land. But Moses was not a great man himself, he was a fugitive who ran out of Eygpt after killing a man (even so in self-defence).


God already chose Moses to do the job and fine, Moses lead them to the promised land and Israel was formed.


Question now is ... WHO gave authority to others who came after Moses and proclaim themselves as Prophets? Except for Abraham, everyone else was sort of selfish SOBs for doing their own things and proclaiming it is will of God (just like some terrorists does so now).


There is no proof that anyone other than Moses ever came by authorization from God. Muhammad himself didn't do any miracles and many time injured and lose battles.

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Moses was instructed by God?


Prophets are only people that will make a certain turn of events actually happen. Prophets are born before the actual birth of the person. The concept comes from a people going through hard times who attribute the good things/change that theyfeel will come one day to a phrophet who will allow those things to pass. There will always be prohpets, so long as there is suffering in the world.


However, they are not special people instructed by God. They do their actions the same as we do. They play their position in life just like every single one of us. Only difference is their's is proclaimed as more important by society at large. Thats how prohpets come into being and pass into legend.

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Logic of course.


Hebrews prayed to One God while others around them took their kings as Gods (same way people were ordered to by Hiranyaksipu, by the way).


Hebrew prayed to God for deliverance and God send Moses into the Pharoah's household as his adopted son (again, VERY similar to Phalatan and Hiranyaksipu, EXCEPT Pralathan was his actual son). Moses ran out of Egypt after killing a man and when he reached the age of 40 years old (maturity), he was instructed by God to go back and bring out the Hebrews out of Egypt to the Promised Land.


Moses went, did as he was told and lead the people to the Promised Land. And in order to prevent the people from going astray, Moses instructed to come up to see God and get the Laws of Moses from God in Mt. Sinai. After the laws is passed down, Moses's tasks is over and the Laws of God is passed to the Hebew. There is no indication or instruction stating the Laws of Moses was imperfect and need to be added onto.


So, where does all this other, so-called prophets of God comes from?


It is people who falsely claims themselves as messangers of God who come and add their own accounts and laws into the Laws set by God.


Christianity for example had made unclean food clean to be eaten, broke ALL the Moses's Laws and made images of "God" in form of Jesus.


Muslims came, add fuel to the fire by present their own Laws, religions and followings accordance to Arabic Tradition. They made Muhammad as "indirect God" by forcing the devotees to follow his ways (and not God's instructions as accordance to Moses's Laws).


Muslims broke Laws of Conducts by waging war, and then use the corrupted Bible to state they are following examples of madmen who calls themselves Prophets before them. Muhammad fooled them into making all sort promises of 72 virgins in heaven and such, which is unheard before.


So, logically speaking, there is NO prophets after Moses, and even Moses cannot be called a prophet because he DID NOT prophecy ANYTHING. He followed God's instruction, delivered His people to the Promised Land, delivered His Laws onto them and died as a successful man who did his work.

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u use is the same logic that can make muhammed a prophet, or jesus, or anyone else.


what evidence is there that moses is a prophet different from other proclaimed prophets? just becuase you said so is not evidence. just because people have believed that for 3000 years is not evidence.


moses is in the same boat as any other so called prophet

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moses is in the same boat as any other so called prophet


Nope ... Moses is not same as Muhammad or Jesus. His "prophethood" (if it can be called such) HAD a purpose. Jesus's and Muhammad's "prophethood" served NO purpose whatsoever.


Existence of Jesus is unproven ... there is NO proof whatsoever that Jesus exists, other than some lunatic making self-proclaim records from Vaticans and so-called Puranas.


Taking out Hebrews from Egypt IS a historical fact which occured around 3100 B.C, so is the "Great Flood" in 4,600 B.C and the fact that Hebrews settled in Mesotampia around 200,000 years ago, from which some of them ventured to India and become the dark-skinned brethen there. All this is proven. Yet, there is No proof of Jesus existed.


As for Muhammad ... what purpose Islam served?


Muslims claimed that the world was in dark-ages before Islam, yet History proved it otherwise. Dark-skinned Africans were not living in sinful state, they actually had city-states (as found in placed like Kenya and Zimbabwe by later archologists). They had their own culture, heritage and beliefs.


Jews and Christians lived side by side and there were peace between them. There was peace between "People of the Book" (as Jews and Christians were known then) with Arabic people and trade and treaties were signed and honored.


Trade existed all the way to India and Buddhism came all the way to Afghan by evidence like Bumiyan Statues, and even could have reached Arabic worlds.


So WHAT was the purpose of Muhammad's prophethood? None ... there is no reason for God to send Muhammad (or anyone else for that matter) to correct ANYONE. Sooner or later, Buddhism and Hindusm could have come and provided their knowledge and wisdom to them and it was only matter of time.

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