Guest guest Posted July 29, 2005 Report Share Posted July 29, 2005 All that exist is divine. Caught in the illusion of ego, we do not realise it. Krishna did and pointed it out to Arjuna. That is why he said surrender to me. The notion of demigods are objects of desires. Krishna is the self, the paramatma, the one without the second. If that being the case, then there cannot be Siva and Vishnu and brahma and Me or you, but only 1. so friends if it pleases you to call yourself, Siva and praise him, continue to do so. If it pleases you to call yourself Krishna, continue to do so and the Krishna within will manifest. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sephiroth Posted July 29, 2005 Report Share Posted July 29, 2005 The notion of demigods are objects of desires. Sigh ... Another one. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif Why is it some people against Demi god worshipping? Are they Christians or Muslims in disguise? As it was pointed out dozens of times, Sri Krishna is NOT against Demi Gods worship. The Gita doesn't state so. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subham Posted July 29, 2005 Report Share Posted July 29, 2005 Hari OM: i think your statement is close to Advaitha, however one point not clear to me in Advaitha:- "All that exist is divine. Caught in the illusion of ego" How Divine is Caught by illusion? Do you have any possible explanations here? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2005 Report Share Posted July 29, 2005 If you try to understand God by all your own means, instead of appraching Bhagavatam, then you will think God is like this or that. You can't understand Supreme by thinking 'oh one day I will stumble accross who Supreme actually is...' IF you think YOU are God, then you have no chance in 'hell' of knowing God is, because your just being deluded by His external potency Maya! Read: Gita and Bhagavatam [esp Bhagavatam]. Then you will see the position of servertoship is more relishable than anything else you can concieve within your mind. Sripada Sankrachrya taught this for less inteliigent class of men. But right now people are much more open to the fact that they are def. Souls and spiritual. Before everybody became Buddists, then the only way to get them back on track to Vedic Culture was to tell them all YOUR actually GOD!. In this way they were convinced, and many realized the very 1st state of self-realization. *[brahman]. Krishna says in Gita that, He is the spread throughtout the creation by His impersonal aspect *[brahman]. So obviously this is the first part of understanding God.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2005 Report Share Posted July 29, 2005 God is in you. God never said he is not in you. So everything is God. why confusing? the confusion is just you have read lot of things and assuming that God is somewhere outside you. that is the pity of our mind which thinks he alone can understand god in some specific way and God is somewhat superman.....yes he is superman but you are the part of superman. God says you are me and I am you don't find me somewhere. open your eyes and see me everywhere. and you are in me only. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2005 Report Share Posted July 29, 2005 Gauranga! Where does God say He is You? First you said God said this or that, then you say God said somehere this Your basically hearing your own mind. I think your crazy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2005 Report Share Posted July 29, 2005 Krishna says we are His seperated parts are parcels in Gita. Jiva-tattva. If God doesn't reveal this secret then we can only speculate about 'who is god?'. That won't do us any good, in fact it will wste much time and energy. Better apporach Gita with reverence, and try to understand Krishna words, He is speaking about Himself in Gita. Serve Him. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2005 Report Share Posted July 29, 2005 Krishna Works Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2005 Report Share Posted July 29, 2005 God is just in you. and you are God. don't keep him away. this is simple. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2005 Report Share Posted July 29, 2005 no friend i can't create a universe. but yes i have universe in me. See God in all. never give God a position. above all.if you start giving position to Gods then you are public . if you see him among you then he will be you. he needs love. not a position. you need love or position friend. just imagine when you can decide this small thing. you will know what god needs. krishna will reveal you in your heart but you are not giving him your heart . telling you want to a bird with soul. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pankaja_Dasa Posted July 29, 2005 Report Share Posted July 29, 2005 Still doesn't mean you can create universe. And just saying your God doesn't prove to me or anybody else you are God. Just because God is within your or outside doesn't mean yoru are God. Ever heard of Brahma realization? Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu who appeared 500 years ago in Mayapura, India. Propagated the doctrine of Achintya-bheda-bheda-tattva. - Bg7.8 Purport- `Therefore Lord Caitanya established His sublime doctrine: acintya-bheda and abheda-tattvam—simultaneously one and different. The light of the sun and the moon is also originally emanating from the brahmajyoti, which is the impersonal effulgence of the Lord.` Also think about the Kindom of God. You need to be 2 persons. You and Krishna. You cannot love somebody if you are actually that person! There has to be individuality. If your goal is to merge into exsistance of Krishna [brahmajyti] His effulegence. Then that is another thing. That means your Goal is not to actually love Krishna, but you want His position. Which is not in any scripture. Gita Krishna says, He Is Supreme. Bhagavatam say Krishna is Supreme. We are His servants. ! I hope that is clear. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 30, 2005 Report Share Posted July 30, 2005 Nicely said dear friend, but how can you separate God from yourself. Bhagawath geetha is the text. and you have to follow the text inside you not outside. yourself you are in battlefield and god himself is there to explain in you not somewhere sitting and watching you. clear your mind you are still in the scriptures. make your mind clear. your heart will be filled with krishna conscious where krisha resides. that is what meant by you and krishna are one. you separate krishna from yourself and pray to him. krishna will make your understand this.who is in you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pankaja_Dasa Posted July 30, 2005 Report Share Posted July 30, 2005 What you said in Gita or Bhagavatam? If I an God am not seperate this means there is no individual exsistance, and we cannot fall from Heaven, Brahajyoti etc. Your claim that we are once means, we are all like a river as one. But Krishna says, in Gita that our individulaity will continue in the future. Krishna don't interfere. If your reffering to love that's different, you can feel oneness in this. I want to ask you, do you believe Krishna when He says He is apart from this creation as though situated as one? If not then you cannot be following Krishna.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pankaja_Dasa Posted July 30, 2005 Report Share Posted July 30, 2005 Some verses which Krishna spoke- Please read this verses carefully and listen what KRISHNA is saying, not what your mind is telling you to say- Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be. Bg.2.12 Previously Arjuna says- O descendant of Bharata, at that time Krsna, smiling, in the midst of both the armies, spoke the following words to the grief-stricken Arjuna. Bg.2.10 Then Krishna says to Arjuna most unbelievebale thing- The Blessed Lord said: While speaking *learned words*, you are mourning for what is not worthy of grief. Those who are wise lament neither for the living nor the dead. Bg.2.11 So Krishna condems Arjuna for speaking like this, Krishna says never was there a time etc.. when you did not exsist, nor in future shall cease to be. So Krishna clearly says this. If you WANT to believe Krishna that is great. If not then you are following the dictations of your own mind. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pankaja_Dasa Posted July 30, 2005 Report Share Posted July 30, 2005 God is just in you. and you are God Krishna says- amsah—fragmental particles; Bg.15.7 The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind . ____ So Krishna is God, [Param Brahman] and you are Brahman. There is not much to it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maadhav Posted July 31, 2005 Report Share Posted July 31, 2005 yes, but with some discrimanating thoughts. a man who comes to rape you mother in your home is not god. he must be killed instantly. would you agree? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pankaja_Dasa Posted July 31, 2005 Report Share Posted July 31, 2005 But good point dear Madhava. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 1, 2005 Report Share Posted August 1, 2005 Om Guruvaye Namah All that exists is God is an Advaitic notion. If that being the case, how can there be illusion ? How can Atma be subject to illusion ? This is the point that Sankara was making. The phenomenal world as perceived by the senses is unreal but real in the sense it is prevaded by the formless brahman. Now in the vedas , it is stated that Brahman sacrificed himself to form Man. That is symbolic, Brahman did not disappear nor become many parts.He is still one. Brahman created the illusionary world with Maya and it's various laws so as to help the atma know itself. The process of knowing is spirituality and the realisation is moksha and that is pure joy. That is the reason for creation. So that Man can realise his true nature and that can only be realised within the realm of Maya.For only within the realm of Maya is there duality and from that duality does Man go about realising his Unity. So the illusion/Maya is a tool. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 1, 2005 Report Share Posted August 1, 2005 To Chiatanya Mahaprabhu, Radha, Meerabai, Saint Augustine, the notion that they are divine is not functional. The bhakta and the object of worship has to be different for there to be a relationship. In bhakti marga, there are numerous such relationships. Friendship- Sudama, Servant- hanuman, Mother- Gopala, Yasadha, baby Jesus-Mary etc. God can also be worshipped as lover, father etc depending on the gunas of the bhakta. That was what Chiatanya Mahaprabhu was emphasizing.That is the fastest path to God i beleive but it creates intolerance when everyone thinks their object of worship is supreme. It is natural to have such feeling when one has such prema for the beloved. It is only gyana which allows one to descriminate that "That which exits is One, Sages call it by various names " In bhakti marga, one is the ant and sugar is the beloved.The ant does not want to be the sugar, it wants to enjoy and taste the sugar.Which goes back to my intial mail,sugar can only be tasted by that which is not sugar. so for a while the bhakta enjoys Bhagavan> In reality, it is the Bhagavan who enjoys Himself through the bhakta. Later, the Bhakta realises his unity with the Bhagavan and he enjoys bliss and that is Moksha. Which is better is not the right question. Krishna says both jyana and bhakti leads to Him..aka Brahman, but in Bhakti there is ecstasy, prema and rasa. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 1, 2005 Report Share Posted August 1, 2005 There is a beautifull story about Narada and Krishna. Naradha wanted to experience Maya and thought that he would be unaffected. Krishna said, go and get me some water. naradha did more than that. He was attracted to a maiden, married her and father children. Later a flood came and he lost all including his family. As he cried out to God. Krishna whispered...Narada where is my water ? Then Naradha realised that he who thought was his wife, sons and so forth, all such relationships are temperory. there are numerous egos in the world, fm George Bush to the rickshaw puller to the prostitute. All the ego's(i) are false, but that which is enables the ego, the creative force is the Atman, that is God. There are no victims in the world nor are there victors. The same line was expounded by Krishna. There are neither victors nor vanquished, for the soul does not perish nor is it born. That being the case, allow the universe to unfold as it is and do what we have to do in a spirit of equanimity. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 1, 2005 Report Share Posted August 1, 2005 It was Ramana Maharishi who said thus: The greatest mystrey is this: That we being Reality still seek Reality..Once you understand this statement you will understand what i had stated. Brahman is not without, but is within. Once found within, he can be found without. Iswara is different. He is seen as Brahman with attributes-Gunas. And it is Iswara that most religions indicate when they speak of God. Both are equally valid, but the concept of iswara is limited by one's own gunas. Brahman however is outside the scope of gunas. The bhagavada speaks of God's gunas. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 1, 2005 Report Share Posted August 1, 2005 Dear Sephiroth, You have misunderstood me. For one who worships a God with love, then there is no Demi God, it is his ishta. A demi God worship is so for specific gains. There is no injuction against this in the scriptures. I have not said either.Hope that clears up ur misunderstanding. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pankaja_Dasa Posted August 1, 2005 Report Share Posted August 1, 2005 But if you think your right then nice. Long as your reading Gita. I am glad you admit Iswara is with Gunas. Brahman as Krishna says in Gita is without qualities. And as you stated above beyond scope of the senses. Krishna admits this. And says to Arjuna that for those who are trying to understand ME through Braman Realization have a hard time. But those who are attracted to the personal form of Krishna, advancement is fast. It's right there in the Gita. People choose not to see it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sephiroth Posted August 2, 2005 Report Share Posted August 2, 2005 You have misunderstood me. For one who worships a God with love, then there is no Demi God, it is his ishta. A demi God worship is so for specific gains. There is no injuction against this in the scriptures. I have not said either.Hope that clears up ur misunderstanding. In Gita, it is said that there is three form of people who worship demi-gods : 1. Materialistic people. 2. People who seeks Knowledge 3. People who seeks God. Both 1 and 2 can be considered as materialistic values, yet God still gives it to them who seek it. HOW they use it later depends on them - which could promote good or bad karma. In this context, if a person gain power of black magic YET he follow ways of Dharma and use it for beneficts of others, he will receive good Karma. Use of astram (magical weapons) is one of such example, where Rules of Combat is followed when using Astram. And same goes for White magic. If a person gain white magic (which is for healing and defense) but use it in adharmic ways, it will cause bad karma and may bring destruction to the user. Do you remember the story of Phalatan and his aunt (King Hirankyasupu's sister, I forgot the name)? She obtained boon of invurneability from all sort of fire (from Agi Dewa) and tried to use against Phalatan, only to have her boon protect the boy and burn her to a crisp. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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