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I believe in String Theory, it is state that when a person breaks deep into Atoms to its lowest structure (I believe its called Quark), they will find energy in form of "string", similar to DNA strains which makes up our body.


Not sure ... it has been a long time since I have read about them and Physics ain't my best subject (either is Maths for that matter).


Anyway, "energy strings" within the Quarks which makes up the Atoms is very much similar to DNA strains within our body, that much I could say.

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but the string also vibrates between other dimensions.


Anyways, AUM is considered to be the vibration spoken by the lord, which created our universe. Similarly, the string theory says that the universe may have been started by a single vibration. And the entire universe lies on the brane of this string.

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Just remember ... Physics ain't my strong point, either is Maths. I speak from what I know, and I do know a bit on Theory of Relativity.


but the string also vibrates between other dimensions.


Yeah, heard of it also.


Matter a fact, in one of shows in Astro Channels (our version of Cable Network), there had this show called "Freethinkers" (if not mistaken). One of this professor-type was speaking about String Theory (and no, didn't understand him either).


From what I could catch (and I speak based on my own understanding here), he seems to potray that space is actually a large net. Planets are like a tennis ball, dropped onto this net in one section and sank into the place due to its own weight.


The Planets do not go outside their position same way tennis ball do not go outside their place. So sun, moon, planets and such are revolving around their own paths.


Now, if you look at the space (or reality if you will), each portion of them consists of energy in form of dark matter which like the net, holds everything together.


And same way as a single strain of net cannot hold a ball, string inside of an atom cannot hold matter together by the size of a Planet, BUT combination of a large amount of strings could tied down a Planet and revolve it around its path. Those "strings" are what exists within Quarks in atoms.


Anyways, AUM is considered to be the vibration spoken by the lord, which created our universe. Similarly, the string theory says that the universe may have been started by a single vibration. And the entire universe lies on the brane of this string.


I remember the Creation Myth from Hindusm. According to it, when the Universe was about to be born, the Lord blew His cronch shell and the 1st sound was OUM.


Now, if we have a large amount of matter and also a large amount of energy in a condensed form, we could apply the energy to the matter and spread it thin.


The original energy which descend from Him could be in form of Aum and this will make forms from matter as He adjust the frequency and amount of energy given.


Question will rise - CAN Sound effect Matter? I say Yes ... Sounds which has right pitch could crack Crystal glasses, deliver messages, cause vibrations and so many more in matters. So why not form, maintain and destroy Planets?

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