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What do you think of the people who say Hinduism is Satanic.

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Compare India's history for the past 1,500 years to European History for the last 500 years (both during Golden Age and Decline of their religions) and compare it.


IF Hindusm is created by Satan, then ask them WHICH nation prospered more and WHY.


You can run a search on demons and find details stating that early Christians actually believed that Knowledge was brought in by Demons who used it to tempt Christians away from Christianity.

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Ask them who created satan (excluding the holywood make up artiste and authors)


It's easy to argue with creation-obsessed freaks. Cool it. Just go on on a questioning spree something like 'And then who created those guys'

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Hare Krishna,


I just found this text book on the sidewalk, called The Well-Crafted Argument.

In one chapter, there are examples used as excercises, please allow me to offer portions from this to give brief samples if it might help,


"To say that Christianity is scientifically unsupportable is not to say that scientists must be atheists or hostile to religion, nor that theology is logically incombatible with every cosmology."


and then...


"At present the religious right does not see science as its true nemesis but rather as a tiny band of secular humanists, satanically inspired of course."



"Since all the religions of the world are validated in at least part by the experiences of their devotees, what is the evidentiary nature of these experiences relative to the truth of a religion in general or to any of its seperate doctrines?"


and more...

"...the church has always represented Christianity as the religion of and from Jesus,

but it is not the religion of Jesus. That religion was Judiasm, the religion he shared with the original Jurusalem church (Acts 21:17-31). Nor is orthodox Christianity the religion from Jesus."


And there is more.

I don't accept this stuff myself, but from a debate point of view, it puts anyone calling the kettle black right back in their own frying pan.


A dangerous book, but handy for arguments I presume.

Would you care to have more of this for your situation, lmk!


Remember Srila Prabhupada answered the Jesus question in the 1968 KGO radio interview:


Prabhupada: We don’t disagree with the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ because he’s speaking also the same thing which we are also speaking, about the science of God.


Interviewer: But she, I think she’s saying, couldn’t you just have taken the teachings of Jesus Christ as your religion?


Prabhupada: But there is already adjustment...


Caller: (breaking in) No, I’m not saying that. I’m saying that I believe that the Swami and many others who practice meditation and study the Gita are really dealing with the same premise, the first cause, that Jesus spoke of.


Prabhupada: Certainly.


Caller: Right?


Prabhupada: Yes, certainly.


Caller: Yes, that’s what I wanted to know. I think there is a comparison, not between organized religion as such, but just getting down to the bare facts of what Jesus spoke about. I think there’s a similarity.


Prabhupada: There is similarity, but one thing is, just like mathematics taught in the lower class. Two plus two equal to four is equally applicable in higher mathematics, two plus two equal to four. In higher mathematics it does not become two plus two equal to five. Similarly, the teachings of Bible or teachings of Bhagavad-gita are the same, the same “two plus two.”


Caller: Right, right...


Prabhupada: But in the Bhagavad-gita, it may be taken as higher mathematics. That’s all.



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