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Very uncertain about Hindu history

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Vedas and Gita was originally memorized and passed down from one generation to the other via oral and through songs, especially by Brahmins.


That is why the Gita is called Bhavagad Gita - Song of the Lord/Divine Song.


According to Historians who researched ancient Harappan civilizations, India did have an ancient writing of its own (which died out) but because of papers attend to destroy easily (in short time compared to memory), I guess Hindus didn't bother much about writing.


It was with the coming of Aryans in 4,600 B.C which brought it writing skills and paper technology to India. And it develop Hindus to their own complex writing system, which later known as Sanskrit.


Using this writing system, Sage Vedavyasa wrote down the complex beliefs in what today known as Mahabratha and Bhavagad Gita about 300 B.C. So, there is no uncertainity in history.

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Hari OM:


i found two issues in your post


1) There is no "coming" of Aryans , this theory is highly questionable.


2) VedaVyasa lived during the time of Mahabharat that is approx 5600 years and not in 300 BC.


3) And in many of the Epics and Puranas we see kings and queens writing letters to others, so this debunks your theory of Hindus don't know writting (BTW "paper" was not the first medium of writting , the original manuscripts, a few of them available in museums now were in Palm leaves)


BTW the most popular method used to figure out the age of any documents is lexographic analysis, that is any language undergoes changes (in lexical and prouncations) gradually, so by comparing the amount of change a document has undergone its age is determined, i.e., the more the document looks different from todays diaclets the more old it is. But since Vedas seems to had apparently no change at all at the time of analysis (around 1800 AD by western "Scholars") they gave it a time frame of 300 BC - 300 AD.


However this theory is fully refuted by Chinamandya and Sri Chandasekara Sarswati (on his Book on Hinduism - an excellent must read for all Hindus) by the fact that Vedas were specifically fitted with 6 external guards so that it can't change, so the method of change analysis applied to determine its age is flawed. [ However as usual the "scholars" push aside the valid and logical counter-points and stick to the "white man scholarly" opinion of 300 BC-- they can't be helped]

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It is pathetic that we,in India read the so-called Indian History,Which is/was not done by Indian or Indian-Origin authors.The Historians basically from West,though have researched on our heritage,had their objective to offend the Charecteristics,Values of Hinduism and preaching their own religion.Thus,their works are prone to be erroneous.

Atleast now we should devote ourself to our Epics,Puranas and scriptures to mitigate the losses.

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much of our history is unknown, not because indians didnt keep good historical records. most ofit was written on palm leaves, and muchof local history is preserved in temples. where the major events occurred, it was in the major temples. most if not all of the major temples, along with along of the documents, were destroyed by the muslims, leaving us with a 1300 year gap to forget our history. thus it leaves indians today, with a seminal knowledge of our history, needing to fill in the blanks.


as was mentionted before, there was a genetic influx of people into indian around 4500 BC (or was it 6500 BC??) but it isnt proven that that was hte 'aryans'. personally, i dont think there is such a thing. it was invente by colonial historians to downplay genuine history and taken up by many indians themselves and propagated down to the present day as a remnant of that colonial past.


Harappans did write alot on seals, which were preserved. bBut they couldve written on palm leafs or something of that nature also. they dont preserve as well, so we wont know if they did or not. at least not until the script is deciphered.


i dont believe in 300 BC or AD either, but i also find 5600 years ago to be hard to believe. this is before harappa and mohenjo daro, which i believe in pre-bronze age in india. but the epics speak of many advanced things. where could taht have gone?


the ramayana and mahabharata takl of magnificent palaces. if both occurred before the indus valley civ (2800-1800 BC), then why no remains of their palaces? wouldnt the idea of palaces be passed down generation after generation until the harappans. why then didnt they build any magnificent buildings or temples???


also, a question to the learned ones, in the epics or puranas, are there any stories of cities or kingdoms where huge urban cities of great planning, sewage systems and all - the like of the urban indus valley cities. are there any descriptions in the epics that might depict either harappa or mohenjo daro??



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Hari OM:


Either believe the Hindu Epics or the western scholars research.


"why then didnt they build any magnificent buildings or temples???"


Temples were a relatively new phenonmenon influnced by Buddhism, no mention of temples found in any of the Puranas.


Yes there were mention of Palaces and all, but would be worn out by Natural and man made changes (some kind of excavation in Dwaraka seeems to signify existence of Palaces, but not sure), dont look for Palaces of Ramayana Period it is more than 10,00,000 (Yes 10 lac years in Dwapara Yuga)



"but the epics speak of many advanced things. where could taht have gone? "


The advanced things (like the Pushpaka Vimana) are not things that can be bought and passed from generation to Generation (like a piece of land), it is rather blessed to deserving person, whenever such a person takes birth in this earth.



"there was a genetic influx of people into indian around 4500 BC (or was it 6500 BC??)"


Do you have any proof for the above statement?


"but i also find 5600 years ago to be hard to believe"


then it shows your biased view that you find it easy to believe of a genetic influx (simply because stated by western scholars) but hard to believe 5600 year date period (simply because stated by indian rishis)





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my view has nothing to do with WHO said it. it has to do with WHAT is being said. telling me to beleve either the epics or the westerners is like saying 'call it a gato or a cat, not both. the indian rishis version is an old one that reflects ancient peoples' perspectives on life on earth and existance itself in respect of man and god, based on their life in india at that time with those resources and those technologies and those knowledge that theyhad then. it is a way for them to describe life in relation to the way they live it and view it. our modern science is the same thing, only its for us today and our description of life and how we live it and view it.


one cant be right and the other one irrellevant. theres truth in both. its up to the intelligent ones to get the truth out of both and synthesize it to cometo a full understanding.


first , there were no temples in india before buddhism? where was pre-buddhic brahamanism worhsip done? was it just local fire alters with disregard for any actual major buildings/temples to be done in?


palaces and temples do get worn out but foundations usually stay. they dont just completely disappear over time naturally. as for rama's palace in the dwapara yuga, if its a million years old, then rama must have lived in an elephant bone hut or something like that. there were no palaces then. please dont reject science to keep with an undying faith in traditional beliefs. a million years ago, there were no people in india, as far as anyone on this planet knows for sure. all we hindus know, is based on what people have said and passed down. it doesnt neccessarily have to be true. the message could have been corrupted in many hundreds of years of passing info down.


pushpaka vimana had to have been built by people. the reference to things being built by god are because of the amazement that human construction can have on others who dont know how to build advanced machinery. much like if someone saw a realistic robot or a holographic figure today, we would be so amazed because our lack of exposure. in the same way, if one came accross something in one part of urbanized india that doesnt exist anywhere else, they can easily be suspect to calling it made by god because of the advanced craftsmanship. but nothing can be made by god without the hands of man. we are his instruments. god doesnt just give us things. people make it happen. material things have always been made by US.


the genetic influx thing was something i read somewhere. you are right that i have no proof and someone could just be saying that. but ive read in a couple of places taking of the aryan invasion theory that the only influx of foreign people coming into india was around 300 BC and like 6500 BC, the former being due to increased trade and greco kingdoms in north india and the latter probably due to the advent of agriculture in pakistan.


if there were people in india living in magnificent palaces, ruling kingdoms of vast proportion, where are any of their remnants? no evidence of any advanced civilization was found in india/pakistan before mehrgahr (6000 BC). it is believed that agriculture started here around then, probably being influenced by mesopotamia. how did rama's rajyam live 1,000,000 years ago with no surplus of crops of feed everybody. if they had it, what happened to all that knowledge? why didnt it continue to grow and support people after the end of rama rajyam?


also, i dont believe that 5600 is hard to believe just because an indian rishi said it. i have the umost respect for traditional teachers in every culture. they have many truths that the general public and western academia tend to dismiss because of their status as "backwards village teachers" which i find appalling. they have many true teachings and its up to the stue scholar to find out where that truth lies.


i say 5600 is hard to believe because there is no evidence yet found of any advanced civilization living around 3600 BC. THe Harappan culture took ahold around 3000 BC in its earlier stages. obviously, it was entirely palnned so there must have been a homeland for these people prior to building the huge urban centers (harappa, mohenjo daro, kalibangan, etc.) if this is vedic india, which persoanly i do believe it is, then it would be the mature vedic phase, with the construction of advanced urban cities. before that, there may have been urban cities, but none with the advanced sophistication and planning of the harappan cities. if krishna did live in india around 3100 BC then, he must have lived in small village dwellings. The entire harappan area seems to be extremely egalitarian, with the focus on a strong middle class merchants. no temples, no palaces. then krishna must have lived in a hut.


but this is not what the stories teach. i do believe the stories. its a matter of finding the realistic time frame that the story fits into. im not going to believe that an advanced kingdom existed in india around 1.5 million years ago. then disappeared, taking every last remnant of it with them as if the entire town was beamed up to an alien ship and every last piece of rock was taken with them.



Because of the Islamic destruction of india, many documents were lost. and with them, alot of history and real teaaching was lost. with that, the survivors would try to recapture the truth of those many teachings, and in the process come up with some mistakes, which they will believe. dont be so naive as to assume that the people trying to remember hindu teachings and pass it down couldnt have made ONE mistake at all.


Oppression of a people leads to the intellectual, cultural, traditional and psyhoglocical and cultural evlution to stagnate and not grow. eventually, this continued belief and hope for return to a culture that brought so much wealth and prosperty to india would lead to corruption of material over the years. if cultures cant evolve up or down the ladder, they tend to evolve to the side, corrupting existing information and traditions in the process.

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1) There is no "coming" of Aryans , this theory is highly questionable.


This is the 4th time we are speaking about Aryans. And in all three times, I have explained that Aryan Invasions is coined by British who taught Muslims were Aryans (because both came from across the Sindhu River).


The Aryans I'm referring to are Jewish settlers who came to India and settled in northern part of India in 4,600 B.C, after the flood in Mesotamphia region. You seems to like to ignore this fact.


2) VedaVyasa lived during the time of Mahabharat that is approx 5600 years and not in 300 BC.


You should know two things :


1. In Mahabratha itself, it is stated that Veda Vyasa played a part in Mahabratha epic thus, he was around when Sri Krisha was around as well.


2. The name Veda Vyasa is a title, not referring to the same person. Which is why there also a Veda Vyasa in Ramayana period and the one who wrote Mahabratha was a young man, born to a Sage who married a daughter of a boatman (according to a Hindu website). So, it doesn't matter when Veda Vyasa lived.


3) And in many of the Epics and Puranas we see kings and queens writing letters to others, so this debunks your theory of Hindus don't know writting (BTW "paper" was not the first medium of writting , the original manuscripts, a few of them available in museums now were in Palm leaves)


Nope, in most puranas, the kings and queens send messangers to give and receive messages from one place and to another. Palm leaves is considered very delicate and not used to store much data.


And I didn't say Indians do not own writing system. Didn't I tell you that India had its own writing system up to the time Aryans came? That ancient writing system died out, which is why text in ruins in Harapan cannot be deciphered today.

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1. i dont understand how one can equate the aryans with the jews, but either way, i believe the jewish exodus out from egypt occurred somehwere around 1600-1700 BC by most popular accounts, coinciding with the mega eruption of the volcano thera in the meditteranean, which many scientists believe may be the reason behind the ten plagues and the splitting of the dead sea.


if so, i dont understand how the jews came into india in 4600 BC. the two major immigrations into india happened around 6000 BC and 300 BC, coinciding with the advent of agricultre in pakistan and the greco-bactrian kingdoms respectively.


2. there were many documents written in palm leaf and stored. while it may be true that kings sent messages to eachother through the use of messengers or envoys, documents to keep in written form were more often than not, on palm leaf, which is exactly as you say, easily destructible, which is one reason much of indian hisotry is unavailable.


please stop saying things like 'up till the time the aryans came'. they didnt come. there are no aryans. indo-iranian is a group. aryan is a conceptualized group created by colonial minded europeans to explain a european germination of the old world.


The harappans may also have written on perishable materials, like palm leaves or some paper like material, which many scholars and archeologists believe may be the reason why it may be missing. although there have been many many seals found with harappan inscription and drawings, almost all of them are one line inscriptions. ABSOLUTELY NO evidence of passage writing, like writing a sentence or a paragraph, or a document, has been found. THat doesnt mean it didnt exist, just means it hasnt been found.

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Hari OM:



You seem to have so many assumptions based on the assumptions of other scholars and confusing that you are scientific.


"pushpaka vimana had to have been built by people"


No it is stated to be built by Viswakarma and nevery by ordinary People.


"but nothing can be made by god without the hands of man"





"but ive read in a couple of places"


so you believe that to be true, even though you read in couple(s) of places like Ramayana, Mahabharat and Bhagavdam that kings lived in Maginificient palaces with full opulence you are not ready to believe that, you come to conclusion that Rama and Krishna should have lived in Huts.


So there is no change in my view, that you are biased- you believe things depending on which places (or couple of places) you read them, not subjecting your reading to critical analysis. You are basically expecting the westerns to give a seal of certificate to Ramayana and Mahabhrata as Authentic, i am afraid it may not happen in the near future.



And a final question, if every body were living in Huts and agriculture brought by some bacterias (just for fun) , just 3000 years ago, where did the loads of gold , diamond and ruby came to India (historically documented by your western scholars as being looted by Ghanazvi and others), did all these pour from the sky in 1000 years?


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Hari OM:


i am appearing confused, because you are confused.


1) How in the earth can i know that the "Aryans" you are reffering are Jews?


2) Now what is the proof of Jewish influx?


3) i had never heard of a Vyasa in Ramayana, you say Vedas are compiled by Vyasa, and say they are compiled during 300 BC, now i say Vyasa lived in 5600 not 300, now you come back and reply that it does not matter when Vyasa lived, my dear Sephiroth your logic flys well way above my head.


4) What nope? -- there is a letter written by Rukmani to Krishna, letter written by Duraydhona to Yudhistra through Ulloka, and how many instances you want...

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This is the 4th time we are speaking about Aryans. And in all three times, I have explained that Aryan Invasions is coined by British who taught Muslims were Aryans (because both came from across the Sindhu River).


The Aryans I'm referring to are Jewish settlers who came to India and settled in northern part of India in 4,600 B.C, after the flood in Mesotamphia region. You seems to like to ignore this fact.



This is nonsense. Aryans are those who follow Vedas and does not refer to any race.


Besides I have not heard such . where jews settled in India. Sephirot, are you Jewish ?



You should know two things :


1. In Mahabratha itself, it is stated that Veda Vyasa played a part in Mahabratha epic thus, he was around when Sri Krisha was around as well.


2. The name Veda Vyasa is a title, not referring to the same person. Which is why there also a Veda Vyasa in Ramayana period and the one who wrote Mahabratha was a young man, born to a Sage who married a daughter of a boatman (according to a Hindu website). So, it doesn't matter when Veda Vyasa lived.



Learn from scriptures to know Hinduism. Not through websites.


By the way both Veda Vyasa(Ramayana and Mahabharatha) refer to the SME PERSON.


Krishna Dvaipanya is born to Satyavati and Parasara muni. This same Satyavati is the mother of Dhrtarashtra, Pandu and Vidura. This Krishna DVaipanya Veda Vyasa is SVAYAM Narayana(GOD).



Nope, in most puranas, the kings and queens send messangers to give and receive messages from one place and to another. Palm leaves is considered very delicate and not used to store much data.


And I didn't say Indians do not own writing system. Didn't I tell you that India had its own writing system up to the time Aryans came? That ancient writing system died out, which is why text in ruins in Harapan cannot be deciphered today.



Aryans are followers of Vedas. They did not come from some other place as you would like to hallucinate.

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when i say it had to be built by people, i mean if it was a material possession, like a house or a car or a ship or soemthing like that, it HAS to have been built by people. God doesnt do magic and build things, i dont believe in magic. God has a set of laws in which the universe works and the laws were chosen by god. He works through these laws, using them to creat things like humans, who in turn create things like cars and ships. To assume that god is put in a position to have to use magic implies that he didnt have knowlegde of that specific future event occuring during the time he created the universe. If he had all knowledge of the future, he wouldve known that that position would occur and organize the world accordingly. You cannot pop something up on god that requires him to go outside the laws of nature which he created.


The things i believe that i read depend on where i read them. the articles are certified published papers accepted within the scientific community. while it is definately true that this means nothing when talking about mistakes and misperceptions by the scientists, im not going to dismiss it because traditionally, people have said otherwise.


I DO believe that krishna and rama lived in palaces just like its said in the epics. What this means is that it had to have happened later than 3000 BC, so far as we know, since we dont even have ANY not one structure of great size, muhch less a maginificent palace anywhere in india before the end of the harappans (1900 BC). If the descriptions are right, it had to have occured later than that.


also, themahabharata was originally written in a muhch shorter form called the jaya (i believe) and over many centuries it bult up to a bigger book called the bharat and many more centuries it built up to the mahabharata. so i dont assume that every single aspect of the story took place in the exact same time as it is said.


As for the gold and rubies and wealth, it came not from outside india, but from within. India is a fabulously rich country geologically. The people of ancient india were very good at working with the rocks and mining and all. India was the world's major source of precious gems for a very long time and was the only place to diamonds for nearly 2300 years. the money that ghanzi and ghori and the other muslims took out was due to the fact that commerce in the period between the buddha and the muslim invasions (600 BC - 700 AD) was very popular in india and indian foreign trade made alot of money. India was the center of the indian ocean trade and was always a country where sea trade flourished, going back to the harappans and the sumerians in 2000 BC.


This is what allowed so many differnet people to settle into india and for indians to come into contact with several differnet cultures and incorporate many different streams of thought into their culture and into their epics and puranas. the fact that the singular indian cultures (specifically around gujurat area, malabar coast, comorin coast and calcutta area) was able to see so many different cultures as oppossed to other cultures that werent as exposed to many different cultures because of lack of expansive trade may even be a reason why the indian culture is more open to accepting others regardless of differences while other cultures tend to stick more to an ethnocentric view. then again, i guess even we have it sometimes

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subham -


veda vyasa is a title not a name, it is given to a great sage that sets dharma right in every yuga. it is said that a great sage will assume the title vyasa. krishan dvaipayana got this title for his role in authoring many scriptures.


Guest -


you are right, an aryan is one who acts out of noble charachter. i guess back then it refered to people that followed the vedas. well, it probably still means that to many.


as for the jews, it is true that there was a jewish diaspora into india during some time in the past. THe Bene Ephraim people of south india claim to be from the tribe of Ephraim and the Bnei Menashe of north east india are the descendants of the tribe of manasseh. THe latter has scientific proof recently through DNA testing that they are in fact the lost tribe of manasseh and the country of israel officially recognizes this and at the end of the 1990s offered anyone from this lost tribe a safe haven and home to live in israel whenever they require it.


The myth of jews in india was kept alive through the centuries, mostly by a small group of muslims of the pakistan area who believe jesus came this way, to kashmir looking for them. today, this sect of islam is very strong and recently DNA testing has proven that this claim is at least half way true. There is a lost tribe of israel living in india.

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Hari OM:


i can't help if you are not willing to subject your assumptions for critical questioning and want to protect it like a treasure.


How indians can extract thousands of tons of gold in just 1000 years, without any advanced mining equipments? they should be doing only gold mining without doing any thing. i think the explanation that they gold from other devas like Sun-God etc., looks more feasible.


Also if you assume that ViswaKarma is God, it is your fault, not mine, Viswakarma was one of the Devas, there are many Devas, i.e., more advanced intelligent and powerful persons than Humans, earlier Hindus by following the Vedas were able to connect to these Devas and get many sophisticated and advanced material things.


Once that vedic tradition was forgotten all the advanced things naturally disappeared from this earth.


Now if you apply your scientific knowledge and search for the "traces" of disappeared things then you are in a futile search, since this is super-human things they don't disappear in the normal sense of man made things.



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im sorry, but i dont believe in magic super human things. the world is a very ordered way, set about by the laws of god and nature.


indians mined gold the same way the rest of the world did. not exactly the same, but if they had any machines to help them, it would only have been archeic machines. dont assume that they set up giant mining machines made of steel capable of digging miles into the earth in search of gold to extricate. first of all, you are talking about a span of a thousand years. 1000 years !!! that may seem like nothing in the relative sense that humans have been around for millions of years, but still 1000 years is a long time. Thats 8,766,000 hours to do something. 525,960,000 minutes. 31,557,600,000 seconds. now granted, all this number takl is irrellevent. but the point is that its a long time to do anything. it would NOT require them to do just mining only. Even if that were so, there is such a thing as slavery. People did have slaves and other lower class workers, it is a reality. They could be working all day every day, and probably was.


They got gold from the sun god?? what does that mean? the sun came down to earth and gave them gold? how? wouldnt the sun melt the earth, the gold, us? how is this the more feasible answer?


even if the advanced ancient vedic traditions were forgotten, that wouldnt mean that material things would disappear. knowledge of such things would disappear, but not the atcual thing itself. things dont just disappear like that. it takes alot of time to disintegrate. and still, most things leave remnants.


Any "advanced" things made by the ancient vedics are advanced realtive to their time frame, not to ours. Perhaps, they did have something that we wouldnt expect them to have, maybe even things we dont have. but that wouldnt constitute an advanced culture more advanced than us on as a totality. the Chinese had rockets missiles in the 1500s, equipped to travel far distances with 5 mini rockets inside that would each fire and cause alot of damage. This is the truth, verifiable history. Yet i dont think it would be fair to say that they were more advanced than they are today.


Vishwakarma was one aspect of Brahman, which focused on the ability to build things without faults. He was mostly worshiped by people who built things and during the construction of great things. When the stories say that vishwakarma built something, it is an inference to having built a faultless object, not some god who came down and built something supernaturally for the regular humans to use and disappear after the use is done.




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Hari OM


Do you have any idea how much of effort and man power required to extract one ounce of Gold? try to read, understand more before jumping to conclusion.


i am not a blind beliver, i had also read so many scientific, astheic, and various religious texts , but found that every thing falls apart if you subject it to critical analysis, except Hinduism.


Whatever way you try to contradict between the texts of Hinduism, you can't find a single contradication, however there is one way you can just shrug away the whole hinduism as rubbish, then you are the loser.


Science is still like a child, full of wonders trying to understand the universe and its laws, very often it contradicts its own laws and tries to find new ones (take any branch, example atomic science, the laws- Dalton, JJ Thomposon, RutherFord, Bohr, Quantum, Rossetta and Quark theories are all contradicting to each other), while Hinduism is matured, no changes in its theories for millons of years.


you are assuming that Sun should directly come with its 6000 K photosphere and 1 million K corona to earth to burn every thing, however like all objects Sun also has a personal form and that personal form can (and in fact had) come to earth to give child (like Karna) or gold or whatever. However the scientist can't digest the fact that Sun can be a living entity too which can do something of its own will, they think it is just a dumb burning ball (and for your info a recent neutrino experiment on Sun has confirmed that the Nuclear-Fusion theory can't be true, nuclear fusion may be taking place some where in the mantle of the sun and it does not seem to be the source of its energy as speculated earlier, now scientist are not sure what is happening in its core)



Also one of the basic vedic beliefs is that different types of super humans (devas and devathas) are residing in sun like Grama Devatha, Pithr Devatha, Kula Devatha, etc., whose main duty is to receieve the offerings offered by human race (of the corresponding location, Kula and the generations) transmit it to the Devas in Indra's world, to the Pithrs (the fore fathers) receive back their grace and blessing and deliver it back to the corresponding Yajumanas (that is people who do the Yagna) , this is the basis of most of the Yagnas, Amavasya and other Poojas.


Now the rational scientific people don't believe of devas in Sun and the two way exchange process and they had stopped doing all the mandatory Yagnas leading to the down fall of their location, their Kula and their Forefathers. They are just enjoying the grace of Devas without returning anything and becoming " thiefs".


Let me remain an absurd, irrational idiotic fellow rather than a thief.





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Hari OM:


Let us assume that we two are living in Australia, one day we meet each other.


i tell you that yesterday my cousin in usa delieverd a baby and i told my congrulations to her.


now if you shout back, "wow that is absurd how can you go to usa and come back in one day" i can just feel sorry for you who had not heard about something called a telephone.


read about a topic called "bounded rationality" in psychology where people think rational only the things they know beyond their knowledge boundary they think every thing is irrational. so dear increase your knowledge boundary.



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