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Proof that Swaminarayan is the supreme Lord?

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The following 'proof' was emailed to me. Can anyone actually say whether this is a true quote from the Vishvaksen Samhitah?




In the Vishvaksen Samitah Lord Vishwaksen says:


II Bhumyam krutaavataroham sarvannataam jaganmaham

Praapishyaami vaikuntham Sahajanand Namataha II


This Verse states that :


Among all parts of the universe I take birth on Earth, I shall adore Vaikunth adopting the name Sahajanand. Such scriptures prove Lord Sahajanand Swami (Swaminarayan) as the vedic acceptance of incarnated Suprememe Reality.


The full name Shajanand is given by Lord Vishvaksen. The Brahmapurana also states such: " Kalouswami Vrushatmaja". That in Kaliyug "i" as in Lord supreme will come as 'Swami' son of Dharm.


Whatever you see, see as Shiva and do not be distressed, O mind! Those who are free from agitation and who the senses five control will surely win the bliss of Shiva. The path prescribed by your religion you should always tread, and live in changeless, silent contemplation. Whatever you see, see as Shiva.


Natchintanai, "Whatever You See..." NT, 68


Shiva is Maha Kal the Lord of All Lords Even Lord Rama,Krishna,and Vishnu Worshipped Lord Shiva He is Maha Yogi,he is Not Sangara Priya You Need Not decorate Him with jewels and materialistic ornaments or Need not bring him any offerings that's why they say Brahma,Vishnu and SADA Shiv,because his existence is time less age less,see Ramayana,mahabartha you will find pandayas ,kaurayas all worshipping lors Shiva, all the lords and Demons of 3 lokas worshipped him to get their desired boons,even the jungle tribes in remote places in sri Lanka,thai land,Malaysia and unknown islands believe and worship him its only mind heart and soul,No worly rituals and mantras to perform to reach him.He is Dev adi dev Maha dev he never took any avatars because there is one God Only demi gods comes to Restore with the blessing of Ultimate god,That's why in all Vishnu ,Krishna etc avatars The lords worshipped Mahadev lord Shiva.We don't preach we only meditate and Practice SHIVA-5 words,the Master of 5 elements


Water - Thiruvanaikoil

Air - Kalahasti

Fire - Thiruvannamalai

Space - Chidambaram

Earth - Kanchipuram or Thiruvarur.


Hope your doubts are Cleared i am not preaching of Shiva my concept is He is the Main Lord and god the Most ancient Lord worshipped by Devatas,rashis,munis ,and Sages, Some early sect of Brahims didn't like Shiva Concept of Equal rights to women,and not to allow them the privilege of Teaching religion,They found New sects of their own according to their own connivance and brought, sati system,and declared that women to only serve their husband ,


Do you Know The concept of Ardha Nareshwara.Or ardhanggini (lord Shiva shown as Half male and Half female)


(1) In the cosmic scheme man represents Purusha (the Person, Spirit) and woman Prakriti (Nature, primal Matter), both of whom unite to keep the world going. So goes the Vedic verse: ‘I am He, you are She; I am song, you are verse; I am heaven, you are earth. We two shall here together dwell becoming parents of children.’


This just one single point not in depth


The Ancient brahims Abolished the Savism concept which was practised in India and that time India was in peak of its glory they created caste system according to their occupation and classified according to their jobs which they do in daily life created upper and lower caste and ruled them and the kings which was major draw back in Hindu society which created chance and opportunities from other cultures to easily enter India and showcase our drawback and spread new religion In India The Mother of all religions which Once taught the world the art of war,science ,medicine dance Martial arts, many More is now stands divided


"Mankind ought to be taught that religions are but the varied expressions of THE RELIGION, which is Oneness, so that each may choose the path that suits him best." - Swami Vivekananda)the saivism concept


Om Nama shivya

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Saivism is the world's oldest religion. Worshiping God Siva, the compassionate One, it stresses potent disciplines, high philosophy, the guru's centrality and bhakti-raja- siddha yoga leading to oneness with Siva within. Aum.


Saivism is ancient, truly ageless, for it has no beginning. It is the precursor of the many-faceted religion now termed Hinduism. Scholars trace the roots of Siva worship back more than 8,000 years to the advanced Indus Valley civilization. But sacred writings tell us there never was a time when Saivism did not exist.Saivism's grandeur and beauty are found in a practical culture, an enlightened view of man's place in the universe and a profound system of temple mysticism and siddha yoga. It provides knowledge of man's evolution from God and back to God, of the soul's unfoldment and awakening guided by enlightened sages. Like all the sects, its majority are devout families, headed by hundreds of orders of swamis and sadhus who follow the fiery, world-renouncing path to moksha. The Vedas state, "By knowing Siva, the Auspicious One who is hidden in all things, exceedingly fine, like film arising from clarified butter, the One embracer of the universe--by realizing God, one is released from all fetters." Aum Namah Sivaya.

God Shiva is known by various names. One of his names is Bholenath, which means the innocent God. Shiva as Rudra is regarded as the destroyer of evil and sorrow. Shiva as Shankara is known as the doer of good. Lord Shiva has "Trinetra" (divine vision). He is also known as "Nilakantha" (blue necked). This is because of the fact that he consumed the poison 'Halahala' to save the world from destruction. Lord Shiva as Nataraja represents the Divine Cosmic Dancer. Shiva is also known as Ardh narishvara, which symbolises both man and woman.



Even though he represents destruction, Lord Shiva is viewed as a positive force (the Destroyer of Evil). According to Shaivism, Shiva is not merely a destroyer but performs five functions :

  • Creator Preserver
  • Destroyer
  • Hiding the sins
  • Blessing


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Lord shiva takes the shape of (Lingam) Controls the universe and all the Gods


why the lingam is believed to be one of the most potent emblems in Hindu ideals. It all started with Brahma and Vishnu, who were arguing over their relative supremacy. Their vain arguments were interrupted by a superluminous glow from a strange and blazing pillar, its shape reminiscent of the linga. Both of them sped towards this indescribable flaming light, which grew before their eyes into infinity, piercing the earth and extending through the heavens. Overwhelmed and terrified by the unfathomable vision, the two gods decided to seek the beginning and end of this burning immensity. Brahma taking the form of a swan flew upwards, and Vishnu dove down acquiring the shape of a boar. Both of the gods however, could not fathom the extent of this fiery column at either end, and returned exhausted and bewildered to the level they had started from. At that moment, the central part of the pillar split open and Shiva revealed himself in his full glory. Overawed, both Brahma and Vishnu bowed before him. Thunderous laughter, or the sound of AUM, issued from the pillar, filling the sky.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bhagwan Swaminarayan sent thousands into samadhi ,where they saw 24 avtaras all standing before Him(Swaminarayan) holding hands in prayer.Those 24 avtaras then merged into Lord Swaminarayan's form.No other avtara has shown this.This alone confirms that Swaminayan is Avtari ie the Supreme Godhead and cause of all other incarnmations (avtaras).If the Vachanamrut is studied there are many instances where Maharaj hints that the is the supreme Puroshottam-the Supreme God.Accept this now or after billions of births but you cannot get away from this immutable truth.

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Yes this is true. Bhagwan Swaminarayan is Avtaari. But for the Shaivite Shiv Shankar is the Avtaari. It is obvious that one prays to their ishtadev because they see them as the primal lord. There is nothing wrong in this.


Nor should one critisise or lower an incarnation of God. As all the Avtaars are Him- One Primeval lord. There is but One Supreme reality.


We should never fall or do such evil where we slander His avtaars. As all are Him and he is all. Narayan and shiv are declared by teh Vedas as one brahmswaroop and equal. This is also eternal truth.

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  • 5 weeks later...


Bhagwan Swaminarayan sent thousands into samadhi ,where they saw 24 avtaras all standing before Him(Swaminarayan) holding hands in prayer.Those 24 avtaras then merged into Lord Swaminarayan's form.No other avtara has shown this.This alone confirms that Swaminayan is Avtari ie the Supreme Godhead and cause of all other incarnmations (avtaras).If the Vachanamrut is studied there are many instances where Maharaj hints that the is the supreme Puroshottam-the Supreme God.Accept this now or after billions of births but you cannot get away from this immutable truth.

Sounds like...... to me.

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Very interesting as some people do not understand truth. How can truth be made up? Truth cannot be made up. Truth is eternal. You nor me can change that.You simply cannot agree as your ignorance does not allow you to.


You do not like to do research.You do not like to read the Vasudev Mahatmyam and any other scriptures which declare Swaminarayan Bhagwan as God by the sounds of it.


Ah well..Good luck in what you follow.

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Very interesting as some people do not understand truth. How can truth be made up? Truth cannot be made up. Truth is eternal. You nor me can change that.You simply cannot agree as your ignorance does not allow you to.


You do not like to do research.You do not like to read the Vasudev Mahatmyam and any other scriptures which declare Swaminarayan Bhagwan as God by the sounds of it.


Ah well..Good luck in what you follow.


What some claim as truth can be made up. Koran declares Muhamed as messenger of god. You believe that? New Testament declares christ as god. You believe that? I like and enjoy researching the greatness of Sri Krsna. Just don't like researching nonsense claims. Lord Sri Krsna is ultimate truth.

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The koran and bibles are nor Vedic scriptures. We are talking of Vedic Scriptures only. Whatever is written within the Vedas and purans i believe as true. Tehy are not claims. Anyone who states such is insulting not only veda Vyaas but God Himself. You consider yourself a bhakt of Shri krishna?You do not even know His own greatness enough, so how will you understand his work?


Truth remains truth irrespective of whether it is liked or not by others. Chucking a handful of sand at the sun does not stop it from shining. Instead it will be you who will have sand in your eyes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


That i agree with but Swaminarayan Bhagwan was God Himself. I dont want to be like Him as i cannot. I just want to follow what He wants us to follow.

I didn't mean you should become God, but I mean you should strive to lead by his example. I'm not doubting you or anything.

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