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It highly unfortunate that USA the powerful nation in the world being hit by powerful nature in the form Huricane Rita.

I remember when there was a forecast mentioing possibility of cyclone hit chennai about 20 years back, people didn't get evacuated from chennain, but the whole city was praying, even All India Radio made its broadcast and broadcasting skandhar shasti kavacham kind of devotional songs mantras round the clock to deviate the cyclone. The prayer got answer and the cyclone deviated and hit some nonpopulated area in AP.


The same manner, when actor turned chief minist MGR of Tamilnadu was admitted Brooklyn hospital in USA for treatment, and at one stage his condition was extremely serious and spreaded news that almost death, the whole tamilnadu prayed for him.. I remember still, there auto rickshwas rounded the towns with songs repeatedly done, like " NEENGA NALLA IRUKKONUM NADU MUNNERA". Almost all theaters in tamilnadu were asked to put the same song scene before starting the main picture in each show, for this thousands of that song clipping from his movie IDHAYAKKANI was reprinted and given to theaters. It was indeed a magic like, but true that the whole prayer was answered and MGR lived about 4 years after his serious illness.


In the same line, from WASHINGTON, the head of the nation should OFFICIALLY call whole USA and the world to pray for the happening in USA, curtail all entertainments / theaters / club / bar activities on Saturday and ask people chant mantras and repeat the simple prayer, GOD BLESS AMERICA.


I am sure this wl give great relief for people.


Let we first, in this agustus board, start praying for the goodness and safe of Texas / New Orleans people hit by this RITA HURICANE.








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Its very strange to see your question..


When TSunami came no one in India knew about it or didn't take serious about - result we lost several brothers / sisters / wealth and end up with series of serious things.


Now the whole world knows what's going to happen with the hurricane in America - while no one can prevent tragedy due to nature's angry, atleast prepare to face it..


that preparation is Prayer.


In the present world, please mind, you cannot just ignore, and sit idle saying, its not happening to me so why I should worry.


Time is changing so is time's cycle is fast rotating.

what's up today wl be down tmrw and keep rolling very fast.


Therefore anyone in any corner of the world should keen watch and try to atleast mentally console for what's happening on the other world.



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Your concern is valid and just. However, it is not wise to lament over the living and the dead. This Krishna said to Arjuna. I dont mean we should be callous to suffering but we should be in the right frame of mind towards suffering.


The body is suffering in these natural disasters but do you know every individual soul is suffering in this material world because it falsely identifies with the body and this suffering of soul is going on in all types of conditions of life. So, disaster or no disaster, everyone is suffering everyday and we are all thinking, only we suffer during disaster and some holocaust. NO!-we are suffering all the time due to ignorance. WHat should we do about that.


So, if you are really concerned about the suffering of people, then, dont just talk about hurricances and tsunamis but be concerned about all living entities and bring them out of ignorance into knowledge- which is- we are not this body but spirit soul and that we should serve Lord Krishna for permanent bliss and happiness and so no one will suffer, so one will not care for bodily temporary sufferings, we all will die one day, so why to worry about the dying body but rather spread knowledge that we are spirit souls part and parcel of Krishna and there lies true happiness.


This is true deliverance and not providing relief to the body!






So, then,

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No help came from USA when India was struck down by natural (and unnatural) disasters ... no need to cry for them. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


And what did Christians do after Tsunami? They tried to convert Hindus to Christanity. Maybe Hindus should go there and try to do the same.


Besides, they are suffering because of their own fault - they didn't clean up the environment and continued to pollute, therefore, nature is taking them on.

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I notice something ...


When something happens to Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and such, Christians and Muslims will keep quiet, like a turtle hiding inside its shells - especially when help is needed.


Some Christians go out in the world and try to convert others and many Muslims will say the disaster stuck because Allah were angry they didn't pray to Him. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


However, when something happens to them, they EXPECTS us to come to their Aids. If we do not, then they will say we are infidels whose religions didn't teach how to help others.


How is it that we are infidels who do not know how to help others when they need help but they are not infidels when they do the same?


Better yet ... who is this Patriot to come and ask us to help others who have not help us in any way?

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but I've seen hundreds of people like patriot. It isn't new to me. I am not at all surprised. Indians have this tendency to care more about others than they do about themselves, god knows why. Perhaps, it is due to their track record in the last thousand years.


The same pattern has been repeating itself over and over. Christians, especially in America, loathe India, call hindus people living in darkness, fund and arm pakistan times without number, impose sanctions, bracket India with countries like bangladesh, ridicule India every time they get the chance (remember how the Clinton regime made fun of India for being a third-world nation aiming at super-power status).


And what do Indians do? Pray for them, beg for their respect, remember 9/11 victims but not their own vicims in kashmir (for which US is respnsible), swallow all insults and salute them. Frankly, I find the Hindus disgusting. People with so little self-respect are fit to be worms, not humans. Thanks to mayavada, Hindus have become a cowardly people. Unless hindus learn to discriminate (meaning develop viveka) between right and wrong, they're going to be worms for all time. Only dvaita can save their sorry a$$.


Well, anyway, sorry for the rant. lol. I needed to get that off my chest.

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The basic understanding of Vasudeva Kutumbakam has lost for Hindus . Although they consider europeans and americans as their family members of which the leader is Lord Vasudeva they have failed to do so for thier own people. The relations are made in india only on the basis of money. What to speak about self respect, self esteem and such fundas to these asses, have you ever seen a a Big Buffellow responding for Lound music he he , such is the situation. The ones who consider the relation only on the basis of money, one who desert the realtives if turned out to be poorer, how one can expect to be good to thier own land!!!!


And yet there are if not many very very few who reely care about what you have said, these have to reely work hard to spread the essense the real matter, the real patriotism towards Vedas and Vedic land.


The jeans which are bought in India are considered to be of low quality, but when the same one bought in US (exported from India) is considered to be of top qualilty. We have fallen in our own eyes, sometimes I think, the situation has reached to such a pathetic level, that the prayer is actualy required for Bharath not for US. Cos the dead ones don come back, wise thing to do is to pray for the living.


hari hari bol



hari hari bol




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Just look at Patriot ... where was he when Bombay people (up to 500 of them) died in the flood 2 months back. Even I, who have no obligations toward India prayed for them and those who are suffering in Nigeria due to famine.


America (and Britain) owe Hindus (Buddhist and Jews for that matter) NOTHING. They are just parasites which uses our mind and intelligence to succeed. It is said that 34% employees in Microsoft and 16% in NASA are Indians who made them success for the past 10 years.


WHERE are all this people in India? WHERE is their patriotism? Are they still considered Indians - Hindus if they go and work for another country while abandoning their own motherland? Think about this makes me angry.


My suggestion - CUT ALL TIES with people who are abroad for more than 3 years, have NO intentions of coming back to India OR have already settle down elsewhere.


Such people should be treated as foreigners, NOT fellow Indians. Let them call themselves Americans, Britons or whatever they want.


First steps is political cutting off ties - remove their Indian status, if not done yet. Second steps - religious cutting off ties. Let them choose whatever religion they want, it doesn't matter. But Hindusm is for Hindus and those who come to India and accept it alone, not those who call themselves Hindus but leave their land to make someone else rich and powerful.

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