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let us not fight

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Why fight between ourselves about who is supreme Shiva or Vishnu, these are after all names. The truth is only one and it is that God is ONE. We may call him Shiva, Vishnu, Jesus, Allah, or whatever. The truth is not only this, the truth is also "Aham Brahmasmi!". or SOHAM, "I am that". Let us all strive to understand this reality by deep meditation, rather than fighting, using slangs against one another, and weakening the base of our own religion, at a time when as it is there is a terrible attack on the roots of Hinduism, by external forces.

May the Supreme bless us all and make us to realize.

Sarve janah sukino bhavantu!

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this is very true. we all fight amongst ourselves and keep ourselves seperated. thats why the hindu community has trouble keeping up with the muslims and christians in india and they MUST change in order for india to improve it's global position or for the hindus to better their position.


but besides all that, it will definatley be ebetter for the world's spirituality and peace. if we all understand that vishnu sects and shiva sects were theistic movements that took place in india as an orthodox response to buddhism and jainism's unorthodox split from late brahmanism. unfortunately due to pending foreign influences, these sects were further seperated or divided and seen as differnet and have not gotten the chance to assimilate ideas.


then the british came and labeled us all as one religion, leaving the people to sort out the differences. thats what has (in a nutshell) caused the in-fighting among the hindus. we must understand that shiva and vishnu are but mere aspects of the parabrahman and His one existance is the only true existance. Only then will we as a religion, as a people, as a country, as a race and as a globe progess into the 3rd millenium.

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