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Jai Ganesh


Pranam bhadramoorthi



I realize your feelings have been hurt by likes of Govidram and you are angry justly so.

We Hindus are our worst enemy sometimes, without knowing the subject matter we jump to wrong conclusion. Have you ever tried to find out at what age this Lila of our Lord took place? Do you know the position of gopis?

Try to read udhav conclusion on this or ask some one like Rameshbhai Oza who is a great Bhagvat scholar

It is great to worship mata don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, but please do not write derogatory things about our lord. Why cut the nose to spite the face.


Jai Shree Krishna


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Om Vinayaka Om


Namaskar Ganesh Prasad Ji and Bhadra Moorti Ji.



The story cited by Shri Bhadra Moorthi Ji is great. It is actually the expansion of saint Yajnayalka's teaching to his wife that "All love the Self alone". Though by associating with our bodies we may consider ourselves lusty, but true knowledge will reveal who has the desire and for what?



Bhadramoorti ji's assertion that lusty (and I add egoists) are attracted to some particular form of the SELF, I feel is valid.


Self is all. It has good, it has bad, it has knowledge, it has ignorance. But God is above these.



Because most Vaishnav's love God exoterically, as an external super power in the mold of Amitava Bachan or Rambo, they need to first understand that "ALL IS SELF" and "ALL LOVE THE SELF ONLY" and "SELF IS ONE".



I will be benefitted greatly, if some one explained to me the following Rig Veda verses. I intuitively feel that Indra and Krishna are just two moods of the same Lord.



1.101.01 Offer adoration with oblations to him who is delighted (with praise), who, with R.jis'van, destroyed the pregnant wives of Kr.s.n.a; desirous of protection, we invoke, to become our friend, him, who is the showerer (of benefits), who holds the thunderbolt in his right hand, attended by the Maruts. [R.jis'van was a king and friend of Indra; Kr.s.n.a was an asura, who was slain, together with his wives, that none of his posterity might survive. Kr.s.n.a, the black may be Vr.tra, the black cloud].


1.101.02 We invoke to be our friend, Indra, who is attended by the Maruts; he who, with increasing wrath, slew the mutilated Vr.tra and S'ambara, and the unrighteous Pipru, and who extirpated the unabsorbable S'us.n.a [s'ambara and Pipru are asuras; pipru = avratam, not performing or opposing vratas, religious rites; as'us.am s'us.n.am = the dryer up, i.e. who cannot be absorbed].



Om Namah Shri Vasudevayya

Om Mata Durge Sharanam Namah

Om Namah Sivayya.



Prostrations to the Visvarupa, the Sakti, and the Saktiman being.





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*********We Hindus are our worst enemy sometimes, **********



This way our ego is spent out, at least mingled with love of God. I feel God desgined this trick to absorb our ego speedily.

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Jai Ganesh

Om Vinayaka Om


Namaskar Atanu ji



(The story cited by Shri Bhadra Moorthi Ji is great.)


Yes it is great if properly understood, context with which it is related by Bhadra ji paints a different story alltogether. We could make the same mistake in relation to lord shiva

SB 8.7.33: Exalted, self-satisfied persons who preach to the entire world think of your lotus feet constantly within their hearts. However, when persons who do not know your austerity see you moving with Umā, they misunderstand you to be lusty, or when they see you wandering in the crematorium they mistakenly think that you are ferocious and envious. Certainly they are shameless. They cannot understand your activities.

So please do not make the same mistake about Lord Krishna.



(It is actually the expansion of saint Yajnayalka's teaching to his wife that "All love the Self alone". Though by associating with our bodies we may consider ourselves lusty, but true knowledge will reveal who has the desire and for what?)


Yes we are all selfish, selfish for that love we all lack, this is the reason for our search.



(Bhadramoorti ji's assertion that lusty (and I add egoists) are attracted to some particular form of the SELF, I feel is valid.)


May be but our definition of love and lust is way out, the love of Gopi is way beyond our imagination, even udhav could not understand this.



(Self is all. It has good, it has bad, it has knowledge, it has ignorance. But God is above these. )


Precisely Lord Krishna is beyond our understanding, we look at our ista and then because others derides our worship we retaliate, it makes us no different to them. Krishna is No ordinary person, or achieved that status of god as some one like to think, he is God because he is god, one does not become god.




(Because most Vaishnav's love God exoterically, as an external super power in the mold of Amitava Bachan or Rambo, they need to first understand that "ALL IS SELF" and "ALL LOVE THE SELF ONLY" and "SELF IS ONE".)


How can you even compare those mortals with the God?

We may never understand the One self that encompass everything just as pearls are strung on a thread.





Prostrations to the Visvarupa, the Sakti, and the Saktiman being.


Jai Shree Krishna



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I agree fully.



**********Yes we are all selfish, selfish for that love we all lack, this is the reason for our search.*************


Selfishness is ignorance since we do not know the self. Krishna's hands touching breasts of Gopi is Self prostrating to the Self. We all touch our chest when we think of God.



Prostrations to the Visvarupa, the Sakti that has become Visvarupa, and the Saktiman being who has the Sakti.


Prostrations to the EKO who is also Sarva. Any Ishta Deva worshipped with one pointed keen ness of mind and bhakti will lead to the EKO. Since, as Varuna taught Bhrigu, repeatedly, "Concentration of mind is Brahman".



On the way, we may sometimes fall prey to our preferences.



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********Krishna is No ordinary person, or achieved that status of god as some one like to think, he is God because he is god, one does not become god.***********



Yes, no one can become God. God is eternal, so there is no question of something which is not God today becoming God tommorrow.



But, raed the following and please explain.



The gopis became tired after long singing and dancing. Krsna was dancing beside them, and to alleviate their fatigue they took Sri Krsna's hand and placed it on their raised breasts. Krsna's hand, as well as the breasts of the gopis, are eternally auspicious; therefore when they combined, both of them became spiritually enhanced.



Why should both be spiritually enhanced when Krishna's eternally auspiciuos hands touch the equally auspicious breasts of Gopis?



How can enhancement occur, without some lack in the beginning?


There is something about a union somewhere, which most of us are missing. Sankaracharya has taught "Know that Shiva and Vishnu in union is Brahman".



The Visvarupa and the Atma, having one Sakti, together is EKO.



Mata Durge Sharanam Namah. She taught Brahman to Indra. Let Her teach us also. One who is Brahman can only teach Brahman by absorbing the student, and none else, since Brahman is beyond mind and speech.


Brahman cannot be realised by talks or by thoughts but by being fully absorbed and by being that.

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(Because most Vaishnav's love God exoterically, as an external super power in the mold of Amitava Bachan or Rambo, they need to first understand that "ALL IS SELF" and "ALL LOVE THE SELF ONLY" and "SELF IS ONE".)


How can you even compare those mortals with the God?

We may never understand the One self that encompass everything just as pearls are strung on a thread.




I am not comparing mortals with God. But those who translate Purusha as a person or a personality (a glorified Nara) do so.



Wiser people know Purusha as the being who was Purva Usha. The being who predated Usha.



Moerver, when scriptures says God created man in his own image then most take the body and its shape as God's image. See the falsity of the perspective?


How will one know what is the image of God without knowing God? And these naras simply ignore the scriptures which say that Brahman is Atma/Pragnya/Purusha.



Are they wise? No, however great a sage they may be. And most such just bask in the glory of abuse of Sankaracharya, without even once mentioning that very few can attain Shankaracharya's level of Bhakti. For Bhakti also Bhaja Govindam, Saundarya Lahari, or Sivanand Lahari are peerless.



Pardon me.


Om Namah Sivayya



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Hare Krishna,


"I am not comparing mortals with God. But those who translate Purusha as a person or a personality (a glorified Nara) do so."


God is indeed a person or a personality - but we do not see Him as a glorified Nara. We see Him as a transcendental nara. In addition Krishna says that He considers less intelligent those who think He was unmanifest before and assumed the personality of Krishna (Bg. 7.24)


"Wiser people know Purusha as the being who was Purva Usha. The being who predated Usha."


And there is no reason why that being cannot have a personality.


"Moerver, when scriptures says God created man in his own image then most take the body and its shape as God's image. See the falsity of the perspective?"


No, we see that God's transcendental body and shape has mercifully been materially replicated in the human being.


"How will one know what is the image of God without knowing God? And these naras simply ignore the scriptures which say that Brahman is Atma/Pragnya/Purusha."


Brahman is indeed one feature of God. We don't deny God any of His three features: Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan.


"Are they wise? No, however great a sage they may be. And most such just bask in the glory of abuse of Sankaracharya, without even once mentioning that very few can attain Shankaracharya's level of Bhakti. For Bhakti also Bhaja Govindam, Saundarya Lahari, or Sivanand Lahari are peerless."


Indeed, Shankaracharya was a great devotee of Vishnu. After all, he is an incarnation of param-vaishnava Lord Shiva. Also, he preached that 'just chant the name of Govinda, none of this logic and grammar will save you at the time of death'. We also accept the words of Lord Shiva from the Padma Purana: `In the age of Kali, I take the form of a brahmana and explain the Vedas through false scriptures in an atheistic way, similar to Buddhist philosophy.' We know that impersonal philosophy of Shankarcharya was given specifically in order to carry out the above delineated mission.


Your aspiring servant,


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Hare Krishna,


Om Namo Shivaya,


"Well first find out Why Indra killed Vrtra and pregnant wives of Krsna."


I will if you give me source where you read it, as i requested in the other thread - otherwise how can i find out?


Your aspiring servant.

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p align=center> Posted Image </p>


".....I realize your feelings have been hurt by likes of Govidram and you are angry justly so.

We Hindus are our worst enemy sometimes, without knowing the subject matter we jump to wrong conclusion..."


I am surprised your post starts with pranam instead of calling me a fool/idiot.Are you really a Vaishnava?

Then how come only you are so polite and humble?


I am not angry towards Govindaram.

he should go through several janmas yet to come to learn the truth.

Otherwise, we can see a person in Vaikunda, calling everyone idiot and "dog", like that.


"....Have you ever tried to find out at what age this Lila of our Lord took place? Do you know the position of gopis?...."




Anyway, in your Krishna-book, it is given that Gopis felt desire(lust?) for Him when He stole their clothes.So age didnt matter.

Inference: he was perfect youth for a woman to lust.




They were lusting towards a boy, but already married.

This was their position.


"........Try to read udhav conclusion on this or ask some one like Rameshbhai Oza who is a great Bhagvat scholar.."


Since they were all devotees, they can only explain it that way.


"........It is great to worship mata don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, but please do not write derogatory things about our lord..."


Yes,Indeed great,i agree.

Hayagreeva says: " Punya attained through crores of Janmas of worshipping Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, and all other Devathas lead us to the Mother in the last birth.

Devi upasana and Lalitha Sahasranama chant are done in the Last birth...."


Who is this OUR LORD?

There is only one Lord.It is childish to say that only one sect worships Him

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