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Inter-religious Marrriage- hindu boy to muslim girl

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Dear all


i'm working as software engineer in reputed concern. i was

working as faculty in computer centre 4 years, during this period muslim girl joined the 6 month course. i was taken the class and course also completed. there after she joined another 1 year course. the end of the course (around two years she was come to computer course) she show me a poet the poet is very emotional and that poet refer stoled her heart someone like this... i just asking who's that guy. later on i thaught my wrong is what am i asking) i thought she fallen love with me. after this happen's i was course completed in fast track. there after she not meet me but daily make a call for me even in night time. i don;t know my mobile no? how is she knonw. she is telling i'm love with u in true and open mind. these events are very make hurt my heart.


what can i do .... ?

how to approch and how to solve it ?



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Marrying a muslim girl is interreligious marriage and not intercaste marriage.If you want to marry her ,do so. Caste, religion etc are all barriers created by man,all religions and god are manmade so do not believe in all these stupidities

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Dear Jaishaker,

There was no computer in your previous generation yoyu are still working as computer engineer.So you can adopt if you love someone. She can learn about Diwali & you can celebrate Eid ,she can study Geeta & you both will realisethat both are irrelevant and human vlues matter.

In fact it will be fun as you can have more festivals to celebrate and more sweets. Also do not ask each other to accept each other's religion . conversion if any has to be mutual.

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Dear Jaisankar,


Please go talk to an elderly person of your family or some relative whom u think has very good knowledge about these issues and also a good background about your life and character and also more experience in life. Atleast a frend whom u know since a long time who is more experienced that you are.If u wud dare to, then even go and talk to her relatives and how they feel. A person-person/face-face talk/discussion is reqd.


Personal issues, especially when it comes to marriage cannot be decided based on public online discussion forums. Its not a random game ok? hope u understand its importance. Thousands wud give random opinions here.. it wud be of veeeery little help.. rather more of a confusion for u. So, jst DUMP this forum for such personal issues and be smart and assertive and get some REAL help.


good luck.. Jai Sita Rama.. Jai Hanuman


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