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LAKHAPAR - NEW SARASWATI civilisation Found - Geo Archaeology Report

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Lakhapar 23.33N - 70.28E - RAMVAV 23.32 N - 70.28 E :- (Details of Lakhapar and Ramvav Sarasvati civilisation)


Dear friends of Science of Geology and GeoArchaeology,


Sub: LAKHAPAR - NEW SARASWATI civilisation Found - Geo Archaeology Report of CHOBARI, Ekal Mata VAV, RmaVAV & Kali RamVAV and Lakhapar Sarasvati Civilisation (VAGAD & BHACHAU)

I was inspired to visit VAGAD area of Kutch Including parts of Bhachau and RAPAR in Kutch as there was a religious festival of PUNARODHDHAR of Temple of CHOBARI. (Chaubari - four Vavs made by PANDAVAs during their exile).

Though one may not be so inspired only by festival but there was some thing more. The one of the Oldest temple of Shiva is to be SWAYAMBHU SHIVa Ling and was created by Pandavas SHIVA pujanam. according to the Pujaris and oldest people of Village the SHIVa Ling is still growing up out of the Earth. To some it looks Odd and imaginary in the time of the recent developing science age!! but they insist that, that has happened in front of their eyes during their lifespan. and that's the history the Village has name Chaubari - CHOBARI. does Such a LOKVAYAKA history /STORY has any importance? lets check in the report of the geo- archaeology of the region.

The VAV at that temple place is built by Pandavas (before 5100- 5200 years - which is about the time before MAHABHARAT time scale and also during the time of destruction of all the Sarasvati Civilisation). also the region hold the area of GEDI where PANDAVAS stayed during their GUPTa VAaS. and Area of the BHIMa GUDA where Bhim swinged his first wife HEDAMBA and BHANJDO may be the place of residence of Hedamba.

1) The VAV - VAV was built during the civilisation time but people of village made cover of the CEMENTING the original inside which holds the clue of the constructions of that time scale of before 4500 years. That VAV has sweet water just near the ground. when the Water of Sarasvati was flowing in the RANN of the Kutch and so Villages near by the shore was having that underground water just near the ground at that time.

Not only that Vav but similar VAV in near by region at EKALMATA temple is still there and having water near ground. (picture is attached (EKALMATA VAV.JPG). believed to be over flowing over the ground at that time of Sarasvati water in RANN of KUTCH. and markation are itself an evident there in the place.

Similar VAV at Kali RAM VAV near RamVAV village is there and water is just near ground. as that was also having water over the ground during Sarasvati waters in RANN of the KUTCH. recently many people died as attempted to go to get water from the VAV because of GAS GADTAR in the Kali RamVav. Picture and water in VAV is visible in picture attached (KaliRamVAV.JPG).

Waters in the region was flowing from south to North wards to wards the RANN of the Kutch to join waters of SARASVATI river. and today also an UNDERGROUND water flow is existing in those VAVs of those region.

2) Geologically as the Grounds of that region was lifted up in the time and water of the SARASVATI was stopped flowing to the RANN of the Kutch by earth activity and seismic lift up of the Sarasvati River basin and surrounding area of the tributaries of VAV areas of Chaubari- CHOBARI, EKAL MATA VAV and KALI RAM VAV also. but under ground flow of the water is still existing near ground.

Geologically the area has history of seismic lift up from the water beds as their fossils of that region suggest that there were fresh water lakes of the Sarasvati and Life of those fresh water animals are fossilised and are plenty of available in the region known as Stones KERI and fossils of the bones of fresh water fish. - file attached as RamVavFossils.jpg (They may be fossils of those of the Fresh water animals)

3) SHIVa Ling and LOKVAYAKA related to Geological activity as the core of Magma Lava is lifting up the ground in the region and still active to lift up the Dykes of the LAVA in the regions. which has resulted in the lifting of the ground of the basin of the Sarasvati river which resulted to the dry bed of the river. such an activity is still active in Gangeshwar (near Gangeshwar Mahadeva temple and Gunavari River in the mountains of MADHAPAR 5Km - BHUJ 10 KM) Dome which is still lifting up and so resulting longitudinal faults (cracks) appears frequently.

4) RAMVAV fossils. plenty of fossils are on the ground of the main bazaar of the village. fish and bones are clearly visible in the fossilised land in the street. suggesting there may be a fresh water lake at that time and lift up of the ground resulted to the formation of the fossils of those fresh water animals.as a result of seismic activity.

So Ram vav is an ideal place to have the SARASVATI CIVILISATION in the area of the KALI RAMVAV and LAKHAPAR region.- (Not The Lakhapar/ RAMVAAV village)findings of the potteries and toys of the Sarasvati civilisation are attached photo of LAKHAPARFind.jpg. Attached TOPO map file (ChobaroTOPOmap.jpg )Kankhoi Bharudia Ekal vanoi suvai ram vav, kali ramvav lakhapar will give the clue to understand that area of the VAGAD region. River flows from SW to NE from the SE side of the LAKHAPAR Sarasvati civilisation area to wards the Ekal mata region.

From Yours :- Dr.BHUDIA-Science Group Of INDIA.


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