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how will God look today?

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if God were to come today how will he look?


with a peacock feather in his hair? with a bow and arrow? with matted hair?


Or with designer jeans and T-shirt? or may be a bermuda?

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Well, I would say he would look like anybody on the street. But most of us would not be able to recognize him since we have a tendency to condemn beggers and saints like Sawmi Ramakrishna , Ragavendra, Vallalur Ramalingam and many others who were and are here to part the message of Dharma. So, if you had made an innocent mistake, I'm sure HE would forgive you. But in future if you happen to meet a begger or a shadu on the street please do not question his motive but just give what you can because he could be GOD in mufti trying to test your sinserity and love for fellow human being.

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Hare Krishna,


God will descend in 427,000 years as Kalki.


Before then, if one wants to claim to be God:


(1) Unlimitedly Wealthy (e.g. 16,000 palaces?)

(2) Unlimitedly Beautiful (e.g. attract 16,000 wives)

(3) Unlimitedly Renounced (e.g. offer all credit for what you have done to your devotee)

(4) Unlimitedly Strong (e.g. lift a hill on the tip of your finger for seven days at the age of seven)

(5) Unlimitedly Famous (e.g. Everybody comes to your town just to see you)

(6) Unlimitedly Knowledgeable (e.g. you know the details of every single lifetime of every single living entity - past, present and future)


Unfortunately, Ramakrishna could not fulfil even one of these attributes, let alone all of them.


Your aspiring servant.

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To my aspiring servant,


thank god


that ramakrishna, ramana or sai baba didnt manifest any of those superficial attributes of bhagwan.


or else their credentials would have depended on shallow faith of devotees like you.


ur aspiration is granted. join work from tommorrow under me as a servant, i will teach u.

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To my aspiring servant,


thank god


that ramakrishna, ramana or sai baba didnt manifest any of those superficial attributes of bhagwan.


or else their credentials would have depended on shallow faith of devotees like you.


ur aspiration is granted. join work from tommorrow under me as a servant, i will teach u.


your master

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Whenever there is a decline of Dharma (Righteousness) and a predominance of Adharma (Unrighteousness), O Arjuna, then I manifest Myself. I appear from time to time for protecting the

good, for transforming the wicked, and for establishing world order (Dharma). (4.07-08)


The ignorant persons despise Me when I appear in human form, because they do not know My transcendental nature as the great Lord of all beings, and take Me for an ordinary human being. They are unable to recognize Me, because they have false hopes, false actions, and false knowledge;

and possess delusive qualities of fiends and demons. (9.11-12)

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god will look like anything that his devotee needs or wants Him to look like. God i beyond form and has no absolute natural form, unless you say everything is his natural form.


As for a modern looking god, He will exist so long as people in the contemporary world look to a being in designer clothes or such. Since most people that believe in God and his forms look to past beliefs of his form, they will most likely worship an older "style" God. Like Rama, who wears clothes from thousands of years ago in India but is still worshipped strongly today.


Many modern people dont believe God has a form and doesnt worship him as such. So they are not going to give him any modern appearance, cuz they wont give him ANY appearance at all.



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