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Srila Prabhupada

May 11, 1969


Rupa Gosvami was a finance minister in the government of Nawab Hussain Shah in Bengal. But when Lord Chaitanya started His movement, Rupa Goswami was captivated and he resigned his government service and joined Him. And he wrote immense literature. Narottama dasa Thakura said that conjugal love of Radha and Krishna can be understood when one goes through the literatures presented by these Gosvamis. So his first book is Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu, Nectar of Devotion. That is a very authorized book. There are quotations from various Vedic literatures about Radha-Krishna and the different stages of relationship with Him. Santa-rasa is admiration. God is Great. This is also one stage, appreciating the greatness of God. Then further development, dasya-rasa, is the willingness to serve. Oh! God is so great, and I must serve Him because everyone of us are serving somebody. So why not serve the Supreme? Nobody is free from service because we are constitutionally the servant. Either we become the servant of God or maya (illusion). Just like in any condition of life, we have to abide by the laws of the state. If someone says that he won't abide, then he'll be taken to the prison house. He will be forced. Similarly, maya and Krishna. If we don't abide by Krishna, then come to maya. He cannot be free. That is not our position. Freedom is frustration.

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