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Sad and Ignorant State of Indians ...

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Source : http://news./s/nm/20051118/wl_nm/aids_india_campaign_dc



"It depends on my mood whether I put on a condom or not," says Manoj, as a monkey scampers around the tin-roofed building, some 60 km (35 miles) from New Delhi.


"Sometimes I am not in the mood," says the 24-year-old high school dropout.


"AIDS? Yes, I have heard about it -- it has something do with sex," he said, still grinning. "I don't think about it."


Today, India's HIV/AIDS population is 5.13 million.



Fools like this will get married to someone, infect them with HIV/AIDS and probably cause a child born with HIV/AIDS. /images/graemlins/frown.gif


It is fools like this which justifies me praying to God that the World we see today is destroyed and a new cycle with responsible people is ushered.

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<<<<It is fools like this which justifies me praying to God that the World we see today is destroyed and a new cycle with responsible people is ushered.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


As long as there are smart people like you there would always be fools like them. It is part of GOD's plan when HE created this universe. This is what KRISHNA says in the GITA


"Whatever has happened it has happened well"

"Wharever is happening is happning well" and

"Whatever is going to happen will happen well"


From the above you should understand that this is all predestined and no one can change time [destiny]. It is also been told in the GITA that in the age of KALI such things will happen and itis happening. Do you want to defy GOD? AIDS is Almighty Induced Disease. So, you and I cannot prevent it from happening coz it's the will of GOD and so it is there otherwise men would have found a complete cure of it by now. Can you tell me how this AIDS virus appeared? No one knows except sopme speculations that is originated form African monkeys but there is no conclusive evidence that it came form there.


Thailand is a hot bed for AIDS like India and so are some European countries but it's now more than 20 years and yet man has not found a cure for it. Wishing for the end of the world is stupidity coz it shows how shallow is your faith in the Almighty.

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As long as there are smart people like you there would always be fools like them. It is part of GOD's plan when HE created this universe.


Foolishness or cleverness is not part or parcel, given by God. Suffering others endure comes either from themselves or from someone else, God has nothing to do with it.


When He says :


"Whatever has happened it has happened well"

"Wharever is happening is happning well" and

"Whatever is going to happen will happen well"


What I believe He meant is the path the World is travelling is accordance to His Will, NOT the idiocy and self-induced suffering of a person.


From the above you should understand that this is all predestined and no one can change time [destiny]. It is also been told in the GITA that in the age of KALI such things will happen and itis happening.


He also said that He can change what is Destined if devotee work hard and surrender themselves to Him in Bhakti Yoga ... do you nicely forget about it? /images/graemlins/wink.gif


To say God cannot change something in Time is to say God is limited in His power. I don't believe such defination is God. One who is God MUST be Omnipotent, Omnipresent and ALL-knowing. He is also One who is beyond Time and Space. Which means, if He wishs to change something - it WILL be changed.


AIDS is Almighty Induced Disease. So, you and I cannot prevent it from happening coz it's the will of GOD and so it is there otherwise men would have found a complete cure of it by now.


Then why don't you go and get yourself infected with HIV and AIDS? If you don't, then it can be said that you are the one who is defying God.


No one knows except sopme speculations that is originated form African monkeys but there is no conclusive evidence that it came form there.


AIDS is sexual transmitted disease and last I checked, Man don't have sex with monkeys. It comes from weakened immune system which cause by uncontrolled sexual activities (Gays and bixsexual relationships) as well as needle sharing. You can say otherwise, it doesn't matter.


Thailand is a hot bed for AIDS like India and so are some European countries but it's now more than 20 years and yet man has not found a cure for it.


Man have yet found cure for it because Man have not stop indulging in lustful activities. Man still works in state of ignorance - thinking condoms can help to save him from AIDS/HIV and still uses drugs in other forms, especially designer drugs.


Cure is there - always has and had been there all the time. It is Rightful Living, Rightful Conduct, Rightful Mindset - as stated by Buddhist Principles and the Gita. Man who is the one who rejects the Cure and kept looking for artificial one.


Wishing for the end of the world is stupidity coz it shows how shallow is your faith in the Almighty.


Wrong ... it is Compassion.


In Africa, 1 Children out of 3 is born with HIV/AIDS in late 1980s - 1990s and most of this children die before they reach age of 10 years old due to weakened immune system.


In India, things are not that bad, but as the news source shows, it will become worse with people who are ignorant and stupid around. So, due to Compassion for Children who are to born and suffer needlessly, I fast and pray on Fridays so God will come and cleanse the World and make it new again.


You on the other hand, do not care about some children suffering here and there, you only care of facing Destruction brought by God and the notion of you will stand before God in Judgement Day and been judged.


I too prepared to be judge and casted aside IF it means the World will be cleanse and made new, and fill once again with voices of children laughing. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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That it is, but people can also get it from the doctor or other instruments where blood is dealt with.


Infected blood ... don't forget that.


Blood of one person who has no HIV/AIDS will not cause another person to be infected with HIV/AIDS either. Also, HIV/AIDS virus cannot survive on its own in outside the body so ONLY way of transmitting it is by infecting another person by injection and sexually transmitting it, both which deals with Blood.


In this case, both deals with Human Ignorant and Self-Delusion where a person delude themselves in sexual activities and in state of ignorant by taking drugs.


Cure - Clean your Mind and Follow proper Conduct.


Do Man accept this Cure? No .. they still looking for artificial cure.

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Hare Krishna,


God has provided such a nice way for people to dovetail their sexual desire. Simply get married and produce God-conscious children.


BG 7.11: "I am sex life which is not contrary to religious principles, O Arjuna."


Your aspiring servant.

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God has provided such a nice way for people to dovetail their sexual desire. Simply get married and produce God-conscious children.


BG 7.11: "I am sex life which is not contrary to religious principles, O Arjuna."


Keyword here is "Not Contrary" to religious principles.


In many lives I have seen around me, once a person gets married, a lot of things happens to that person which becomes contrary to religious principles.


A person who (before married) doesn't care about salary and position and concentrated in spiritual development could find himself facing delima of supporting his wife and children. He forced to increase his salary and position and many of them do it in a illegal manner such as office politics. This happens in my office also.


Also, you could be considered to be lucky if you have good and supportive wife. But if you get unsupportive wife, or one who likes to indulge in materialistic values without bothering about consequences (expecially those so-called well-educated ones), then you will find yourself going away from your spiritual goals.


It is problems like this which is many reasons why so many young people remain bachelors.


But we are not talking about responsibility of a person, we are talking about ignorant and irresponsibility of a person like what I have shown in my above example.

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1. You said 'HIS WILL' and yet you contradict your own statement. Nothing moves without HIS WILL and so whatever is happening is HIS. That is all to it.



2. Yes, HE can change if HE WILLS but in this case HE does not wish to change the senario. I did not say HE cannot change the situation. Do not assume that is what I meant. What is happening is according to HIS WILL period.


3.That was not willed by GOD otherwise I too would have been infected with AIDS.


4.'Man don't have sex with monkeys'? That is what you think. Man does all kind of wierd things to satisfy his lust. Pigs, Dogs, Donkeys and Horses. You name it and they have done it. Where are you living? Don't you read news papers. Soemtime back in Malaysia a man was caught having sex with a hen. May be you are living in a cocoon and do not see the outside world.


5. Here again you seem to lack in information. They are still experimenting and testing new drugs but yet to find the right one. Eventualy they will find a drug that can cure AIDS but for the time being they have drugs to slow the affect of the deterioation.


6. 'Rightful Living, Rightful Conduct, Rightful Mindset'. Yeh! That is what is expected of all men but in reality it does not happen and you should know the reason why. Please tell that to the Malaysian drivers. In Malaysia there are more deaths on the road than AIDS in a year.


7. You have to face reality. DEATH is evident. DEATH has many faces and DEATH has no fixed age. You are not aware of DEATH. GOD did not promise you anything when you were born. Your destiny is controled by your past KARMA. All lives in this planet are inter linked and that is the real TRUTH behind this whole prosess of BIRTH and DEATH.


A child dies in the womb before its birth into this world but doctors would say what they think. But in reality GOD wants the mother to be to suffer the lost of the unborn child due to her bad KARMA in the past. In this birth she will grieve for the lost unborn baby which she had failed to understand such in her previous life. Or may be in her previous life she had caused someone to lose her baby in the womb and now she has to experience that same effect. You have to go deep to understand the UNKNOW, OMNIPREST and OMNOPOTENT. True man would not brag of his service to mankind. They do it in silence.


Yes, you can pray to GOD to release these unfortunate souls from their suggerings but that is not only your prayers but millions of others. But GOD has other options which you and I would not know. So, stop howling and start the ball rolling by selling all your assets in order to safe the children in africa. If that is what your wish is.......

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Yes, each and every one including you and me will always have split personality. To our parents we would have been their son and behaved as one, to a friend we would behave as different from being a son and to our wives we would behave as a domineering male CP and to our subordinates we would be a serious no nonsence slave driver. Yes, that is what we are a split personality.


To members in this forum, each with different views of our belief, surely one need to give them what they can perceive not what you or I understand. Asking one to understand what you understood is typical of ISKCON members. Always compeling others to receive their ideology and refuse to understanting what others feel. I'm sorry for being blunt here but that is how I see it. So, if it sounds nonsense to you it's a matter of opinion and it does not hurt me and by all means you have your right to judge others and so are others who would judge you.


The world is not made of only maadhavs, sephiroths or barneys. It takes all kinds to form this world and that is why it is beautiful. But sad to say of late that beauty is tainted with Tsunami, Earthquakes, Katrina and latest monsoon flood in Tamil Nadu where 500 thousand people are displaced without food and shelter. Natural disaster is increasing by the year and death toll is rising by seconds can you or me safe the situation? Surely not, coz it is an order of the Supereme Brahman and no one can defy him. We accept what is willed and pray that HE shows mercy on those departed poor souls whatever their sins may be. As a human being it is our duty to show compassion and help in whatever way we can to lessen their burden.




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Dear Barney,

love to you

That was a very compassionate piece of writing,may ther be more & more people like you.We have to understand that human beings are the only manfestation of god we will ever see.Keep it up.

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There is two sort of people in this world - one who learn from religion and tries to find truth from it AND another who makes excuses and goes on with their so-called life while pushing aside Religious values. You're the second type. For you, whatever fits your own acceptance is Hindusm. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


1. You said 'HIS WILL' and yet you contradict your own statement. Nothing moves without HIS WILL and so whatever is happening is HIS. That is all to it.


You picture God as incompetent as Christians had picture God in their religion.


What happening now IS NOT accordance to His Will alone, it is just Karma. Our own sins are controlling the World as it circles and God watchs silently.


He already made it clear what is His Likes and Dislikes in Religious texts such as Puranas, Gita and such. Now, He will watch and see whether you will follow or not.


Take look at Christianity and Islam. Why did they come to being when God knows that they will corrupt India? Answer - because Indians themselves had corrupted their own religions by following nonsenses and ignoring their own beliefs, given to them.


He said there is 4 Varnas according to the 4 Personalities of Man and Man made it 40,000 varnas and split themselves away from each other - disunited, weak and pathetic.


Kyastrias forget that their duty is to protect and serve and indulge themselves. Brahmins forget that their duties is to teach Mankind and concentrated in their own salvation while looking at others as lower than them (when in Gita, it is said that those who seeks the Lord MUST be humbler than a blade of grass). Merchants deals with worldly materialistic values alone and Farmers went on with their lives without knowing God. All this is NOT will of God but Sins of Man. So, Christianity and Islam came to India - as willed by God to cause Chaos. Cannot blame them also since they are just tools to be used.


So, what is God's Will is for you to work together and reclaim Hindusm as it was thousands of years ago ... that is Man's redemption now. You fail to do it, No Problem ... Don't Complain when India, as well as all the other nations of the World which in state of Ignorance cleansed by His Will.


2. Yes, HE can change if HE WILLS but in this case HE does not wish to change the senario. I did not say HE cannot change the situation. Do not assume that is what I meant. What is happening is according to HIS WILL period.


What He wishs or not wishs is NO concern of yours. If He chooses to cleanse the World, that is His choice. My task is to fast and pray so He could consider and accept my prayers for a cleaner world ... even if it means of my own destruction.


3.That was not willed by GOD otherwise I too would have been infected with AIDS.


Don't be so sure ... /images/graemlins/wink.gif


4.'Man don't have sex with monkeys'? That is what you think. Man does all kind of wierd things to satisfy his lust.


You are one sick Camel. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

I have no interest in knowing things on crazy people and their attics, thank you.


Anyway, Fact remains - cause of AIDS as reported by WHO is needle sharing and Sexual Activities.


5. Here again you seem to lack in information. They are still experimenting and testing new drugs but yet to find the right one. Eventualy they will find a drug that can cure AIDS but for the time being they have drugs to slow the affect of the deterioation.


Like I said - Artificial Cure. Doesn't matter if they find it or not. Because if AIDS is defeated, other more powerful disease will take it place.


That is what is expected of all men but in reality it does not happen and you should know the reason why. Please tell that to the Malaysian drivers. In Malaysia there are more deaths on the road than AIDS in a year.


So? If a person cannot live properly - then DIE. If a person cannot drive properly - then DIE also. Why must anyone pity such nuisance? What is expected is clearly shown - it is not anyone else's mistake if they do not accept and follow it.


You are not aware of DEATH.

Hahahahaha ...


GOD did not promise you anything when you were born.


Wrong ... it is faithless people who say such things. God promised us a better life in the next one if we live a good life in this one. This life will mirror the next and so on.


If you expected to gain nothing, then why bother living? If you do not seeks salary, then what for you go into employment? If you do not seek knowledge, then why go to a library?


World is a place of physical aspect - you seek something, so you are born. Whether you get it or not, depends on your faith and karma.


True man would not brag of his service to mankind. They do it in silence.


Maybe in the past, this is acceptable but not now. People who continues to live in ignorance needs guide and true devotees must come forth and try their level best to guide them and themselves to path to God.


Yes, you can pray to GOD to release these unfortunate souls from their suggerings but that is not only your prayers but millions of others.


Oh ... trust me ... millions WILL cry out to God to cleanse the World, not me alone.


Millions cried out in 1980s when the African children starved to death and wondered what sin they have commited to be born in such hell. Millions will cry due to upcoming natural disasters, sickness and strive. And God WILL listen. Cleansing WILL come. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


So, stop howling and start the ball rolling by selling all your assets in order to safe the children in africa. If that is what your wish is.......


ONLY a fool will sell what he has to save a bunch today. Because tomorrow, when another bunch will suffer, he will have nothing to give and suffer together. Best way to help others is by strenght oneself and then give others.

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Hinduism is a way of life described in the vedas and puranas some few thousand years ago. No Hindu will deny that but at the same time laws and values reviewed according to period of time. No Hindu walks with doty & sandals into an office these days. Changes take place according to time and so did the laws in Vedas or puranas. So, why does that affect you and in what way?



1. I beg your pardon! Did I mentioned to you that I picture HIM so? Boy! Looks like you are good at it..... and hope you know what I mean.


If each and every human had followed what had been written in the GITA and other religious text from the start of creation than why talk about recarnation. The word would not exist in the Hindu dictionary and Webster too. So, your argument here is meaningless.


Of course HE watches and that is HIS pastime. Whether I follow the Hindu religious law or not is irrelavant as to this very day there is not HINDU country where vedic laws have been legistlated. Not in India nor anywhere else. So to a comon man like me I follow the laws of the country I was born. Because if I strictly follow Hindu laws than I would become an outcast in my own country. I am now living with both my neighbours left and right non Hindus who eat beef. I buy my grocries from Super Markets that sell untouchable items not along with what Hindus need for their daily consumption. As HIndu there are so many things that a Hndu need to adopt as there are too many changes to this country as well in other parts. So how do you think a Hindu can be a TRUE Hindu in this 21st century, MR.KNOW ALL?


Do not just talk for lip service. Come to reality and be a Hindu who has tolerency towards non Hindus. Because you need their help in times of emergency.


MR.KNOW ALL, I think you ought to pray to GOD to send you back to vedic period. I think that is what fits you as an hypocrate. I know your kind and many I have met in my life. Speak as though you are purest of th pure and in close doors you are worst than perverts.


You are talking like the hypocrate Christians waiting for Armaggedon. May be you have a link with them like ISKCON does.


2. Hello! GOD's WILL is everboy's concern. Whatever happens by the WILL of GOD affects all living being one way or another and if you do not realize this TRUTH than you must be a KOMALI.


3. So now you have taken the role of a GP to diagnose my health. Good, this is getting mor intersting.....


4. In your eyes when someone tell the truth is a sick camel uh? You are clearly displaying your hypocritic ways here. Do not pretend to be an innocent child. Boy! You are a great pretender. I wonder what your circle of friends th9ink of you. Oh! Yes, I remember you do not like friend as the always ask for your help and that you despise them.


5, So, HYPO looks like you are not happy and dislike the idea that scientist would eventually discover the drug to cure AIDS. What I see here is a saddist wishing for disaster to happen all the time. I'm sure the member in this forum would know the true YOU.


6. Could you please tell us your experience in meetng with GOD before you were cast onto your mother's[your choice] womd. I'm sure HE would have told you what you would be when you grow up and how you would turn out to be a saddist. We are waiting to hear your meeting with GOD before you were cast out into this world. Come on, let us knwo of your secret meeting with the ALMIGHTY.



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No Hindu will deny that but at the same time laws and values reviewed according to period of time.


I don't see any need for any reviews other than to make people like you feel better on their own ignorance. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


No Hindu walks with doty & sandals into an office these days.


Hmph ... you never worked in a Japanese firm, have you? In some places which has tatami installed, you are required to take off your shoes and walk in barefoot or wearing sandals. This includes office and meeting places. So yes, Indians don't walk into office without sandals, that doesn't means the use of sandals is outdated. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


1. I beg your pardon! Did I mentioned to you that I picture HIM so? Boy! Looks like you are good at it..... and hope you know what I mean.


I don't give a damn what you mentioned. In my belief, you have pictured Hindu God to be as incompetent as Christian God ... maybe Christian yourself or someone who comes from Christian influence. It is common trait among Christians and Muslims/wannabees.


If each and every human had followed what had been written in the GITA and other religious text from the start of creation than why talk about recarnation.


Following what written in the Gita doesn't mean you are going to get Moksha, either is a Jew who practise Judaism will acheive perfection or a Buddhist will receive enlightnment. In the end, the journey is long and hard and when and where you will return to Him, only He knows - thus, reincarnation.


If you think if you follow Gita 100% and you will get Moksha, then you are sadly mistaken. Even Sri Krishna's best friend (that Brahmin fellow - Aditya or something) who follow Sri Krishna, listen to His words and follow perfectly everything, in the end didn't get Amirathan and cause Sri Krishna lost to Indra because he was too attached to his Caste.


Not in India nor anywhere else.

Not yet, not that you know of.


Because if I strictly follow Hindu laws than I would become an outcast in my own country. I am now living with both my neighbours left and right non Hindus who eat beef. I buy my grocries from Super Markets that sell untouchable items not along with what Hindus need for their daily consumption.


As HIndu there are so many things that a Hndu need to adopt as there are too many changes to this country as well in other parts. So how do you think a Hindu can be a TRUE Hindu in this 21st century, MR.KNOW ALL?


You LOVE to make so many excuses, don't you? /images/graemlins/wink.gif


I don't know the name of the Sage, but he was a hot-headed and quick tempered one (probably Sage Wisvatham). One day, he came to a house in a village and called out for the occupant for some food. After calling several times with no respond, his anger boiled over. Just than, a young lady came out with food.


The Sage about to curse but the lady spoke first and she said - Duty to her husband was more important than answering his call. And since he doesn't know what is Bhakti/Jnana Yoga is, she send him to an "expert" so he could learn. The Sage surprised but left to see this "expert".


The "expert" she mentioned was a butcher who slaughter animal and sell their meat. The butcher asked the Sage whether the righteous lady from edge of the town send him and the Sage said yes.


To this, the butcher said - He has parents who he takes care and he sells meat but don't eat them. It is his duty and he does it without attachment. That is his Jnana/Bhakti.


Morale of this story is - DON'T make EXCUSES. Even if you are forced (by poverty) to work in a bar, do so without attachment and self-indulgement (of course, try look for another job also). Don't say you work in a bar so you need to be a stupid drunkard as well.


Do not just talk for lip service. Come to reality and be a Hindu who has tolerency towards non Hindus. Because you need their help in times of emergency.


And they need your help in times of emergency also - like Pakistan does now and India helped. Doesn't mean India is friends with Pakistan? No, even India President said this is just temporarily arrangement and both India and Pakistan will be at each others' throat some other day.


MR.KNOW ALL, I think you ought to pray to GOD to send you back to vedic period.


Many Hindus don't know it but Kali yuga is the best period of them all. Do you know why? Because in Kali yuga, when you are faced with doubts, ignorance and temptation, you can really know how strong your faith to God is.


In other periods (like Satya Yuga) everyone seems to be equals so there is no way to know who is the "weed" and who is the "grain" in your society.


You are talking like the hypocrate Christians waiting for Armaggedon. May be you have a link with them like ISKCON does.


If you are Hindu, then you know there is no such thing as Armageddon (where the world ends). The cycle will be renewed and people will be living in peace and harmony. Ignorant, perverted and foolish people will be wiped out, leaving the world to be freed.


2. Hello! GOD's WILL is everboy's concern. Whatever happens by the WILL of GOD affects all living being one way or another and if you do not realize this TRUTH than you must be a KOMALI.


Thing is, you don't know what is God's will and what is effect of your own Sins. So why worry about it?


3. So now you have taken the role of a GP to diagnose my health. Good, this is getting mor intersting.....


No, I just say, don't talk so much as if everything bad that can happen to you is already happened.


I wonder what your circle of friends th9ink of you.

Friends? What are those? /images/graemlins/wink.gif


5, So, HYPO looks like you are not happy and dislike the idea that scientist would eventually discover the drug to cure AIDS. What I see here is a saddist wishing for disaster to happen all the time. I'm sure the member in this forum would know the true YOU.


Scientists discovers cure or not for AIDS is not important. There is a cure - proper, Vedic living and as long as this is not followed, more and more problems will come. Say whatever you like.


6. Could you please tell us your experience in meetng with GOD before you were cast onto your mother's[your choice] womd.


As you may already know, no one remembers what happens between one existence with another. You can remember your pervious life but not your period of death and rebirth.

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1. You may not need any review but millions of others would and have accepted changes to adapt to this age of kali.


2. I do not worry what a Japanese do or don't unless I'm in Japan. But in this case I'm not a Japanese nor do I work in a Japanese firm. But as far as I know Japanese firms in my country do not follow their tradition because they know how to adapt to circumstances in countries of others. So, don't give me examples of foreigners. Try to change when time requires. We are not living in the yugas gone by.


3. Neither do I care a damn what you preach. You can believe what you want that does not move me an inch. Only fools would think as you do.


4. Old story. Give me dsomething new.


5. The YET and IF is a big Q.


6. If you think so. I've heard many such stories and parables so what? Show me a butcher who is a vegetarian in this century. Show me a vegetraian who is a bar tender in this century. May be in your dreams.


7. I'm a HIndu and I believe that Kali Yuga has ending but not at the century or the next. There are some few hundred thousand years to go. So, I suppose your are talking . here.


8. I do not worry of anything as I know whatever has happened it happened well, whatever is happening is happening well and whatever is going to happen it will happen well. So, why worry over anything as all this is the WILL of GOD.


"Goodness prevails by suppressing passion and ignorance; Passion prevails by suppressing goodness and ignorance; and Ignorance prevails by suppressing goodness and passion,

O Arjuna. (14.10)"


O Arjuna, the faith of each is in accordance with one’s own natural disposition that is governed by Karmic impressions. A person is known by the faith. One can become whatever one wants to be, if one constantly contemplates on the object of desire with faith. (17.03)


I think you have the brain to understand what it means.


9. Oh! Yes, it can happened to any body even the most holiest of holy but than you are forgetting the law of karma. If the past was not affected by bat action surely the present will safe you of any disaster. May be you are unaware of it yet you talk so much about karma nad not the WILL of GOD.


10. So, I'm correct when I say you are a saddist. You do not wish to have friends and love to see others suffer and also jealous of others well being. What kind of a human being are you? As I have said you ought to be send back to the past yuga. Am I conversing with a freak?


11. Those who desire to for such let them experience it so that others would know the result of the suffering. It is a play by GOD and actors have been chosen. Just enjoy the play and wait for your turn to exit the stage.


12. A good Astrologer will predict the time of your death and the birth of a child. You are a weakling here who is yet to learn in your theething period.







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1. You may not need any review but millions of others would and have accepted changes to adapt to this age of kali.


This is not called review, this is called MAKING EXCUSES. People like you don't adapt to changes, they make excuses to indulge in whatever they wish and still pretend that they are Hindu, like that joker in the example who ignorant about AIDS but still go and see prostitutes.


2. I do not worry what a Japanese do or don't unless I'm in Japan. But in this case I'm not a Japanese nor do I work in a Japanese firm. But as far as I know Japanese firms in my country do not follow their tradition because they know how to adapt to circumstances in countries of others. So, don't give me examples of foreigners. Try to change when time requires. We are not living in the yugas gone by.


Here's another example of ignorant. Like a frog in a well, you don't wish to see how others live their lives properly and continue to live in state of ignorance.


When given example of other race, you say you are a Hindu and therefore is not applicable to you; when asked why you are living in state of ignorance while claiming to be a Hindu, you ask example of others who live a proper life; and when someone like me gives you example of people living in a proper life (or trying to live a proper life) like the Japanese, you go back to statement no. 1 that it not applicable to you. I don't know what you are but I do know that you are NO Hindu. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


3. Neither do I care a damn what you preach. You can believe what you want that does not move me an inch. Only fools would think as you do.


Like I said ... you make Hindu God look incompetent as you are not a Hindu. Not else needs to be said. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


4. Old story. Give me dsomething new.

How about your Death going to come soon? New enough? /images/graemlins/wink.gif


5. The YET and IF is a big Q.


Better to ask the question and strive to find the answer than to live in ignorance and not ask anything like what Christians, Muslims and foolish people such as yourself are doing. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


6. If you think so. I've heard many such stories and parables so what? Show me a butcher who is a vegetarian in this century. Show me a vegetraian who is a bar tender in this century. May be in your dreams.


Which is why this World needs to be cleanse. If people cannot live a proper life, then they shouldn't be living at all.


7. I'm a HIndu and I believe that Kali Yuga has ending but not at the century or the next. There are some few hundred thousand years to go. So, I suppose your are talking . here.


Then you don't mind dying in such state of ignorance when the End comes to you and Begining is made anew for us, could you?


And no, you are NOT a Hindu ... you have scent of a Christians/atheist since you love to self-indulge while slowly corrupting everything else which is good, like cancer, which is what Christianity and Atheism is. Islam is not a cancer, it is a heartattack, one which Good people must strive to stay healthy to survive and continue to live.


8. I do not worry of anything as I know whatever has happened it happened well, whatever is happening is happening well and whatever is going to happen it will happen well. So, why worry over anything as all this is the WILL of GOD.


Believe in whatever you want. It won't matter when you are dead. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


I think you have the brain to understand what it means.


If you so smart, it will be you who explain it to me and show me how smart you are. In many places, I have seen foolish people give others sentences which they themselves do not understand and boost their own pathetic intelligence. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


9. Oh! Yes, it can happened to any body even the most holiest of holy but than you are forgetting the law of karma. If the past was not affected by bat action surely the present will safe you of any disaster. May be you are unaware of it yet you talk so much about karma nad not the WILL of GOD.


You don't know anything about Karma and Life, do you? In present, we make good and bad karma as we live which will effect the future. In the future, this karma will effect us more and it will continue onwards. You seems to think you live a horrible life in the past so this life, you living properly. That is self-delusion. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


In many people's life who thinks they living properly, they are actually living in sinful state which worse than what they did in the past.


10. So, I'm correct when I say you are a saddist. You do not wish to have friends and love to see others suffer and also jealous of others well being. What kind of a human being are you? As I have said you ought to be send back to the past yuga. Am I conversing with a freak?


Call whatever you want, it shows your ignorant mentality. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


11. Those who desire to for such let them experience it so that others would know the result of the suffering. It is a play by GOD and actors have been chosen. Just enjoy the play and wait for your turn to exit the stage.


Another proof that you don't know Gita or accept Gita. First, God plays no role, He is the Director who writes the script and watch as the performance plays. And you are not required to enjoy the play, you are required to do the play properly. Since you have wrong concept of the basic concept of Gita, it is evident that you are not a Hindu.


12. A good Astrologer will predict the time of your death and the birth of a child. You are a weakling here who is yet to learn in your theething period.


I have NEVER meet any astrologer who can predict time of death or birth. I have yet to see any such example, therefore, I will say you are LYING.

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