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nadi josem is true? or not?

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Can you kindly advise me the address Phone no of Nadi Astrologer you consulted.



Shri Kaushika Mahashiva Nadi Jothida Nilayam

E-1/209 , 2nd floor,

Near Krishna Market

Lajpat Nagar - Part I

New Delhi-110024


Tel: 298-17280 and 298-13679

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Hi all,

I had also visited Tambaram very recently. They gave me my marriage predictions also and time duration was sometime mid-year.


Wonder if they predict the same thing for everybody. I personally don't see how this will happen but can only wait for it to happen.


An interesting note, was I was nadi readings previously from another place also. Oddly enough the predictions for marriage match the predictions at tambaram but what is really weird is the fact that my shanti kandam ( previous life is very different).


I am just curious how future predictions in this life match but past lives don't. Can somebody please shed some light on it?





Actually the past lives are several and not just your immediate past one. Mabe they told you about past and the previous to past lives.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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To All,


Recently I visited Nadi Astrologer in Tambaram and my observations are as below :-


1. These predictions are only horoscope predictions. It can be true. You will find horoscope predictions same as that of other astrologers.


2. These astrologers try ask many questions to prepare your horoscope. Usually, birthdate and name is required to prepare horoscope. For example, they will ask you 3/4 questions to know your name. 1. Is your name has more than 5 alphabets ? If no, they will ask 'Is it four ?' If no, they will ask 'Is it 3?' till they get the exact number. Similary, they get the entire name/birth date in a series of questions of yes/no itself.


3. Your leaf will not be found until they get the required set of info from you to prepare your horoscope. They use the name of sages to impress you. At the time of giving the cassette, they told me that there is no predictions written by the 'Agasthay Rishi' on the leaf but these are their own predictions.


3. Other information they ask to know the present problem/situation which is makes more impressive predictations. Past happenings was not told.


4. I have met other persons who visited the astrologers and everybody told me that they had problem in their past lives because of which they are facing the problems. Everybody was asked for remedial measures which includes money.


5. When I asked about accidents in my life, I was told that there will accidents in my life at certain age if I do not perform remdial actions. But just two days later, I met with an accident and my leg was fractured.


6. People who visit there are usualy visit for their marriages with hope/curiosity.


Finally, I had gone there with a great hope but disappointed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I don't know if we can believe it or not. I have to wait for some more time to conclude that it was all wrong.


All I now understand is, we should not see these things, they totally impair our judgement process





I have experienced Nadi . A lot depends on how the interpretations are done by the reader . In our case , all what he said has been accurate...including death ...which he predicted would happe in less than six weeks.




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To All,


Recently I visited Nadi Astrologer in Tambaram and my observations are as below :-


1. These predictions are only horoscope predictions. It can be true. You will find horoscope predictions same as that of other astrologers.


2. These astrologers try ask many questions to prepare your horoscope. Usually, birthdate and name is required to prepare horoscope. For example, they will ask you 3/4 questions to know your name. 1. Is your name has more than 5 alphabets ? If no, they will ask 'Is it four ?' If no, they will ask 'Is it 3?' till they get the exact number. Similary, they get the entire name/birth date in a series of questions of yes/no itself.


3. Your leaf will not be found until they get the required set of info from you to prepare your horoscope. They use the name of sages to impress you. At the time of giving the cassette, they told me that there is no predictions written by the 'Agasthay Rishi' on the leaf but these are their own predictions.


3. Other information they ask to know the present problem/situation which is makes more impressive predictations. Past happenings was not told.


4. I have met other persons who visited the astrologers and everybody told me that they had problem in their past lives because of which they are facing the problems. Everybody was asked for remedial measures which includes money.


5. When I asked about accidents in my life, I was told that there will accidents in my life at certain age if I do not perform remdial actions. But just two days later, I met with an accident and my leg was fractured.


6. People who visit there are usualy visit for their marriages with hope/curiosity.


Finally, I had gone there with a great hope but disappointed.




You would obviously have gone to a hoax. In our case , he never asked me even once about my name. He straightaway told ne my name, my wifes, details of my parents, some interesting facts that I was not even aware of (but accurate) . My date of Birth , daughters problems etc etc...he never prodded mre nor probed me for answers





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Respected Guest! (Could you please give yourself a name. it will help)

My saying 'Nadi Jyotishm is fraud', is based on my experience and 'Critical Analysis' of what I went through at the renowned Nadi expert (Raju. in New Delhi). Infact I went to them with lot of hope and expectations and with 100% faith in it. Else I would have not gone at such a place. Even after they so called 'predicted' lot of things about me, I was pleasantly surprised and happily gave them the money they demanded.

It was when I critically analysed what I went through, I understood that it is not a science, but they are just fooling around people who come to them with full faith (or should i say blind faith).

There may be true 'Nadi' experts, but I dont know. I will start believing them if they give predictions using proper means.

Some questions;

Q) There are many nadi centers across world. But you to go any one of them and they will have the nadi/patra for you, which is unique? How is this possible?

Q) As per nadi shasthra, there should be billions of leaves for everyone? this is just not possible practically?

[Actually, they only have few bundles and they use SAME bundles for everyone]

Q) Does any nadi expert ever said 'Sorry, The nadi/patra for you is not with me?'

Q) Do they ever search for your nadi in 2-3 mins? They usually take long time as they have to ask questions...

Q) Try to get your nadi/patra read by someone other than who identifies it for you? He should be able to read it right? But he will never do it. as its just junk or something not relevant is there is nadi.

Waiting for comments.

I will be the happiest person, if someone convince me that this nadi science is for real.



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Respected Guest! (Could you please give yourself a name. it will help)

My saying 'Nadi Jyotishm is fraud', is based on my experience and 'Critical Analysis' of what I went through at the renowned Nadi expert (Raju. in New Delhi). Infact I went to them with lot of hope and expectations and with 100% faith in it. Else I would have not gone at such a place. Even after they so called 'predicted' lot of things about me, I was pleasantly surprised and happily gave them the money they demanded.

It was when I critically analysed what I went through, I understood that it is not a science, but they are just fooling around people who come to them with full faith (or should i say blind faith).

There may be true 'Nadi' experts, but I dont know. I will start believing them if they give predictions using proper means.

Some questions;

Q) There are many nadi centers across world. But you to go any one of them and they will have the nadi/patra for you, which is unique? How is this possible?

Q) As per nadi shasthra, there should be billions of leaves for everyone? this is just not possible practically?

[Actually, they only have few bundles and they use SAME bundles for everyone]

Q) Does any nadi expert ever said 'Sorry, The nadi/patra for you is not with me?'

Q) Do they ever search for your nadi in 2-3 mins? They usually take long time as they have to ask questions...

Q) Try to get your nadi/patra read by someone other than who identifies it for you? He should be able to read it right? But he will never do it. as its just junk or something not relevant is there is nadi.

Waiting for comments.

I will be the happiest person, if someone convince me that this nadi science is for real.



[ Mr.Shravan

Dear Mr.Shravan

I have heard and read numerous stories about Naadi Astrology and how they mislead you. I have also browsed through hundreds of pages on Web and seen Websites which demand upto $ 70 per question - on line . My Nadi charged Rs 300 only

In reply to your question

1. I went to a Nadi Jyotish at Hyderabad. We stay at Kolkata

2. I was able to get my palm leaf on third attempt ( in 7 months span) .

3. The Nadi took Rs 300 and he must have spent at least eight hours looking for the leaf, preparing the casette .The efforts are not commensurate with the earning ( Rs 300/ $ 7 ) .He dd not charge me at all on two occasions when he could not find the leaves

4. The reader did not prod me nor did he "put" words in our mouth

5. The reader came out with some astonishing facts about my family which I was not even aware of . I had to call relations 1500 km away to verify which turned out to be correct .

6. He simply asked me if my name was "KIRAN" or if my date of birth was ?xxxxxxx" .

7. I stay at Kolkata and this reader was at Hyderabad . We had never met and he did not even know us .

8. We met him three years s ago and so far the readings have been close to happenings so far

9. In Jan we consulted him again. He referred to the booklet he had given us three years ago and asked us if so and so was still alive . On giving him an affirmative aswer he said that according to the reading , she would not be there till the next birthday which was ten weeks away . She died about three weeks before the birthday even though she was active and not sick


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Actually the past lives are several and not just your immediate past one. Mabe they told you about past and the previous to past lives.


I would suggest you read the Book "Same Soul Many Bodies " by Dr.Brian Weiss . Dr.Weiss an American uses "past life" regression/incidents to cure patients




April 23 ,06

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I have visited four of these Nadi experts.Following are my comments.

Your past is very accurate as the information is extracted telepathically from your own mind.The future is a guesswork and is sometimes true but most of the time false. the shock is due to uncanny reading of your own mind due to which you are a believer.[All swamis and godmen use the same method.] I had taken old Sanskrit and clasiclal Tamil expert , they could not make head or tail of the script .The concerned people will always have not more than a few hundred strips with them.

It is us who are stupid who instead of fighting a problem try for a quick fix in a temple ,with a guru or swami, or we go to an astrologer. The entire society has this sickness of giving up when faced with a problem. God will always listen to you ,you do not need a middleman.

Hello Guest

If someone can "extract information by telepathy " as you describe Nadis, then these Naadi Readers must be super human beings . Any one with such powers can earn crores . All that the poor Naadi reader charges (if he finds your leaf) is Rs 300 ($ 7.00) for his efforts .

Just to give you an example, the Naadi reader told me facts that I WAS NOT EVEN AWARE OF .I had to call long distance to verify if this was correct (which incidentally turned out to be correct) .

So much for telepathy...........




April 23,06

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  • 4 weeks later...
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My name is GVM.


Let me share my experience of Naadi jyosiyam. My first experience was in 1999. My age was 34 that time. I have seen my naadi at Bangalore. The Pathanchali Naadi.


When I saw my naadi, I was working in a private organisation. The naadi read that I would start my business in the year 40. You know something , I started at end of my 34th year itself. Secondly I was told that I would get a female child in the age of 36 to 37 but I got a male child in the year of 39. I was told that I would construct my own house in the age of 40 but now I am 41. I have not even puchased a site. Nothing have come true in my life as per naadi.


Some how my lagna could not found in the Naadi at all, this is because I was very careful and not disclosed my time of birth at all.


One thing I have notice during the questioning session. If you do not disclose the materials they require, they never try to put in the reading. In the same way, I did not disclose my education and my time of birth and therefore both were missing in the reading.


It is very obivious that they try to gather information from you and put it with some predictions. I was told to perform poojas and I am fool, I did that too. I spent more than Rs. 10,000/- and I got my santhi yantharam also.


What is the use ? nothing was predicted correctly. Some how from myself they gathered, my father's name, mother's and wife's name. No. of brothers and sisters.


Since this has not happend to me, how do you think that I should belive it.


Quite obviously, this is absolutly a stiupid and very tricky and gimmick. Dear all of you, please do not spend too much time in this. Belive your own strength, that fetches you something beyond your limit.


The height of this is that I was told my girl child would become a doctor, afterall I do not have girl child at all.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Yes, There are many a time, my friends had been turned around by Nadi Joytish saying that " He didnt have the Patra".


It is Genuine, My another friend got a family secret of his Grand-Grand parents thro him



Respected Guest! (Could you please give yourself a name. it will help)


My saying 'Nadi Jyotishm is fraud', is based on my experience and 'Critical Analysis' of what I went through at the renowned Nadi expert (Raju. in New Delhi). Infact I went to them with lot of hope and expectations and with 100% faith in it. Else I would have not gone at such a place. Even after they so called 'predicted' lot of things about me, I was pleasantly surprised and happily gave them the money they demanded.


It was when I critically analysed what I went through, I understood that it is not a science, but they are just fooling around people who come to them with full faith (or should i say blind faith).


There may be true 'Nadi' experts, but I dont know. I will start believing them if they give predictions using proper means.


Some questions;

Q) There are many nadi centers across world. But you to go any one of them and they will have the nadi/patra for you, which is unique? How is this possible?


Q) As per nadi shasthra, there should be billions of leaves for everyone? this is just not possible practically?


[Actually, they only have few bundles and they use SAME bundles for everyone]


Q) Does any nadi expert ever said 'Sorry, The nadi/patra for you is not with me?'


Q) Do they ever search for your nadi in 2-3 mins? They usually take long time as they have to ask questions...


Q) Try to get your nadi/patra read by someone other than who identifies it for you? He should be able to read it right? But he will never do it. as its just junk or something not relevant is there is nadi.


Waiting for comments.


I will be the happiest person, if someone convince me that this nadi science is for real.




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Dear Friends,


My father once visited a Nadi Josiyam centre and came home with a cassette almost 13 years back. I played the cassette and found that all the observations were true. I also felt that it is impossible and said that he himself should have declared everything otherwise it is highly impossible to predict so accurately. I was adamant to see the guy the next day and so we went to meet him.


In my experience, I found it to be true. Of course, they ask many details to select our nadi. But they have told many things which was not discussed.


One of them took my finger prints and started discussing with me to arrive at my nadi by asking me few questions. Then he was convinced that this was my nadi and he passed it out to his colleague to write it in a book. We were waiting in that room only since we were the only people that time. Once the other person finished it almost in 45 minutes, the main person once again read from the notebook that the person wrote. He read it and translated it and also recorded it.


Also as shravan pointed, the person who clarified and selected the nadi was not the person who wrote it in the book. Also the points that were said were many things that I myself did not know that there was a elder brother who was born dead before me. This is just a sample, there were many other reveleations too.


After few days of my analysis, I have taken some of the fingerprints of my friends as per their request with little information about them. One of them had a reading that his father is working in a reputed company involved in Iron business. I dint know where his father was working. Returning back i asked my friend about it. He said his father was working with Tata Iron & Steel Co.

Also for few of my friends, Naadi was not found, so he asked me to come later.


Its almost 15 years now. The observations in the book including my father's death, my marriage, children, profession, etc had come true. In fact I am waiting for a chance to see whether any of it would be untrue. I have the cassettes with me recorded almost 13 years back as a proof of what I see in life.


The only thing I understand about Naadi Joshyam is


Naadis are like computer files, it needs an index to search and locate it. That is why details are collected. The persons are not predictors, but they are translators of the naadi script to our language in use.

There can be many false readers but that doesnt make the science untrue.






Hari Om



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I had my naadi reading in Vaitheeswaran koil when i was 16. I only gave my thumb impression. After that he started asking "yes or no" questions. Within 15 minutes we found the leaf. iam amazed by the reading in it.


1. He said that i will come to know my destination on my birthday and would come with my father. Bingo !! Yes my father was by my side and iam wearing my birthday dress.


2. I think my name is unique in the world. Anna Karunanidhi. As a sincere politician my father kept this name in honor of Mr.Annadurai and Dr Karunanidhi (Great leaders in TamilNadu politics). I didnt reveal my name to the naadi reader , but he told the name exactly. Since i know tamil language i asked him to show it in the leaf. yes he showed... but i was able to recognise only one part of my name "Anna". The other half was like some scribbling. He explained me that, in palm leaves, they cannot write tamil characters in parallel to leaf. Also they cannot keep dots in leaf since it will damage the leaf. Anyway I accepted his explanation


The critical part is:

I was told that my life will be in chemicals. and i will do big research in chemistry. But this didnt happen. Iam a software engineer. But again an interesting thing....


Again after 10 years i went to Vaitheeswaran koil to get my Business Astrology. The readings are as follows


1. My life will be in electronics and highly technical. Though i accepted it, i coudnt understand why it was not correct when i was 16.


2. He told me that, in 1 or 2 months i will go to foreign country for job. I just had a smile in my face, because i was having my flight tickets to Tokyo the next day itself.


So I think, naadi is 90% correct. The Obvious question which iam unable to accept is, Why would the Naadi writer "Agasthya" wrote differently for the same person in different gandam?


In 1 month iam planning to get my Matrimonial Gandam readed. Iam in love with a girl, and i am confident that i will marry her. But let me see whether Naadi reveals anything about her....

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Guys am shiv from bangalore, can you please mail the contact adress of the nadi center where you belive is gunine..... as many of you have replyed about your experiences which have come true / false... can you please tell me some where in tamilnadu or bangalore



best regards



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nadi Astrologer address


Mr. Durai Subburathinam

Naadi Astrologer

36, New State Bank Colony

Behind Philips Hospital

West Tambaram

Chennai - 600 045.


Tel: 044-22366264

Fax: 044-22367832




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Take it from me,


Never your details of marriage would be correct. (Please keep yourself tight lipped). It was greatly in accurate in case of my nephew.


Naadi said, it would be arranged marriage, but his was love marriage and he said he has to travel 8 hrs to reach his in laws house, his in-laws are at 17 kms distance. Naadi said that the colour of his wife is dark but his wife is very very fair. Imagine the percentage of Naadi. Naadi said his wife's name would be related to some flower, his wife's name is jyothi .


None was correct.


Naadi readers are literally cunning ! Just because they are not questioned or punished for their lies they can cheat you to any extent.


I challange, If naadi is really a true astrology, every naadi reader by now would have been a multi-millionare.





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I said many times in this forum and again rapeating... Nadi readers are fooling people and taking advantage of blind faith pople have.


They just extract information in form of yes/no and use intelligent guesswork/astrology to predict your future.


There is no scientific basis for this. If there is, someone please enlighten me.

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How to test the Naadi accuracy.


1. Disclose your Name (Completely)

2. Disclose your Wife's Name (Completely)

3. Disclose your Date of Birth (Completely)

4. Disclose your Place of Birth (completely)

5. Disclose your Time of Birth (completely)

6. Do not disclose your Parent's Name (Keep yourself tight lipped on this. Do not even hint a letter, I know they cannot predict the parents name without you hinting them something)


There is a reason why I say this.


There can be persons on the same name of yours on the same date of birth. Never a person in this world carries your name, your wife's name and your parents names as combination.)


If any naadi reader finds your parents' names without hinting, I really agree that Naadi Jyosiam is true and Readers of the same are also true.


If you do not disclose your parents name, the naadi readers cooly reject you saying that your Olai is yet to come or not available. Until you disclose the all the above details fully or partially, they do not want to risk themselves.


They are quite clear in this.

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I have been watching the TV serial "Chidambara ragasiam". The Director is greatly confused.


He is trying to say Naadi Jyosiam is true and has remedies for all complications in this world.


He also says that the accuracy depends on the degree of understanding the scripts by Naadi reader.


How can this be .....


I do not know how is he funded for this serial. By Naadi reader's association or what ?


Why is he trying to justify Naadi Jyosiam and its accuracy.


Again I say, If naadi jyosiam is really a true one, No Naadi reader would be poor in this world.


I am clear about this.

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